

  • Even more Fire Emblem video

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    While this video suffers from some pretty severe watermarking issues (everyone just has to leave their mark, eh?), there's still a lot of amazing awesomeness that Fire Emblem fans won't want to miss. And yes, amazing awesomeness is a very technical phrase used to identify everything that's happening here in combat. You can thank us later for expanding your vocabulary. For now, just go watch the video, and if you missed the ones we put up last week, check 'em out.

  • Amazing Fire Emblem videos

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    These two new Fire Emblem videos are guaranteed to rock your socks. Behind the jump, we've got the full opening movie for Goddess of Dawn, and as expected, it's stunning. But the opening cinematics should always look good, and that proves almost nothing. So while the movie is not to be missed, it's the second video that's truly impressive, because it offers close looks at each of the units. The character models, as they will appear in combat, look fabulous.

  • Fire Emblem astounds and amazes

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The official Japanese Wii site has updated with a new Fire Emblem video that is bound to bring a smile to the face of even the coldest and most hardcore among us. The girl test-driving the game -- classic controller in hand -- demonstrates exactly how we tend to feel when caught up in trying to puzzle out the details on Goddess of Dawn: enthralled and focused, with a slight dash of WTF. The game releases in Japan later this week, and we've got our fingers crossed for more footage. To see the video, just head over to the Wii site in the source link.

  • Fire Emblem Wii TV ad focuses on Classic Controller

    Jonti Davies
    Jonti Davies

    One of Famitsu's criticisms of Fire Emblem: Dawn Goddess, which is released in Japan this Thursday, is that the game makes no particular use of the Wii's Remote. This could have been a GameCube release. But it's not, and yet there remains a perfectly adequate way to play Fire Emblem: get a Classic Controller (which is just what the girl in Nintendo's latest TV ad has done). Click through to see the TV spot and notice the girl's surprisingly honest facial expression -- does Classic Control mean profound boredom?

  • Galactrix: A sci-fi puzzle game?

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Infinite Interactive is working on Galactrix a sci-fi set game that blends RPG and strategy and is described as a match-3 puzzle game, played against an opponent. Each puzzle is played against an enemy whether it be AI-controlled or human. There are claims of potentially hundreds of hours of play, though it is unsure how many of those hours are multiplayer. Speaking of multiplayer, it will allow 2-4 possible players with support for downloadable content. Galactrix also features the ability for you to create a persistent pilot that can gain skills and ships as you complete more battles. You can also gain a crew and each battle is only supposed to require 5-10 minutes, which would be ideal for a portable. Currently Galactrix is being developed on the PC, but a PSP port is planned. [Via DCEmu]

  • Today's hottest game video: Command & Conquer 3

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Today's most-popular GameTrailers video is a trailer for Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars. RTS fans hope that the third C&C title lives up to the classic original, and the early word is that the March (PC) game should be fun. RTS aside, we're most excited about the return of full-motion videos with real actors. Bring on the emotion. Watch the FMV-free trailer after the break, and take a peak at a bonus video from last year that shows Joe Kucan as Kane.

  • Wii takes its cue from the DS

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    In a recent Q&A with GamePro, Reggie Fils-Aime pointed to the DS, and not the GameCube, as the real inspiration as most of Nintendo's strategy with the Wii. That doesn't mean that multicolored units are around the corner (unfortunately), but it does mean that we can expect a lot of aggressive marketing to people that aren't usually considered gamers. Considering the incredible sales numbers, that's certainly worked well for the DS! As the core group responsible for the DS and its success, it's like that others will, in the future, try to mimic that. So, DS gamers -- do you think that what's working for Nintendo may work for others in the future?

  • Final Fantasy Tactics screenshots

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It should come as no surprise that the new cutscenes in Final Fantasy Tactics are impressive. However, how does the gameplay compare? The Magic Box has tons of screenshots for you to gaze over. Are the widescreen PS1 quality graphics winning you over? Or, do you wish that Square Enix put a little bit more effort into this? See also: FFI & FFII on PSP = most beautiful NES game EVER!

  • New Final Fantasy Tactics job class revealed

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    We've already told you that the upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War for PSP would have additional movies, upgrades and new job classes. Well, it appears one of those job classes has been revealed thanks to Jeaux France. Dark Knight will be joining FFT as a playable class. Now that we've seen some of the new movies and a new job class I can't wait to hear what some of the upgrades to the game will be! What new addition would you like to see most in the upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics game?

  • Strategy grows up on the DS

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    UK site Pocket Gamer recently sat down for a pair of interviews with Sproing's Johanna Schober to discuss the upcoming DS strategy game Panzer Tactics, and the first subject on the table was Advance Wars. With Panzer Tactics, it seems Sproing set out to make a more "grown up" version of the beloved DS strategy title -- one with more depth and challenge, as well as a real historical setting, so that strategy fans would have something with a little more meat to balance against the fun of Advance Wars. They also spent a little time discussing the online aspect of Panzer Tactics, which is easily one of the most exciting aspects of the forthcoming title. According to Schober, "The game allows you to narrow your search to certain map sizes or the amount of currency available. And before the game starts, you'll always see who you're playing with, so you can decide whether you want to enter that game or not." Further, there is a system in place to track those folks who so conveniently "disconnect" when they're not having the best game ever. That's sure to be a breath of fresh air in online DS gaming!

  • FFXII characters invade Tactics

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Nintendo DS isn't the only system to get revisited by the characters of Final Fantasy XII. GameBase reports that one of the more popular characters in the beloved RPG, Balthier, will be making an appearance in the PSP version of Final Fantasy Tactics. Considering how both FFXII and FFT share the same universe: Ivalice, it wouldn't be surprising to see even more characters make the transition. [Via PSP-Vault]

  • Command & Conquer 3 to support 360 webcam victory dances

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Support for the Xbox Live Vision webcam has been slow to develop. When you look at how EA is implementing the product into Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars it's easy to see why. Would you want to watch some pimply-faced kid shake his stuff after obliterating you and whoever else on the battlefield? Here's to hoping the 'Spotlight' feature -- giving match winners an uncontested 10 seconds of air time -- can be easily disabled.

  • Revealing Final Fantasy Tactics scans

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The Ivalice Alliance is strong: Final Fantasy Tactics makes a triumphant return in a remake, enhanced specifically for the PSP. PSPHyper has some gorgeous scans of the latest issue of Famitsu, showing off the game's new cutscenes and yes ... gameplay too. What a great way to end the year look forward to the next! [Thanks, Thien!]

  • Direct-feed Final Fantasy Tactics trailer

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Our good friends at Siliconera have posted up a direct-feed (not-shaky-cam) version of the hotly anticipated Final Fantasy Tactics trailer. Does this really need any more introduction?

  • Final Fantasy Tactics website updates with cool 3D characters

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the most anticipated titles on the PSP. Why? It was an absolutely brilliant game. Some would argue that its Game Boy Advance successor (Tactics Advance), and the psuedo console succssor, Final Fantasy XII, failed to reach the glory of the original PSone title. Therefore, every morsel of information that comes out for this game is cherished by gamers at large. The official Japanese website of the game has recently updated with new screenshots, and better yet... gorgeous, rotating 3D models of the game's characters. You'll have to see it to fully appreciate the hand-drawn quality. Hopefully, we'll see more of this game soon (I'm wishing for a quick release, Square!). (P.S. Make sure you have the latest version of Flash. The site doesn't tell you if you're running an old version.) [Via digg]

  • Romance of the three card game wars

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Just when you thought everything had been done with Romance of the Three Kingdoms .... Sangokushi Taisen DS brings elements of the Chinese historical novel to card-based battle action, which is apparently a match made in heaven from the success the arcade version has enjoyed in Japan. The DS game, which is slated to have WiFi multiplayer functionality, is due out in Japan next month. Dates for other regions have yet to be announced, which makes us sad after seeing some of the lush screens. The rest of us need to throw down with vast armies, too!

  • More FF awesomeness: Tactics features multiplayer & FFVII kicks butt

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    An enthusiastic reader, Pal, sent us a great tip about the upcoming Final Fantasy Tactics for PSP. Not only will the game come with new cutscenes and new job classes, the game will also feature ad-hoc multiplayer. Many Tactics fans have been waiting patiently for a way to the game with others, and it appears that the PSP version will deliver. If Square-Enix considered Infrastructure multiplayer, I'd imagine that our pal might simply implode. Finally, if you weren't convinced of Crisis Core's awesomeness, read IGN's latest preview: "From a strictly gameplay standpoint, Crisis Core seems solid, with a fast pace and the potential for a good mix of action and menu-based battle systems ... Crisis Core looks better than most PS2 games out there. During cinematic scenes, the character models are detailed and fully animated. Battles contain screens with double digit enemies, and giant bosses. All that, and full voice, without any pauses for loading! ... Personally, I think all the "Compilation of Final Fantasy VII" products released so far have been second rate. But Crisis Core looks so good that it could turn things around on its own."

  • Jump Festa: Final Fantasy on display

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    1UP gets mad props for getting footage from Japan's Jump Festa, where the hotly anticipated Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core and Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War are on display. A trailer showcasing the game's beautiful new cutscenes is on display, and can be seen after the cut. Crisis Core's demo is available for attendees to play, and it seems like FF fans need not worry about the game's quality: "Combat in Crisis Core takes place in pseudo-real-time, not unlike Final Fantasy XII, though there's only one playable character (FFVII fan favorite Zack), and the action is a lot more active. During battle you find yourself constantly mashing the attack button to pull off combos or backstab enemies for extra damage, but you can dodge and defend as well, and you can use the L and R buttons to cycle through your items and magic attacks... With the stunning visuals and interesting battle system we saw today, it seems to be headed in the right direction."

  • Final Fantasy Tactics rehashed for PSP

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    You saw this coming from a mile away: another port, er, 'remake' for PSP. While DS gets Dragon Quest IX, PSP gets Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou. But don't be fooled by all the "Shishi Sensou" nonsense, this is merely an update of the original PlayStation game. New cutscenes and gameplay tweaks (e.g., additional job classes) don't have us convinced. Why not simply offer a downloadable port as part of the PlayStation Store initiative -- and then deliver a true Tactics sequel on PSP? Heck, GBA got one (with a second on the way)... If it wasn't for Crisis Core, we'd have assumed Square Enix was picking handheld favorites. Wait, are they?

  • Square Enix establishes Ivalice Alliance

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Easily mistaken for a vicious brand of shampoo and very often catapulted into turmoil by wars and magical beasts, the fictional kingdom of Ivalice has been the setting for a handful of Square Enix titles, almost all of them well-received by critics and fans alike. Just recently, Final Fantasy XII followed the adventures of some Ivaliceans Ivalicians free-spirited (and pointy-eared, in one case) residents of Ivalice. It follows then that Square Enix has announced an "Ivalice Alliance," a set of stories all taking place on the same stage. Though you're already familiar with Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (slated for the DS), you may not have heard of the other two games revealed in the latest issue of Japan's Shonen Jump. The pages first mention Final Fantasy Tactics: The Lion War, a PSP remake of the original PSOne Tactics game. Some new cutscenes and a slight graphical upgrade are likely to be included, though we certainly wouldn't mind a better localization as well -- that's assuming the game makes it stateside. Secondly, there's (deep breath) Final Fantasy Tactics A2: The Sealed Black Book. According to the translation note on Jeux France, it hasn't yet been specified whether it'll wind up on the DS or, as the horrific machine translation puts it, the "Game Servant Boy Advance." The latter choice, of course, will result in the game working on both platforms. Snap to it, servant boy! Another magazine, Gamelabo, reportedly mentions that Square Enix also has two more unannounced Xbox 360 games in the pipeline.