

  • Sony announces bucketload of PlayStation Vita launch games, teases PSP downloads for UMD lovers

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    Wondering how many games the PlayStation Vita will be launched with on December 17th? 26 is the answer, with 100 games in total to be released. Launch titles include Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3, Power Smash 4, Fish On, Project N.O.E.L.S and more in the photo above. These will be followed by Metal Gear Solid HD Edition, Rayman Origins, FIFA, etc. If new titles aren't enough to whet your appetite, Sony announced that as many as 500 to 600 PSP titles will be available for download via the PlayStation Network, given that you're willing to re-purchase your last-gen favorites. Don't toss out your UMDs just yet though -- Sony said they are working on a solution to bring your old games to your new handheld, mentioning "special download plans" that they will discuss at a future point. We wouldn't hold our breath, but hit the break for a splash image featuring the full list of launch games you will be able to get -- good luck with the Japanese.

  • Seen@TGS: The PS Vita and the men who love it

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    During Sony's TGS 2011 presser, a handful of company heads were trotted out to speak about their love for Sony's upcoming handheld, the PS Vita. And when the presser ended, they all got together for group pictures. We snapped some photos of the gentlemen, their smiles, and the Vita they so love.

  • Vita launches in Japan on December 17th [Updated, launch price, pre-order info]

    Arthur Gies
    Arthur Gies

    While North American audiences won't be getting their mitts on Sony's sleek new handheld until sometime next year, Japanese audiences don't have much longer to wait. Sony's next system launches in its home territory on December 17th. Pre-orders for Japanese customers are available starting October 15th. Japanese gamers have a few different options when picking up a Vita. For the 3G-equipped model (with service courtesy of Japanese telco DoCoMo), MSRP is ¥29,980 (roughly $389.80 USD). For the Wi-Fi only model, it'll be a more modest ¥24,980, or $324.80 USD. Be sure to check out our liveblog for up-to-the-minute information live from Sony's TGS press conference.

  • Sony's TGS 2011 press conference, live from Tokyo

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    After a harrowing flight and about fifty trains across the Tokyo metropolitan area, we've arrived at Sony's Tokyo Game Show 2011 press conference and we're ready to kick off the livebloggening. As Mr. Samuel Jackson might say, "Hold onto your butts." Any minute now ...

  • Square Enix announces Final Fantasy 10 remake for PS Vita - and PS3

    Arthur Gies
    Arthur Gies

    The title says it all. As one of the few well-received bits of news during this morning's Sony TGS press conference, Square Enix announced that it will bring the PS2 hit, Final Fantasy X, to the Vita and its big brother in remastered form. Details on exactly what this means were scarce, but we imagine it'll look prettier and prettier-er on the Vita and PS3, respectively.

  • Toro and Kuro join Street Fighter X Tekken on PS Vita

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Perhaps not as fitting an announcement as Cole McGrath duking it out in Street Fighter X Tekken on the PlayStation Vita, Sony has announced the inclusion of another mascot -- one who's too cute to have its face punched, we might add. Toro, a cartoon character popular in Japan (also known as Sony Cat) has been confirmed for the lineup during Sony's pre-TGS briefing. Kuro, his neighbor in the toons, will also be playable. Keep an eye on our liveblog for up-to-the-minute coverage!

  • Sony PlayStation Vita debuts in Japan on December 17th, partnering with NTT DoCoMo for 3G (updated)

    Richard Lai
    Richard Lai

    Sony's just announced in Tokyo that the PlayStation Vita will debut in Japan on December 17th, and it'll partner with NTT DoCoMo for the console's prepaid 3G service. Customers will have two choices of connection here: 980 yen ($13) for 20 hours, and 4,980 yen ($65) for 100 hours -- see press release after the break. Alas, the rest of the world will still have to wait until 2012, but you'll know more concrete dates as soon as we do. For now, head over to our sister site Joystiq for the SCEJ press conference liveblog.Update: Capcom's Yoshinori Ono came on stage to mention that Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 would launch simultaneously with the console. Square Enix also announced that the PS2's Final Fantasy X will be remastered for the PS Vita, and it'll be in PS3-like quality; sadly, there was no date nor demonstration.Update 2: The first 500 units sold will come with 100 hours of prepaid 3G connectivity. Want in? Pre-orders open on October 15th.Update 3: We now have a video demonstration of the Vita's interface. Enjoy!%Gallery-133612%

  • Launch line-up for Japanese Vita launch leaks [Update: UMvC3 confirmed, more]

    Arthur Gies
    Arthur Gies

    Sure, you're probably excited (or moderately curious) to see what Sony has in store for its TGS press conference that starts in ... oh, about five minutes or so. We wouldn't want to dampen any of that excitement, but someone made an oopsie and left a slide from Sony's presentation on the screen long enough for some enterprising individual to take a picture and, well, you see where this is going. The full list of Sony's Vita lineup at TGS is after the break.

  • Bravely Default: Flying Fairy summons screens and a Japanese trailer

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    We know that Bravely Default: Flying Fairy is among the least descriptive titles ever applied to a video game -- that's why Square Enix and Nintendo decided to release a few screenshots and a Japanese trailer to accompany the RPG's announcement. How sweet of them!

  • Kirby? Mario? Zelda? It's a Nintendo gameplay video-splosion!

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    OK, so last night's Nintendo TGS keynote may not have had a mountain of relevant info for us stateside. But it had a lot of moving images we've not seen before, and we'll take that entertainment over boring old information any day of the week. We've got all the good parts just after the break with new screens from Super Mario 3D Land and Kirby's Return to Dreamland, plus video of those two, and clips of Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and Mario Kart 7. Can human beings overdose on joy? We pray that they can not.

  • Zelda: Four Swords hits DSiWare on September 28

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    As part of its pre-TGS blitz, Nintendo has revealed that the DSiWare and 3DS download of The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords will be available beginning September 28. The download will be free to all DSi, DSi XL and 3DS owners until February 20, 2012. The "Anniversary Edition" of the game will feature a new single-player mode, while "all multiplayer game play is handled wirelessly."

  • Nintendo planning November system update for 3DS, adding 3D video capture

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    If you're anything like us, you've been snapping 3D photos since day one on your Nintendo 3DS. We've got some pretty cramped up pointer fingers as a result, but that's all going to change come November. During Nintendo's pre-TGS 2011 press conference, company prez Satoru Iwata announced that the 3DS will get a system update this November that adds "3D video capture," among other things. What "other things," you ask? Nintendo isn't saying just yet, though the company's American Twitter account specifically notes the update will add "more content to StreetPass Mii Plaza." So, uh, hats? Hats!

  • Mario Tennis swings to 3DS in 2012

    Ben Gilbert
    Ben Gilbert

    If Nintendo's pre-TGS press conference didn't feel like a show stopper to you, maybe you should know that the company plans on launching a brand new Mario Tennis game for the 3DS in 2012. Alright, calm down, we know how tingly you get at the mere thought of playing a game with Waluigi, but we've yet to see his crooked face appear in any of the media released.We've gathered all the available screens into a gallery below so you can see for yourself. It seems that Mario Tennis 3DS won't employ the now official (and still officially bizarre) "Slidepad," though time could change that, of course.%Gallery-133357%

  • Nintendo 3DS slide pad add-on is official, ships December 10th in Japan

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Nintendo didn't say so on stage during the pre-Tokyo Game Show 3DS press conference tonight, but it really is shipping that odd-looking circle pad add-on. The "extended slide pad" is up on the gaming company's Japanese home page right now, with a shipping date of December 10th and a price of ¥1500 ($19.50). There's also a list of supported games available, including Monster Hunter Tri G, BioHazard Revelations, Snake Eater 3D and more. It's powered by a single AAA battery, which our country cousins at Joystiq note probably indicates you won't be getting any extra playtime added to your 3DS by slapping this "boat" on the bottom. Check the source link below for the official info -- we'll keep our eyes peeled in Tokyo for North American release info and of course, the color matched Misty Pink edition you're already looking for.

  • Bravely Default from Square Enix, new Fire Emblem game due 2012

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Announced during Nintendo's Tokyo Game Show week press conference, two new RPGs are coming to Japan next year. The first is a new Square Enix title called Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. Aside from the name -- the same one that Square Enix registered a trademark for earlier this year -- we know that Square Enix designer Akihiko Yoshida (of Final Fantasy Tactics and a few other quality titles) is doing the character designs. There's also a new Fire Emblem game planned for next year. No title for that one, but we're told it will be an original game, and have two-player co-op play. The one drawback? It's not called "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy."

  • Monster Hunter 4 coming to 3DS [Update: see the trailer!]

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Nintendo has announced that Capcom is developing Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS. A brief trailer shown during Nintendo's pre-TGS keynote gave us a glimpse at the titular hunter of monsters scaling cliffs and running from a giant dragon, which he eventually faced ... only for the trailer to cut away to the title logo. Sneaky teaser trailer, sis! [Note: Image is from Monster Hunter Tri.]

  • Nintendo targeting women with new pink 3DS in Japan on October 20

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    You're a dude, totally comfortable with your masculinity -- well, don't even think about buying this new 3DS, because it's not for you. Unless you live in Japan, in which case we can't really stop you from buying one. Because Nintendo's 3DS user base is mostly male, the company is hoping this new pink model will generate some interest among the fairer sex, along with some new games content such as a sequel to Tomodachi Collection and another Girls Mode title (known here in the States as Style Savvy). Iwata announced that the "Misty Pink" 3DS will launch in Japan on October 20.

  • Nintendo 3DS to add 3D video capture, upgraded eShop and more

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Satoru Iwata came on stage at Nintendo's pre-Tokyo Game Show shindig and announced the 3DS will be getting a few upgrades soon. No word on any hardware changes -- yet -- but owners can expect 3D video capture as well as upgrades to the Street Pass Mii Plaza and eShop. The press conference is still ongoing, so check back for more details as they're announced or watch the live video stream (in Japanese) embedded after the break. Update: And it's all over! Nothing else new to speak of on the hardware front, and we didn't catch any more news about those software changes either. We're just getting our TGS team on the ground in Japan now, so expect more news in the days to come.

  • Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will last 50-100 hours, Nintendo claims

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Hope you brought a change of tights. During the 3DS-centric press conference Nintendo is currently holding in Tokyo, Shigeru Miyamoto kicked things off with the decidedly unportable Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. While showing off the game's features, Shiggy apparently said that the game would last between 50 and 100 hours. Lest your tan pants, green boots and stupid hat get a little ... musty, you may want to bring spares. Update: Nintendo confirmed that number on the official twitter account. Also, we say "apparently" 50-100 hours because the presentation was entirely in Japanese and we can't technically speak the language. Technically speaking. But since Miyamoto added the game has been in development by a team of 100 for over five years, the exorbitant length would make a lot of sense.

  • Nintendo launching 'Misty Pink' 3DS handheld on October 20th

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    You heard right -- The Big N's own Satoru Iwata just announced that a "Misty Pink" Nintendo 3DS console would be shipping (at least in Japan) on October 20th. Funnily enough, that was just after showing a chart proving that right around half of all DS gamers are ladies. (But Iwata -- what if the dudes dig pink, too?) At any rate, no specific price was mentioned, giving us some level of certainty that no premium will be attached. %Gallery-133313% %Gallery-133315%