

  • First Taiko Drum Master DS commercial

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sure, we've had plenty of screens from the game to look over, but footage has been few and far between. Well, thanks to YouTube, we get our first glimpse of the game, courtesy of a Japanese commercial. And, as with all Japanese commercials, its fairly short and completely ridiculous.Check the video past the post break.

  • Taiko no Tatsujin DS boxart

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Releasing on the 26th of next month in Japan, Taiko no Tatsujin DS (Taiko Drum Master) finally reveals its box art. Of course, if we weren't so interested in music-based games, we probably wouldn't have already known about the dual-stylus gameplay (the extra stylus is included in the package). We're dying to import this game ourselves, to tell the truth, but what about you? Any readers plan on having this shipped over from the land of the rising fun?

  • Taiko stylus giveaway reveals control method

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    As total music game freaks, we've been pretty interested in the DS version of Taiko Drum Master. The graphics made the transition to a handheld system just fine, and we know from the Ouendans and other music games that it'll be able to handle the sounds-- and it should easily handle the Super Mario Bros. theme (yay!). Really, we thought, as long as it didn't ask players to bang on their touch screens like a drum, everything would be cool.Yeah, that's what it does. This ad, small as it is, is still clear enough to show a drum on the touch screen, with two special styli used as drumsticks. We know that's the most logical way to control a drum game on the DS, but ... a lot of screens are going to get pounded. Try to employ some self-control when playing Taiko![Via GoNintendo]

  • Keep up the neighbours with four player Drum Master

    James Konik
    James Konik

    Namco Bandai have announced that Taiko: Drum Master will feature a four player mode in its forthcoming DS incarnation. Previously popular in the arcades and on PS2, the rhythm action title is based on Taiko, the Japanese drum. The game will support download play from one cart, so maybe you'll want to start persuading a friend to head down to your local import shop. Players can drum along to a variety of musical styles, ranging from Jpop to classical via the theme from Super Mario Brothers. You'll also be able to customise your drum with a selection of cute costumes. With this due out in summer, and Ouendan 2 on its way soon, it looks like rhythm action fans are in for a treat over the coming weeks.Screens after the break.

  • Ask PSP Fanboy: Volume 2

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Every Saturday, PSP Fanboy will answer your burning questions. If you have a question for the team, send an e-mail to andrew @ pspfanboy.com with the subject "Ask PSP Fanboy." The opinions stated in this article are those of the author, and do not represent the views of Weblogs Inc or AOL. Q: I noticed you are more free to speak of mods/hacks/homebrews lately. Do you have restrictions on what you can and can't say? If not, are you finally being more open now realizing that Sony has recently been putting the customer last? Andrew says: We do mention homebrew once in a while on the site, because it is newsworthy, and important in the PSP scene. However, we don't focus on it because our target audience doesn't use homebrew. We're one of the few (if not the only) fan sites out there that want to focus on getting the most out of your PSP through Sony-sanctioned firmware. My personal belief is that although Sony may not make the best decisions, that doesn't give us the right to promote software piracy. Yes, many will argue that homebrew isn't about that (I too have one PSP that runs 3.03OE-B). However, piracy is a large and active part of the homebrew scene--and it's something I avoid wholeheartedly. Any PSP "fan" that downloads ISOs and emulators should understand that they're simply hurting our beloved console, and industry as a whole. See more questions after the break.

  • Happy crazy rhythm game music day

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Here at video game music day, we try to bring you examples of great video game music performed on real life instruments. This week we're turning things upside-down and bringing you some great real life music performed on video games. Why? Because we're just that crazy. Also we couldn't think of anything else to do. Please enjoy these seemingly superhuman performances on Taiko Drum Master, BeatMania and Pop N Music.

  • Import music games montage

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The DS's Ouendan may get a lot of attention for the dual-screened portable, but the real hardcore gamers know that the best music games are on the PSP. This video montage features Taiko No Tatsujin Portable 2, DJ Max Portable & Gitaroo Man Lives! With PaRappa the Rapper and Lumines II coming in the coming months, the PSP will become one of the best systems for music games.

  • Taiko Festival Master gameplay footage

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    If you've never given Taiko Drum Master a whirl, we highly suggest you do. Yes, we understand you probably do not own a PS2, what with it being the "devil's machine" and all, but that's what friends are for! Next time you're over a pal's house "borrow" their console and "suggest" that they purchase the game. Of course by "borrow" we mean "steal" and by "suggest" we mean "take their wallet, use their charge card, and leave their body in the river." It's not like they were much of a friend anyway. They owned a PS2...Clearly we neglected to take our meds today. Even clearlier is the fact that we can't be that insane if we recognize our own insanity and our own need to take medication for said insanity. However, the clearliest is that Taiko Festival Master looks fun in the video that is embedded into the post, after the break.