

  • Microsoft temporarily suspends Sky Player for Xbox 360

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    "Very fast," "a dream," "fantastic." It looks like you can add "on hiatus" to the list of superlatives -- at least for the time being. That boffo Sky Player that Microsoft debuted for the Xbox 360? "Suspended." Why, you ask? "Due to an unforeseen technical issue." Luckily for Britons and ex-pats, the £15 monthly service should resume tomorrow, barring any further technical issues. In the meantime, it looks like the poor avatar above will be stuck watching Benny Hill on Netflix like the rest of us. Statement after the break.

  • Sky Player on Xbox 360 receives first eyes-on analysis

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Sky TV has made its arrival on the Xbox 360 today in prompt fashion, with live streaming and on-demand video available, and the keen lads over at Electric Pig already have a preview of the service in action. Their immediate reaction was that the Sky Player interface was "ultra-speedy" and easily navigable using the 360 controller. Streaming at the high-quality setting (alas, there's no HD on offer yet) was also no problem on a 4Mb broadband connection, though they reserve their highest praise for the on-demand content which was pumped through within a couple of seconds of selection and benefits from an "astonishingly well-designed interface." For the full impressions of the subscription-based service, which starts out at £15 per month, hit up the read link below.

  • Rumor: Eight minutes of footage of the Xbox's Sky Player

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Even though the Sky Player is headed to Xbox 360s in the UK next week (October 27 to be exact), we have yet to see any kind of demonstration of the streaming television service. TechTV101 came across what looks like some footage (after the break), given to the site by an anonymous tipster. However, without any known source and with the ominous disclaimer "This is only representative of what Tuesday's launch could look like" on the site, we're going to call this a rumor just in case. The demo shows the channel selection displayed not only in the familiar NXE interface, but also in a "guide" format like those used by cable and satellite boxes. Another NXE-type menu allows for choosing TV shows and movies by category. And yes, you are treated to an ad for Batman: The Brave and the Bold, along with other footage of the actual watching TV part in action.

  • Xbox Sky Player arrives in the UK on Oct. 27

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Microsoft has announced that the UK's Xbox 360 Sky Player -- revealed earlier this year -- will finally be released starting October 27. The application will allow users to stream both live television and on demand programming, including sports, movies and popular shows. Gamers will also be able to watch programs together with Xbox Live friends using Party Mode, which acts similarly to the Netflix Party Mode available in the US. The programming line-up and pricing will be announced alongside the release on the 27th. [Update: We just spotted the above Sky bundle on Wonderwallweb, featuring an Xbox 360 media remote, a 3-month Xbox Live Gold subscription, and a 1-month subscription to Sky Player. No word on the price, though we expect it to be measured in "quids" or some such nonsense.] [Thanks, Dan C]

  • SKY Dupont is the most expensive Pantech ever made

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    What exactly does the equivalent of roughly $830 buy you in Pantech's home market these days? Well, it'll apparently get you signed up for the priciest device South Korea's third-largest handset manufacturer has ever made, the Dupont from subsidiary SKY. As far as we can tell, this thing is more show than go, thanks largely to a weakling 3-inch WQVGA display and 3 megapixel camera -- but then again, it's hard to argue with designer tie-ins and questionably tasteful gold accents, isn't it? Look for this one on local carrier SKT, and for once, we're totally fine with the fact that Pantech is concentrating on low-end messaging devices over on AT&T. [Via Unwired View]

  • Pantech Crystal's dazzling cover distracts us from its lame specs

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Pantech's Korea-only SKY brand has launched a new flip that it's very overtly targeting at a female audience, the IM-S500K Crystal -- and as the name implies, it's a visual feast. The major differentiating "feature" here is a diamond patterned shiny plate up front with concealed lights and icons that seemingly illuminate at random (though are probably configurable enough to make sense to the user, just not those of us looking at a couple pictures from halfway around the globe). It's available in no fewer than four colors and features a 2.4-inch QVGA display, FM radio reception, a 2 megapixel camera, and a document viewer -- not the most Earth-shattering spec sheet we'd ever seen, but then again, can you really put a price on a shiny diamond pattern with LEDs underneath?

  • The Beatles finally coming to iTunes, according to Yoko Ono (update: EMI says not tomorrow)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Even more than in past years, the build-up to Apple's iPod event this Wednesday has been nothing if not a bevy of The Beatles / iTunes rumors -- the company even broke with its traditional Tuesday event date to have it instead on "09-09-09," the same day The Beatles Rock Band and a new box set are due to hit store shelves. Now it looks like we've heard it from none other than Yoko Ono herself, who in a now-pulled Sky News article confirmed that the Fab Four's headed for digital distribution. All that's left of the piece is a Google cache of the first sentence, so for the full skinny, it looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Update: EMI is telling Financial Times that, while conversations are still going on, no announcements will be made tomorrow. Read - Yoko Ono reveals Beatles on iTunes Read - Google cache

  • UK film critic doesn't understand using HDTV to watch old movies, why kids are on his lawn

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Another day, another ignorant article about high definition. This time it's Peter Bradshaw, film critic for, claiming Humphrey Bogart would have any cameraman approximating a "high definition" effect thrown off the set. Blatantly ignoring the fact that movies of that era were made on 35mm film with more resolution than even 1080p Blu-ray can display, Bradshaw claims that instead of a HDTV, viewers would be better off with a standard definition projector and DVDs. This is all in response to a recent Sky ad campaign (check out the video with Sir Anthony Hopkins dropping in Rutger Hauer's Blade Runner monologue after the break, plus the original) promoting the broadcaster's new HD transfers, allowing home viewing of many older films in quality that would be impossible unless you'd seen it the first week in theaters, and with sound that likely surpasses anything available at the time. What someone should explain to Mr. Bradshaw and so many others with this misconception is that HDTV allows us to see the movie closer to the way it was meant to be seen when it was originally mastered, with all the detail that was present. Provided a high quality transfer, there's plenty of reasons to catch old flicks in a new format, so spread the word.

  • Michael Jackson memorial service gets HDTV broadcasts around the globe by 1 p.m.

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Today's broadcasts of Michael Jackson's memorial services have become s big of a television event as there has ever been, with networks domestically planning to cover the proceedings in high definition, but Sky News HD is following up on its broadcast of the Obama Inauguration by taking of the Sky Arts 1 HD channel again, and Cinedigm flicks on its digital distribution network, though not in 3D, it will air the memorial starting at 1 p.m. EST for free at theaters around the country. If not for anything else, this should extend even beyond Presidential Address' ability to compare the audio/video delivery capabilities of different networks, with CNN, Fox, ABC, Fox News, CBS, E! and more broadcasting, plus internet streams available from most (CNN, Sky, CBS, ABC are confirmed), plus Hulu and the website itself. So let us know, which network will you be tuning to / avoiding this afternoon, or are you already switching back and forth with one gloved hand on the remote, comparing camera angles and contrast levels in detail?Update: A live HD stream from Microsoft & Canada's is available and apparently not subject to geographic restrictions for those tuning in via desktop (Thanks, Aaron) Read - Jackson memorial live in high definition in movie theaters and on TV Read - World will watch Jackson memorial Read - Michael Jackson Memorial In High Definition Read - Media is all about Michael Jackson Read - Michael Jackson Memorial Coverage times / networks

  • Pantech Love Actually actually loves dot matrix graphics

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    This phone vaguely reminds us of the Samsung Memoir for some reason, but rest assured, it's Pantech through and through and it's being sold thousands of miles away. The SKY IM-U460K "Love Actually" will see action on South Korean carrier KTF, rife with global roaming capability, HSDPA, an integrated DMB tuner (par for the course with domestic Korean handsets), a 3 megapixel primary cam, and microSD expansion. The big feature here, though, has to be the 3-inch QVGA display that shocks and delights onlookers with a biggie-sized dot matrix display that's just low-res enough to be more retro chic than annoying. As with all of Pantech's SKY-branded goodies, we'd expect to see this one outside Korea... oh, right around the same day that Apple licenses iPhone OS to third party manufacturers.

  • Pantech's SKY IM-R470S succumbs to the 3D UI trend

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Somewhere in the past year, Samsung and LG spontaneously decided that mobile UIs should rotate in three-space as though each screen is a face on a cube. Other than sheer visual bedazzlement, there's not a lot of practical value to that -- but that's not stopping Pantech from getting into the game. It's coining its 3D interface "TruEmotion," and the first handset to take advantage of it will be the IM-R470S launched by Pantech's SKY division in Korea. The phone features a 3.2-inch VGA touchscreen and -- if we had to guess, anyway -- it probably supports T-DMB reception, but you'll need to be local to pick it up when it launches in July.

  • Custom Twitter,, Facebook X360s (for MS 'partners' only!)

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Microsoft's Major Nelson showed off several consoles that the company will be giving to its new partners, now being integrated into Xbox Live. The Major even noted that he may even "liberate" one and asked if anyone was with him. Um, yeah! Now we want Joystiq integration on Xbox just so we can finagle a console in our blue or yellowy/orangish color.Also, theft is likely the only way to get your hands on one of these custom consoles (unless you've got a high-level insider at one of the involved companies). The Major makes sure to note, "To be VERY clear ... Those are special consoles made for our partners. They are not for sale anywhere." Hmm, five-finger discount it is.[Thanks, B. Marriner]

  • Xbox Live gets 1080p Zune video store, Netflix browsing, Twitter and Facebook integration

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    digg_url =''; Microsoft is busy announcing a slew of upgrades to Xbox Live, and the biggest news so far is relaunch of the video service, now Zune-branded with 1080p instant-on streaming content in 18 countries. XBL is also now integrated with Facebook -- your Facebook account can be linked to your Gamertag, and games will support Facebook Connect for sharing content online. That's pretty huge -- but if that wasn't enough, you're also getting Twitter and in the deal. Want more? Netflix users will now be able to browse the entire catalog instead of simply loading their queue, and Microsoft has also gotten its Party Watch system in order, so you'll be able to heckle videos with your online friends. Last but not least, there's now live TV streaming for UK and Ireland gamers, who'll get Premier League soccer live from Sky. All in all, a solid set of updates for XBL -- but we'll wait and see how that "1080p" video looks before we pronounce Blu-ray dead. PR blurb after the break.

  • Live Sky TV coming to Xbox 360 in UK and Ireland, hooligan avatars to follow

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    US Americans, go ahead and enjoy your Netflix streaming over your Xbox 360, Brits are about to land a deal that'll put live football, TV, and films over Microsoft's broadband-enabled console -- a first live television service for Xbox 360 anywhere. Beginning in Autumn, Xbox Live subscribers in the UK and Ireland will gain access to Sky's Sky Player service that includes subscription-based live, on-demand, and pay-per-view access to your favorite shows without the need for an additional set-top-box or satellite dish. Unfortunately, specifics like prices and channel line-up have not been announced, though content is expected to be similar to the Sky Player service already available on Macs and PCs. Of interest, Xbox Live users will be able to watch sporting content together virtually and sling insults and taunts at one-another via avatars or virtual personas. Something that will lead to slurring songs in a fit of semi-social inebriation or fisticuffs, depending on the score. One more image after the break.[Via Gadgetoid]

  • Sky Player coming to Xbox 360 in the UK [update]

    Jem Alexander
    Jem Alexander

    UK broadsheet The Guardian may have leaked confirmation of a content partnership between Microsoft and Sky to allow TV access through Xbox 360 in the UK. Essentially, the Sky Player will work like the BBC's own iPlayer, offering video on demand and live TV, this according to a screenshot of the Guardian's story taken before it was pulled. The story is backed up by a tweet from the BBC's technology correspondent who says he was at a Microsoft event "where the firm is unveiling a TV content partner." Emphasis seems to be on sport, as Sky has arguably the best sports coverage in the country. The story states 360 owners will also be able to access interactive leaderboards and news through the service. Unfortunately, users will need a Sky subscription, which for sports is around £34 a month. Clearly this is Microsoft's way of combating the fact that the 360 -- unlike the PS3 and Wii -- cannot access services like the free iPlayer due to the lack of a web browser. Not to mention the brilliant PlayTV for PS3. No doubt we'll hear confirmation within the next few days if this is true but, judging from the evidence, all signs point to "real." [Update] Reuters confirms it. Apparently the service will go live this autumn, though no pricing or channel details were given by either Sky or Microsoft. [Thanks, Liam]

  • Live theater returns to British TV on Sky Arts 1 HD

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Moving one step beyond the opera broadcasts suddenly so popular recently, British television is getting its first live drama in two decades this July on Sky Arts 1 HD. Six authors have contributed 30-minute plays that will broadcast every Wednesday starting July 8 in front of a 140 person live audience. Viewers at home will apparently be allowed in on the post-show commentary sections, with HDTV providing a helping hand to more than one area of the arts we won't be surprised if Sky Arts Theatre Live! is yet another success.

  • Zune HD (xYz) positioned to take on Apple, Sony, Nintendo and Google?

    Thomas Ricker
    Thomas Ricker

    Sounding too good to be true, the cats at Teamxbox have posted a lengthy piece quoting multiple sources from Redmond and Santa Clara who anonymously spill the beans on what the Zune HD is and isn't. The "digital entertainment handheld," dubbed unanimously as product "xYz" by said sources to emphasize its purpose of bridging the Xbox and Zune platforms, is not a phone (that's Project Pink) but a converged "mashup" of devices like the Sony Mylo, PSP, and iPod touch. The emphasis of the device is not the hardware but the software, services, and entertainment experience if offers while remaining primarily "a portable game console and media player." It's said to link into Microsoft's Skybox computing services for mobiles and blur the lines between Xbox Live and the Zune and Sky Marketplaces. Even the Xbox 360's NXE interface will be making its way onto the new Microsoft handheld. As Teamxbox summarizes: Buy a song, a movie or a TV show on your Xbox, play the content later on the handheld or the other way around. Play an Xbox Live Arcade game either on your Xbox or in this handheld. At the moment, we have no way to authenticate any of this beyond what we've brought to the table already. Honestly, having had our hopes crushed by a tepid reaction to market trends from Microsoft in the past makes it difficult to believe all these seemingly fanboi fantasy claims of specs and convergence. However, if true, if Microsoft finally breaks free from the rigid silos of its own making and delivers an integrated living room, gaming, and portable media experience along with a stable Windows 7 computing environment... well, wait this just can't be happening.[Via wmpoweruser and SlashGear]

  • SKY celebrates tenth anniversary with IM-U440 Hommage

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Pantech's domestic market sub-brand, SKY, has been kicking around for a solid ten years now -- and to celebrate, they've cooked up a unique model. Actually, the IM-U440 Hommage isn't really any more unique than your typical Korean slider, but it's pretty cool nonetheless; the headlining feature seems to be an array of 112 multicolor LEDs directly below the display that undulate in a seizure-inducing way according to the phone's current mode. You've also got the typical TV tuner, dynamic noise reduction (a la Motorola's CrystalTalk), and microSD expansion. Look for it to launch on SKT and KTF.[Via Mobile-Review]

  • Sky brings home live 3D broadcast over a standard satellite set-top box

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    The UK set a few new high water marks for 3D as a part of its push to 2012 last night as Sky broadcast an Abbey Road concert by Keane in 3D live out over the Internet in anaglyph 3D, as well as a higher quality polarized version to a movie theater and a 46-inch 3D HDTV over a standard satellite box. Confirming earlier tests, it looks like the UK is ready to step up and join Japan in 3D broadcasting, the next question is when will the standards jostling result in any progress over here?

  • Team Fortress 2 meets World of Warcraft

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yo dawg, we heard you like Arenas, so we put an Arena in your Arena! Behold, WoW's Circle of Blood Arena map, transformed into a Team Fortress 2 map. Sure, it might not have the subtlety of Dustbowl or Well, but as a reproduction, it looks terrific. They even got the starting areas working right. And look at that sky!You can download this map for TF2 and a very similar one for Counter-Strike: Source over at the creator's blog. I doubt it'll jump to the top of any major playlists any time soon, but if your usual group of TF2 friends also have spent some time in the Arenas, they'll probably get a kick out of it.