Social network


  • Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu plan birthday Hangout on Google+

    Brian Heater
    Brian Heater

    If you're not a Google+ user, odds are pretty good that your weekend plans don't involve spending time with the likes of the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. The social network will be hosting a Hangout with the two peaceniks as part of the celebration for Tutu's 80th birthday. The online meeting was planned after South Africa refused to grant a visa to the Tibetan spiritual leader. The Hangout will be a late one for those of us in the Eastern time zone, occurring at 4:30AM, but Google has promised to post the video for those who miss the party.

  • Untappd releases iOS app, out now

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    As you may already know, I am a big fan of the hops, barley and yeast drink that's the world's oldest alcoholic beverage -- that's right, beer. And I've always been intrigued by the idea of Untappd, a social network built around sharing and discussing all of the various varieties and microbrews of beer out there. But of course no social network is complete without a mobile app that allows users to update while out and about, and that's exactly what Untappd's new iOS app does. You can of course track and rate the various beers you're drinking and buying, and because it's all social, friends can see what you're tasting and share what they're tasting as well. Everything is of course geotagged (so you and a group can conquer the same bar's draughts, even if you're not there all together), and there are even badges to earn in the app itself. I'm sure a lot of badges were earned this weekend at the Great American Beer Festival in Denver. I really like the look and feel of the app, and while we've seen this kind of thing tried before, Untappd seems to have another thing all strong social networks need: an actual network of people to follow. If you're also a fan of the pint and the brew, definitely check it out.

  • Twitter prepares for iOS 5 launch

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    The launch of iOS 5 is right around the corner and Twitter is gearing up for an onslaught now that the social network will be integrated into iOS. So how is Twitter preparing to avoid a day-long fail whale when iOS launches? According to Twitter's engineering VP Michael Abbott, the social network is not panicking about the upcoming increase in traffic. It's been slowly beefing up its servers and infrastructure over the past year. "During the last nine months, there's been more infrastructure changes at Twitter than there had been in the previous five years at the company," says Abbott in an interview with GigaOM. And Twitter seems confident that iOS 5 owners will not significantly increase the number of tweets flowing through the network. Even if it does, Twitter can handle the load as it is already processing over 230 million tweets per day, up from 60 million last year. Abbott also confirms that, even with mounting pressure from Facebook and Google +, it's not going to change the premise of its network anytime soon. Twitter will remain focused on the "simplified experience" we all know and love.

  • Windows Phone 7.5 Mango review

    Brad Molen
    Brad Molen

    Microsoft installs 'biggest Windows Phone ever' in NYC's Herald Square (video) Mango bumps NoDo, rolls the update train to Dell's Venue Pro Mango rollout going smoothly, now available to half of all Windows PhonesLet's face it: Windows Phone, as we know it, has an enormous amount of potential, but it's a first-generation operating system. For the first eleven months of its existence, it's lacked many of the common features we've come to enjoy (and take for granted) on Android and iOS, but then again, even those platforms have taken their turn getting the major wrinkles ironed out. So it comes as no surprise that Microsoft's mobile darling -- the innovative rebirth of a weak and faltering Windows Mobile platform that was quickly falling into obscurity -- would need to go through a similar process.It's finally time for Steve Ballmer & Co. to unleash its major annual update (not counting NoDo here), codenamed Mango, to a litany of devices both old and new. Also known as Windows Phone 7.5, the latest build delivers an onslaught of features -- no less than 500, according to Microsoft -- many of them we've been missing dearly. Three months ago we were given the opportunity to preview the new revamp and ogle over its smattering of new capabilities (see the full list of features here), and it's only proper for us to offer a follow-up with the update's final build. So how does the completely polished version hold up against the mobile juggernauts, not to mention its own first-gen offering? Follow us below to get the full scoop.

  • Google+ app update welcomes iPhone users to Hangouts

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Looking for someone to hang out with today? Grab your iPhone and slurp up the latest update to the Google+ app. Released on Friday, this refresh introduces Hangouts functionality to the iOS crowd, bringing them up to speed with Android users. The app's Huddle feature, meanwhile, has been renamed as "Messenger," and supports photos, as well. Plus, iPhone wielders can now +1 comments from their handsets, while using a slate of more granular controls to customize their notification settings. Intrigued parties can grab the update now, at the source link below.

  • Facebook partners up to bring music, news and videos to your profile through Open Graph (video)

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Facebook's f8 developer conference is going on today, and Andy Samberg Mark Zuckerberg has just revealed another part of his master plan for the social network. Open Graph will now integrate many of your favorite news and music services, including Spotify, Rhapsody, Rdio and MOG onto your Facebook page with custom apps, and will also bring video from Vevo, Netflix, Hulu and many more. The media platform's already up and running, so you can see (and hear) the results of Mark's labor right now. Update: Unfortunately for Facebook users in the US, Netflix has confirmed that its Facebook integration will only be available in Canada and Latin America initially, due to a US law that "creates some confusion over our ability to allow U.S. members to share what they watch." That doesn't apply to the music services, however, and you can get an idea how Spotify will work in the video after the break. Even TiVo's gotten in on the action, announcing new sharing buttons for its iPhone and iPad mobile apps, although there's no direct DVR integration mentioned yet.

  • Facebook outs Timeline, gives your profile page a new outfit (video)

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    Well, Mark's just unveiled Facebook's new look at his f8 keynote, and he's calling it Timeline. The idea is to make it easier to see events, pics and posts from your past by placing a, surprise surprise, timeline on the right edge of your profile page that breaks down your content by year and month. It's a much more visual experience than Facebook's previous incarnation, and Timeline Views allow you to filter the content by photos, locations (courtesy of Bing maps integration) and much more. You can also add apps, "likes", and all of your other content in neatly organized panes on your profile page to let you "tell the story of your life" in the way you want to -- including the ability to go back and add stuff to your timeline after the fact, no flux capacitor required. Timeline's going live in beta immediately for some, and a broader roll-out will be happening over the next few weeks. Get ready people, Facebook's future is here. Update: Facebook's Timeline promo vid is now embedded after the break.

  • Google: iOS Google+ hangouts "coming soon"

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Google is pushing out a significant update to its Google+ social network that will improve both its website and mobile versions. For iOS users, the Google+ app is getting Hangout support. Similar to Facetime and Skype, hangouts will let users chat with their friends using the front-facing camera. This feature is already present in the Android version and will be available for iOS soon. Besides mobile hangouts, Google + also includes a new "on air" hangout feature that lets you broadcast your video stream to a wider audience. Other smaller features include screen sharing, Google Doc integration, and the ability to name hangouts. Best of all, Google + is now open to everyone without invitation.

  • Google+ moves from field trial to beta, adds Hangouts on phones, search and more

    Donald Melanson
    Donald Melanson

    Well, it looks like the "field trial" is officially over. Google today announced that its Google+ social network has moved up to beta status and, as a result, it's now open to everyone (no invitation required). It's also rolled out a slew of new features for the occasion, including a number of improvements to the Hangouts video chat service. That includes Hangouts on your phone (Android 2.3+ only, for now), a new Hangouts On Air feature for public broadcasts, and a number of "extras" including screensharing, a sketchpad and shared Google Docs (not to mention Hangouts APIs). Google's now also finally added search functionality across the site, and it's renamed the Huddle group chat feature to Messenger (which also includes a number of new tweaks). Hit the links below for the complete rundown on what's new.

  • BBM Music gets official for BlackBerry owners lusting after Spotify

    Zachary Lutz
    Zachary Lutz

    Nothing warms our hearts quite like the thought of corporate suits and government workers pumping out the tunes of Iris DeMent and Amy Martin as they scurry throughout their busy days. As we've previously speculated, a new service for BlackBerry Messenger -- dubbed BBM Music -- has now become real official. For $5 per month, users may keep up to 50 songs in their personal library, which is kinda reminiscent of the wistful days filled with 128MB MP3 players. Fortunately, it gets better. A social component allows you to add BBM Music friends, which gives you access to their current 50 songs, too -- and serves as a real incentive to grow your social circle. Once you get bored of your jam selection, up to 25 songs per month can be swapped out for new ones, and your current library can be stored locally on the handset. The new service begins today in closed beta for residents of the US, Canada and the UK, but more countries will be added down the road. Curious if yours made the list? Just hop the break for the full PR to find out.

  • Miramax offers video rental via Facebook with iPad support

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Miramax is kicking off a movie rental service that'll let you rent movies on Facebook. The Miramax eXperience app is a Facebook app that lets you browse through a starter catalog of twenty movies in the U.S. (10 in the UK and Turkey). Additional movies will be added in September. Each rental costs 30 Facebook credits (about US$3) and must be watched within 30 days of payment. Once the movie is started, you have 48 hours to finish it. There's also a social gaming component that lets you cast your friends in different roles of select movies. Besides Facebook, Miramax rentals can be watched on the iPad and on a Google TV. The iPad app is not a native iOS app, but a web-based Facebook app that has been optimized for the iPad. You can check it out here using Safari on your iPad. [Via Electronista]

  • Sony reinventing PlayStation Home to be more like an MMO

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    PlayStation Home was a hugely anticipated feature for console fans, one that ultimately garnered mixed reviews and apathetic affection. Due to the reception, Sony has decided to reinvent the game lobby-slash-virtual-world to incorporate the best of themeparks, MMOs, and social networks. When it relaunches this fall, PlayStation Home will look radically different, resembling a sleek mall with plenty to do and faster functionality for those who want to get right to their games. But between playing commercial titles, gamers are encouraged to hang out for a while, which is where MMO elements come into play. The new Home has a number of districts, as an amusement park would, and in them players can pick up quests, go on treasure hunts, and explore these video game-themed zones to find hidden mysteries. Sony also promises that it will incorporate persistent, ongoing stories, similar to those you'd find in MMOs, such as an alien invasion that affects all of the areas. Sony is hoping that the 23 million Home users will embrace this new experience and form stronger social connections through it.

  • Photovine grows out of private beta, begins sprouting on iPhones everywhere

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    It popped up in private beta earlier this summer, but Slide's Photovine is now open to the public, available as a free download on Apple's iOS App Store. Surprisingly there's no Android app yet -- a curious move considering Google (Slide's parent company) isn't known to exclude its own mobile platform with new product rollouts. Huff Post went hands-on with the app, summing it up as "Instagram meets Piictu," also noting the bizarre exclusion of an option to add your Gmail contacts -- though you can import your friends from Twitter and Facebook. It's probably safe to say that an Android app will be coming soon -- or perhaps some other indication that Google and Slide do in fact share the same roof -- but for now, iPhone owners can slide on down to the source link to get their photo sharing fix.

  • for iPad eyes-on, now with 100 percent more HTML5

    Dante Cesa
    Dante Cesa

    Even if you weren't waiting for it, it's finally here. Next time you grab your iPad and want to check Twitter sans official app, you'll be able to do it in tablet-optimized form. The San Franciscan company just outed a delectable HTML5 redux of its desktop equivalent, carrying over the animated two-pane design of its forebearer, while replicating niceties like pull-to-refresh and scroll bouncing from its native iOS app. Unfortunately, we couldn't get to the goodness from our Galaxy Tab 10.1, but given the open nature of the web, we're hoping an Android compatible version isn't far off. And if you're not seeing the refresh on your iPad yet, sit tight; the company's rolling out access throughout the week. In the meantime, feel free to ogle at the bevy of snaps we grabbed below. %Gallery-129892%

  • Facebook burns a little cash, buys group messaging and digital book outfit

    Lydia Leavitt
    Lydia Leavitt

    Facebook gone and done some serious damage to the company credit card, but thankfully, it's being used for more than replacing chimneys and repairing pool liners. Zuck's prized possession has just snapped up Push Pop Press and Beluga, with the former being best known for creating interactive digital books, most notably gadget junkie Al Gore's "Our Choice" book for iPad. Beluga on the other hand, gained lots of attention for its group messaging app built for iOS and Android. Push Pop Press co-founders (and former Apple engineers) Mike Matas and Kimon Tsinteris were quick to say that Facebook has no plans to publish digital books; they did confirm, however, that "the ideas and technology behind Push Pop Press will be integrated with Facebook, giving people even richer ways to share their stories." Mysterious. Could the Push Press Pop acquisition be the key to the fantasmical iPad app we've yearned for since the dawn of the new millennium? Beluga confirmed the future of Facebook mobile messaging when it said, "we're excited to build our vision for mobile group messaging as part of the Facebook team." Equally mysterious. Unfortunately, no concrete details are being made available, with each site's homepage simply confirming that It's Complicated.

  • Who should I follow? Engadget editors on Twitter

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    Twitter's a rad place to hang and scope out the latest debt ceiling debate or find out what's up with Tiger's ongoing caddy search, but sometimes you just need another place to totally nerd out, you know? A safe haven for rampant geekery -- that's what we strive to make our personal Twitter stream -- and we're here to help you with that. It's been awhile since we've updated this here list, so we figured... there's no time like the present. Have a gander below at the Engadget editors toiling hard behind the scenes, and feel free to add 'em if you so desire. Engadget @engadget Engadget Mobile @engadgetmobile Engadget HD @engadgethd Engadget Spanish @es_engadget Engadget Germany @de_engadget Engadget Japan @engadgetjp Engadget Chinese @engadgetchinese Editors Tim Stevens @Tim_Stevens Darren Murph @darrenmurph Donald Melanson @donmelanson Christopher Trout @Mr_Trout Richard Lai @richardlai Sean Cooper @sean_cooper Kevin Wong @KevinMWong Ben Drawbaugh @bjdraw Brian Heater @bheater Zach Honig @ZachHonig Michael Gorman @Numeson Joe Pollicino @akaTRENT Sean Buckley @seannicus Joseph Volpe @jrvolpe Terrence O'Brien @terrenceobrien Amar Toor @amartoo Sharif Sakr @shotsheriff Myriam Joire @tnkgrl Zachary Lutz @zacharylutz Brad Molen @phonewisdom Richard Lawler @rjcc Dana Wollman @danawollman Jesse Hicks @jhicks23 Dante Cesa @dantecesa Billy Steele @wmsteele Daniel Cooper @danielwcooper Lydia Leavitt @lydialeavitt Jon Turi (Intern / all-around know-it-all) @jonturi Ross Rubin (Senior columnist) @rossrubin Joshua Fruhlinger (Editorial Director) @fruhlinger And of course, don't forget, you can always befriend us on Facebook. We like that, too.

  • A new BlackBerry to be unveiled tomorrow, or so Facebook would have us believe

    Michael Gorman
    Michael Gorman

    What's made by Research in Motion and is "shiny, new, and social all over?" No one can say for sure, but according to BlackBerry's Facebook page, we're going to find out tomorrow. Might it be the Torch 2 come calling, newly acquired FCC badges in tow? Perhaps Waterloo's hinting at the Bold Touch, its phone of many flavors. Or, maybe it's something yet unseen that will blind all who perceive it with a corona of social networking awesomeness. Whatever BlackBerry's got in store for us, let's hope it's not just another phone with a Facebook button.

  • Did Google's Photovine sprout from Piictu?

    Zach Honig
    Zach Honig

    "Plant a photo, watch it grow." Photovine's tagline is just as catchy as the concept behind its launch -- a mobile app-based picture sharing service that groups images together using common photo-driven themes. These groupings, called vines, let you connect with strangers while sharing photos of everyday items that you wouldn't otherwise have any interest in photographing. You can have a vine focused on Swingline staplers, or magazine covers, or bottle caps. But as clever as this concept may seem, it's difficult to ignore Piictu, which budded several months before the Google app. It's certainly not uncommon for duplicate services to sprout, all based on the same underlying concept. But Photovine doesn't stop there -- the app's design is also remarkably similar to Piictu, down to page layouts and even main category tabs. For Piictu's "Following" tab, Photovine has "Watching." Piictu's "Latest" section is matched with "Fresh," and Photovine didn't even bother searching for a synonym for "Popular," which you'll find in both apps. Jump past the break for a deeper look, along with statements from the makers of both apps.

  • Post to Google+ on your iPhone using DoAT

    Kelly Hodgkins
    Kelly Hodgkins

    Reading something interesting on your iPhone and frustrated you can't easily post it to Google+? Now there's a solution that takes some of the pain out of using Google+ on the iPhone. No, it's not the native client from Google. It's DoAT, a content aggregating and reading app. DoAT is one of the first iOS apps to support sharing with Google+. There is no official API support yet, so DoAT uses a little hackery to get around this limitation. It uses the mobile web version of Google+ and inserts both the name of the page you are viewing and the link automatically. It's easier than doing it manually, and DoAT is a fun app if you haven't checked it out yet.

  • Microsoft leaks Tulalip internal project, planning to launch social search... thing?

    Amar Toor
    Amar Toor

    Google's Social Search may have to make room for an extra guest at the table, now that Microsoft has leaked the homepage for what looks like a new social service -- of some sort. Fusible first discovered the page sitting at, a domain that MS recently purchased. Known as Tulalip (also the name of a group of Native American tribes near Redmond), the project promises to help users "find what you need and share what you know easier than ever" -- which, at this early stage, is pretty difficult to do, considering that the page's search field is non-functioning. The platform also features sign-in buttons for Facebook and Twitter, the latter of which leads to an authorization page explaining that Tulalip is an "experimental app," and that it will be able to "update your profile" and "post tweets for you" (see the screenshot, after the break). It's too early, of course, to say whether or not the service will launch as a direct competitor to Social Search, or if it'll even get off the ground, though Microsoft insists that it didn't mean to tip its hand so early. The welcome page now reads: " is an internal design project from one of Microsoft's research teams which was mistakenly published to the web. We didn't mean to, honest." [Thanks, Brian]