

  • Behind the Mask: I want to be with this game forever and ever

    One of the saddest days for me was Tuesday -- the day Champions Online launched its Free for All expansion and went free-to-play. I was mostly sad because I didn't get to log in; people have been telling me about 15+ instances of Millennium City and having a blast teaming up with all the new faces. I even got to talk to Poz on the Massively Speaking podcast about how in the first few hours of F2P, the feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the launch went off with only a minor hiccup when the servers had some minor maintenance a few hours in. While I waited for Cryptic's CS department to look at my account issues, I got to thinking about how much it would suck to lose access to my free-form characters, to which until now I've had unlimited access for as long as the game continues to live. My lifetime account for CO sure is cool. There are a lot of criticisms about CO's F2P model and even more about lifetime accounts. Way back when they were first being offered, there were a lot of arguments that CO wouldn't last the 13 months or so it would take to pay it off. Now people are claiming that Cryptic is trying to steal more money by offering lifetime subs again. Why is a lifetime account worth it? Hit the jump and let's find out.

    Patrick Mackey
  • Cryptic unmasks the Champions F2P trailer

    Defender calls out to all Champions: "Report to the nearest crisis zone and engage the enemy." If you have not experienced Champions Online yet, now is the time. Cryptic's superhero MMORPG is officially free-to-play as of today. This is your chance to design a hero in what G4TV has called "the finest character creator system yet seen in an online RPG." Or perhaps you're a former Champions Online player who hasn't played for a while... this is a great time for you to get back into the game to see what you have been missing. In the F2P launch-day trailer, Millennium City's being attacked while the other Champions are spread around the world in battles of their own. The distress call has gone out to you. Will you reply? Catch the full trailer after the break, then you can head over to the official site and start saving the world today.

    Larry Everett
  • Behind the Mask: I request a do-over

    Respecs in most games are a way to change the focus of your character or a a tool to remove bad character choices. They generally cost a lump sum for a full reset of all of a character's skill or talent points. In Champions Online, respecs are a little different. They cost a small amount of resources to remove individual powers, and that amount scales up as your hero gains levels and gets new powers. The most recent powers are still fairly inexpensive to remove, but powers selected very early in your character's career cost an arm and a leg to replace. We can use respecs in much the same way as we can in other games; a full reset of your character's abilities costs an absurd amount of money, but you do earn enough money during a character's lifetime to get a couple at key points. At level 40, you also earn a full respec, and full retcon tokens (which reset all powers, talents, and advantages) can always be picked up in the C-Store. However, CO's respec system leaves a lot of room for exciting abuses if you're willing to explore them a little bit. Like most of anything nested deep within the gameplay of Champions, it's a little confusing. Hopefully we can clear up some of that.

    Patrick Mackey
  • Behind the Mask: What Archetypes really need

    One of the main draws of Champions Online is character customization. Costume creation is one part of that, while open power selection is another. The two elements allow players to make heroes that truly feel unique. No two Champions look the same, and while it's very possible for two different heroes to play similarly, there are enough ways to express yourself in the system that creating a truly unique hero is a simple matter. As we near the big launch of F2P, I can't help but be stuck on the idea of Archetypes. Having a hero fixed into a particular power build seems contrary to the nature of CO, and when those builds are inferior to Custom characters built for the exact same things, well... let's just say a lot of people, including many of you readers here at Massively, don't see eye-to-eye with the Archetype design decision. Naturally, I have my own ideas. Restricting F2P players in some way to encourage premium subscriptions is definitely something Cryptic should do, but there are quite a number of reasons why the existing path is... just a bad idea.

    Patrick Mackey
  • Iomega SuperHero iPhone dock backs up contacts and photos to SD card (video)

    In addition to Boxee-addled media devices and the customary run of new storage solutions, Iomega's got its own take on the iPod dock to show off. The SuperHero can back up photos and contacts from your iPhone (3G model and up) and iPod touch (second-gen and up) to an SD card -- no apps or music, unfortunately, due to restrictions in the API. The associated app pops up automatically when you slot in the device, and there's a few options for fine-tuning what exactly gets saved. A smart idea, but it'd be nice if we had more output options like audio (for an elegant stereo solution) or USB (just in case you did have a computer handy, with or without iTunes). SuperHero'll set you back $69.99 and comes bundled with a 4GB SDHC card, but more importantly, there's an amusing video ad to see. It's after the break. %Gallery-112411% %Gallery-112410%

    Ross Miller
  • DC Universe reveals Tomorrow District, today

    If you are looking for the district that is the epitome of Metropolis, look no further than the Tomorrow District. This apex of technology guides all scientific advancements for the entirety DC Universe Online. Every gizmo you can imagine -- and not imagine -- is found here. Ever heard of a thermal-nuclear toothbrush? Yeah, neither have we, but the scientist in STAR Labs invented it. And STAR Labs is just one of the many gargantuan buildings your hero will find in this district of the future. If it's gameplay opportunities you seek, the Tomorrow District is is designed specifically for your high-level character. Even though Jenet Kylburn works for the good guys, sometimes she cannot maintain control of everything STAR Labs produces. As Game Director Chris Cao said in regard to the STAR Labs scientists, "Sometimes their optimism exceeds their wisdom," and they have to call on the heroes to come save the day. However, because of the heaping amount of new technology in the area, the Tomorrow District attracts its share of villains looking to get their grubby paws on these advanced inventions. After the break, Chris Cao provides a travelogue of the ups and downs of this exciting zone.

    Larry Everett
  • Dress up in new costumes with Super Hero Squad Online!

    Children of all ages (yup, that includes most of the adults out there) have dressed up for Halloween as their favorite super hero. The Super Hero Squad Online from Marvel and Gazillion is giving out new costumes for the kids (and adults) this trick-or-treat season. We all know what the classic Spider-man costume looks like, right? Well, why not try the black costume? Or maybe a red Hulk fits you better? Whatever best helps you to hero up! Each costume is not just a cover to wear over your existing costume, but they are full-fledged heroes with their own emotes and superpowers that are different from any other hero. After the costume try-ons are over, go play the amazing online trading card game or save Super Hero City from evil. What? You haven't signed up for beta yet? Well, get over there an do it now, and while you're at it you can sign up your children, too. Gazillion is looking for a whole range of different testers! And if you haven't seen the "spooky" Halloween trailer, you can watch it by hitting "Read More" below. 'Nuff said.

    Larry Everett
  • Environment and customization spotlighted in new DCUO images

    As Sony Online Entertainment continues to reveal images from DC Universe Online, the game environment is emerging as one of the game's standout features. Players have admired the attention to detail in familiar locations, and that's not all. Some fans were a little concerned about available character customization -- particularly after the announcement regarding the ability to dress as your favorite hero -- but the last few rounds of screenshots have showed a wide range of available options and looks. The newest screenshots are no exception. Check out the gallery below for another snapshot tour of DCUO and its citizens, both good and bad. %Gallery-102654%

    Rubi Bayer
  • New DC Universe Online Inside the Studio video answers more questions

    One of the things we love about DC Universe Online is the way Game Director Chris Cao and Creative Director Jens Andersen take time out of their undoubtedly busy schedules to answer questions that come in on the DC Universe Online Facebook page. The newest update to their Inside the Studio videos offers up another pile of questions asked by the community, with some amusing results. From starting areas (Metropolis for metahumans, Gotham for technophiles, China Town for magical-origin characters), to the availability of regular street clothes (short answer: yes), and even questions about anthropomorphic animal heads, Cao and Andersen cover some really interesting ground. Pop by the DC Universe Online Facebook page to check out the full video -- and be sure to leave your questions for the developers while you're there!

  • PAX 2010: It's clobberin' time with SHSO's PvP online card game

    Massively has taken a swing at Marvel's Super Hero Squad Online several times in the last few months, now. So, on our trip to PAX, the boy-in-grown-up-shoes, Jay Minn, could not wait to show us the newly announced PvP portion of this dynamic game. Minn, who is the Director of Games for The Amazing Society, turned in to a giddy imp and directed me to a computer station that had a burning Human Torch on the screen, all prepared to fight some bad guys. Even though PvE wasn't what I was there to cover that day, Minn just had to show me anyway. "Click on a bad guy," he told me, "and good things just happen." I obliged; the Torch lit up and chased some bad guys away! At that point, we were told we had to move on to the PvP portion of the demonstration. Marketing people can be such spoil-sports sometimes. The giddy grin returned to Minn's face as he gave me instructions on how to get into the online card game. In the lower right-hand corner simply sat an icon that looked like fanned-out cards. As part of the demo I was able to pick my opponent, and since I just love seeing the Ol' Canucklehead Wolverine get beaten down, I picked him for my enemy. And who is the best Marvel superhero? Spider-Man, of course. I had to choose him as my character. Hero up with me after the break to find out the details of my adventure through this shiny and lively online card game.%Gallery-101337%

    Larry Everett
  • Hero up! Hands-on with Marvel Super Hero Squad Online

    Back in May, I scored Massively's first real look at Super Hero Squad Online, the Marvel-flavored, kid-friendly MMO from Gazillion Entertainment and The Amazing Society. I was smitten with the game at the time, and so when Gazillion offered me the opportunity to take a peek at the newest build earlier this week, I jumped at the chance. Who can resist some hands-on time with such an adorable toy! (Answer to rhetorical question: no one, which is why you should go sign up for beta right now.) Plus, if I learned anything the last time, it was that I have a duty to relentlessly inquire about Squirrel Girl. Am I right? Gazillion PR Manager Keith Mutzman and The Amazing Society's Director of Games Jay Minn wasted no time bringing me up to speed on the progress of the game as the team heads to PAX this weekend, so I'll pay that forward -- join me after the break and we'll dig in and hero up!

    Bree Royce
  • Massively talks Super Hero Squad Online with Jay Minn

    Last month, we gave you a sneak peek at Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, the shiny new Marvel MMO from Gazillion Entertainment and The Amazing Society. We showed you an inside look at the gameplay flow of SHSO, which allows players to choose from dozens of iconic Marvel characters and take on missions inside the Marvel universe. Some people might be thinking of SHSO as the cutesy, kid-oriented Marvel MMO. That might be somewhat true in that it focuses on kid-friendly gameplay, but we got to take another tour of the game at E3, and we found that The Amazing Society's new offering gives a little something for gamers of all types. We spoke with Jay Minn, Director of Games for The Amazing Society, and he had a lot to say about bringing in all kinds of gamers. Join us after the break for the scoop!

    Patrick Mackey
  • Super Hero Squad Online: No more "nameless sidekicks"

    These days, it takes a lot to impress me. Oh sure, I love MMOs. But sometimes I feel I'm in a rut, waiting for something new and different. Something that doesn't just have a "new" sticker, but actually has some new hook that will keep me happily playing -- not grinding -- more than a month. Something that will make me feel good about being a gamer again. Something cute and friendly that actually relieves stress rather than creating more. That's why I was so surprised by Marvel Super Hero Squad Online, the official premiere of which I was lucky enough to attend yesterday in downtown San Francisco. (The folks at Gazillion Entertainment and The Amazing Society put on a great show!) I certainly didn't walk into the event expecting SHSO to pique more than my passing fancy. Comic book-themed games are definitely something I love, and Marvel couldn't be hotter right now, but let's be honest -- SHSO's press release and early screenshots suggest an overtly family-friendly, even kid-oriented, cartoony romp. I figured the game would be Free Realms in capes, and that Massively's readers would probably be more interested in the other Marvel MMO (simultaneously in development by Gazillion with Gargantuan Studios). Well, I'm pleased to report that my preconceptions about Super Hero Squad Online were mostly wrong, and now I've got a new upcoming game to add to my "gotta buy" list. Join me on the flipside of the break and find out why SHSO seems poised to *POW* *ZAP* *BLAMMO* the casual MMO sweet spot!%Gallery-93313%

    Bree Royce
  • One Shots: Ewwww

    We've had many readers send in easter eggs from their favorite games, but this is quite possibly one of the strangest ones we've seen to date, courtesy of The Don of the dead (@Muroshi) from Champions Online. Of course, we're not entirely certain what the inspiration behind this could be, really. If you haven't quite figured out what that thing is in the image above, be sure to click to the gallery and look at it full size -- or you could just read the note we got with this strange Champions Online shot: The Don of the dead found this toilet on one of the smokestacks in Millennium City Westside. Guess now we know where all that brown smog comes from. If you've found something incredibly strange in your favorite MMO, we'd love to see a screenshot of it. Just snag it and send it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a brief description. We'll post it out here for everyone to check out and give you the credit for finding it and sending it in to us first! %Gallery-85937%

  • One Shots: Ever vigilant

    If you're a huge comic-book fan, then there's definitely something to be said for playing a comic-book MMO. When you're a serious role-playing fiend who loves comic books, it's even better! Today's picturesque Champions Online One Shots comes to us from Dusty Monk; blogger, gamer, and all around geek, who captured this great image of his superhero, Stiletto, on patrol. He decided to drop us a picture postcard from her point of view: "They say crime never sleeps. Fine by me... neither do I. You want to pull something at 2:00 am? Expect to find me there. Waiting." -- Stiletto Have you captured a great moment of role-playing that you'd like to share with the rest of us? We'd love to check it out. Send it in to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a note. We'll post it out here and give you the credit! %Gallery-85937%

  • Civil War breaks out on XBLM, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 demo released

    If this Thursday finds you in a superheroic mood, a recent addition to the Xbox Live Marketplace might just serve as an excellent outlet for you to dish out some costumed justice. Major Nelson recently confirmed that a demo for Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 has been added to the service. Sure, it's a bit tardy, considering the game came out nearly two months ago. Still, we'll happily accept any free opportunities we can get to pretend to be Gambit for a few minutes. We kin' try talkin' like dis', ma cherie, but ... well, it doesn't really cut it.

    Griffin McElroy
  • Reminder: Champions Online is free to play this weekend

    We know you guys have the memory of a ... well, whatever the polar opposite of an elephant is in regards to memory. (A fruit fly?) So, we thought we'd remind you that Cryptic's made its superheroic MMO Champions Online free to play this Halloween weekend in an attempt to promote the game's spooky pseudo-expansion, Blood Moon. You can download it for free at 1PM EST today, then play it to your heart's content -- or November 2. You know, whichever comes first. [Via Big Download]

    Griffin McElroy
  • DC Universe Online creative director answers questions from the fans

    One of the upcoming SOE titles we're hoping to hear more about is DC Universe Online -- the superhero MMO that will build on the DC Comics legacy. DC Universe Online's Creative Director Chris Cao recently did a video interview with DCUO Source that explains how the devs have approached the game's design. Cao fielded a number of questions posed to him by the fansite's readers -- How will player feedback impact the game's development? Will there be voicework in DCUO from the actors who've voiced characters in the various DC animated series and video games (specifically, Kevin Conroy)? How will DCUO handle secret identities? All good questions. For the answers, check out the video interview with Chris Cao at DCUO Source.[Via]

    James Egan
  • One Shots: Back in the day

    While it hasn't been that long since Champions Online launched, looking back at the end of beta events still gives us a warm fuzzy for "back then." The other thing is that it makes us pretty psyched up for a Halloween event. After all, if end-of-beta was that much fun, then the holiday events should hopefully be at least as good - if not better. Today's Champions Online One Shots comes to us from Joe R. who gives us his RP spin on the event. During one of the last days of open beta, Millennium City was attacked by Mega Destroids! We were able to repel the attack, but not before we lost some good champions. They will be missed.With the holidays coming, we really want to see some fun screenshots of new costume pieces, events, and more! Be sure to snag those strange October happenings and email them to us here at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game, and a quick description. We'll post it out here for everyone to share in the thrills and chills - and give you the credit! %Gallery-9798%

  • One Shots: Walk softly and carry Two-Sticks

    Champions Online seems to be churning out lots of changes in an effort to give the players even more fun for their dollar. If our One Shots folder is any indication, there are a bunch of people who are playing Champions Online and having a blast. One such example is Jonathon W. who sent in this heroic snap taken recently. He writes: The famed extra-terrestrial warrior, Two-Sticks, stands on the surface of a frozen lake, surrounded by massive boulders, trees and even a bear named Lug, floating through the air. This eerie landscape is a side-effect of a nefarious plot to raise an evil spirit known as Kigatilik. Though a showdown with this cosmic villain will have to wait for another time, this day, the summoner Rakshasa will meet his end. One Shots needs your screenshots! While you're out adventuring this weekend, grab an image for us and send it in. All you have to do is email it to us at oneshots AT massively DOT com along with your name, the name of the game it's from, and a note letting us know what's going on. (Also, please make sure your image is at least 1024px across and has as few UI elements as is possible.) We'll post it out here and let everyone share in your tale!