

  • Fender Acoustic Player Telecaster hybrid guitar

    Fender's latest Acoustasonic hybrid guitar is almost affordable

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Fender has unveiled a lower-cost Acoustasonic hybrid guitar aimed at relative newcomers to the music world.

  • Fender’s acoustic-electric hybrid is a technological wonder

    Roberto Baldwin
    Roberto Baldwin

    I'll admit that when I opened the guitar case of the Acoustasonic Telecaster I immediately thought of the toy guitar my parents gave me when I was four years old. With a small hole in the center of the body, it looks unlike anything out there. Well, except that plastic toy that somehow snuck its way into the recesses of my memory. Then I picked it up and strummed and... no this is not a plaything. This is a seriously impressive instrument that will more than likely win over skeptics once they start playing.

  • Nyko's Tele-shaped Frontman Wii Guitar Hero controller hits shelves

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    Given how clumsy some of Nyko's other Wii accessories are, we didn't exactly have high hopes when we heard that the company was shipping the first third-party Wii Guitar Hero controller -- so imagine our surprise when we found out it's in the shape of a Telecaster, our fave axe and one thus far criminally ignored in the Guitar Hero pantheon. Just like the official controller, the Wiimote slips into the chassis to do most of the heavy lifting, but you won't have spend quite as much to get your multiplayer on -- $50, about $10 cheaper than the Activision Les Paul. The white version includes black and pink pickguards, while the blonde edition comes with black and white -- anyone have a spare IGNORE ALIEN ORDERS sticker handy?