

  • City of Heroes offers free character transfers for the holidays

    Rubi Bayer
    Rubi Bayer

    'Tis the season to give and receive presents. (Among other things, but presents are awfully nice.) In this case, City of Heroes is the giver. From now until the end of January players can receive free character transfers -- and yes, all of your character's stuff will be transferred with him or her. Now before you go leaping servers all willy-nilly, NCsoft does have some guidelines and limits. Nothing too restrictive, just things that follow the laws of common sense and prevent people from abusing the function. The Free Character Transfer FAQ gives you the rundown. First, you have to stay "local": no jumping from a European server to a North American one, or vice versa. Second, it's not an unlimited number of transfers, although it is very generous. You get six transfers a week, regardless of how many characters you choose to move back and forth. For the full FAQ, take a look here, then go enjoy your newfound freedom in City of Heroes!

  • The Art of War(craft): Season 7 and the Battleground PvPer

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    The Art of War(craft) takes you through the paces of the myriad faces of World of Warcraft PvP. Zach, who writes this column, is tragically unfunny and has asshat blood running through his Asian veins. If you're looking for humor, head over to the musings of Christian or Allison. If you want some lore or news, Alex and Adam are your guys. If, however, you feel like bashing someone's face in and dropping The Flag of Ownership on their corpse, you, my friend, have come to the right place.Season 7 started a while back, and we've now got Colby on the team to pick up on the Arena scene with Blood Sport. He covers all the basics of the latest Arena season in his debut column, so head on over and read up on everything you need to know. That's your primer. On today's The Art of War(craft), I'm going to discuss other things not quite covered by the basics.First of all, what does a new Arena season mean to the Battleground enthusiast? I mean, who gives a shmoo? Arenas shmarenas, right? Well... not exactly. The sad fact is that Arena players are going to be playing the Battlegrounds, anyway, since the non-set pieces are purchasable with Honor points. While these items also drop off Koralon, the Flame Watcher, the fastest, most efficient way to obtain non-set Relentless Gladiator pieces is through Honor farming in the Battlegrounds.That means successful Arena play, or at least the most conscientious preparation, requires Battleground participation. The converse isn't necessarily true. The gear disparity in the Battlegrounds is extreme, and it isn't uncommon to find players fresh from hitting Level 80 hitting the maps to grind Honor for gear upgrades. Gear isn't as critical, but it's a definite advantage. My view on the matter is that Arenas are a necessary, but fun, evil.

  • Paid character transfers time restrictions slashed

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Eyonix has just announced that lockout time for paid character transfers has been reduced to 3 days from its previous 30. This means that you can now transfer your character to a new realm using the paid transfer service once every three days instead of once every thirty.This is especially useful for raiders and PvPers who move to a new realm to join a guild, and then find out that the guild doesn't work for them. There are also tens of thousands of horror stories about people moving between servers only to find that their new guilds disbands a few days later. This will be a significant boon to people who find themselves in that situation.The cost of the paid character transfers remain at $25 for a one way ticket.

  • The Daily Grind: Have you re-rolled on Darkfall's NA server?

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Fifty bucks isn't chump change in this economy, but it's what Aventurine is asking as the price of admission to their new North American Darkfall server. If you want in you need to purchase a brand new account, and that brand new account is the price of a brand new game.But, you get to play in a server that's starting from scratch. Everyone is once again on the same level, the cities were open for capture (briefly, then they all got taken,) and the mystery of the world has been re-opened. Aventurine has thrown down many fixes since the original launch, leading some people to call the EU server the "paid beta" while the NA server is the "true launch."What we want to know is what are your feelings, Massively readers? If you play Darkfall, have you gone over to the new server? Why or why not? Are you waiting for the transfer after three months? Even if you don't play, would you switch servers if the new server came with a 50 dollar price tag? Or would you jump onto Darkfall just to be in the new NA server?Comment away!

  • Darkfall's US server to launch today

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Darkfall's first North American server, NA1, is due to launch today. The stage is set for the new server with the release of Darkfall's expansion, and July 13th is the date declared by both the website and the game's associate producer, Tasos Flambouras.However, beyond a single thread regarding how to download the new US client, the launch has been very quiet. The account page is now online, ready to take your payments of 49.98 for the brand new NA client. Edit: While the account management is working and you can create an account, the shop is currently offline and unable to take new purchases of the game.EU users interested in playing on the NA servers with their EU characters will still have to wait, however, as EU players will only be able to transfer to NA three months after the launch. Even then, EU characters will not be allowed to bring their possessions with them, transferring onto the server as a naked player. However, on the bright side, those who wait will not have to pay for a brand new account to play on the NA server.Update: The shop is now online. Have fun!

  • More server consolidations in WAR?

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Less than three weeks after launching Land of the Dead, the Warhammer Online Herald is reporting another round of free transfers from several source servers to a few destination servers. Members of Ironfist, Vortex, Monolith, Magnus, and Skull Throne have been urged to transfer to more populated servers. Players on all servers are being rewarded with an extra 20% experience and renown bonus to mark the occasion.The latest WAR Grab Bag mentioned server merges specifically: "...we are expecting to resolve our long term population issues on our lower population servers and see high populations regularly as part and parcel of server merges that are currently in discussion." Mythic consolidated (read: merged) 40 low population servers back in early March 2009, leaving the game with 14 servers in North America. Merging these new servers will eventually leave WAR with 9 active servers. Darren (aka The Common Sense Gamer) is wondering what a lot of us are wondering right now: Is Mythic still correcting for an overzealous server launch strategy or is the game's population no longer holding steady at 300,000?

  • A leveling server, just for leveling

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Tiago sent us an interesting idea I thought was worth sharing. He suggests that Blizzard create a "leveling server" -- a server that would be marked as specifically for new characters, so when you rolled a new toon on there, you'd be surrounded by a bunch of other people pre-80. And the key here would be that when you hit 80 on this server, then you would get a free server transfer off. In other words, Blizzard would have one server (completely optional, of course) designed for people to level on, with a realm full of people playing in the old world and leveling through the old quests.Sounds good, right? Like most of our ideas, Blizzard probably won't go for it -- they've already knocked down the idea of vanilla realms, and while this isn't the same thing (you'd be able to level to 80, the idea is just that you'd leave the server when you got there), it does mean creating a different ruleset for a brand new type of server. Plus, to a much lesser extent, it could create an even more lonely existence on the normal servers. Not to mention that Blizzard has been focusing on speeding past the low levels, not emphasizing them.But I like the idea anyway -- it doesn't seem too tough to do (mark one realm recommended, and provide free server transfers off of it), and it seems like an excellent way to get people who enjoy leveling up all together in the same place. And that's really what MMOs like this are all about, right?

  • The Queue: Judgement of Light & Day

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    Welcome back to The Queue,'s daily Q&A column where the team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Adam Holisky will be your host today.Today's music comes from a viewing of Scrubs I was, at the time, forced to watch by the girlfriend Katie. They had this great band playing at the end called The Polyphonic Spree. Today's featured reading music is the aforementioned band performing Light & Day ("Reach for the Sun").It really doesn't have anything to do with anything, but they're hippies and jump around a lot while making some rather cool and unique music. Plus they have this cultish vibe to them. The Leader is good, The Leader is great, we surrender our will as of this date.Hey look! World of Warcraft related things coming up now...Many people asked... "The PTR you download from the official WoW site is still 3.1! How are people getting on the Patch 3.2 PTR?"

  • Darkfall details their plans for the future and North American servers

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    Developer Tasos Flambouras of the Darkfall team stopped by the official Darkfall forums again with a lengthy update concerning pretty much everything under the sun for Darkfall -- from cheating to future updates -- all in one large swoop.One of the big notes of the post is the acknowledgement of a North American server coming down the pipes, but coming with restrictions to character transfers. Original plans detailed that characters from the European server could transfer off onto the American server (as North American players are certainly playing the European version right now) but this transfer will now be delayed by several months. So, if you're itching to get off of EU-1, looks like you might be waiting for a while unless you wish to create a new character on NA-1.Past the new server, Tasos has outlined some of the priorities for the Darkfall team, including an enhanced newbie experience, improvements to the economy, upcoming improvements to the solo and group experience, and improvements to the game's PvE system to name a few. While exact details haven't been given, it's nice to know that things like this are on the developer's "to do" list for future updates.The full post containing all of the juicy details can be read over at the official Darkfall forums.[Via Hardcore Casual]

  • Warhammer role-play servers: And then there was one

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    Mythic just began another round of free server transfers in Warhammer Online and this time they are allowing players to transfer from Ostermark (OST) to either Phoenix Throne (PT) or Vortex (VOR). OST and PT are the only two remaining North American servers using the role-play rule set. VOR has a core rule set.This transfer presented Mythic with some unique issues. OST may have been one of the lowest population servers, but it still had a fairly substantial active player base and forcing everyone onto one server could have led to balance and overpopulation consequences. Many role-players also had characters of one realm on OST and the opposite on PT.Mythic's rules do not allow subscribers to play both sides of the war on the same server, so they gave players of PT the opportunity to transfer to VOR as well. Finally, there is the issue of transfering from a role-play server to a core server, where there is less enforcement of proper naming and player maturity.These issues aside, WAR is a game that requires a large number of players to be enjoyable, so many Oysters (as they're called on OST) are embracing this transfer option (as evidenced by Mythic's account website running much slower than usual today). Those wishing to transfer should read all the rules before doing so, as the process requires character and guild preparation.

  • Mythic merging forty low population WAR servers

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    This news miraculously slipped under our radar yesterday because it was billed as yet another round of source server transfers. Upon reading a bit deeper, we noticed this line: "Characters on the source servers listed below will all be consolidated onto the corresponding destination server. All source servers will eventually be closed."There are 40 source servers and 15 destination servers listed in the table. This transfer and eventual merge will affect every server except Phoenix Throne, which is widely regarded as the most balanced and stable server for all of Warhammer Online.Perhaps the most interesting part of all this is a speculative tool called the Warheap active server list. If you look at Mythic's official list of destination servers, you will notice that they almost identically match the only servers listed on Warheap with active rank 40 RvR taking place. We were originally sceptical about how accurate this tool was but now we're believers. The only question remaining is how accurate the activity numbers really are. (Incidentally, they are scraped from Mythic's very own Realm War site.)Some people may take this news negatively, but WAR subscribers have been begging for server merges for months now. It appears they are finally getting their wish, which can only improve the game. You need people to RvR with, right?

  • WAR population numbers revealed, but what do they mean?

    Brooke Pilley
    Brooke Pilley

    When Mythic Entertainment released Warhammer Online on September 18, 2008, it quickly became the fastest selling MMORPG ever. A month after release, they announced WAR had registered 750,000 players and people were buzzing that it may actually make a noticeable dent in World of Warcraft's armor. But as the expression goes: good things usually don't last. Box sales in your first month are one thing, but what matters most for a subscription MMORPG is player retention. Since October 2008, EA and Mythic have remained completely silent about WAR's numbers, something that is never really a good sign. Player and industry speculation was rampant given consistent reports of an in-game exodus of players. The speculation that WAR was losing players was confirmed by a financial report released by EA stating that WAR had just over 300k subscribers as of December 31, 2008. Let a new round of speculation about what these numbers mean begin.Join us after the cut where we'll discuss the reasons I think WAR lost so many players in such a short period of time. I'll also chat about how I think Mythic can regain those lost subscriptions and perhaps grow even larger!

  • US PvP free character transfers

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    North American and Oceanic players, don't feel left out just because the last round of transfers were European-only. Here's some for us, and even with a little bit of that faction-specific flavor. Source A: Arthas, Bleeding Hollow, Bonechewer, Boulderfist, Burning Blade, Dragonmaw, Frostmane, Illidan, Kel'Thuzad, Laughing Skull, Lightning's Blade, Magtheridon, Mal'Ganis (Horde Only), Mannoroth, Sargeras, Shattered Hand, Skullcrusher, Tichondrius, Warsong Destination A: Drak'Thul, Hakkar Source B: Barthilas, Frostmourne, Thaurissan (Horde Only), Jubei'Thos Destination B: Gundrak (Oceanic) There's also a note at the end of the post to the effect that although these are all for PvP realms, PvE transfers will be announced shortly, so stay tuned, carebears (don't get me wrong, I'm one of you). Players on these realms, will you be transfering? Remember that if you want to, you should do it as soon as possible. These transfers are scheduled to stay open until Wednesday, January 21, at 6 PM PST, but they do close early if the transfer goals are met.

  • No PvE servers are under populated

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    We've been paying pretty close attention the server issues lately. From the missing mail a few months ago, to instability in instances, to the creation of a new U.S. PvE server.Zarhym has come out and said there are no PvE realms under populated, and that's the reason why Blizzard has introduced a new PvE realm, and not a new PvP realm. He goes on to point out that while some PvE realms are not having queues, they are only a few hundred people away from having to suffer through them every evening.And while there are PvP realms that have queues, there are "several PvP realms that are a little too under populated."So what does this mean?

  • XP and renown bonuses for WAR transfer servers

    Kyle Horner
    Kyle Horner

    With the recent server transfers made available to Warhammer Online players, Mythic enabled players to move onto several servers free of charge. Now they're offering limited time server bonuses for players making their trek onto the offered servers. The bonus itself is a 20% rested boost to experience and renown gain. It's a nice little cherry on top for players packing their bags and it should also help encourage some people on the fence to take Mythic up on the offer.Anyone interested in making a move (or seeing if they're even able to do so) can check out this handy list at their leisure. We're sure to see more of this kind of encouragement from Mythic in the future, at least where and when it's necessary.

  • SOE releases FAQ on Star Wars Galaxies free server transfers

    Michael Zenke
    Michael Zenke

    The official Star Wars Galaxies site has a followup to Producer Chris Fields' announcement that free server transfers would be coming to the community. They now have an FAQ up, attempting to answer some of the the numerous nitpicks players will have with this daunting project. The actual transfers won't kick off until early next year (as originally indicated by Dotanuki), but it sounds like they're already prepping players for server closings. One of the FAQ points is "Where can I find a list of servers that will be offering a free transfer?" This would seem to indicate certain servers are seen as stable enough to keep 'whole', while others should probably be emptied.The document notes that the server transfer list won't be made available until about a month before the project starts, as the developers track detailed server information. Other notes about the project: Houses need to be packed up; they won't automatically transfer to a new server with you. Yes, that probably means you're going to lose your house's spot. Vendors need to be closed out and their inventory removed. Vendors will be destroyed by a server transfer. Players will need at least one slot free on their new server to transfer an existing character in. Players with an unlock slot (from the pre-NGE days) will be able to transfer three characters to their new server even if they didn't unlock a slot on that new server. Full details are available on the official site, and we'll continue to watch this ambitious reorganization of the SWG playerbase as it unfolds.

  • Anti-Aliased: PvPissed

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    It's in the nature of every MMO player to snap at change -- it's what we do. When the patch notes reveal that Class X got a decrease in DPS to make them of a "more balanced power", you can expect all players of Class X to lead a revolt across the forums with pitchforks and torches. This behavior has become so commonplace that we tend to just ignore it after a while.But for once, the intense flaming power of the World of Warcraft forums is being put to good use, if you ask me. Blizzard has announced that they are letting players transfer from standard servers onto their Player vs. Player servers in an outstanding reversal of their original policy on the matter. Now anyone on a normal server can just waltz up past the Gumdrop Mountains to find Queen Frostine and ask her to use her transporting powers to send them to what could be construed as MMO 4chan. (That Candy Land reference was for you, James Egan.)

  • The Daily Grind: Is WoW changing due to WAR?

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    With Blizzard's announcement yesterday that they were opening up PvP realms in World of Warcraft to accept character transfers from PvE realms, many feel that the move was purely out of concern for losing PvP players to the upcoming launch of Mythic's Warhammer Online. WAR is definitely geared more towards PvP fans, offering the ability to level up via PvP without having to touch regular "kill-x" type questing content. Of course, with a shiny new world based on the Warhammer pen & paper legacy, many people are choosing to do those quests anyway simply for the sake of exploring this strange and deadly new world. Sure, World of Warcraft has Wrath of the Lich King coming, but many are feeling burned out in the face of their raiding and PvP epics getting replaced by greens again shortly after starting in Northrend. So this morning we thought we'd ask you; do you think that this is an attempt to keep their PvP players, as many believe? Is this simply Blizzard trying to offer more value to their current subscribers? If you opted to leave WoW to head for Warhammer Online, does their PvE to PvP transfer announcement do anything at all to make you reconsider your decision?

  • World of Warcraft opens PvE to PvP character transfers.

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    In a move that has stunned many people in the World of Warcraft community, Blizzard has reversed their earlier stance on no PvE to PvP server transfers. Per Bornakk on the official World of Warcraft forums, Blizzard has decided to open up transfers from PvE servers to PvP servers because "World of Warcraft has matured significantly since the inception of Paid Character Transfers, [they] don't feel that PvE-to-PvP transfers will have the negative impact on the game that [they] initially wanted to avoid when [they] started the service in 2006. This change will provide more mobility and freedom for players to experience the game with friends or play in the type of environment they're looking for." Considering the furor that is now starting up on the official forums regarding this major change in dynamics, we can only wonder why after so many years Blizzard has reversed their decision. Previously, Blizz maintained that they wouldn't allow transfers from PvE to PvP because it would be unfair to players who leveled characters up in a PvP environment. They wanted to avoid PvPers having to deal with people who transferred into the harsher climates that PvP servers provide after having leveled up on PvE servers. With the largely guaranteed bank roll that is Wrath of the Lich King, one wonders just precisely Blizzard seeks to gain by changing a long-standing mechanic such as this. Do they really need more money? Or is this just, as one forum poster suggested, a way to allow players who started on PvE realms to finally 'rescue' their characters? Perhaps it has something to do with the smaller populations traditionally on PvP servers? Only Blizzard knows for sure as to the reasoning. We recommend packing marshmellows if you go anywhere near the WoW forums for the next while; the flames are coming.

  • Oceanic Alliance characters to get free PvE to PvP transfers

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    If you're a regular reader of our Guildwatch feature, you may remember hearing about the woes of the Oceanic PvP realm Thaurissan on the last Guildwatch. The server is incredibly Horde heavy, with an estimated 14 to 1 imbalance, and the server denizens say it is genuinely near impossible to get 25 people together to do raid content on the Alliance side. Unfortunately , we also know that Blizzard is still firmly against PvE to PvP realm transfers, which may be preventing Thaurissan from getting the influx of new blood they need. However, for the sake of Thaurissan's Alliance, they have suspended this restriction. Starting today, June 12th, and ending no later than June 19th, Alliance characters (and only Alliance characters) from the Oceanic PvE realms Nagrand, Aman'thul, and Khaz'goroth will be eligible for free transfers to the Thaurissan realm. Blizzard reserves the right to close transfers early if they meet their goals, so if you're eligible and you want to go, you'd better get that request in now. This is not the first time they've done this type of thing. Over two years ago, a large cluster of PvE realms were given the opportunity to transfer to the Black Dragonflight and Dalvengyr PvP servers. Thus, it seems that they can be convinced to waive their restrictions on transfers, but that a chance to do so may only come up once every 2 years. Good luck to everyone transferring to Thaurissan, and hopefully this gives the Thaurissan Alliance the shot in the arm they need to get their end game going.