
  • Canon

    Canon's selfie-oriented point-and-shoot now handles 4K video

    Steve Dent
    Steve Dent

    With stellar cameras on smartphone models like Huawei's P20 Pro, the end seems nigh for point-and-shoot cameras. Canon hasn't given up on the category yet though, as it's just unveiled the compact PowerShoot SX740 HS, a spiffed-up version of last year's SX730. The new model is a dead ringer for the last one, and has the same 24-960mm equivalent (40x) lens, 20.3-megapixel sensor and pop-up flipable rear screen. However, with a new a Digic 8 processor, it can shoot photos at a speedier 7.4 fps, and video at 4K 30 fps instead of just 1080p.