

  • ArenaNet unveils the Jotun race of Guild Wars 2

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Guild Wars 1 players are familiar with the Jotun race, mostly as "the giant creatures that won't stop KDing me," but they're going to have a continuing and more involved presence in Guild Wars 2, according to the ArenaNet blog. Ree Soesbee took a close look at this race in the newest ArenaNet blog post, "The Savage Pride of the Jotun." In the post, she explains how the Jotun have essentially devolved over the years thanks to infighting: "Over the centuries of their existence, the Jotun have fallen far from their state of grace, losing command of technology and magic they once utilized, and remembering their place as kings of the land only in legend and story." The post delves more deeply into the past and present effects of this change, then switches gears for a behind-the-scenes look at the race's creation. The full post is a good read for anyone interested in the game from a lore or development perspective.

  • Choose My Adventure: Lineage II by a landslide

    Jeremy Stratton
    Jeremy Stratton

    It was no contest from the get-go. Lineage II took an early lead in last week's poll and firmly held on to it. Color me shocked. I really thought that a few of the entries would be closely tied. Some contestants recently added some juicy content releases, but Lineage II crushed them, and all the others, by getting 1,320 votes. The runner-up, Black Prophecy, only managed to secure 299 votes. All its servers going F2P and the release of Age of Discovery weren't enough to put EverQuest II in the running. The F2P population boom in DC Universe Online's and its recent Lightning Strikes update weren't enough to create competition. Nope. The allure of Lineage II's F2P mode and the launch of the Goddess of Destruction expansion were just too much for voters to pass up. Now it's your turn to start steering my course in the lands of Lineage II. Race, class, gender and my first class-transfer are all on the table. I've tried to make voting as easy and clear as possible, but given how each race, and gender determine which classes you can choose from, you should make an effort to understand how all the choices work. Here's one example: Voting Dwarf and then Mystic is wasting a vote because Dwarves can only be Fighters, and it skews the results for those who are voting for a race that can be Mystics. You'll see what I mean.

  • Eden Eternal content update brings new races, Alpaca Coin system

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    A new update has hit the world of Aeria Games' Eden Eternal today, and it brought two new races along with it. The glyph-crafting Ursun and the minuscule Halfkin should both be welcome additions to the title's roster of playable races. But what if you want to play all five races? Don't worry. Aeria has raised the character limit to six characters per account. The update also adds the new Alpaca Coin system to the game. The system "serves as a new quest mechanic," and it encourages players to collect Alpaca-emblazoned tokens that can be redeemed for rare and Aeria Point items. To get in on the alpaction (I'm sorry) yourself, head on over to the game's official site. [Source: Aeria Games press release]

  • Breakfast Topic: Which race has the best lore?

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Every race has its own unique storyline, many of which have been played out in books, comics, and endless fanfics. Who have you enjoyed reading and acting out the most? I'm torn. I love the orc lore -- it's so richly detailed, especially in so many of the books, that when I play an orc or head into orc territory, I really feel like I get them. I know most of the NPCs by name, and I know their backstories and their motivations. Landing on Nagrand for the first time in The Burning Crusade with an orc character was a game-changing experience. The night elves probably have the most complete lore -- quite a feat when you consider how long their race goes back. Night elf lore imbues the game with an aura of mystery and grace that I have yet to find anywhere else. It's hard to play a night elf and not feel inclined to roleplay, at least a little bit. Playing through the quests involving Malfurion Stormrage always provides a sense of urgency, like the world actually depends on what you are doing. Now it's your turn. Whose lore gets you really involved? Have you acted out stories involving the lore? Do you read up to get the background on your characters?

  • New Eden Eternal trailer reveals the Ursan and Halfkin races

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    The ranks of Aeria Games' cutesy F2P MMO Eden Eternal continue to grow as the studio announces two new races making their debuts in the world. In the red corner, we have the fierce (but fluffy!) Ursun. And in the blue corner stand the diminutive Halfkin. These additions bring the total number of races available in Eden Eternal up to five, so players certainly won't lack for choices. For the Ursan and Halfkin announcement trailer, just click on past the cut. [Source: Aeria Games press release]

  • Eligium shows off the Human and Viridis races

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    We're still in the dark about many of the mechanics behind Eligium, the upcoming fantasy MMO from Frogster, but we now know a bit more about who players can be within the context of the world. Two races have been unveiled on the official site: the Human race, with the classes of Warrior and Mage, and the Viridis, who can become Druids. The classes are locked to given races, meaning that each individual class says a great deal about the race as a whole. Humans are the only race who appears to get two different classes, with Warriors as heavily armored wrecking balls and Mages as long-range purveyors of destruction. The Viridis, meanwhile, are a green-skinned people who formerly studied under the Elves before breaking free and mastering the art of nature magic. The first preview of basic Druid abilities is also available, which should help potential players get an idea of what they want to play when the game starts up. [Thanks to Piaskowy for the tip!]

  • ArcheAge CBT4 will feature new continent, playable race

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    ArcheAge's fourth Korean closed beta phase is less than a month away, and the testing window is shaping up to be both longer (80 days) and more far-reaching than any of the previous three periods. In advance of the CBT4 kickoff, MMO Culture has released a new interview with XLGAMES head honcho Jake Song that was conducted at last week's G-Star convention in Korea. Song says the main goal of CBT4 is twofold: There is some bug-squashing and optimization left over from CBT3, and testing of the game's new continent should begin in earnest. While Song says that players will be able to occupy portions of the new landmass from the start, they should not expect castle siege functionality right away, as it's still possible that sieging may not make the CBT4 cut. There's also a bit of info about the new playable race (the Hariharan) and a few other tidbits.

  • Origins of Malu reveals Toljon race

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    What's new from the Origins of Malu crew? How about a new race, for starters. The sandbox title is gearing up for its beta period sometime during the next couple of months, and as a prelude, Burning Dog Media is starting to ramp up its information dissemination. Today's reveal centers on the Toljon, and though we don't get any gameplay info, there is quite a bit of lore related to the unique race. The Toljon are renowned for their approach to building civilizations, which feature "entire bridges and roadways being suspended off the ground, connecting areas otherwise separated by cliffs and canyons." The Toljon have even perfected a way to seed farmland high above the ground, and you can read all about this unusual people at the official Origins website.

  • Eligium launches website and reveals... panda monks. Really.

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Oh Blizzard, did you think you were the only company looking at kung-fu pandas for inspiration? Sorry to tell you, but panda fever is sweeping the globe, and Frogster's upcoming Eligium is going to cash in on that craze like nobody's business. Today Eligium launched its official website, replete with a beta signup form, videos, screenshots, and forums. On top of that, Frogster announced two of the fantasy free-to-play MMO's races: Pandas and Elves. The Pandas are described as "masters of the martial arts" as they harness their chi to unleash it on their enemies. At level 15, Panda players can choose between two skill specializations, including Fire Breather. The Elves, on the other hand, fit more into standard fantasy tropes, being experts at archery and trees. The race will eventually segregate into either a defensive or long-range attack skillset. You can take a gander at Eligium's goodies and sign up for the closed beta over on the official site. [Source: Frogster press release]

  • The Daily Grind: Will Pandaren lure you back to WoW?

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Blizzard Entertainment is taking a gamble on its next expansion, Mists of Pandaria. World of Warcraft is still on top, but since Cataclysm it's nevertheless taken a beating. Some players attribute recent subscriber losses to games like RIFT; others blame it on natural gamer fatigue. Still others point to blunders in Blizzard's game development decisions. Wherever the blame lies, there's little question that MoP must deliver, especially with a few other likely blockbusters just beyond the horizon. But on WoW's official forums, existing players aren't exactly united in praise for BlizzCon's reveals. While some fans are happy for the new race, class, and zones, others complain of cute-overload and yet another massive do-over for talents. And on non-WoW sites like Massively, gamers are already suggesting that the expansion is jumping the shark. What do you think -- are Pandaren Monks, a new Asian-inspired setting, and new dungeons enough to lure you back to WoW? Or is there nothing Blizzard can do to win you over? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Choose My Adventure: On to Eorzea

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    And it's a landslide victory for Final Fantasy XIV! After about a day of neck-and-neck competition with Earthrise, FFXIV pulled ahead for a devastating victory, surely due in no small part to the efforts of the Final Fantasy XIV community, which rallied on the forums to see the game to victory. So well done, FFXIV fans. Hopefully I'll be able to do your game justice. I would like to take a moment to highlight the disconcerting number of people in the comments who voted for Final Fantasy XIV in hopes of causing me some kind of lasting mental harm (I'm looking at you, Bree). Well, you played right into my hand! After hearing Eliot's emphatic reassurances that the game has improved by leaps and bounds, I couldn't wait to get my hands on the game again. But now, I get to do it for money! Eat that, suckers! Ahem. Now that that's out of the way, head on past the cut for the moment you've all been waiting for: the opportunity to choose what character I play!

  • The Daily Grind: Do you care about the lore of non-playable races?

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The Guild Wars 2 development team has spent much of the past year releasing information about its game, and it's not all class reveals and gameplay demonstrations. Much time and attention has been given to the lore and design of the so-called "lesser races," such as the Skritt, the Quaggan, and most recently the Grawl. ArenaNet's not the first developer to place so much emphasis on the all-around development of a race fans can't play, but is it worth it? Does knowing the history, beliefs, and behavior of the other inhabitants of a game world draw you in and interest you, or is it mere window-dressing for the main part of the game? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: A closer look at the Grawl of Guild Wars 2

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    I was pretty excited to see this week's addition to the ArenaNet blog for a couple of reasons reasons. First, I'm a big fan of Jeff Grubb's style of storytelling. It's clear, informative, and entertaining, with just enough of Jeff's wry sense of humor to surprise a laugh out of me now and again. Second, it's about the Grawl! This is a race that I really underappreciated in the past, just like the blog entry said. The Grawl came to my attention only when I was giggling as my miniature Grawl talked to himself while running behind me, raging at multiple Grawl Udolytes in hard mode, and cracking up while watching one of my favorite fan videos. I want to take a closer look at the Grawl, but there's more -- it was an exciting week in Tyria, so follow along after the jump and let's get started!

  • Overshadowed by the Charr and undervalued by all: New Guild Wars 2 blog investigates the Grawl

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The Charr bully them, the Asura look down on them, and the humans see them as general-purpose bad guys who are to be farmed endlessly for their necklaces. The Grawl are the Rodney Dangerfield race of Guild Wars, but things might be looking up a tiny bit in Guild Wars 2. At the very least, ArenaNet is giving the race some love. The latest ArenaNet blog post, Planet of the Grawl, gives fans an in-depth look at the history, society, and religion of the Grawl. The creatures haven't had much of a chance to evolve, so while fans of the current game will find them pretty familiar, we'll know them better. Jeff Grubb is the mind behind these new details, and he describes the Grawl as a "deeply religous, shamanistic people," with religious squabbles being the source of a fair amount of their problems. He goes on to explain how the spiritual side of Grawl society works, how they interact with the rest of Tyria, and more -- even noting some of their early design iterations. Take a look at the ArenaNet blog for the full scoop on the Grawl!

  • Breakfast Topic: How do you decide which race to roll?

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    This Breakfast Topic has been brought to you by Seed, the AOL guest writer program that brings your words to WoW Insider's pages. Each time you create a new character, you are faced with a few crucial decisions. Which class? Which race? And perhaps most importantly, which hairstyle? When I started my most recent alt, I debated with myself over the best choice of race for quite some time. Here are some of the factors that crossed my mind: Class considerations Before Cataclysm, if you wanted to play a druid on the Alliance, rolling a Night Elf was the only option; likewise, Blood Elves were the only ones who could be paladins on the Horde side. Selecting a class first often makes the race decision easier -- unless, of course, you select the warrior class, in which case you won't get any help. Pure aesthetics Who wants to look at cow butt for hours on end? 'Nuff said. Affinity Perhaps the backstory of a particular race captivates you, reminding you of your own journey or struggles. Perhaps it's easier to put yourself in the shoes of a character who howls at the full moon or eats the corpses of the dead for a quick pick-me-up. Racials If you plan to min-max with your character, you may want to select a race with a bonus to stats that actually matter for the character's class. Likewise, it could be helpful to go with a race that has bonus skill points in the profession you hope to learn. Some advantages are just a matter of convenience (e.g., instant flight form). And let's not forget cool effects like Rocket Jump! Resemblance When you still can't decide, I suggest rolling a character of a race that looks more like you do. Got lots of back hair? So do Worgen and Tauren. Long ears? You must be an Elf or Troll. Which factors did you consider when choosing race? Which of them is most important and why?

  • Flameseeker Chronicles: Asura week wrapup

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The videos have been watched, the stories have been read, the short jokes have been made, and we lumbering Bookahs have been put in our collective place. Guild Wars 2's Asura Week is over, bringing with it the end of Guild Wars 2 race reveals. We've now had an in-depth look at all five races of Tyria, and I have to say that these little guys might be my favorite. I was pretty enamored of them after logging some Asura playtime at PAX, and I loved getting to know their cocky little selves even better this week. Follow along after the jump and let's take a look at some of the highlights of Asura Week!

  • Ree Soesbee wraps up Guild Wars 2's Asura Week

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The final day of Asura Week has arrived for Guild Wars 2 fans, and Game Designer Ree Soesbee takes the wheel with a mixed approach. Her look at the race combines hard facts with a short story about an Asura Krewe working through a dangerous task in its own devious and complicated fashion. The rest of the entry takes a deeper look at things we've learned about the Asura during the rest of this week: the political system, the various colleges, and the inner workings of Krewes. This entry serves as a nice wrap-up to Asura Week, highlighting the core of who the Asura are: highly intelligent, driven little guys with a ruthless desire to be the best and brightest. Head over to the ArenaNet blog for the full story.

  • Concentrated magnificence: Writing the Guild Wars 2 Asura

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    Day three of Guild Wars 2's Asura Week is here, bringing with it some detailed talk from writer Angel McCoy. In the new ArenaNet blog post, Angel looks at various aspects of writing the lives and behavior of the Asura. She covers everything from their views of other races, their jobs, even the ups and downs of their familial relationships: "A black sheep in the family affects everyone's reputation, so family tensions among Asura run hot." Angel makes one thing very clear: These incredibly intelligent little guys might be short on patience and long on snark, but it's not out of a sense of cruelty. "This verbal abuse may seem mean-spirited, but the Asura don't see it that way. They don't take it personally. Their competitive natures drive them to greater heights of achievement. Remember, Asura have survived against terrible odds, including their tiny statures. They've earned their attitudes, and a certain amount of bravado keeps them from being victims. With their jibes, they're telling it like they see it, and if you can't take the heat, get out of the laboratory." The blog entry is accompanied by several audio clips to lend some vocal backup to Angel's writings, so head to the ArenaNet blog to take a listen and read the full story.

  • Not to be underestimated: Guild Wars 2 Asura Week begins

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    The first highly anticipated installment of Guild Wars 2's Asura Week has arrived, courtesy of the ArenaNet blog. Matt Barrett is the first to weigh in with an in-depth look at the design process behind the look of the Asura race. There have been a lot of changes from the original appearance of the race as the artists worked to find a style that truly reflected who the Asura are, and Matt treats readers to the original look as well as later iterations. The blog post also includes a video narrated by Matt that shows off real-time creation of a piece of Asura concept art. Check out the video and details of Asura creation on the ArenaNet blog.

  • The Tattered Notebook: A grizzled veteran goes free-to-play

    Karen Bryan
    Karen Bryan

    It's been almost a year now since EverQuest II Extended was officially launched, and I've resented every minute of its existence. From the moment it was first announced, on the eve of Fan Faire 2010, EQ2X has been my own personal Newman of the MMO world. It dominated the discussions at Fan Faire and put a damper on everyone's fun. And once it launched, it always seemed to be at the root of every problem. New invites to our guild on the live server dropped to just one in eight months (and that one invite was a real-life friend of a guildmate). The promised marketing campaign for EQII live got the shaft in favor of pushing the new free-to-play service. Forum snafus during the Velious beta were all because of the EQ2X forums. While thousands and thousands crammed the Freeport server and frolicked for free, I languished on the live server and even began to empathize with the Grinch. But now that EQ2X is almost a year old, I decided it's time for me to bury the hatchet and pay a visit to the free-to-play server. I rolled up a new character on a bronze account, and over the next several weeks, I'll be taking a close look at EverQuest II Extended. It's a journey in EQII free-to-play through the eyes of a longtime player. Read on for my first arrival!