

  • Vanguard offers another chance to swap servers

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    Early this week we brought you some great-looking previews of the next content drop coming to Vanguard, Game Update 5. Today, SOE is hinting that the advances the game has made over the last year are making a difference. Claiming that players are returning to play with old friends, they're offering new chances to hop servers and reconnect with their fellow players.Next Tuesday everyone will have the chance to complete a server transfer simply by using the /petition command. Avatars can be moved to any of the Vanguard shards, with the exception of the PvP realm Sartok. Players who don't take advantage of this next week's opportunity will have another one during the week of the 19th to the 23rd. All that's required to make the move is a packup of all broker items, collection of all tombstones, and the acquisition of all items inside your house. No need to tear down your house.

  • Don't expect PvE to PvP transfers anytime soon

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    One of the larger complaints about the ability to transfer servers is the lack of PvE to PvP transfers. You can transfer your character from a PvP server to a PvE server, but not the other way around. Some folks see this as discriminating against the PvP servers, while others see it as a good thing.Blizzard is firmly on the side of those that see it as good. In a recent blue post Bornakk has came out and said that while the option is there, they have no plans to allow it. Apparently this has "been on the table" for the past two years. Personally, I'm glad they won't be allowing this. The ability to transfer from PvP to PvE makes sense since you won't be disrupting the gearing balance. But think about what would happen if you could transfer from a PvE to a PvP server. Everyone would level their characters on a PvE server, and then transfer them to a PvP server at 70. This would make it nearly impossible to get a group or have any pre-70 game play on the PvP server. I know some of you are going to say that it already is impossible, but it would just become more difficult. So I'm with Blizzard on this one.What do you think? Is it a good policy, or should Blizzard change their ways?

  • Ready Check: Is Transfering the solution?

    Marcie Knox
    Marcie Knox

    Ready Check is a weekly column focusing on successful raiding for the serious raider. Hardcore or casual, Kara or BT, everyone can get in on the action and down them some bosses. Hong is still recovering from a vicious rabid koala attack, so you'll have to put up with me this week. We both feel sorry for you. When you're in a raiding guild there is a natural attrition that happens at a slow but constant pace. A mage here will have to start classes, a priest there gets transferred to night shift. Your best rogue suddenly isn't feeling the game anymore and wants to take a break. A couple of friends decide that a more casual guild is better for them... I could spend all day listing the reasons why people take off and leave you hanging. If you're on a high population server with a good chunk of your faction representin' in raid instances, then the normal course of action is to hit up your realm forums with a post containing who you're looking for and what your guild is like. You bump it every couple of days and wait for people to contact you. You can also spread the word over the guild recruitment channel or even have your guildmates ask around. But what if you're not on that kind of server? What if you're on a medium population server where the closest guild progressing in your faction is a whole tier behind you?

  • Many free moves for North America

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Earlier this evening, Drysc announced a bevy of free character transfers for the North American realms, in four groups. The transfers began today at 3:00 PM PST, and will run until Thursday, January 17 at 3:00 PM PST -- that's one week, for those who shun addition. As always, transfer ASAP if you know you want to switch servers, because they do occasionally shut down early due to desired population levels being reached. And now, the available moves: Group A: From: Illidan, Sargeras, Kel'Thuzad, Mannoroth To: Anatheron Group B: From: Jubei'Thos, Frostmourne, Barthilas To: Thaurissan Group C: From: Aman'Thul, Khaz'goroth, Dath'Remar, Nagrand To: Caelestrasz Group D: From: Emerald Dream, Destromath, Tichondrius, Stormreaver To: The Underbog If you want to take advantage of these moves, go to the Character Move page. Will you be migrating to a new Azeroth? If you are on one of the affected servers, do you think the transfers will produce a positive effect? Are you not on this list, and think you need a transfer? Blizz claims the realms are selected based on population statistics, but since they still inexplicably refuse to provide the public with their stats, we have no way of actually knowing that.

  • Server transfers bedevil hopeful Season 2 contenders

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Players who transfered servers after earning their Season 2 titles are reporting that those titles vanished after a hotfix: Blizzard poster Pavonum responds that some folks who transfer might lose their arena titles.This mechanic is currently being examined in greater detail, so that further determination may be made as to whether its current functionality is in line with the design as envisioned by the appropriate developers; we regret to inform you, however, that any titles lost as a result of this mechanic are unable to be reinstated or reimbursed by the Game Master Department. Please accept our most sincere apologies, however, for any frustration or inconvenience this matter may have caused, and await word on any potential changes in the status of this functionality. He later goes on to say that they're looking into claims that titles were lost not after transfer... the titles transfered intact, it seems... but rather after emergency maintenance. Have any of you transfered a character and lost an arena title recently? If the loss is just part of the risk one assumes when transfering that's one thing, but it would seem odd and easily correctable if the loss of a title came well after a transfer due to a glitch in maintenance, but I'm hardly an expert in the oddities of server transfer.Thanks to Jagoex for the tip.

  • Update on Upcoming Character Transfers

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Transfers to the new Norgannon and Thrall servers are still on hold until further notice, though CM Drysc posted on Saturday assuring us that preparations for the transfers continue, and that they have not been canceled.  Drysc has also provided an update on transfers to new realms Black Dragonflight and Dalvengyr.  Due to "gameplay-related concerns" the Khaz'goroth to Dalvengyr transfer has been dropped from the list, but the remaining transfers began this morning at 3:00 AM PST.  These transfers end on Thursday, so if you're interested, get to it as soon as possible!

  • Two New Transfer Realms

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Starting on Monday, April 10th, at 3:00 AM PST, players on Hyjal, Lightbringer, Shadowsong, Zul'jin, Alleria, Khaz'goroth, Hellscream, and Whisperwind will have the option to transfer to new PvP servers Black Dragonflight (Hyjal, Lightbringer, Shadowsong, and Zul'jin) and Dalvengyr (Alleria, Khaz'goroth, Hellscream, and Whisperwind).  Transfers will close on Thursday, April 13th, so if you're interested in making the jump, do it as soon as possible.

  • New Server Monday: Maybe Not!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    While two new transfer servers were supposed to go live today, it sounds like there are some technical problems.  Players hoping to transfer from Shadowsong or Azjol-Nerub to Norgannon or Alleria or Hellscream  to Thrall will have another chance tomorrow, when transfers should re-open at 3AM PST.