

  • Pixies frontman Frank Black wails for GRAW 2

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Frank Black is a rock icon. So when the Pixies frontman teams up with 3volution Productions* to record an exclusive cover of The Stooges' "Gimme Danger" for a new Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 trailer, it's reason to take notice. The song has been paired with nearly 90 seconds of GRAW 2 gameplay footage; a different direction from the one taken in the more stylized Gears of War "Mad World" ad. Still, the Black laced GRAW 2 teaser is worth a gander -- or at least a listen. *3volution Productions, created by Fear Factory drummer Raymond Herrera, specializes in producing audio tracks for games.

  • Sony Ericsson teases us with W880 "Ai" shots

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    It ain't exactly the full disclosure we were hoping for, but hey, baby steps... Sony Ericsson's at least admitting the W880 "Ai" exists now, and that counts for something, right? The press release couldn't possible be more sparse, simply stating that the handset "will blend astonishing good looks with all of the music-centred features that fans have come to expect" from Walkman phones and more details will be provided closer to release in the first half of '07. And, oh yeah, there are a couple teaser shots that manage to be even less revealing than the plethora of spy shots we've already scored; at least they're kinda artsy.[Thanks, Mike]

  • Wii teaser trailer: so hot it burns

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    No joke here. Nintendo has posted a scathingly hot video of the Wii in action, full of so many new games and clips that your head just might explode from watching it. We've got clips from REWii, Dynasty Warriors, Fire Emblem, "The Dog Island", that Marble Madness-type game we mentioned...it's long, it's hot, and you might need a new pair of trousers when you're done. Check it out!

  • Nikon teases about upcoming 10.2 megapixel DSLR

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Oh Nikon! You kidder, you. The popular pro-cam manufacturer is prepping a new DSLR, and has upped a little teaser on their site referring to the "Next Nikon." Beyond the usual marketing hyperbole of "More power," "More control," "More versatile and "More excitement," Nikon lets slip the megapixel count: 10.2, and the release date: 20 days from now. Word on the street is that the mystery cam will be a replacement to the D70/D70s series, and the 10.2 megapixels will be one welcome improvement from the 6.1 megapixels of the D70.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Fujitsu-Siemens' Lifebook Q2010 poised for release

    Evan Blass
    Evan Blass

    We're a little too excited to type straight right now, but you would be too if you'd just found out that the "world's most desirable laptop" will be available in a mere sixteen days. That's right, the $5,000 Fujitsu-Siemens Lifebook Q2010 -- yes, the one with HSDPA and that snazzy piano black finish -- is a little over two weeks from seeing the light of day, according to a rather uninspired "teaser" site recently posted by the company. Besides the inclusion of wireless 3.5G networking and a fashionable exterior, however, it's still not clear what makes this machine so desirable; for our five grand, we're hoping to see something like AMD's "4 x 4" platform packing four GPUs and two dual-core processors into this hot little 2.2-pound ultraportable -- is that really asking too much?[Thanks, wolwol]

  • Call of Duty 3 announced; leak confirmed [update 1]

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    Call of Duty 3's just been confirmed, and it looks like we were right on the money with our early leak of the WWII-related game.Back in early March, we printed the following information (and a whole lot more) on the focus of an upcoming sequel: "'CoD 3' ... is being produced by Big Red One dev Treyarch. ... The next Call of Duty World War II-based title will return gamers to the battlefields of Normandy as the Allies take on Nazi Germany to drive them out of France once and for all. This time around, American and British forces are joined by Canadian troops, Polish tanks, and French freedom fighters in a reenactment of the bloody Normandy Breakout campaign spearheaded during the summer of 1944. In the push to Paris, you'll get to choose how you approach each mission, free of menu screens and jarring non-interactive cut-scenes."Here's what IGN quoted from Activision for the announcement yesterday: "Through the eyes of four Allied soldiers, Call of Duty 3 brings players closer to the fury of combat as they fight through the Normandy Breakout, the harrowing offensive that liberated Paris and changed the fate of the world. Developed by Treyarch, Call of Duty 3 is the follow up to the #1 next-generation game and is scheduled for a 2006 release." Fingering the developer and the setting? Not too shabby -- while Joystiq pats itself on the back.Check out the IGN trailer below for a first-person look somewhat reminiscent of the FPS sequence in the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer from TGS. At the end of the "official E3 teaser" trailer, a number of platforms are listed, with the major manufacturers (including a small "Nintendo Revolution" in text) and publisher/developer combo listed. We suspect that versions for the PC and possibly the current-gen consoles will be covered with ports as well. Now all we have to do is wait for the word on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. (Infinity Ward, we're looking at you!) More info obviously hitting at E3.[Thanks, icemorebutts, jason, & Hiro Protagonist][Update 1: Had to fix a verb. Thanks, Hiro Protagonist, John Q, & Jiiiiihad!]See also: Official E3 teaser trailer for Call of Duty 3 Next Call of Duty leaked: Modern Warfare tackles terrorists Rumor: Call of Duty joining the Revolution Kojima interacts in real-time with MGS4 trailer at TGS

  • Widget Watch: HBO Widget

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    I haven't been this impressed with a widget's capabilities in a long time. The HBO widget is highly functional and eye candy-infused, allowing you not only to check the program guides for both HBO and Cinemax channels, but you can browse and view their 'large collection' of teasers right inside the widget. Top that all off with a really slick minimizing ability to get all this intensive content out of your way when you'd rather save the cycles, and I think I've found the latest widget to receive a 'click of my mouse™.'The widget is, of course, free and available from HBO's site.[via Daring Fireball]