

  • What Would You Do with 61 Talent Points?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    You may have heard that the upcoming Burning Crusade expansion will raise the level cap of the game from 60 to 70.  But what doesn't seem to be such common knowledge is the fact that you will receive ten additional talent points to spend, and that all of the talent trees will be expanded to accommodate these extra points (likely providing each talent tree with a 41-point talent). So, the question remains - what do you plan to do when you have ten extra talent points to throw around?

  • Priest Talent Builds?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Have all of the priests in the audience decided how they want to respec when the servers come back up?  Despite having spent some time considering available options, during the my play-time on the test server I've been unable to reach a conclusion.  Fortunately, Azrathil of EU server Kel'Thuzad has put together a fairly comprehensive list of possible talent builds for 1.10.  For those of us still indecisive, there are a few pages of commentary in the thread, as well as additional build suggestions.

  • Shaman Review in 1.12?

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    As other class reviews have come and gone, the remaining classes have become quite touchy about who is going to be next.  We already know that mages will be reviewed in 1.11, and yesterday Eyonix let us know that shamans are scheduled after mages, leaving them patch 1.12.  To the rogues groaning on the sidelines, remember that being last may not be for the worst - after all, shaman was the last class reviewed by Blizzard before the game's launch.

  • A new talent calculator

    Josh Owens
    Josh Owens

    We are always on the lookout for new online WoW tools to share with you. Today we ran across another online talent calculator, YAOTC.The really nice thing about this calculator is that it can be embedded right into any website, they just ask for a little props on the page. With a little html/css knowledge, you can have this baby chugging along on your guild/fanboy website! They even have a page that explains how to style it, and they give a few examples.I can't wait to see if they guys over at WoWHead.com come out with even more great tools![From tipster Silvertusk]