

  • Orb developer interview

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    With all the vague Revolution declarations we've had in the last few weeks, it comes as a refreshing gush of air to see someone actually fully committing to developing a Revolution game. The squares over at Cubed3 have posted an interview with just such a developer, Crossbeam Studios Entertainment, politely quizzing them about their forthcoming first-person RPG adventure, Orb. Though the game has yet to find a publisher or a Revolution development kit, it's already being designed with Nintendo's console in mind. This isn't the first time we've seen a small team of developers making Revolution games on their mouse-driven computers, but it raises some fears as to whether or not it's a good idea to count your eggs before they've hatched. After all, there's a chance that no publisher will take interest in the game at hand--even Nintendo might politely decline."The only thing that worries me is Nintendo has thrown out far too many game ideas because they think it won't fly, when in fact they are great ideas. They are too scared of not making it. "While that doesn't really sound like the Nintendo we know, there is a certain level of quality expected before you get that famous golden seal of approval stamped on your game.  Let's hope things turn out well for Orb. If not, there's always Xbox Live Arcade to fall back on...

  • Final Fantasy XI release dated

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Square Enix announced yesterday that their MMO Final Fantasy XI will be shipping soon to North America, Japan, and Europe, along with the upcoming PC expansion pack, "Treasures of Aht Urhgan." FFXI will be shipping in North America on April 18, with Japan and Europe following just two days later. Players have been beta-testing the title for a couple weeks now, and we've heard complaints of repetitive gameplay, an agonizing install process, dated graphics, and worse. We've made a wishlist of all the things an MMO on the 360 should do if it wants our hard earned rupees, so the question is: are the FFXI beta testers out there planning on ponying up for the full version?

  • A Tales of the Tempest preview

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    1up has posted a brief preview on Namco's forthcoming Tales of the Tempest, a new entry in their famed series designed specifically for Nintendo's portable powerhouse. Though it doesn't divulge as much information as we'd like (we'd like all of it, thank you), the article does confirm that the action RPG's battles will still be based on the Linear Motion System, a system where 3D characters move and fight in 2 dimensions. It'll also make use of the touch screen and, more importantly, the DS' Wi-Fi multiplayer capabilities. Since past Tales games have done so, we're hoping for some solid cooperative play to be incorporated.The preview also goes into the storyline quite a bit, revealing a world populated by both humans and "Licanths", humanoids that can transform into powerful beasts. Naturally, the main character gets caught up in the growing tension between the two races and soon finds himself exploring the world and battling all sorts of snarling monsters. There may also be an ancient evil, a magical princess and seven sacred yams to be fought, rescued and collected (respectively), but let's not get ahead of ourselves here. This dose of RPG goodness is currently set for a rather vague "2006" release.

  • FFXI beta hits the UK

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    OXM's free Final Fantasy XI beta disc has been a success despite a delay in the magazine's UK release; it hit newsagents on Thursday, and seems to be a big hit amongst many gamers. Our quick tips: Get your registration code handy before installing. You'll want this site if you're using the European disc. If you can, grab a USB keyboard for the installation and registration procedure. It's a lot easier than entering the requisite information the long way. Also, find something else to do during the two-hour installation. Remember your character name; if you hit the Random button, write it down! Make sure to get a copy of the US or UK manual; the registration isn't particularly complex, but the controls are. If you want to group with a friend, use the Xbox 360's private chat feature to talk rather than laboriously crafting text messages ingame. Happy adventuring in Vana'diel!

  • Delays galore! Dead Rising, Top Spin 2, Lost Odyssey

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Sorry for being the bearer of bad news, but Frame City Killer wasn't the only game to get delayed this week. Originally supposed to launch at the end of January, Capcom's Dead Rising has been pushed back to May 2. Joystiq's hands-on with the title at CES left us thinking the title needed a little more work. 2K Sports tennis-sim Top Spin 2 has been pushed back until April. Hironobu Sakaguchi's much anticipated RPG Lost Odyssey has not so much been pushed back, as its release date is just unknown. Using the often inaccurate sales data gleaned from Internet retailers, IGN extracted that the release date has been pushed back. This Spring will have plenty of great titles being released for the 360; unfortunately, the period between now and then may prove pretty dry. Another round of Geometry Wars anyone?

  • Final Fantasy XI beta testing

    Adams Briscoe
    Adams Briscoe

    FFXI beta testing has begun and they need some eager testers to run it through its paces. Readers of the Official Xbox Magazine know what's going on: all you have to do is go purchase the latest issue to find the beta disc. Lucky for us Square Enix is prepared, with enough to go around for each magazine copy. Everyone will be in the same boat as a separate server is available for the beta test. So if you're an Xbox 360 owner in North America, Japan or Europe, check out the site to receive a registration code.

  • Japanese Mario & Luigi commercial

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    "Mario and Luigi RPG TSOO!" Yes, it's a Japanese Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time commercial, rife with the Hot Mario Bros., adult faces super-imposed on babies and...what's this? In-game footage? In a TV commercial? For a game? Those Japanese people sure are kerrazy. [Via GamersReports]

  • New Children of Mana trailer

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    If you head on over to Square Enix's World of Mana website, you can catch a glimpse of the forthcoming DS entry in the recently reborn RPG franchise.  Children of Mana certainly falls in line with Square Enix's habit of constructing stellar graphics that live up to their bold and thoughtful art design, though one should be warned about the adorable bunny beanbag creatures that feature heavily in the game. Centering on the adventures of Flick, Tumble and Pop (fresh from breakfast cereal mascot auditions), the game aims to attract fans of the classic Mana series in addition to newcomers. The battle system seems geared more towards reflexes than strategic thinking, but with some Wi-Fi cooperative gameplay, it should turn out to be an excellent and much needed DS RPG (that doesn't star a certain portly plumber). To view the trailer, follow the link, click on "Trailer" and then on the "Children of Mana" picture. [via Cubed3]

  • Final Fantasy XI beta to be available with UK magazine

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Good news for people from Her Majesty's blessed shores. The popular massively multiplayer online game Final Fantasy XI is due for release on the Xbox 360 next year, and readers of the UK's Xbox 360: The Official Xbox Magazine (or OXM 360 for short) will be able to take part in the beta test in January. A disc is included free with the magazine, which goes on sale on January 5th. This is a great opportunity to preview what the next generation of gaming will be capable of; however, with the Xbox Live marketplace shaping up to be a solid content-delivery system, it's a shame the beta will not be downloadable. Beta discs are also being distributed with special Japanese 360 launch packages, but we've no word on when it will be available to our American cousins, so this may give them one reason to hate us back.

  • Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time Interview

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Having just been released on the DS, Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time is looking to be an exceptionally enjoyable follow-up to the GBA's Superstar Saga. Apart from the great union between platforming and RPG elements, a common thread of quality between the two games has been the witty and self-referential writing. MTV (yes, that MTV) has posted up a rather interesting article and interview with the script writer for both titles, Nate Bihldorff. It details some of his influences, inspirations, his love for writing dialogue for villains and some truly amusing moments from the games. Several hours into the game, a character implores Mario to save Princess Peach. "You will save her, won't you?" he says. "I assure you she is not in another castle." Now that's funny. [via 4 Color Rebellion]

  • Metareview: Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time (DS)

    Blake Snow
    Blake Snow

    Nintendo may have another hit on their hands for the Nintendo DS handheld. This time it's a sequel to the Game Boy Advance RPG, Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga. Here's what the critics are saying: GamePro 80% - "Some may yearn for a more complicated gameplay, but for those who do not, Partners in Time is still as funny and enjoyable as its predecessor." GameDaily 100% - "This game is the cream of the portable gaming crop, and you'll be really hard-ressed not to be taken in by at least one of it's plentiful charms." IGN 90% - "Though it doesn't explore the Nintendo DS platform on a technical level, Partners in Time definitely approaches the handheld in extremely creative ways." Nintendo Power rounds out the ranking with a 90% ratio, and Game Informer gives the game an 82.5% score. Looks like DS owners have one more solid title until the much anticipated wi-fi powered Animal Crossing drops in early December.

  • Mario Kart, street cred, and Nintendo's Wi-Fi Connection

    Blake Snow
    Blake Snow

    Over a week now since its release and I still can't put down Mario Kart DS. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it sure has been getting good vibes overall (GR composite is 92%), including a whopping 10/10 review from Slashdot. Is this the kind of street cred Nintendo needs to shed its kiddy image and make the Revolution a success, or does it even matter? Kiddy or not, Mario Kart DS is a blast to play. On top of that, in only a few minutes, with no wires or connection fees, you can duke it out with up to four players from anywhere in the world. Slashdot writes: "The ease and fluidity with which you can be racing other gamers from the comfort of your cozy WAP is enough to make even the most jaded technology aficionado pause." It's that easy. Granted, this is only one of two currently playable games on the free network, so Nintendo has their work cut out for them (think Phantasy Star Online for the GameCube). But with Nintendo's Wi-Fi adoption rate of 45%, signs point to this easily becoming Nintendo's version of Xbox Live during the next-generation. Sure they've had their mishaps in that past, but the company is looking less and less niche by the minute.

  • Dungeon Siege II toolkit released

    Alan Rose
    Alan Rose

    If you've been bit by the modding bug while playing Dungeon Siege II, Gas Powered Games has released an official toolkit to help you begin crafting your own adventures. They've also opened the doors to Siege University II where you can learn all about Flick scripting, town portal restrictions, and map building. Nice curriculum!

  • Dragon Quest VIII to ship with Final Fantasy XII demo

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Square Enix has announced that it will include a playable demo of Final Fantasy XII in the long-awaited North American release of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. The new release will also feature English-speaking voice-overs, a full-orchestral soundtrack, a completely renovated GUI menu system, new battle abilities, and improved animations. Dragon Quest VIII ships on November 22nd. [Thanks, rhino]

  • Get Paper Mario for free, sorta

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The catch, you ask? Well, there's always a catch, isn't there? In truth, the deal will cost you the price of a stamp-currently 37 cents. And yes, you'll end up with a $20 EB gift voucher-but hey, you're bound to spend that at some point... To score your free game, go to EB and cop Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door for the low-low price of $20, pick-up the May catalogue, and then mail in the $20 rebate. It's that simple! Enjoy. [Thanks, John]

  • Xbox 360 - Final Fantasy XI details

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    "Exactly the same." That's what Square Enix representatives answered when asked about the upcoming version of FFXI for the Xbox 360. Of course, this is not entirely true, as the team has added support for HD resolutions. But for gamers hoping for a major overhaul, you're out of luck. The latest FFXI port was initially designed for the original Xbox, but complications involving PlayOnline and the Xbox Live services left the game dead in the water. Now, an agreement has been reached that will allow 360 players to connect to PC and PS2 servers via PlayOnline and enjoy the same aging game all over again (or for the first time). The Square Enix team reportedly had the next-gen port up and running in a matter of 2-3 months, expressing much delight in working with Microsoft's latest hardware.

  • Fable: The Lost Chapters

    Steve Parsons
    Steve Parsons

    The PC version of Fable is on it's way. Whether this is greeted with cheering or booing, is largely governed by what you believe about the Xbox version. Some people hated it, others loved it, Peter Molyneux apologized for it. Regardless, it looks prettier than your Aunt Mabel did in High School, before the ravages of time wore her down to the husk she is today. (ed. note: perhaps she played too much Fable.)

  • Get into the head of a Final Fantasy XI Gil-seller

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    If you play Final Fantasy XI, you know what a Gil-seller is. They're the folks who hang out in the game world gathering resources 24/7, and then selling the goods for real money. The activity is against the rules. If you find one you're asked to report him to a GM. The link will take you to an interesting forum post that transcribes over 12 hours of a GM's conversation with a Chinese Gil-seller. It's a little creepy at times, because the GM is destined to turn the guy in. But as they chat you get the feeling that they're actually starting to like each other. Wasn't there a movie or two with this plot? The discussion after the post is also interesting. Some people get on the GM's case for using the guy for Chinese lessons. Others have no pity for the perp (who says he's poor and makes 8 bucks on a good day). This is one of those posts that slowly fascinates you, so give it time. [via render]

  • VE3D's list of 2004's best console games

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Voodoo Extreme lets loose with their version of 2004's best and brightest. They break it down by game platform and then give you a chance to vote from a pre-selected list. Their top Playstation 2 game is Katamari Damacy, so they get karma points for not choosing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. I'm sure our own Steve Parsons will have a thing or two to say about Burnout 3 being #3. Blasphemy! We'll have our own lists to parade around before the end of the year, so get your knvies sharpened.

  • Paper Mario 2 unfolds on the GameCube

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Mario returns to his 2D comfort zone in Paper Mario 2: The Thousand-Year Door. It's been more than three years since we last visited the paper realm, and while PM2 certainly doesn't break the mold, it offers the level of fine-tuning and polish that we've come to expect from Nintendo's sacred franchises. As with many of Nintendo's titles, PM2 is unique in that it appeals to both kids and adults, offering a good 30 hours of classic (and nostalgic) Mario RPG goodness. The battle system is exceptional, and the new "audience" feature is a nice touch and guaranteed to provide more than a few laughs. Still, the developers could have done more to bring out the paper-theme in the visuals. And c'mon, where is the voice acting?! If you can manage through the slow start (a ton of text reading), you'll find Paper Mario 2 to be a refreshing addition to this fall's gritty lineup.