

  • Hands on with Quake Wars: Enemy Territory

    Adams Briscoe
    Adams Briscoe

    Activision had a huge LAN set up on their floor space showing off Quake Wars: Enemy Territory that let attendees get a taste of the multiplayer mayhem. Players assume the role of either the devious Strogg or the GDF. The campaign we played involved the Strogg going on the defensive and the GDF attempting to re-take the region that they've been contaminating.

  • New Enemy Territory: Quake Wars details

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    The creators of Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory are hard at work on their next project, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, based on the upcoming Quake 4 game. The online tactical shooter will take advantage of both the Doom III engine and a new "megatexture" technology developed by John Carmack. With this new technology, the Splash Damage team will be able to render environmental terrain all the way out to the horizon and also assign different physical properties to the various types of terrain. For example, asphalt will be louder to walk on but offer better traction for land vehicles, while sand will make your footsteps quieter but at the same time will bog down vehicles. And don't expect every map to be located in the desert. Quake Wars is set to take place across Earth, so we should see some temperate and jungle environments in the mix. We'll keep you posted.

  • E3: Enemy Territory - Quake Wars is a sight to behold

    Ben Zackheim
    Ben Zackheim

    Every developer makes their in-development game look better to the public than it actually is. The Killzone 2 discussion going on in the community right now is that the "gameplay" footage is questionable. Is the hardware really able to deliver that kind of gaming quality? If not, is it it false advertising? My bottom line is that all three consolers had a chance to put their best foot forward and Sony's stride was stronger. Even compared to MS' best cutscenes, Killzone is a killer. But there are other titles wowing the crowd now. Enemy Territory is one of them. The game clip is, once again, playing on an obscenely beautiful screen the size of my apartment. It stops you in your tracks in a room where everyone is trying to get you to stop in your tracks. The Quake spin-off is being developed by Splash Damage, using id's MegaTexture engine. It's a tactical shooter with 40 vehicles and enough character classes to kill your buds seven ways to Sunday. Details are a little sketchy right now. We all know that means it's early in development. Of course, that didn't keep them from releasing one of the true must-see clips of E3 2005.