super meat boy


  • Super Meat Boy soundtrack now available

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We love having the exquisite torture of gaming masochism on the go, but John Law and his rules like "at least one hand on the wheel" make it tough. But now we've got vicarious rage at our fingertips with the recently released soundtrack to Super Meat Boy! At $4 minimum (you can pay more if you think it deserves a bonus), there's no better bargain on porta-fury.

  • Ilomilo still headed to XBLA, with Meat Boy cameo and DLC

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Meat Boy will messily make his way to other platforms eventually, but those of you looking for more meaty goodness on your Xbox 360 will be glad to hear he's making an appearance in the forthcoming XBLA "dawwww!" evoker Ilomilo. A fully cubed version of Meat Boy was outed on the Ilomilo dev blog, though representatives confirmed he won't be playable. Southend Interactive has also teased that other, familiar characters will be making non-playable cameos, but wouldn't give us any hints as to who they might be. Additionally, the developer has revealed at least one DLC pack for Ilomilo in "Autumn Tale," which will include "Chapters 5 and 6" of the adventure and is expected to be priced at 400 Microsoft Points ($5). Oh, and in case the recent announcement of Ilomilo's AT&T exclusivity had you worried, Southend reassures us, "Don't worry dear XBLA users, the game is definitely on its way and there are no plans on changing that." Exactly when the game will arrive, however, is still up in the air.

  • If you think Super Meat Boy is hard, try developing it

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    You must excuse Team Meat for looking a little loony upon the completion of the duo's Game of the Year contender, Super Meat Boy. "I can't even count the amount of times I had breakdowns and my wife had to convince me that I need to finish the game and I'll be okay," co-CEO Edmund McMillen told Eurogamer of the development of the game (which eerily echoes our experience of playing it). "We get five or six hours of sleep a day, max," McMillen recounted. "As time drags on and you get sleep-deprived things get really crazy" -- perhaps explaining some of Super Meat Boy's loopy brilliance. Despite the grueling development process of the two-man team's first commercial release (currently available and on sale for Xbox Live Arcade), Team Meat has no plans to hire more staff nor seek a publishing deal (which "seems like the most awful thing ever") for the next game -- and it "won't be Meat Boy," McMillen insisted. "It'll be totally new." "We'd be lying if we said we hadn't talked about the next game, because we very much have," a pooped out McMillen confessed. "But thinking about it right now makes me want to stab myself in the stomach as hard as I can. With a gun."

  • Minecraft character digging into Super Meat Boy PC

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Need another reason to re-buy Super Meat Boy? Neither did we -- we have plenty already, thanks -- but apparently the forthcoming PC iteration includes another bonus character: Minecraft's main man. A Destructoid tipster spotted Team Meat's Twitter account putting Minecraft creator Markus "Notch" Persson on the spot, asking, "How's about you let us use Mr. Minecraft as a playable charater in the PC version?" The ever affable and accommodating Persson responded in turn, saying, "Permission hereby granted!" Persson also noted that he needs to "add meat blocks" to Minecraft. While you're at it, may we also suggest heat-seeking missiles, enormous buzz saws, and piles of epidermic needles? Thanks!

  • Super Meat Boy save fix on the way

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Super Meat Boy demands patience and precision from fans, who have shown nothing but adoration for its frantic 2D platforming. While you're grinning from satisfaction after completing an incredibly difficult sequence, don't forget to make sure your progress has been saved -- some players have reported encountering an inconsistent auto-save glitch. According to Tweets from the Super Meat Boy account, the bug can crawl out if you collect the same band-aid more than once in a level. So, um, don't do that. Team Meat's Edmund McMillen assured us that the issue has been identified and will be corrected soon. We'll let you know when the fix goes out on Xbox Live.

  • Super Meat Boy launches with beefy new trailer

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    We'd never let you forget that the excellent Super Meat Boy is arriving on Xbox 360 today. Ever. But even if we were to fail you, the dudes of Area 5 and Team Meat would be there to pick up the slack with a special, BurgerTime-esque launch trailer. Hooray for fetus juice! ... Wait, what?

  • Super Meat Boy 'on sale' for 800 MS points at launch

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    For as long as Super Meat Boy remains fresh in Xbox Live Arcade's refrigerated aisles, it will be "on sale" for 800 Microsoft points ($10). That's 33 percent off the regular 1200 MSP price. The sale will be for a "limited time only," so once Meat Boy starts smelling a little funky, he'll go back up to the originally intended price. Look for the game this Wednesday, October 20. As we noted in our review, the game will put you through the grinder. So, take those five dollars you saved and invest in some tissues, 'cause you'll need something to wipe away the tears when Super Meat Boy carves off your rump and hands it to you. %Gallery-103429%

  • Super Meat Boy commercial will destroy your face

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    To inform ... mid-90s Genesis game audiences (apparently) about Super Meat Boy's "hella tight controls" and "educational" worlds, Team Meat and director James Id have put together this explosive commercial for the XBLA (and eventually PC and WiiWare) platformer. Do the math!

  • Super Meat Boy review: Into the grinder

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    There was a time when I thought I was pretty good at video games. I've brought down the likes of Earthworm Jim, Rocket Knight Adventures, Ninja Gaiden (2004), Mega Man 9 and many others without much trouble and only the occasional spurt of profanity. Having completed the story (but not nearly all of the levels) of Super Meat Boy, I can soundly declare that it trumps them all. As of this writing, I have died 1,792 times and several hundred of those lives -- at least -- were spent trying to conquer the last level. Super Meat Boy is tough, as tough as the toughest nails in the toughest universe. I've been maimed, beaten, crushed, devoured, stabbed, sliced and otherwise disfigured over, and over, and over again. I can only thank my lucky stars that my wife wasn't around to witness the frequency, volume and general ferocity of the swears that shook the living room walls. So, yes, it's hard. It's also one of the best games I've played this year. %Gallery-103429%

  • Super Meat Boy preview: Super masochistic

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    I almost didn't dare write a preview of the XBLA version of Super Meat Boy. When I approached the demo kiosk at Fantastic Arcade, I started playing the level the previous player had abandoned, and then proceeded to die -- about a hundred times. That's not hyperbole. If anything, that's a conservative estimate. I failed over, and over, and over again. "Well, that wouldn't make for a good preview," I thought, reflecting on the humiliating performance that I just wrote about in this preview. Later, after a brief mourning period, I returned to the game and started the demo from the first level. With the advantage of a bit more experience traversing Super Meat Boy's earlier levels, and having gotten a feel for the dash-jump physics, I was able to triumph over adversity and complete that one extremely difficult level. (Bonus: I could deliver my impressions of the game based on more than just the first three quarters of a single level played repeatedly.) My opinion? Super Meat Boy is an ideal game for people who became addicted to the extreme platforming challenges found in N+ ... unless they're squeamish about blood. %Gallery-103429%

  • Super Meat Boy to be injected with delicious free levels

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    From what we've seen from Team Meat's challenging, retro-inspired XBLA platformer Super Meat Boy, the game's already packed with countless hours of missed jumps and gruesome deaths. Still, that hasn't stifled the developer's lofty plans for expansion -- Team Meat's Edmund McMillen recently explained to MTV Multiplayer that the game will have a level called "Teh Internets," a world that can (and will!) be automatically updated with free level packs using the "Title Managed Storage" system we learned about from the release of Monday Night Combat. Each pack will contain 20 new levels, all belonging to a different theme -- for instance, a pack titled "The Butcher Boy" places you in the shoes of an 8-bit Meat Boy, and will be available on launch day, October 20. McMillen explained on the game's official site that the long-term goal is to release the game's level editor "no more than six months after the PC version ships," and start putting player-made creations on Teh Internets. We hope the chosen creators don't have a mean streak -- the game's hard enough as is.

  • Microsoft showing off upcoming XBLA games during Fantastic Fest

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Fantastic Fest, an annual, week-long film festival held in Austin, Texas, has broadened its scope this year to include a few high-profile downloadable titles. Attendees can visit the Fantastic Arcade to check out some upcoming games coming from the festival's sponsor, Microsoft Game Studios -- titles including Comic Jumper, A World of Keflings, Hydrophobia and Super Meat Boy. The Fantastic Arcade opens its doors on Thursday, September 23. If you live in the Austin area and want to catch an early glimpse of some of these games, you can check out a schedule of demos and showtimes on the event's official site.

  • Gorge on Comic Jumper, Hydrophobia, Pinball FX 2, and Super Meat Boy in XBLA Game Feast

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Major Nelson has announced the lineup for Microsoft's XBLA "Game Feast" promotion, and, well, we suggest having a metaphorical Tums on hand in anticipation of this smorgasbord. The first course, on September 29, is Hydrophobia for 1,200 Microsoft Points. Twisted Pixel's Comic Jumper follows on October 6 at the same price. Pinball FX 2 will be available October 13. It's free, and can import tables from the first Pinball FX, with each additional table purchased individually. Finally, as discovered earlier this morning, Super Meat Boy will serve as (a kind of disgusting) dessert on October 20, also for 1200 Points.

  • Xbox Live's 'Game Feast' serves up Super Meat Boy on Oct. 20

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Team Meat's manic and mercilessly tenderized hero, Super Meat Boy, is set to make his debut on Xbox Live Arcade on October 20. The developer announced the date via Twitter, and indicated that the well-done platformer would be part of "Game Feast," a new promotion from Microsoft Game Studios that should be detailed later today. With Super Meat Boy making up the main course, Game Feast might just be burger, better and more badass than the recently concluded Summer of Arcade. See the full poster after the break.

  • Nintendo dates Q4 lineup, announces Bit.Trip Fate

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nintendo sent out one of its seasonal mega-press releases, announcing pretty much everything at once. Its whole fall Wii lineup now has solid release dates, with newly dated games including: Kirby's Epic Yarn: October 17 Wii Party: October 3 PokePark Wii: November 1 FlingSmash: November 7 Donkey Kong Country Returns: November 21 On DS, Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Mini-Land Mayhem has been given a November 14 date. But Nintendo didn't stop there with the announcements: we now know we can expect Super Meat Boy for WiiWare and Shantae: Risky's Revenge for DSiWare this holiday season (which was previously announced, but it's good to know that game is still on track). Also ... Bit. Trip Fate this fall! That's right, not content with merely giving release dates to games we knew about, Nintendo went ahead and announced someone else's unannounced game. And that's why we love these press releases.

  • PAX 10 winners announced for PAX '10

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    The ten independently-developed games that will be featured on the show floor at PAX Prime 2010 have been announced. There are a few recognizable names in this year's PAX 10 collection, including Super Meat Boy and Retro City Rampage-- but there are also plenty of lesser-known (but assuredly spectacular) indie titles in the mix as well, like the pictured Fowl Space. Check out the full list of featured titles posted just past the jump, or catch a glimpse of each game in the gallery below. If you want to give the games a once-over at PAX Prime, you might want to grab one of the remaining one-day passes for the event. %Gallery-97577%

  • Preview: Super Meat Boy

    Chris Buffa
    Chris Buffa

    Super Meat Boy could become our newest addiction. Microsoft and developer Team Meat brought the Xbox Live version to E3, and we thoroughly enjoyed beating levels at the expense of the game's hero. If sacrificing one's body to rescue a fair maiden held hostage by a fetus sounds like a fun time (and it certainly should), this downloadable game should make it onto your most wanted list.

  • Super Meat Boy is Tiger-riffic on iPhone

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    At the Indie Game Maker Rant during GDC, Team Meat's Tommy Refenes likened App Store games to Tiger LCD handheld games, which were low-quality games that sold on brand recognition alone. So, of course, there's now an iPhone version of Super Meat Boy, modeled on those very Tiger handhelds. "Super Meat Boy Handheld is all the branding of Super Meat Boy," Refenes said on the Super Meat Boy blog, "without the actual gameplay or art from Super Meat Boy ... and all for ONLY A DOLLAR." Made as an April Fools' Day joke, the iPhone version of the game is actually the first Super Meat Boy title to be released, beating the (fully-featured) XBLA, WiiWare and PC versions of the game! By buying this intentionally crummy game, you can prove Refenes's point (that the App Store is a platform for selling crummy games) and fund future non-crummy games from Team Meat. Super Meat Boy HANDHELD ($.99):

  • Direct2Drive indie award finalists named, threatened with Chobot lick

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    Aside from a spot on Sony's The Tester, we can't imagine a contest in the game industry with a much more ominous prize than Direct2Drive's Vision Award winner. Aside from the $10,000 bounty, apparently the trophy will be presented onstage at the 12th Annual Independent Games Festival by IGN's one and only lick-happy reporter, Jessica Chobot. We've listed all five of the games up for the Vision Award after the break -- a list that includes Hello Games' Joe Danger and Edmund McMillen's Super Meat Boy. The awards presentation will be held during GDC 2010, specifically taking place on Thursday, March 11. We here at Joystiq would like to wish all the contestants luck. Also, you might wanna bring a towel. Just in case, ya know?

  • WiiWare screens and trailers from Nintendo Media Summit

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Nintendo had a few awesome new WiiWare announcements at its Nintendo Media Summit, most notably, Cave Story! Most notably in the field of games we didn't know about, new Art Style games! The series hasn't been on Wii since the DSi came out, but now we've got Light Trax (a Wii version of the original bit Generations game Dotstream) and Rotozoa (a game about multi-tentacled organisms absorbing creatures of the same color) to look forward to this spring. Check out the trailer for Light Trax above, and see a trailer for Rotozoa, as well as screens of Max and the Magic Marker, WiiWare's WarioWare: D.I.Y. Showcase, Rage of the Gladiator, And Yet It Moves, Super Meat Boy, and Cave Story after the break. Oh, man, Cave Story!