

  • Marvel Heroes plans for a more awesome team-up system

    While it's all groovy to have a sidekick to run around with your superhero in Marvel Heroes, apparently the team and the community felt as though the team-up system needed more work. That's why Gazillion has a major revamp of team-ups planned for Q1 2015. According to a new dev diary on the subject, the revamp will cover a range of improvements to the system. Team-up characters will see more customization, expanded power trees, a level cap of 60, increased survivability, synergy bonuses, and new powers on top of improvements to old powers. Players will also gain more control over what their team-up companions do on the battlefield. In addition to the developer diary, there's also a forum FAQ to deliver even more information on the planned revamp.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Marvel Heroes hands out free cows and plans team-up revamp

    The Cow King is on the move in Marvel Heroes, and a call is going out for all supers to join the most ridiculous battle in the universe. During the weekend Cowtastrophe event, players will get an 40% XP bonus and a portal to the game's bovine levels, where they can slaughter beef for better loot. Marvel Heroes is even giving out a free mini-cow pet for any players who log in on Saturday. In other Marvel Heroes news, one of the next big projects for Gazillion is a revamp of the team-up system. While all of the details of this revamp are not clear as of yet, we do know that the revamp will allow players to customize team-up's power pools much like main characters.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Pre-orders for Marvel Heroes' Winter Soldier are now open

    After years of being mostly notable for being supposedly dead, Bucky Barnes turns out to have actually been kept alive as an elite assassin known as the Winter Soldier. You know, as comics do. The important things to note about the character for our purposes are the fact that he's coming to Marvel Heroes and you can pre-order him right now. You can also hear David Hayter voicing him as a closely related cousin of Solid Snake in the video past the cut, but that probably shouldn't influence your purchase. The hero pack is at a 10% discount before the character is released and includes the character himself, two costumes for Bucky (comic and MCU incarnations), an extra hero-specific inventory, six Fortune cards, and a retcon token. With the discount, it's just a hair over $16; if that sounds like a bargain for playing a mildly psychotic unfrozen Hydra assassin, you can pick it up now.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Marvel Heroes gets Omega event, level 52 Hulk review

    Another weekend, another event in Marvel Heroes! This time it's Operation Omega, back for its first appearance of 2015. You'll get a 24% boost to XP, SIF, and RIF, as well as login rewards, harder enemies, and a faster leveling experience. Gazillion has also published Hulk's level 52 review as well as a new ultimate costume for the green monster.

    Jef Reahard
  • Get the full scoop on Marvel Heroes' Venom

    The most recent addition to Marvel Heroes' roster, Venom, isn't merely a Spider-Man reskin. Gazillion put some thought into making this 43rd playable character unique as it uses its symbiote power to do nasty things to nasty people. Gazillion said that it wanted to go "all out" on Venom's looks and animations. Venom also has an interesting resource builder. "Unique to Venom, ichor serves as his primary resource, replacing spirit entirely, and accumulates as Venom uses powers that drain his own health – representing the host's constant battle with the symbiote," said Systems Designer Michael May. You can check Venom's trailer out after the break! [Source: Gazillion press release]

    Justin Olivetti
  • The Daily Grind: Do you log into games you're not currently playing?

    I haven't played Marvel Heroes in about two months. Blame Elite: Dangerous, ArcheAge, and a pile of single-player games, I guess, but I just haven't been able to fit it into my rotation here lately. That said, I've logged into the game for 122 straight days, entirely because of Gazillion's penchant for giving away nifty login prizes like an Ultron pet and dozens of others. What about you, Massively readers? Do you log into MMOs or MMO-lites for prizes even though you're not currently playing? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Jef Reahard
  • Marvel Heroes adds Venom, throws 50% off sale

    'Tis the season for deep discounts and disturbing heroes, as has come to pass in the merry lands of Marvel Heroes. The jolly figure known as Venom has come to distribute pain, suffering, and alternative dental plans for those who pick this new playable figure. The Marvel Heroes team is also offering a half-off sale on most -- but not all -- of the in-game store. This includes many of the title's heroes, costumes, team-ups, and pets. And even if you don't want to spend money, you'll still be getting treats all month with the game's Winter Wonderland & Season's Givings event. Presents and buffs will be available all over the game, in addition to new daily log-in rewards.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Marvel Heroes now features a female Wolverine

    Fancy a female version of Wolverine? Marvel Heroes now has one in the form of X-23. Laura Kinney was cloned from Wolverine's DNA and raised in a lab, according to developer Gazillion's website. She was "trained from birth to use her claws, enhanced senses, and innocent appearance to become the perfect assassin."

    Jef Reahard
  • Massively Interview: Marvel Heroes' Magneto makes his mark

    Heroes are all well and good, but there is plenty of fan love for the villains. There's just something about those bad boys and girls redeeming themselves that makes those characters so interesting. Gazillion knows this and has responded by releasing Magneto, the latest of the playable villains, to the Marvel Heroes lineup. Fans of Professor Xavier's long-time nemesis/friend can now jump in and command the forces of magnetism to defeat foes and destroy the environment. We chatted with Creative Designer and Community Manager Ryan Collins about this latest addition. We even gleaned a few snippets about the upcoming Axis One-Shots and got a release time-frame for the Spider Girl enhanced costume. For those who want to see Magneto in action, we've also included his official trailer. You can also tune in to Massively TV on Monday, December 8th, at 9:00 p.m. EST to watch him live.

    MJ Guthrie
  • Magneto now playable in Marvel Heroes

    Marvel Heroes got a new playable character today, its 41st overall but just its second playable villain. That villain is Magneto, X-nemesis and master of magnetism who can "wield the power of electromagnetism to levitate and crush enemies with debris, cars, and even Sentinels with his ultimate power." Renowned voice actor James Arnold Taylor (Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ratchet, Final Fantasy X's Tidus) is the man behind the mask, and Gazillion creative designer Ryan Collins says that Magneto boasts "some of the most intense visual effects in the game." [Source: Gazillion press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • Marvel Heroes publishes Thor's level 52 review

    Gazillion has published one of its Marvel Heroes level 52 reviews, which is basically a dev blog focused on endgame goals and designs for a particular hero. In this case, that hero is Thor. Thor's Odinforce is a big part of his current review. It functions as his secondary resource and allows players to unlock upgraded versions of his powers by building Odinforce and managing its decay over time. And don't forget about God Blast, his new ultimate that unleashes "the full might of the mighty Mjolnir in a terrifying, concentrated blast of white-hot divine intervention."

    Jef Reahard
  • Marvel Heroes adds new game mode

    Gazillion has added a new game mode to its Marvel Heroes online action RPG. It's called Industry City Patrol and it features new bosses, artifacts, medallions, and "uniques found nowhere else," according to the game's website. Gazillion says that it has also added "improved spawning technology to reduce lag," as well as multi-phase events that encourage players to cooperate and progress together.

    Jef Reahard
  • Marvel Heroes' Juggernaut, multi-speccing, and upcoming story content

    After a bit of a delay, Marvel Heroes fans saw the release of Juggernaut as a playable hero over the weekend. A new hero alone is enough for many players to dive in and try things out, but Juggernaut also comes with a power system unlike that of any other on the game's roster. To learn a little bit more about this villainous hero, we talked with Ryan Collins, Creative Designer and Community Manager of Gazillion, who also dished some details on the much anticipated multi-spec feature a well as upcoming story content.

    MJ Guthrie
  • The Daily Grind: Do you like beefcake avatars?

    Marvel Heroes' new Juggernaut character sounded intriguing. Then I got a look at him and he went from probable purchase to lol-no-way! Despite the intriguing momentum mechanic and the appeal of smashing everything in sight, I really can't stand beefcake character models. It's not just an MMO thing either. I find Gears of War unintentionally funny due to how absurd its cast looks, and Batvillain Bane is one of the silliest comic book baddies I've ever seen. What about you, Massively readers? Do you like beefcake avatars, or do you laugh and steer clear like I do? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Jef Reahard
  • Juggernaut is Marvel Heroes' 40th playable character

    Marvel Heroes' 40th(!) playable character is Juggernaut, which Gazillion says will give gamers a chance to feel the power of the Crimson Gem of Cyttorak while using Cain Marko -- aka, Professor Xavier's stepbrother -- to smash everything in sight. The new baddie's powers aren't limited by a resource, according to Gazillion designer and community manager Ryan Collins. "We wanted you to feel unstoppable and I believe that we've captured that essence with his powers, visual effects, movement speed, and even running animations changing as you build Momentum," Collins says.

    Jef Reahard
  • Marvel Heroes adding Blade and a bunch of other badasses

    Gazillion has announced the next batch of playable supes for its Marvel Heroes online action RPG. Upcoming characters include Doctor Doom, Iceman, Winter Soldier, Iron Fist, Blade, Black Cat, She-Hulk, Vision, War Machine, and Kitty Pryde. The firm hasn't said when the heroes will be available, but it is dangling a couple of pre-order deals which you can read about in the press release past the cut. [Source: Gazillion press release]

    Jef Reahard
  • Marvel Heroes welcomes Rogue into its fold

    There's a new addition to Marvel Heroes' roster, but this one might be a total game-changer. Added to the game yesterday, Rogue is a superhero who not only possesses super strength and flight but can steal powers from enemies to customize a unique powerset. You can get your first look at Rogue in a trailer after the jump and see whether this absorbant lass is the hero for you!

    Justin Olivetti
  • The Daily Grind: What game needs (better) tutorials?

    Let me state up front that I thoroughly enjoy Marvel Heroes. That said, I find some of its mechanics pretty obscure. Like, costume cores. What the heck am I supposed to do with those? To be fair, I could probably find the answer on the game's labyrinthine forum, but since I play it ultra-casually and somewhat infrequently, I'm usually too busy enjoying the clickfest to tab out and search. TLDR, this game needs a tutorial or two, in my opinion. What do you think, Massively readers? Is there an MMO or an MMO-lite in your rotation that needs some in-game explanation? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Jef Reahard
  • The Daily Grind: What did you accomplish in your games this weekend?

    This past weekend I played a little Marvel Heroes, a lot of Space Engineers, a bit of War Thunder, and a few other things that I can't justify writing about on an MMO site. I gained some Storm levels in MH and got a few nice drops, but I had the most fun building up my outpost in SE and inviting a friend into my game to serve as my mining slave help me design and craft a few essentials. What about you, Massively readers? What did you accomplish in your MMOs or multiplayer games over the weekend? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Jef Reahard
  • The Daily Grind: Have you branched out beyond traditional MMOs lately?

    As I mentioned in this space last week, I've been suffering a bit of MMO burnout. I've still been gaming, though, mostly via single-player stuff but also a smidge of Marvel Heroes. I was never much for Diablo, which is why my ongoing MH fixation is somewhat surprising. Maybe I'm just an action RPG late-bloomer, and I'm curious to see if I might enjoy something like Path of Exile now, too. What about you, Massively readers? Have you branched out beyond traditional MMOs recently? How so? Every morning, the Massively bloggers probe the minds of their readers with deep, thought-provoking questions about that most serious of topics: massively online gaming. We crave your opinions, so grab your caffeinated beverage of choice and chime in on today's Daily Grind!

    Jef Reahard