

  • Found Footage: "I fell in love at the Apple Store"

    Steve Sande
    Steve Sande

    Here's an earworm for you; hip-hop group FattySpins recorded a love song to ladies and to all things Apple, and filmed the video (above) at the landmark Apple Store Fifth Avenue. The song manages to not only encompass a lot of Apple products in its lyrics, but also manages to poke some good fun at Microsoft. I mean, you've gotta love lyrics like:"I know how to treat you – this ain't a reboot I'll never find the need to Control ALT Delete you I see no reason to mess with these slobs Cause they're like Bill Gates... and I'm Steve Jobs"The Apple Store Love Song was written and produced by Ray William Johnson, the likable nebbish with the glasses in the video. There's no word on whether or not Apple is going to hire him to produce catchy viral raps for future ads.[via CrunchGear]

  • WoW Insider Show episode 91: The video show

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    We had our long-awaited video version of the podcast last weekend, and it was a hoot: Turpster and I dressed up and drank champagne together, Robin Torres showed how to inflate your Frostmourne, Lesley Smith came to us live from England, Duncor showed off his famous gigantic cowboy hat, and Patrick Beja showed that he can out-spiffy us any day. Unfortunately, because of the way we did things, we didn't end up getting a good recording of the whole thing -- you can see a few clips of the beginning over on Ustream, but they only have my camera (and the audio is rough -- I didn't realize it sounded that bad at the time). Dotorion also Frapsed a bit of the beginning, which should give you a little taste of the multi-camera mayhem.But in the end, it was pretty much a one-time thing you had to be there for live. Lightning in a bottle, if you will. The good news is that even if you didn't see the show, we've still got a treat for you: Turpster premiered a brand new video (put together by our good friend Ninthbatter) that we played at the end of the show, and that you can watch online right now. Turpster has also recently updated his own site, where you can find all the songs he's ever made, including our WoW Insider Song, and "Just Can't Wait," which is a song that he, I, and BigBearButt recorded a while ago before Wrath's release. So even though you don't have a new podcast to listen to today, you can tune in there.

  • WoW Moviewatch: 5 Cap by Abandonation

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    If you've been following the emergence of the "Belf Rap" genre, then you're already somewhat familiar with Abandonation. He's done collaborations already with Nyhm, Gigi, and other similarly-inclined artists. While working on other upcoming projects, Abandonation hooked up with a new machinimist who goes by Red Eye Lobine. Red Eye, of course, is the chap who put out the awesome preview for his own work, Frontline. (That song is actually performed by the rock band Pillar, but the gorgeous animation is all done by Red Eye.)This is another preview video, so be warned that it cuts off a little abruptly. That being said, I think the preview provides a very strong feel for what the final video will be like. Abandonation is responsible for the music, and Red Eye for the video itself.The music basically works for me. The soundtrack itself seems to get louder and softer without warning, and can be distracting from the lyrics. I chalk that up to being a preview, and not a finished production. I like the fast paced lyrics and clear skill Abandonation shows in mastering them.I think Red Eye is creating a very clear, distinctive style for his videos. The attention to each character's models, flattering shots, and sort of gritty, inner city backgrounds give the otherwise "fabulous" Blood Elves a more down-to-earth feel. The video's exciting, and I can't wait to see the finished project. As I've said before, I think this collaborative group is doing a lot to bring a new genre to machinima. I'd really like to see them succeed.If you have any suggestions for WoW Moviewatch, you can mail them to us at machinima AT wowinsider DOT com.Previously on Moviewatch ..

  • Midnight movie: The Mega Man rap

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    Thanks for sticking with us throughout the day. We know how hard Mondays can be, so we thought you might appreciate this totally not safe for work Mega Man 2 rap by The Adventures of Duane and Brando. It's hilarious, addictive and even gives you helpful tips for the next time you play through the game -- on your iPhone, perhaps. It even includes some wonderfully remixed versions of the music from each of the levels. And if there's one thing Mega Man fans agree on, it's that Mega Man II had the best music of the series. Enjoy the video. You'll find it after the break.

  • Video: Sanwa's throat mic for city-bred sissies

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Throat mics have been around for decades. However, unless you're manning a tank or involved in black ops, you've likely never seen such a set beyond the reach of a typical paintball turret. Sanwa's throat mic (pictured) is an urban take to the otherwise, combat-inspired gear design you'll find at retail. Unfortunately, we can't find any additional detail beyond the images. We can, however, drop in a hardcore video of the $50-ish US Special Forces Throat Mic (as it's called) from Real Action Paintball. This rugged mic with voice-box positioned transducer is compatible with VOX-capable radios and features four styles of discrete listening devices (special forces, secret service, SWAT, and Socom) and a remote push-to-talk (PTT) switch that can be strapped to the index finger supporting your sniper rifle. Fake-war is so much fun.Read -- Sanwa's throat mic Read -- RAP's US Special Forces Throat Mic

  • The Best Thing You'll See Today: DJ I-Dee's 8-bit music video

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We don't claim to know much about music here at Joystiq (our long-time favorite band is Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters) but we do know what warms us to our very cockles. That's exactly the effect achieved by DJ I-Dee's new video, "Swollen Dome/1991," which features more references to classic gaming than we can count.Be forewarned though, like all of our very favorite Christmas songs, it contains profanity. Check it out after the break.[Via GTR]

  • Android rap shows the G1 love, gives Google some street cred

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We really, really like where this is going. First came the Zune puppet rap vid, followed by the equally astounding Large Hadron Collider joint. Now, we've got a video for all you G1 pre-orderers that's sure to get your noggin' bobbin' as you patiently await the arrival of Android. And just as any true rap should, it unashamedly bashes the iPhone, Instinct and most every other "rival" on the market today. The best 3 minutes and 56 seconds of your day are about to occur -- click on past the break and get it going. Word?[Via Phandroid, thanks Rob]

  • French Age of Conan rap video rocks la maison

    Adrian Bott
    Adrian Bott

    Even if the Age of Conan developers are coming in for some serious criticism of late, the players are coming up with some funky stuff. Rodion's Je Demonte - it's French for 'I kick ass', if you were wondering - is not only one of the better Age of Conan fanvids we've seen, it's one of the only AoC fanvids we've seen. There are plenty of demos of spellweaving and the like, but not so much in the way of character video or storytelling. (If you've seen any that deserve a wider audience, let us know!)So, take a look at the immaculately coiffured Rodion and his charming ladies as he tells the story of his journeys through Hyboria, beginning with his attempts to kick Kalanthes' ass on a certain beach that we'll all find familiar, his acquisition of the inevitable firearm, and his ending up as one of the baddest Stygians of all time. (There are subtitles for the non-Francophones.) The combination of Age of Conan gameplay, rap styling and eloquent French really shouldn't work, but like peanut butter and chocolate, it just does. The language isn't quite worksafe in a couple of places, but it's hardly parental advisory. Check it out after the cut. Having fun in Conan's homeland? Make sure to check out all of our previous Age of Conan coverage, and stick with Massively for more news from the Hyborian Age!

  • Soulja Boy plays with Xbox 360 Special Edition Sidekick LX, pleads for attention on video

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Why lust after a Zunephone when you can have an Xbox 360 Sidekick LX? Based on an admittedly bizarre and entirely painful-to-watch video posted up in the read link, Soulja Boy is seen spazzing out over what appears to be a special edition Sidekick LX. The unit is branded (at least in the software) with Xbox 360 logos, and there's also a copy of Resident Evil: Genesis on there that he toys with momentarily. So, the question here: is this thing legit? On one hand, Danger does have a thing for pumping out limited run Sidekicks like they're going out of style, and plus, it would probably have a hard time convincing an A-list rapper to carry a prototype Sidekick. On the other, we're really inclined to believe this is just a sad way for Soulja Boy to fill up his inbox with soulless emails. "SouljaBoyTellEm@tmail.com -- holla atcha boy!"

  • CERN rap video about the Large Hadron Collider creates a black hole of awesomeness

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Been having a tough time figuring out just what CERN's Large Hadron Collider does? Worried that it will create a Möbius strip (a rip in the fabric of space where time becomes a loop)? Just love to jam? Watch this CERN-sponsored rap after the break, and have your universe totally destroyed. Er, but not for real.[Via Protein Feed]

  • Top 5: Nintendo on YouTube

    Kaes Delgrego
    Kaes Delgrego

    When describing people like us, the media tends to churn out some pretty hideous labels. One of the more sickening terms is "the YouTube Generation." As though our entire existence revolves around Miss Teen South Carolina and Rickrolling. Though the generalization is annoying, one does have to concede that the video-hosting website has a fairly large effect on our society. Coupled with the fact that many people carry phones with the ability to record video, the public is now a walking telescreen whose surveillance potential would make Big Brother blush. Particularly in the heat of a presidential election, Senators Obama and McCain have to keep on constant alert for that all-powerful snafu. One slip of the tongue and they may find themselves having their own macaca moment. Privacy issues aside, YouTube is a great place to take the pulse of a culture. Just type in a subject, and instantly you're provided with news stories, film and television references, artistic responses, editorial presentations, and individual observations. Given the gaming community's incredibly strong presence online, YouTube is packed with videos of/for/about gamers. As to be expected, there are hundreds of thousands of videos inspired by or based on Nintendo's history. Indeed, a simple search for the word "Nintendo" yields about a half a million results. Aside from the usual dead horse-beating of people acting out "Mario in the real world!" (OH WOW LOOK HE WENT DOWN A PIPE JUST LIKE MARIO DOES), there's a wealth of quality Nintendo-related videos that all should experience. Here is our top five. 5. Zelda Rap - There are embarrassing memories that, despite all best efforts to forget, will replay in one's mind until the brain isn't supplied with oxygen anymore. Eventually, however, the awful moments can desensitize the public such that the original matter loses its acidity. It's similar to a hot fudge sundae-induced brain freeze. At first, it's shocking and awful. But then you start to grow used to it, and before long you're dying for one due to its association with ice cream heaven. This basic principle applies to Nintendo's 1986 "Zelda Rap" commercial. As a couple of kids are sitting on a couch, the nerdier of the two asks, "Did you see the latest Nintendo newsletter?" (I've always loved how commercials choose to ignore the way people actually talk) While one might expect an immediate wincing reaction to the crispy freestyle that follows, the more common response is similar to a post-Jim Norton joke: "wow, he really went there ... like, all the way there without looking back." A week after viewing, you may find yourself reciting your own NES-influenced rhymes.

  • Mania on the Growl change

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Mania is quickly becoming the voice of choice for analysis on Hunter changes, and her latest take on the Growl changes recently released in the patch 2.4.2 notes is no exception. From what Mania can see, Growl's threat isn't scaling with Hunter Attack Power at all, but Blizzard claims it is, so she's chalking her findings in that direction up to faulty data. What she does determine, from both her research and Blizzard's posts on the subject, is that the change here has nothing to do with Hunter's RAP or AP values -- it only has to do with the pet's AP values. Before, if pet AP got a bonus, so did Growl's threat. After 2.4.2, any bonus to pet AP won't affect Growl's threat.So Hunters who routinely get their pet buffed are probably going to feel this change a little bit (though in most situations where pets get group buffs, I'd imagine Growl would be turned off anyway, in order for the tank to control threat). And Hunters who use boars, of course -- as Daniel explained, that extra AP from Charge doesn't work for Growl any more. Mania doesn't stop there, however -- since we know now that the only thing affecting Growl is the Hunter's Attack Power, she's determined to figure out just how much AP can scale Growl up (she's guessing it starts at 1955, we'll see what she comes up with).Of course, some players have found that this works pretty well -- especially MM Hunters, who generally have more attack power (thanks to talents which increase it), have no problems with drawing aggro away from their growling pets. Blizzard's reasoning on this may have been solid -- to make the abilities of the pet rely on Hunter stats, not any temporary pet buffs. Hunters with Boars won't get that nice burst any more, but Hunters with a high RAP will do just fine.

  • Maryland county looking at rap music and GTA to blame for gang violence

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Poor Wicomico County in Maryland has a gang problem. There are "500 known gang members" currently in the county and it has the highest violent crime rate per capita in the state behind the city of Baltimore. What are county leaders to do but blame violent rap lyrics and video games?At a packed county meeting with several community leaders in attendance, Dan Dougherty, the director of the Wicomico County Gang Resistance, gave the money quote saying, "In Grand Theft Auto, you score points by killing cops, stealing cars and beating prostitutes ... In the '80s and '90s, you didn't have video games, you didn't have the violence in the media, you didn't have the Internet. It creates a lack of respect for life and makes violence acceptable."According to The Daily Times, Dougherty's speech was a "crowd-pleaser." If Cooper Lawrence was in there she probably would have gotten a standing ovation. As sad as the Wicomico county crime problem is, saying that everything was hunky-dory before 1980 is just a little off. Hey, we've seen West Side Story! Sure, they may have danced to a murderous beat, but there were definitely gangs before those horrible '80s and '90s.[Via GamePolitics]

  • 2008's Biggest Blips: Final Fantasy Tactics A2

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Developer: Square EnixPublisher: Square EnixRelease: TBAWhat separates Final Fantasy Tactics Advance from most other handheld SRPGS? Its level of polish. As with the original Final Fantasy Tactics game for the PlayStation, Square Enix put its talents and resources behind FFTA's soundtrack, character designs, and solid mechanics. Even today, five years later, the GBA title's presentation outclasses releases like Hoshigami Remix and Luminous Arc. Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift continues that high-budget, high-quality tradition. While Square Enix hasn't yet announced a US release date, and we're disappointed about the the game's lack of both online and offline multiplayer features, we're excited about all the sequel's additions -- 400 missions, Revenant Wings-esque item synthesis, a reworked law system, bigger enemies, an expanded map with distributed "area maps," and a ton of new job classes.FFTA2 now boasts over 45+ different professions, ranging from Chocobo Knights (Chocobo-riding Moogles) to Bastards (a surly lot). Just as interesting as the vocations included are the ones that were cut from the final release due to time constraints or continuity issues. We came across their design documents while sifting through Square Enix's dumpster for discarded figurines, and we've posted the never-seen-before job classes right here for you!Chimney Sweep Action Ability sweeps your chimney walks around covered in soot Combo Ability after years of choking on grit and dust, dies an early death due to cancer caused by inhaling carcinogenic chemicals in the soot Real World Roommate Action Ability accuses you of disrespectin' her Reaction Ability refuses to accept any apologies or assurances that you had no intention of disrespectin' her Support Ability tells everyone in the house that you're disrespectin' her Damn Cargo Shorts-Wearin' Kids Action Ability wears those damn cargo shorts every day has too many pockets for their own good Support Ability perpetuates the misbelief that wearing camo anything is acceptable fashion (e.g. camo cargo shorts) Gangsta Rapper, Circa Early-to-Mid 90s Action Ability checks himself before he wrecks himself ('cause shotgun bullets are bad for his health) is the capital S oh yes so fresh N double O P -- D O double G Y D O double G, ya see Reaction Ability calls his crew while you call your crew so you can rendezvous at the bar around two Combo Ability is better than your favorite rapper Overbearing Asian Mother Action Ability belittles any and every measure you take to establish yourself as an individual Reaction Ability repeatedly insists that you should've become a doctor or a lawyer, like your successful cousins, instead of studying "computer" Support Ability leaves you with crippling feelings of inadequacy and social ineptitude Cute Friend Whom You Have a Crush On Action Ability hair smells of strawberries, sunshine, and summer possibilities is a kindred spirit; totally on the same wavelength as you Reaction Ability looks at you pityingly when you ask her out just wants to be friends isn't ready to date anyone right now Combo Ability sleeps with four other dudes -- simultaneously! -- the following week ALF Action Ability is back in pog form %Gallery-5421% Apollo Justice Back Next, on BSI: Troi

  • Today's most nerdcore video: Blizzard employee raps for community

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    What's the best approach for telling the community your patch isn't coming out this year? If you're Blizzard, you can try responding to a YouTube rant about an absent WarCraft III patch. And you can do it by trying to rap. We applaud the effort, but the "rhyming" verses make us cringe. Video embedded after the break.[Thanks, Medievaldragon]

  • WoW Moviewatch: M A.G.E.

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    In the newest video from Nyhm, creator of Can't PuG KZ and Death Knight Spree, we're treated to his newest spin on things going on in WoW. This time around Nyhm actually decided to jump from his beloved Warlock and give us the skinny from another caster class -- the Mage! This one features a parody of a 50 cent song and some pretty witty observations about Mage group utility and abilities. We all know Mages are the best snack machines in game, but you have to admit that Nyhm's served this tasty Mage treat up with style.Bon Appétit!Previously, on MovieWatch...

  • Beyonce-themed cellphone to become a reality?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Nah, we don't seriously expect Beyoncé to offer up a handset with her name on it, but an interesting writeup that details just how important mobiles are becoming to the concert goer actually makes mention of it. Phones are being seen by marketers and promoters as a way to "establish connections that continue long after a fan leaves," and it was noted that a variety of artists have integrated mobiles into their shows by allowing fans to vote for songs, download ringtones, or send SMS messages to the band's website mid-show. Mathew Knowles, the manager (and father) of Beyoncé, however, said "he expected to use the thousands of phone numbers collected on her current tour to pitch a variety of products, including a Beyoncé-themed phone." 'Course, an armored Foxy Brown phone would likely sell better, no?[Via Textually]

  • Showbiz Pizza's Rock-afire Explosion hacked to rap on stage

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Hacking your Roomba to sing and dance is one thing, but reprogramming The Rock-afire Explosion animatronic robot band to belt out rap tunes is undoubtedly on another level. Ripped straight from Showbiz Pizza Place, Fatz Geronimo and crew have apparently been reworked to perform Ms. New Booty, a less than flattering (but entirely comical) piece. So if you're in desperate need of a midday laugh, be sure and check out the video after the break.[Via BoingBoing]

  • Vote for your favorite PaRappa the Rapper video

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Did you enter the PaRappa the Rapper Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown? Hope so. Contestants performed their own renditions of their favorite PaRappa songs for a chance to win some pretty awesome PaRappa swag. In addition, the grand prize winner will get an all-expenses paid trip to the Penny Arcade Expo. But, who's going to win?That's where you come in. Visit the official PlayStation website to vote for your favorite. Heck, you don't even have to vote ... it's funny enough to see these classic songs get the real-life treatment by fans. Check it out.

  • This is why we're dorks

    Eric Caoili
    Eric Caoili

    Considering the amount of remixes Mims' hit rap single "This is Why I'm Hot" set off -- R. Kelly's "This is Why I'm Cold," the NBA's "The Phoenix Suns Are Hot," and Chubbs' "This is Why I'm Fat" for example -- we're surprised that it took this long for its catchy hook to reach video gaming's catch-phrase-hungry communities. Mirroring Mims' insipid lyrics, the simplicity of SnorgTees' shirt design leaves no room for confusion on its message or the company's plans to rake in crazy money by exploiting our nostalgia-addled minds. We can imagine the office congratulations and "props" received by the young designer who paired the 8-bit fire flower with the narcissistic mantra. They all agree, this is why he's hot. The $16.95 shirt comes in royal blue and black, its lowercase Myriad Pro text staying chalky white on both colors. If you haven't heard the song several hundred times already, you have the option of checking past the post break for an embedded music video of the club track.