

  • PlayStation Move controller lag detected, analyzed

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    When Sony unveiled its PlayStation Move (nee Arc) controller at the GDC last week, it came along with some impressive promises: it would only cost developers 2MB of system memory (out of 256MB on offer) and it would respond to user inputs within a single frame of animation. Our own experiences with the thing felt a bit more laggy, and now Eurogamer is echoing those impressions and putting a bit of science behind them courtesy of a 60fps Kodak Zi6 camcorder. By filming the controllers and their on-screen representation, the site's tireless statisticians calculated an actual lag (including that of the display) of 113ms -- closer to 10 6.78 frames if a game is running at 60fps. Naturally much of this is thanks to the rendering of the result and not just the Move, but according to a 2008 GamaSutra test we found (linked as "More Coverage" below), the controller lag from the standard PS3 controller varies widely from game to game, with GTA IV measured at 166ms -- almost 50 percent higher than seen by the Move. So, while we can't draw too many conclusions about this single-game test from GDC, we can give a little advice: get back to beating up some underworldian goons as Kratos and don't worry about it.

  • The apocalyPS3 ends in global resurrection, ARM chip at fault

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The early belief that the PSN was spreading a brickitis infection to PS3s around the world has turned out to be not quite accurate. Yes, PSN was inaccessible over that extremely stressful day (for PS3 owners, the rest of us have been quite fine, thank you), but we're hearing from Eurogamer that the villain in this story was an ARM chip inside the console -- the very same one, in fact, that led to a few Zunes losing their minds back in 2008. The big problem here was simply a bit of hardware that couldn't get its bearings straight after expecting 2010 to be a leap year, and the arrival of March 1 "fixed" everything for all eight affected PS3 SKUs (of a total of eleven). That leaves Sony with four years to make sure this problem isn't heard from again, and if it doesn't, we'll be placing blame for the real 2012 apocalypse firmly on Howard Stringer's shoulders.

  • PS3 finally properly hacked?

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    In a post titled "Hello hypervisor, I'm geohot," hacker George Hotz (already known in the iPhone community) has made a strong claim: that he has cracked the PS3. The system has remained (mostly) uncompromised for over three years now, with a few exceptions here and there. But, this one pledges full read/write access to the entire system memory and complete control over the processor -- all without a mod chip. Has he really done it, if so how, and what comes next? That all remains to be seen. This exploit supposedly "isn't really patchable, but [Sony] can make implementations much harder," meaning he isn't tipping his hat until he's ready, because once he does the never-ending firmware update war begins, and as we've seen on the PSP, Sony can really knock out those updates. [Thanks, Deepak]

  • Japan gets Torne PS3 DTV DVR adapter in May, all is right with the world

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    When the PS3 was announced so many moons ago, one of the major functions that was touted about the thing would be its ability to record and process high-definition video. It's taken quite some time to get there, with the oft-delayed PlayTV tuner finally hitting Europe in late 2008, though the rest of the world still got left out in the cold. Sony's finally taking care of its home crew, announcing Torne, a DTV adapter for Japan that will enable recording of television and even video playback while surfing the web. The Torne will ship in March, priced ¥9980 ($110) on its own or ¥42,800 ($465) as part of yet another PS3 bundle. When will we in the US get a little tuner love? Probably never, at this rate.

  • Modder crafts handheld wireless visual interface for PS3, makes us want

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    We tell ya -- Ben Heck's apprentices are the best. One techknott has just finished up his latest creation, a WVI (wireless visual interface) for Sony's PlayStation 3 console. The purpose? To transmit signals to and from the PS3 by way of this handy handheld. A 1.2GHz wireless transmitter is used to get the controller commands to the PS3, and the same is used in reverse to get the video signals from the console to the homegrown device. The device itself utilizes a 5-inch LCD, 4,500mAh Li-ion battery (complete with a LED capacity meter), an AV input, headphone jack, USB port and a button for every last DualShock command. Hop on past the break for a video, and head to the source if you're interested in making an offer for it. Yeah, we said it -- dude's going to be selling this! [Thanks, Aguiluz]

  • How would you change Sony's PlayStation 3 Slim?

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    For the most part, we'd say that Sony addressed the concerns of many when it introduced the PlayStation 3 Slim. The console was smaller, cheaper and easier on the eyes, and of course the 120GB hard drive didn't hurt matters either. That said, we know that the redesign didn't please everyone, and we've heard more than a few PS3 diehards complain about the new design. If it were you designing a newer, less expensive PlayStation 3, what would you have done differently? Kept PS2 backwards compatibility? Colored it white? Added HD DVD support? Don't be scared to get a little crazy -- besides, they call that "innovation" in the corporate world.

  • Ben Heck moves PS3 shoulder buttons to the front, spins us right round, baby, right round

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    If you've ever wished that those buttons on your videogame controller were over here instead of over there, you know who to call. Master modder Ben Heck's latest creation isn't his most amazing, but it fulfills a need for one gamer, that is to "make the shoulder buttons easier to get at." The result is a somewhat inelegant mod (by Heck's standards), bringing the L and R buttons to the fore, ditching the "last generation" rumble motors in the process. No loss, right Phil Harrison? Video demonstration after the break. [Via technabob]

  • Stateside PS3 sales up 300% following Slim introduction

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    Boy, it sure likes Sony did something right slimmin' down (and slightly cripplin') that new PS3 of theirs. And sure, considering that the British picked up PlayStation 3 purchases a whopping 999%, maybe a Stateside retail bump of a "mere" 300% (for the first week after the price cut) is small potatoes. Or maybe we're just growing jaded. If this isn't great, good news enough for Sony, check it: as of August, according to a survey by GamePlan Insights, five of consumers' top 10 most-wanted games are on PS3 (including Gran Turismo 5, Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III, Assassin's Creed 2, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2). For more exciting facts, figures, and details, check out the PR after the break. [Via Joystiq]

  • Video: Sony's Vision Library for PlayStation Eye recognizes faces, creates nightmarish human-cow hybrids

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    What's this, another fun tech demo from Sony? Just a few days ago we got a glimpse of the PS3VR library, which allows seamless zooming from far away to very, very close indeed. The company also showed off voice recognition tech and it's now applying the same idea to the PlayStation Eye, fulfilling earlier promises of advanced facial recognition for the PS3. It's called the Vision Library and, once a face has been analyzed, the machine can tell it apart from others, determine orientation, identify gender, tell what expression that face is... expressing, and then superimpose some big-eyed anime head right on top of it real-time. We fear this might take some of the fun out of cosplay night, but could make life rather more interesting for freaks with bovine fetishes. See for yourself after the break.

  • PS3 Slim sales up nearly 1000% in the UK, Noel quits Oasis (again)

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    It looks like Engadget editors aren't the only folk who prefer technology that's slimmer, cheaper, and better. According to an article at, a group that charts retail sales in the UK is saying that sales of the PS3 increased over 999 percent in the week since its British debut of the newer, slimmer form factor. And if that wasn't good news enough for Sony, the console has also outsold the DS, Wii and Xbox 360 by approximately 3:1. Although the last time it was the lead hardware format in the UK was the first week of 2008, the PS3 has never lagged as far behind the others as it has Stateside. But still -- a near 1000 percent increase? If true, that makes the States' 104 percent increase seem lackluster in comparison. Then again, maybe the Brits never realized that Disney Sing It! High School Musical 3 is available on platforms other than the PlayStation. That could explain a lot of things, actually...

  • Video: High-res image enlargement tech for PS3 and PSP takes extreme closeups to a new level

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    The GigaPan has opened new doors in ridiculously high-resolution imagery, creating pictures so huge our feeble human minds can't hope to comprehend them. Sony's getting in on the action, not so much with the idea of capturing historic events at gigapixel resolutions, but providing the same sort of effect by linking multiple documents and items together and allowing you to zoom from one to the next. The video after the break shows a number of demonstrations, including what looks to be a release calendar that, inside each cell, contains high-resolution photos and even videos of whatever is releasing that day. Hidden advertising is also possible, like a mosquito on a man's face tagged with an ad only apparent after you've gotten uncomfortably close to the poor man's face. The adult entertainment opportunities are endless. Also demo'd is a new voice recognition library for the PS3, dubbed PS3VR, which can take you straight to your Cindi Lauper albums even if you're not a girl and are seemingly disinterested in having fun. That tech isn't quite so interesting, but it and the high-resolution libraries are intended for release to developers... eventually. Read - High-Resolution Enlargement TechnologyRead - PS3 Voice Recognition

  • PS3 and Xbox 360 hardware sales jump last week amid price cuts, both beat Wii for once

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    If you're sick of hearing your grandmother brag about how popular her chosen console is while she rocks your world in Wii Sports Bowling yet again, maybe this news will finally shut her up. Last week, thanks to a flurry of price cuts and slimming waistlines, the other two players in the console war saw significant sales boosts. Xbox 360 numbers jumped 32 percent over the week before and the PS3 was up an impressive 104 percent. That puts all three consoles neck-and-neck for the American weekly sales lead, each one close enough to 75,000 units that the margin of error more than covers the lot. But, since both price cuts officially went into effect part-way through that week, we're expecting even bigger surges ahead -- and even bigger drops from the Nintendo's offering as we get further and further away from the release of Wii Sports Resort, seemingly the last game worth playing on the thing.

  • 74 percent of PS3 owners have watched a Blu-ray, but how many have watched two?

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Sony may be working to expand the perception of the PS3 as a media powerhouse with half-hearted bundles and new advertising campaigns, but according to SCEA Director of PlayStation Network Operations Eric Lempel, it's already doing quite well in that department. He indicates that 74 percent of all PS3 users have "spent some time" watching Blu-ray movies, with barely a quarter left shunning the machine's high-def creds. Of course, the real question for Sony's sake is how many have gone ahead and purchased some of those fancy discs, a stat that Lempel doesn't share, but regardless we have to think it's time for Sony to stop putting tedious advertisements for Blu-ray players at the beginning of its Blu-ray discs -- we've already got one, you see? It's very nice![Via Joystiq]

  • Sony PS3 Slim turns up at Florida Best Buy

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    What do we have here, you ask? Why, it's the Sony PS3 Slim, and it's available for purchase at this here Best Buy in Brandon, Florida -- a full day before Amazon ships ours. And you said you'd never go back to Brandon! A reader picked one up along with Arkham Asylum, and was good enough to share his haul with us (and with the world) via the Twitter. If you're in the area, you might want to make a quick trip out to the box store before the global PS3 Slim shortage hits. More photographic evidence after the break. [Via Raymond]

  • PS3 Slim shipping on August 26th, says Amazon

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It looks like there might be a trend brewing among products with nondescript September release windows coming out in August instead -- first with Apple, and now with Sony. Supply shortages or no, Amazon's telling those who pre-ordered the PlayStation 3 Slim the first day it was announced should expect to have their consoles in-hand on Wednesday, August 26th, almost a whole week before the new month begins. Delivery estimates are subject to change, of course, but Amazon's not one to typically screw around with shipping confirmations. Any other early adopters received confirmations lately? [Thanks, Devin!]

  • Survey finds Xbox 360 is played five times as often as Wii, five times more likely to fail than PS3

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Ready for some numbers this morning? Some scary, scary numbers for Xbox 360 gamers? Game Informer, current king of the smoldering ruins of the print gaming magazine empire, polled about 5,000 of its readers to get a feel for their gaming experiences, including just how many of them had unlocked the fabled "Red Ring of Death" achievement. We'd heard estimates ranging from 16 to 30 percent, but even the most pessimistic guesses don't line up with the survey's findings of a staggeringly high 54.2 percent failure rate. That's five times higher than the PS3's 10.6 percent, with the Wii coming in at 6.8 percent. Mind you, the Xbox 360 was the most played console, with over 40 percent of Xbox gamers button mashing for three to five hours a day, compared to 37 percent of PS3 gamers, and less than an hour's worth of gaming per day for 41.4 percent of Wii owners. However, game consoles should be designed to shrug off marathon sessions and just keep on spewing polygons, something that the first revisions of Microsoft's baby obviously couldn't manage. That said, there are some problems with this survey; as far as we can tell there was no verification made that respondents actually own the consoles that they indicated they did, and we all know how people like having fun at Microsoft's expense. Also, the survey was naturally only of readers of the magazine itself, who don't necessarily line up with the gaming world at large. But, it's impossible to deny there's truth in these numbers. Indeed, it's hard not to think they're too low, as you'll be hard-pressed to find an original Xbox 360 that hasn't thrown up the three-light salute. Even so, there's nothing to be proud of in Sony's 10.6 percent failure rate, or even Nintendo's 6.8, particularly given that system's relative lack of attention. All are much higher than the three percent most consumer electronics companies strive for -- and that Microsoft initially (incorrectly) claimed its console was managing. [Via TG Daily, The Consumerist]

  • Sony timing its PS3 price cut to roll with Madden, homework?

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Sony showed us a lot of things at this year's E3 -- some expected, some rather less-so -- but they didn't show us the primary thing shareholders and fans were hoping for: a price cut. That most expensive of gaming consoles still retains its lead in the brutal MSRP wars, but a Sterne Agee analyst indicates that Sony is just biding its time. According to the always accurate "industry sources," the PS3 will receive a $100 drop sometime in the middle of August, just in time for the launch of Madden NFL 10. That would also coincide with back to school shopping, apparently a popular time for buying consoles by parents who want to give their kids every chance in the world to fail thanks to spending too much time robbing graves in Uncharted.

  • Tony Hawk: RIDE feets-on

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Want to humble a videogame journalist? Ask him if he skates and, if he answers with a modest "a little bit," proceed to make him lose his balance and stumble off of your toy skateboard controller. That was the scene seen again and again at Activision's thumping booth on the E3 show floor, and we took our turn to get humiliated on the company's plastic deck, the feature piece of this October's Tony Hawk Ride. It's fun, it's hard, and it's a surprisingly (and somewhat embarrassingly) good work-out.

  • PlayStation 3 motion-sensing controller to be shown off at E3?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's now just over a month before Sony's E3 press event and already the rumor mill is aflutter with what the comapny's planning to debut on stage. We've already heard about PSP's apparent makeover, and now comes word from Variety that the PlayStation 3's oft-rumored motion sensing controller, closer in the vein of the Wii remote than of its relative-positioning Sixaxis pad, will be getting some time on stage. A source from Kombo late last month suggested key third-party developers have already been brought up to speed and asked to implement the functionality into their upcoming titles. Like we said, this isn't the first time we've been down this road, and it's not happened infinitely more times than has, so... take that as you will. Brace yourself, this is only the beginning of the of a flurry of game-related murmurs and speculation in the leadup to next month's conference. Read - Variety Read - Kombo

  • Special Edition Advent Children PlayStation 3 unboxed in all its matte glory

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    There's a lot to love about the special edition 160GB Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete Cloud Black PlayStation 3 bundle that was unleashed this week in Japan -- a fancy Strife Wolf emblem, a copy of Advent Children Complete on Blu-ray, and a Final Fantasy XIII demo you can't play anywhere else -- but perhaps our favorite part is the console's matte finish. For us, a smudge-resistant PS3 is well worth the 49,980 yen (US $505) price of admission. 1UP has the unboxing, hit up the read link for more pics.[Via Joystiq]