

  • Firefall video gives a sneak peek at Assault changes


    Firefall's Assault battleframe will be evolving this summer. The dev team has a stated goal of increasing the skill ceiling of all the battleframes, so Assault will be oriented more to precise attacks and positioning. With fewer hitpoints and increased speed, Assault will be one of the quickest battleframes in the game. This puts more focus on mobility and agile short- and mid-range gameplay. The battleframe's AoE will also be toned down, meaning more abilities will require aiming and include less splash damage to put more emphasis, again, on skillful play. These changes will come as part of what's being touted as "the biggest patch in Firefall history," which players are told to expect "later this summer." Skip below the cut to see the new and improved Assault battleframe in action!

  • Firefall reaches 500K registered users, system specs announced

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Firefall, the coming free-to-play shooter from Red 5 Studios, has topped 500,000 registered users. The game has wrapped up the first stage of its closed beta, and the studio expects to ramp up the number of beta invites as it enters stage two. Based on user feedback, Red 5 is planning a lot of changes to Firefall over the summer, which are detailed in the video above.Meanwhile, the studio has also released the PC specs for Firefall. Check them out after the break, and sign up for the beta if you're so inclined.

  • Firefall hits 500k member milestone, reveals system requirements

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    Red 5 Studios has announced today that its MMO-ish shooter Firefall has reached the milestone of 500,000 registered members just after its first exclusive beta test. Red 5 CEO Mark Kern comments on the improvements the team is making to the game following that first beta test: "We're treating Firefall as a service, which means it's critical that we're continually adding value and fun for players. Having a large and growing community lets us know that we're on the right track. But more importantly, their feedback helps us stay on the right track." The studio also released the game's official system requirements, which you'll find after the cut. [Source: Red 5 Studios press release]

  • Red 5 reveals Firefall's Mobile Gaming Unit

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Don't fret, shooter fans. You won't be squinting at small screens or fumbling with poor controls as you try to play Firefall on your phone. No, when we say mobile, we mean a rolling LAN party designed by West Coast Customs. Red 5's Mobile Gaming Unit is a 48-foot-long gaming center on wheels, featuring "an aesthetic design pulled straight out of Firefall's sci-fi world." The MGU is slated to tour America later in 2012, bringing with it top-level e-ports play, and of course, Firefall brand awareness. Anime Expo 2012 will be the site of the MGU's official reveal. If you'll be in the Los Angeles area between June 29th and July 1st, stop by and have a look. [Source: Red 5 press release]

  • Red 5 unveils part one of Firefall manga, shuts down ARG [Updated]

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Firefall's beta test is moving steadily along toward the game's (hopefully) upcoming release, and fans are probably hungry for some more background on the MMOFPS title. To help satiate that appetite, Red 5 has released part one of the Firefall manga series penned by legendary sci-fi author Orson Scott Card and his daughter Emily Janice Card. The comic, entitled Trespasser, is penciled by renowned artist Joe Ng of UDON comic fame, and follows mohawk-sporting heroine Pilgrim as she kills gargantuan mutant bugs and has a bit of a run-in with the law. The manga's story begins prior to the crash of the Arclight, which heralds the beginning of the in-game timeline. Hopefully the narrative will serve to fill in some of the details regarding the events that lead up to Firefall itself. Red 5 will be unveiling two new pages every Tuesday, so head on over to the comic to get up-to-speed, then be sure to check in weekly for the rest of the story. [Update: Red 5 has also announced it is shutting down Firefall's alternate-reality game to avoid storyline overlap and conflict with the manga.]

  • Firefall dev diary discusses SIN

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    The folks at Red 5 Studios have put out a new Firefall dev diary video today, and this one is all about how much they love SIN. Senior Designer Scott Rudi and Lead Designer Scott Youngblood dedicate this video to talking about the wonders of Firefall's Shared Intelligence Network. SIN is described as a network that connects all Battleframes within a given area, allowing them to share information with one another on-the-fly. The use of this network is extensive. In combat, it allows you to see what your allies see, causing nearby enemies and other points of interest to be marked on your HUD. Players can also designate specific objectives, such as downed teammates or damaged vehicles, to other players within the network. The pair stress that liberal use of SIN's capabilities will be essential for success, as its information is fed not only to your teammates but to deployables such as turrets as well. For the full details on Firefall's SIN, just click on through and watch the video for yourself.

  • New Firefall dev blog discusses raising the skill ceiling

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    The other day we talked about Red 5 Studios' new development philosophy for its upcoming MMOFPS, Firefall, and its decision to take things in a direction that's more focused on player skill than levels or gear. Today, the studio has released a new dev diary that expounds on this philosophy by discussing how it plans to make the game "approachable and exciting to players of all skill levels," while ensuring that it remains rewarding to the truly hardcore. The post begins by taking a look at the game's core combat, which contains "a number of weapons and abilities that are lower-twitch and lower-skill," such as beam weapons, AoE abilities, and splash damage. The post goes on to discuss a number of potential solutions to these problems, such as changing the high-splash-damage plasma cannon into a gun that deals lower splash damage, but with devastating direct-hit damage. It's an interesting read for players who are looking for a bit more skill-based gameplay in their MMOs, and Firefall fans in general would do well to go check out the full post on the game's official site.

  • Firefall video blog says farewell to levels, hello to skill

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The team at Red 5 Studios has been working hard on making Firefall the best game it can be, and as it turns out, that happens to be a game without traditional levels. A new video blog featuring lead designer Scott Youngblood and development VP James Macauley drops the news that the level system is being discarded and replaced with a much more organic system for player growth. Under the new system, players still earn EXP. That EXP will be spent on specific upgrades at a player's discretion rather than marking off specific levels, allowing you to unlock the upgrades that feel relevant in the order you want them. It also places less emphasis on levels in head-to-head matchups, something Macauley stresses is important to the team. There's more than just the removal of levels at work, however; the development team is also overhauling crafting to be more complex and rewarding as well as developing a new system of equipment tiers to keep players advancing. The full diary just past the break only gives brief glimpses of several new systems, but Firefall fans should be quite happy with what's over the horizon.

  • The Firing Line: Hands-on with Firefall's beta

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I'm dying on the beautiful beach outside Firefall's starter town. As I lay bleeding from a hundred holes and generally making a mess of my shiny new bumble bee-colored battleframe, my avatar collapses to the sand and says the funniest thing I've heard in a while. "Grandpa!" This is delivered in his best rural Georgia twang, and it lessens the sting of my latest newbie move. The whole scene is Firefall in a nutshell: It's fun, frustrating, and funny all at once.

  • Red 5 Studios CEO denounces consoles and publishers

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    "Who needs publishers any more? I certainly don't. I couldn't care less about them at this stage," said Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern. In a candid interview with Eurogamer, Kern ripped into both consoles and publisher-led models as relics on their way out the door. Kern said that the pressure that publishers put on studios are death to the industry, resulting in either "an indie game or... a massive AAA, IP-backed sequel with derivative gameplay." He thinks that there's no middle ground, and it disturbs him how many studios fire staff right after a game launches. Instead, the man behind Firefall believes that the free-to-play model puts the power back in the hands of the developers who then can concentrate on making games without having to kowtow to the publishers and distributors. "Look at Riot Games and League of Legends. They have more users than World of Warcraft does. That's crazy. And they don't have a publisher," Kern said. Citing the expense and sluggish reaction of console development, Kern also predicts that mobile and PC gaming are on their way to take over the field. "Something has to change," he concludes. "Consoles, I believe, are dead."

  • The Daily Grind: How dark do you like your MMO nights?

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    I spent some quality time with the Firefall beta build last weekend. One of the things I noticed is that the game's version of night bears more than a passing resemblance to actual night. As in, it's kinda dark and stuff. Helpfully, the devs at Red 5 Studios have provided flashlight functionality in the form of your X key (because the night is dark and full of terrors, according to the cheekily written patch notes on the launcher). Anyway, it was a refreshing change from most of the MMOs nights I've experienced, which are basically MMO days with a blue lens filter. What about you? How dark do you like your MMO nights? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

  • Discover the origins of New Eden and the Melding in Firefall's opening cinematic

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Last weekend we gave you a look at Red 5 Studios' upcoming MMOFPS, Firefall, and all of its glorious shooter action. What we didn't really take a look at, however, is the lore of the game. After all, why is everyone running around in crazy armor and shooting everyone else? And why is the last bastion of humankind on the planet a Brazilian island resort? The studio intends to answer some of these questions with today's release of the game's introductory cinematic. And man, is it heavy. From the looks of things, humanity decided it was about time to try its luck with faster-than-light travel and failed miserably, causing a gargantuan starship to come crashing into the Earth... right on top of Brazil. But wait! If the starship crashed on Brazil, then why is it still around? Because the starship's wreckage, and the energy field it generates, is the only thing currently keeping the Melding at bay, leaving the surrounding area as the only currently inhabitable site on Earth. Could have been worse, I say; at least Brazil's pretty even after the apocalypse.

  • The Firing Line: Firefall, Defiance, John Romero, and more

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Dude, there was a ton of big shooter news this week! I mean, this isn't terribly unusual, particularly since the genre is expanding at a rapid rate, but when I've got to cut interesting items out of this column for length reasons, you know it's been an eventful few days. Join me after the break for a recap on everything from Firefall to Defiance to John Romero and beyond.

  • Ready, aim, Firefall: Impressions of the closed beta

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    Last year at PAX Prime, I had the opportunity to get my hands on an early version of Red 5 Studios' upcoming MMOFPS, Firefall. The game's come a long way since then, having gone into closed beta shortly after PAX Prime. As of Friday, the game's NDA has finally dropped, and I can finally tell you fine folks all about my experiences with the game's beta. For those of you somehow not in the know, Firefall is essentially two games in one. On the one hand, you have the title's open-world PvE content that sees players exploring the lands of New Eden in an attempt to find a way to fight back the destructive alien force known as the Melding. On the other, there's the competitive e-sports-esque PvP, which lets players test their skills against each another to see who's the best shot in New Eden. So how much has Firefall changed between PAX Prime '11 and PAX East '12?

  • Firefall video diary talks open-world design, shows pretty vistas

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    It's March, which means it's high time for another Firefall video dev diary. Today's installment is all about (open) world-building, and unlike many of its shooter contemporaries, Firefall features a sprawling, accessible open-world map. As world-builders Bobby Ross and Nick Keith explain, the game's jetpacks allow players to traverse vast distances and explore every little nook and cranny to their hearts' content. One example of Firefall's breadth comes courtesy of "Mushroom Island," a huge rock formation that's initially visible on your first drop-ship ride. Ross says that scaling the enormous formation is a reward in and of itself, with a spectacular view of the game's newbie area waiting at the top of the path. Keith goes on to explain how Firefall integrates its PvP maps into the rest of the open-world design, primarily by giving non-combatants the option to stop over and watch arena matches and various conflicts in certain designated cities. Check out this and more via the full video after the break. [Source: Red 5 press release]

  • Firefall video contest can get you to PAX East on Red 5's dime

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Firefall is looking for a few aspiring video editors to shower with fame and fortune (mostly the fortune). If you have the skills and talent to cut together a captivating trailer for Firefall, you could be on the receiving end of a juiced-up laptop or a posh trip to PAX East. In the Firefall Battleframe Trailer Challenge, Red 5 Studios is rewarding creative editors with a good eye for taking raw Firefall gameplay footage and shaping it into an exciting commercial for the game. Entrants are instructed to post these on YouTube, as Red 5 will take into account the likes and views of each video when making its final decision. Videos have to be submitted by March 16th, at which time Red 5 will select the best three trailers for luxurious prizes. The first place winner will get a trip for two to PAX East -- along with hotel accommodations and $500 spending money. Second place nets a spiffy Alienware M14x laptop, and third place will enjoy a Firefall-themed ASTRO gaming headset.

  • The Firing Line: Controller wars edition

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Welcome back to The Firing Line, shooter fans. Some interesting stuff went down this week, much of it related to DUST 514. Even if you're not partial to what some have dubbed "the controller wars," there's still plenty of online shooter news for you to peruse after the cut. Join me on the other side for a glimpse of Hawken, Firefall, and my PlanetSide character!

  • You (yes, you) can expand Firefall's gameworld

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Red 5 Studios is making a little marketing push for Firefall, and the first salvo takes the form of a new dev diary video starring CEO Mark Kern. If you're not familiar with the game, this clip is a great place to start. Kern explains how Firefall is really two titles in one, with the first game being a ginormous open world featuring loads of PvE content. The second game is centered around Firefall's e-sport components, which include ranked leaderboard matches ranging from 5-on-5 to 15-on-15. Kern also mentions the game's unique take on beta and launch. In basic terms, Red 5 implements feature sets, collects beta feedback, and iterates on down the line (as opposed to presenting a finished product for mass beta testing). This staged approach will also apply to the game's launch, and Kern says the game will be rolled out "organically" much like Google's Gmail service. Finally, content expansion in Firefall will be player-driven. Cross-server cooperation will be necessary to craft MRU units that will expand the playable area from 10 square miles to an entire globe. Kern also touches on the trendy games-as-a-service mandate, and he says that as long as players are around to support Firefall, Red 5 will be around to generate new content. Watch the full video after the break.

  • The Firing Line: Thousand-player dogfights and more PlanetSide 2 conjecture

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Welcome back to The Firing Line, boys and girls. Last week I talked at length about PlanetSide 2, and despite the fact that I'm apparently unqualified to do so according to some folks, I'm going to do it again this week. How do ya like them apples? Anyhow, that's not all I'm going to talk about, as a couple of other online shooters made news over the last seven days. Most of you know that I can't pass up the opportunity to mention Tribes: Ascend, and oh yeah, would you believe there's an aerial combat game that supports 1,000-player dogfights?

  • Firefall shutting down beta in SOPA protest, Minecraft sites join in [update]

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Red 5 Studios will shut down the Firefall beta on January 18, joining Reddit in its one day protest of the "Stop Online Piracy Act" (SOPA). CEO Mark Kern told Shacknews that the "misguided legislation" would hurt smaller game companies that wouldn't have the legal resources to protect themselves in case of an "unwarranted shutdown." "We are also ashamed of the ESA for supporting a bill which is clearly not in the best interests of gamers or the game industry," Kern said, taking his protest of the organization that puts on the annual E3 event one step further. "We will not attend E3 unless ESA reverses their stance." "We issue a call to all our industry peers, including developers, publishers and game press, to join us in letting the ESA know they do not represent our views on this issue, and strongly oppose SOPA and PIPA." Despite the ESA's support of SOPA, some members have spoken out against the political lobbying group's stance. Non-member developers have also started speaking out this week, including League of Legends developer Riot Games and Torchlight's Runic Games. Update: Markus Persson has stated and will join in the protest.