

  • Sonos logo on Beam soundbar speaker

    Sonos now has a 24-bit music streaming option

    Kris Holt
    Kris Holt

    Qobuz is the first service to offer that level of audio streaming quality through Sonos speakers.

  • Qobuz

    Qobuz ditches MP3-quality streaming for a single hi-res plan

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    If you're running an upstart streaming music service like Qobuz, whose main selling point is its high-quality audio, how do you compete against the heavyweights? By offering that pristine sound at a price that's not easy to match, apparently. Qobuz is dropping its lossy, MP3-based Premium tier and consolidating around a hi-res Studio Premier plan that, for the first 100,000 subscribers, will cost $15 per month or $150 per year. Given that comparable plans like Tidal HiFi tend to hover around $20 per month, you could be saving a fair amount of change if you insist on the best possible fidelity.

  • Qobuz

    Qobuz's hi-res music streaming service comes to the US

    Rachel England
    Rachel England

    Another music-streaming service has entered the game. French company Qobuz (pronounced ko-buzz) has announced it's now available in the US and plans to take on the likes of Spotify and Apple Music by focusing on sound quality, making hi-res streaming available to everyone without the need for proprietary gear.