Richard Garriott


  • NCsoft Prez Chris Chung talks shop with GI and 1UP

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Game Informer and 1UP both recently had the privilege of sitting down with NCSoft President Chris Chung to talk about what direction he plans to take the company in 2008. Some of the things that Chung spoke about (and there was much overlap between the two interviews) were reminiscent of the comments that Richard Garriott made in his speech at George Washington University late last year. Garriott had talked about how NCsoft was looking to make their stable of MMOs more integrated with one another so that as players tire of one game and move onto another (a phenomenon referred to as "churn" within the industry), they can ensure that it will be another of their products. He also spoke briefly about NCsoft's current approach to console games, and he sounded considerably more tentative on the subject than we had originally been led to believe. He was complimentary of Sony's network model, and stated that he believed it was more in line with their policies than the competition. If we had to speculate, this would seem to indicate that Microsoft's Xbox Live service, which not only requires propriety features be included but also requires a subscription fee, was not their cup of tea. 1UP was more direct about this line of questioning, going so far as to ask out-right if City of Heroes was making its way to consoles. Chung refused to give a direct answer, but he didn't deny anything either, which is intriguing. It's an interesting interview, and sheds the NCsoft President (who only officially stepped into the role two weeks ago) in a favorable light.

  • As the Worlds Turn: What if?

    Adam Schumacher
    Adam Schumacher

    Richard Garriott did it. A critically acclaimed game designer, whose previous modus operandi regulated itself to PC and console games, created a successful MMO in a market overshadowed by Thrall and Co. Some say that his only claim to fame is the Ultima series but then again, those that say such things, their only claim to fame is a blog read by their mother and a few old college buddies. Big names attaching themselves to MMO projects are becoming commonplace. With 38 Studios making the news and podcasts these days, with starry-eyed fanboys salivating over visions of Drizzt vs. Spawn in an MMO that may or may not contain baseball, one wonders: who else might throw their hat into the MMO ring? Of course, each such entry runs the risk of the 800-pound gorilla, with epic gear, stomping it into oblivion. But what if ...

  • The sounds of Tabula Rasa's war

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    If you're like me (sorry) you don't usually listen to the in-game music, sounds and other audio oddities that go on in your favorite MMO. You're either TeamSpeak-ing to your guild mates about the current mission, ranting to your friends about why there' so much lag, or listening to the Rock Band of the hour - full blast. Whatever you're treating your ears to the painstaking hours of audio worked on by the development team usually goes unheard.The gang at Tabula Rasa is doing something to change that. The TR official website now has a very cool feature that let's players download actual audio files from the game - including base announcements (which are often LOL hilarious) and battle cries.So far they have five main files you can download (each contain multiple sound bites): Barks (2.3 MB - zipped MP3s) Base Announcements (1.3 MB - zipped MP3s) Funny Base Announcements (3.4 MB - zipped MP3s) Friendly Battlecries (18.9 MB - zipped MP3s) Hostile Battlecries (3.5 MB - zipped MP3s) If you're clever enough (if I can do it you can do it!) I imagine these audio clips can be used in a myriad of fun ways (i.e., ring tones, computer shut down/start up sounds, etc.). Download them and find out!

  • TR Vault lays their cards on the table

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em... oh wait, wrong card game.Tabula Rasa Vault is however putting the cards on the table with something quite clever. Right now you can go over to their website, hit their Player Database, and set up your very own virtual Tabula Rasa trading card. Players can enter information about their soldier - including a name, background and picture - and it will be formated to look like a trading card. TR Vault says they'll be using this database for future contests, plus they'll be picking soldiers each week for a spotlight feature called "AFS soldier of the week." That's pretty frakkin' cool! I'm adding mine when I get home.

  • TTH guide to the Torden Mires

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Tabula Rasa's The Mires is a zone that's messy, more than a bit laggy, and infested with Bane. It's also the staging point for most of the activity on the Torden continent. This virtual version of Hades is for characters in their upper 20's (levels 27-30). Covered with enormous mountains, raging rivers of lava, and precarious cliffs, this zone is also filled with dozens of missions, three different instances and two control points to battle over. With all that, wouldn't it be handy to have a guide? TTH's guide to the Torden Mires breaks down several of the bases and control points, gives some very helpful tips and tricks, points out what to avoid, and even provides a handy location chart for the 11 Logos abilities scattered across the continent. If you've become as obsessed with Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa as I have over the holidays, be sure to check out all of TTH's invaluable guides.

  • TTH AFS Field Report - Slow Week Edition

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Post holiday blues got ya down? Apparently it's been a slow week for everyone as folks the universe over (including the AFS and Bane) come down off drunken eggnog stupors and fruitcake sugar rushes. Still, TenTonHammer's Tony "RadarX" Jones covers this weeks slim pickings in the Tabula Rasa universe like the Hollywood paparazzi swarm the Spears Clan.Even though we here at Massively try to keep you up to date with all the hot, breaking news you can handle... we miss some things. Take for instance this little nugget: did you know that the "crapton" (Tony's words) of reviews for Tabula Rasa (personal plug: I wrote the first world exclusive review on the day it released) seem to repeatedly compare it to World of Warcraft. Uh, excuse me? I've played WoW. I've played TR. The two are nothing alike. TR is better looking, has better game play (because it has really BIG guns!)... just kidding! TR is my pint 'o beer while WoW is not. That's why so many MMOs can exist. Not everyone has to like every game. But I digress...Check out Tony's full field report for all the details.

  • TTH guide to the Bane weapons facility

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    So you find yourself at the 30-ish level in Tabula Rasa, and you feel like hitting the scum sucking Bane right where it hurts. Try bringing down the Casso Weapons Facility then, the Bane's primary manufacturing facility for Energy Weapons. Located on the planet Arieki in the southwestern region known as the Mires, this high priority military target is especially valuable to the Bane. Going Rambo on this place will benefit the AFS for some time.But doing so ain't easy, and having the assistance of TTH's eloquent Tabula Rasa guides (in this case their Energy Weapons Center Guide) will increase the odds for success. Some of the more interesting nuggets o' knowledge in this guide include the time needed to run the instance (less than an hour, half thatif you're running with a group full of barbarians). During the mission ("It's All In the Timing") given to you by Sgt. Wolfe you'll have to time your movement through a maze of Death Star-like plasma reactors, otherwise you'll roast like a marshmallow left over an open flame too long. Once you get the timing down though, you can draw the mindless Bane in and watch them get incinerated. Good stuff!For the whole briefing be sure to check out the guide, and help put a dent in the Bane's fight against humanity!

  • TR Stratics is looking for a few good men (and women)

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    With the arrival of each new year everyone likes to wipe the slate clean and start anew. Ya, I know... that joke has been done to death, but I couldn't resist. With the new year Tabula Rasa Stratics is launching a brand new section to their website, as well as holding a very ambitious contest. "Heroes of the AFS" will be an area honoring the heroic soldiers who act as the last line of defense against the Bane.Each hero will have their own profile page containing key facts about their character (i.e., Name, Class, Server, Clan and a short bio of 100 words or less). Anyone can add a hero (simply by registering first). But for the contest itself players must write a story about their character (following the guidelines set by TR's "Soul of a Soldier" series). The story specifics are these: Entries must be written in character, and be in first person voice. Entries should include a suggested title. Entries must take place within the Tabula Rasa universe and spotlight the day to day life of an AFS soldier. You are encouraged to make references to actual in game locations, characters, story arcs, and in game events. Entries should be short. 200-300 words is ideal. Entries with more then 500 words can still be added to your profile, but will not be eligible for this contest. All entries are subject to screening and editing before being posted on the site. Entries must not violate the User Agreement regarding copyrighted materials, profanity, etc... Multiple entries ARE acceptable and will provide extra chances to win in the random drawing. Only one prize can be won by any individual however, so if you are selected for a prize you will not be eligible for a second prize. The contest started yesterday (Thursday, January 3) and runs runs through Saturday, January 19 - so if you're interested you best hurry over to TR Stratics "Heroes of the AFS" page and get the lowdown ASAP!

  • TTH guide to the Ojasa Colony

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    As with all of TenTonHammer's guides, the latest one for Tabula Rasa's Ojasa Colony (located on the planet Arieki) is an invaluable tool in taking on the nasty Atta. Each one is filled with helpful tidbits like navigations tips (The geography is basically four quasi-circular areas that are interconnected via tunnels) and combat tips (never crouch or stand still when fighting Atta up close. They have a nasty melee attack that can be avoided if you are always on the move) that will get you through the toughest missions.I've been hooked on TR since beta, and I was fortunate enough to score the world exclusive review for this epic, sci-fi MMO. The more time I put into the game the more I enjoy it. Thankfully, I'm also finding as more and more of these helpful guides are made, the more intrigued (some would say obsessed - semantics) I become by this game.These guides, usually created out of a fan's passion for a particular game, really epitomize what massive multiplayer games are all about - teaming up, cooperating and sharing... all for the greater good. TenTonHammer has a ton of guides for a plethora of games, so be sure to check them out if you need a helping hand.

  • TTH interviews April "CuppaJo" Burba - again

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Ten Ton drops "the Hammer" on Tabula Rasa's Community Coordinator April "CuppaJo" Burba again, this time they bombard her with a slew of questions regarding what players can expect from the Bane bashing game in '08. April's very honest answers (a trademark from her CoH days) might shock and amaze you as she dazzles them with a lot of new information.For instance, she readily admits that TRs end game needs work and players need more of a reason to move beyond level 30. Ironically, she even fesses up about an issue that seems to be gaining some serious traction - not just in TR, but within the industry as a whole: players don't feel special enough. A host of PvP and Clan changes are being worked on. New areas on the TR website will be added where players can access competition ladders and compare their characters (i.e., see how many PvP kills a player has, how fast someone completed a mission, what kind of loot they have, and more). She states that attribute points need to be tweaked because the way a player currently specs out their character doesn't affect them as much as it should. Uh, can you believe a game official actually admitted to that? Additionally, the ethical choices that players are faced with (which I really enjoy) will become much more meaningful. We don't want to give everything away (like the juicy tidbit about an upcoming contest regarding something very special - oops!)... so before I spill all the beans, hop on over to TTH's latest Q&A already!

  • General British stirs the troops at AFS Memorial Service

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    On December 21st, many Tabula Rasa players attended a memorial service, to honor the brave souls who gave their lives in 2012 protecting Earth from the Bane. The event was hosted by the Tabula Rasa Roleplayers, and was attended by Richard "General British" Garriott, who delivered a stirring message for the assembled gathering.Tabula Rasa Vault now has a transcript of the service for those who couldn't be there on the day. A snippet of the General's speech: "Earth may have been defeated but the human spirit was not and it is my hope this DE day that each and every one of us become a monument to the unquenchable power of that human spirit for as long as we remember and as long as we fight, we are living proof that humanity survives in all of us. LONG LIVE THE AFS!"The TR Vault link has the rest of his speech, as well as transcripts of the other speakers and the entire event itself.

  • Twas the night before Christmas - Tabula Rasa style

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    The gang over at Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa have come up with a nice little Christmas ditty to hum while you're blasting the snot out of the Bane during the holidays.'Twas the Night before Christmas and all through the PlainsNot a creature was stirring, not even the Bane.The socks were all hung by the tent pole with careWith hopes that our General soon would be there.The soldiers were nestled asleep in their cotsRight next to their shotguns and sleeping Boo Bots.To read the rest of this killer rendition of Twas the Night Before Christmas, clickety-click on over to the TR community news page. Be sure to grab yourself a glass of eggnog first though. You know... to help get you in the festive spirit and all. Merry Christmas everyone!

  • Tabula Rasa Roleplayers host AFS Memorial

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    As noted yesterday in our article "A time to remember," Remembrance Day is very meaningful within Tabula Rasa lore. Well, the "soldiers" over at Tabula Rasa Roleplayers have no intention of letting December 21st slide by unnoticed as they'll be hosting a Memorial Service to honor all that was lost when the Bane invaded Earth. Via the TR Roleplayer website: On December 21st, 2012 life changed, we changed. The Bane took away our homes, our loved ones, and our comfortable lives. But we have not given up; we have not laid down and surrendered.Let us not forget what we have lost, and those who we left behind. Let us remember our purpose, our goals, and what we are fighting for. Let us put our differences aside, and stand together as one in remembrance. And lest you think this is no big deal... the General British will be attending. For more information, be sure to check out Tabula Rasa Roleplayers.

  • Tabula Rasa to get... boxing rings?

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Tabula Rasa's Community Manager April "CuppaJo" Burba is a busy gal this holiday season as she makes herself available to yet another TR fansite. This time answering a handful of questions for the fans at some of the Q&As are redundant info obtained early from the Ten Ton Hammer Q&A, there were snipets of all new info. Most intriguing to me was the mention that boxing rings will be a new feature. Sarcasm? Perhaps. CuppaJo is like that, especially when she doesn't get her coffee. However, boxing is a big part of our real-world armed forces, so it makes sense. And it would be very, very fun!Another interesting tidbit was that they (the devs) have a team specifically dedicated to tackling class based issues reported via feedback from the players and community. For all the scuttlebutt fit to print (or that CuppaJo will divulge), head over to MMORPGslave ASAP.

  • TR-Roleplayers 2007 Christmas Sweepstakes

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    The TR-Roleplayers are holding their 2007 Christmas Sweepstakes, but you only have a few days left to enter. So how do you do that? Register on the TR-Roleplayers forums Write a bad ass story (around 2,000 words) about your virtual soldiers first Christmas off Earth Upload it to the 2007 Christmas Sweepstakes forum before December 24th, 11:59 PM Eastern Pray If your story is chosen the best of the bunch (based on creativity, story flow, grammar and spelling) by the panel of volunteer judges you'll win a brand new Zboard, a Limited Edition Tabula Rasa Keyset, and a Tabula Rasa Fragmat. Now that's some serious bling for a 2,000 word short story! Heck, I think I'll enter! The winner will be announced sometime in early January 2008.Best of luck to you recruit.

  • Ten Ton Hammer Tabula Rasa Dev Forum Q&A #3

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    With all the new Tabula Rasa info released last week, Ten Ton Hammer jumped into the fray and gave their forum posters another opportunity to ask the TR folks questions about the future of this magnificent Sci-Fi MMO. Community Manager April "CuppaJo" Burba (former CommMan for NCsoft's other hit property, City of Heroes), came back with some rather intriguing answers. Of particular interest was the comment that for the foreseeable future every new patch will not only include bug fixes, but also some kind of new content (i.e., new areas). Another question posed was whether or not there had been any thought to given player's the ability to further customize their weapons by allowing them to paint them. Burba's reply was that it has been added to the "giant list of possible updates," but absolutely no time line was set for its release.For the rest of the Q&A check out the Ten Ton Hammer forums.

  • Hotfix applied to TR

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    The gang over in the wonderful world of Tabula Rasa are fully aware of the problems with the brand spanking new Military Surplus auctions displaying as "none." A fix was dropped this morning as a matter of fact. The fix was published during the maintenance window somewhere between 4AM – 6AM, Central Time. Additionally, they fixed the attack speed/damage for staff, and whatever was causing the Palisades escort missions not to complete.The folks at NCsoft and Destination Games want to extend a hearty "thanks" to the player's for their patience as they feverishly worked to resolve these pesky issues.You may new resume fragging Bane with extreme prejudice.

  • Starr Long talks Tabula Rasa's future

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    Laura Genender, community manager for, recently spoke with Starr Long, producer for Tabula Rasa, about the future of this sci-fi fragfest. What they have planned will most assuredly keep players coming back for more. Here are some of the highlights: Control Points will eventually be controllable by clans, and yes - other clans can then challenge them for it. This will be absolutely huge! A revamp of the Logos tablet seems imminent. For starters, players will be able to hear the entire story of the Eloha all at once instead of just bits and pieces at a time. Higher end game areas are being planned and "big plans" are in store for upper level content, some of which is already being worked on for release in near-future patches. A crafting revamp will occur early next year based on player feedback. Within the next few months they hope to release more new level 50 instances, Hybrids, PAUs, and the Clan ownership of Control Points. Just to name a few. For the complete manifest of new features, be sure to read the entire interview with Starr Long on

  • MyTabulaRasa fires up the BBQ Awards

    Eli Shayotovich
    Eli Shayotovich

    MyTabulaRasa likes things hot. Which is good considering that a great deal of the United States is getting pounded by Old Man Winter at the moment. If you visit TR's Forums & Fansites section you'll find this description for them: MyTabulaRasa is one of the only pure forum based fansites for the Tabula Rasa Community. If you like things hot, stop on by, because these forums are burning with rants, raves, and game intel.Fitting considering the new contest these folks are running. The Barbeque Awards let troops show off just how they put the kibosh on other players during Player versus Player matches. All you need to is submit the hottest screen shot of your winning moment and you might win a prize. Oh, these aren't just your run of the mill ghetto prizes either. MyTabulaRasa don't roll like that.The BBQ Awards will be held each month and the player who submits the best screenshot gets themselves a 15-day game key. Each monthly winner will then move on to the finals (held every six months) where they'll be pitted against the other five monthly winners. The prize? Six months of free gameplay. Ya, you read that right. Oh, and shots of your victorious moment are allowed from Clan Battles and Solo victories.They're are a few rules and regs (nothing that would stop anyone from doing something that's FREE), so check out the BBQ Awards page on MyTabulaRasa. What are you waiting for solider?!

  • Richard Garriott talks MMOs at GWU lecture

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    Yesterday, the Washington DC chapter for the Association of Computer Machinery welcomed game design guru Richard Garriott to speak at its last meeting for the 2007 calendar year. Garriott, who has been writing and designing games professionally since the age of 19, is currently the executive producer on Tabula Rasa, though he's perhaps better known as the man behind Ultima Online, likely the MMO for which he will be most remembered. It helped pioneer the massively multiplayer game as we know it, and ushered in many gaming conventions that we're still familiar with today.While we were expecting something of a more technical speech from Garriott given the venue, the lecture was more autobiographical, with the esteemed Lord British explaining how, as one of the industry's oldest members, he's had to ride the wave of expectations in PC gaming over time. He also reflected on many aspects of Tabula Rasa's recent release, making it a relevant discussion for gamers who are more familiar with his more recent offerings in the genre.