third-person shooter


  • Jukebox Heroes: Firefall's soundtrack

    There's something about militaristic science-fiction shooters that brings out the piano in the composer, isn't there? That's what I was thinking when I first heard one of the Firefall themes. Not that the track was bad, just that it made me wonder why these simple piano themes have been linked to such games. Oh, it's probably because of Halo, but I'd like to think that there are greater reasons than that. So this week we're going to be taking a crash course on the Firefall soundtrack. As far as I know, composers Michael Bross and Boon Sim's score isn't available to buy or download anywhere, so the avid video game score collector is going to have to do a little digital yoga to coax those files out of the library. I think it's worth hunting around for it, as Firefall's music is an obvious labor of love and a desire to create a quality product. "Initially, we experimented with something that was mostly synth-driven and atmospheric," Bross said in an interview, "but then there was a desire from the team to have something that leaned toward the orchestral. Over time, though, we settled into something that combined both orchestral and modern elements that lend very well to an epic but atmospheric feel."

    Justin Olivetti
  • Defiance chat upgrades coming with February DLC

    Trion's latest Defiance dev blog talks up changes to the sci-fi shooter's chat interface. Creative lead Trick Dempsey says that "one of the most frequent requests" from players since the game's launch has been chat improvements, and Trion's in an obliging mood. In a nutshell, the UI is simpler and "free of the commands/emotes/etc., that bloated the viewport in the previous iteration." When can you get your virtual hands on this fine new chat system? Sometime in February, Dempsey writes. Keep your eyes peeled for the 7th Legion DLC which will feature the chat improvements and "even more steps to improve quality and ease-of-use for Defiance."

    Jef Reahard
  • Firefall getting 'rare legendary weapon drops,' lots of other stuff [Updated]

    Did you catch Red 5's dev round table on Twitch earlier today? I didn't either, but fortunately the Firefall Twitter account susses out several of the more interesting tidbits. The team mentioned the MMO shooter's revamped progression curve, which has changed to the point that "you will feel the difference." In-game mailboxes, separate chat channels, "rare legendary weapon drops," and clicking-on-player-names-to-whisper are just a few of the features in the works. The game's HUD is now drag-and-droppable, and the crafting UI has a new and less confusing layout. There's more where that came from, too, so click through the links below to read all about it. [Update: The official site has updated with a dev blog outlining the Q&A!]

    Jef Reahard
  • Defiance getting third DLC in February

    Hot on the heels of Arkbreaker's release, Trion has announced the third DLC coming to Defiance. Dubbed 7th Legion, this update will hit the sci-fi game in February. Although more specifics won't be released until later this month, the studio did offer a snippet of lore from the Defiance Blog to help whet fans' appetites: When the world fell apart, one group kept their courage. Guided by the teachings of the Code of Bushido, the soldiers of the 7th Legion marched across Canada gathering survivors as they went. From one outpost to another they marched until finally they found a city which did not fall: Manhattan. There, they made their stand against the darkness, and Commander Yoshida Hiro called an end to their long journey. Now they have come to Paradise. What dread news could this herald? [Thanks to Swag for the tip!]

    MJ Guthrie
  • Mark Kern addresses his departure from Red 5 Studios

    Using a mixture of geek culture references, former Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern posted a brief statement on to address his departure from the Firefall studio. Kern referenced the event as his "Kobayashi Maru test" and insinuated that fans shouldn't fully believe what they may have heard. "While there have been rumors about whether I was demoted, terminated, or maybe even corporately executed, I will only say this: Remember that Han always shot first," he wrote. Kern said that he had fond memories of his time with the company and wished the studio success in the future. Mark Kern was let go from Red 5 on December 19th and replaced by acting CEO James Macauley. [Thanks to ArchDevi for the tip!]

    Justin Olivetti
  • Mark Kern removed as CEO of Red 5 Studios [Updated]

    According to a recent report from Gamefront, Red 5 Studios CEO Mark Kern has been terminated by the company's board of directors, effective immediately. Vice President of Development James Macauly has apparently sent an email to all employees informing them of the change in leadership, with this latest dismissal coming in the wake of several previous layoffs at the Firefall studio. No official statement has been issued to the public by the company at this time. An anonymous source within the company has also spoken out against Kern in The Escapist, claiming that the CEO was frequently absent and arrived sporadically to hand down arbitrary decisions. How true these statements are cannot be confirmed, although the company does hold a low rating for employee satisfaction overall. We'll have more on the situation if and when a statement is issued regarding Kern's continued employment or lack thereof. [Update: Red 5 Producer Matt DeWald has issued a formal statement on the now-confirmed rumors: "As of Thursday, December 19th, Mark Kern is no longer the Chief Executive Officer of Red 5 Studios. Mark founded Red 5 Studios in 2006 to provide exceptional game entertainment along with a world-class team of developers working on the MMO Shooter, Firefall. Red 5 Vice President of Development, James Macauley, will be moving into the role of acting CEO. The team at Red 5 continues work on Firefall and looks forward to all that we have to offer in 2014."]

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Pick up MMOs on the cheap in Steam's holiday sale

    It's that time of year again, folks -- the time when grandfather Valve slides down the chimney and offers you a huge pile of reasonably priced games. Yes, Steam's holiday sale is now in full effect, bringing with it some nice deals on a few MMO titles. Here's what we've found so far: Guns of Icarus Online - $3.74 (75% off - flash sale!) The Secret World - $14.99 (50% off) The Secret World: Massive Edition - $29.99 (50% off) Darkfall Unholy Wars - $13.58 (66% off) Defiance- $4.99 (50% off) Final Fantasy XI: Ultimate Collection Seekers Edition - $15.99 (60% off) EVE Online - $4.98 (75% off) Keep in mind that sales change daily and that some games above do require subscription fees. The Steam holiday sales ends January 2nd, 2014.

    Mike Foster
  • Defiance now offers unlimited free trial

    Defiance's free trial just got better as Trion Worlds has removed the time limit so that players can explore the game at their own pace. The trial still has a hard cap limit for 500 EGO, however. Trion also posted a dev blog talking about how the team is using stims, spikes, and revamped grenades to make the action in the recent Arkbreaker DLC even better. "Ark hunters constantly ride the dagger's edge between life and death: the addition of resource scarcity makes this danger all the more real when placed into the combat equation," Creative Lead Trick Dempsey explained. "Spikes, stims, and grenades add a huge amount of power to the ark hunter arsenal, but power always comes with the seductive possibility of becoming dependent and thus, vulnerable."

    Justin Olivetti
  • Drink in Defiance's Arkbreaker trailer

    "Some wait for fortune," a new trailer for Defiance's Arkbreaker DLC states. "Breakers make their own." This trailer is a long, dark drink of action and heavy metal riffs, as Trion Worlds attempts to sell you on the spiffy new features coming to the game. Arkbreaker is currently out, and if the trailer gets you interested, you can read our in-depth interview with Defiance's devs for more info. Get an eyeful after the jump, Masta Breaka!

    Justin Olivetti
  • Defiance's Arkbreaker DLC sorta delayed on PS3

    Those of you with PlayStation 3s who were planning to purchase Defiance's Arkbreaker DLC on its December 10th release day will be waiting a bit longer, according to a post on Trion's website. The holdup is due to some sort of online store setup, which requires "several weeks of lead time" for the PlayStation Network. PS3 Season Pass holders will be able to download the DLC manually on the 10th. PC and Xbox 360 users will be able to purchase the DLC on the 10th as per the original plan.

    Jef Reahard
  • Defiance opens test server for Arkbreaker DLC

    Defiance fans looking forward to experiencing the new mission line, weapons, instances, and raid boss content of Arkbreaker can now hop onto the Public Test Server and give the upcoming DLC a spin. Of course, Trion would like feedback on all the Arkbreaker adventures (including any glitches and bugs players find), and welcomes commenting in the alpha forums. To download the PTS client, registered players need only go to "Manage Games" on the official site and select Defiance Alpha Test. Unfortunately, the PTS is only available on PC; console players will have to wait until the DLC releases on December 10th to get in on the latest arkfall action.

    MJ Guthrie
  • Defiance's Arkbreaker DLC due December 10

    Trion has updated its Defiance website with news of the game's Arkbreaker DLC pack. The content includes a new mission line, interior arkfall instances, and cold fire weapons. There's also a new Volge Warmaster boss fight designed for 20 players as well as an array of spikes, stims, and a new favorite item inventory tweak. Arkbreaker releases on December 10th for consoles and PC.

    Jef Reahard
  • Firefall update talks quest system, bug squashing

    It's time for a Firefall development update direct from Red 5. The most interesting tidbit has to do with a new content creation tool that the devs hope will provide quest-like missions. The team "made tremendous progress" on this little ditty "that will allow us to string together multiple encounters with branching trees all wrapped up in a loose narrative structure." Red 5 also managed to clean up its creature database and roll out additional bug fixes. You can read further details on the Firefall forums.

    Jef Reahard
  • Defiance Arkbreaker DLC lands in December

    Trion Worlds today announced that Defiance's second DLC pack, titled Arkbreaker, will go live on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC in December. The post is accompanied by a promise for more information in the coming weeks -- Defiance players have already begun to speculate in the official announcement forum thread. Defiance's last DLC expansion, the Castithan Charge Pack, launched in August. Executive producer Nathan Richardsson noted in May that Trion has five expansions planned for "the next year," though he left the studio back in July.

    Mike Foster
  • RIFT and Defiance throw in-game promotions

    Trion is in the middle of a special promotion that's giving a serious boost to both RIFT and Defiance players in-game. In RIFT all players are receiving 20% boosts to all types of XP and currency gained, and this bonus is stackable with other boosts. Trion's also selling 160% XP potions and raid 1 rings in the store. Over on Defiance's side, players are enjoying 25% boosts to loot, XP, and weapon skill. Epic mod hoards have also made their way to the store. These promotions will continue through Friday, November 1st. Trion is throwing this "PC Gaming Week" to celebrate RIFT's return to Steam.

    Justin Olivetti
  • Zombie Studios outlines cel-shaded shooter Phantom Army

    Blacklight: Retribution developer Zombie Studios has given Destructoid the first glimpse of Phantom Army, its collaborative effort with SmileGate on a free-to-play, third-person, cover-based shooter. Before a round in Phantom Army begins, each team will pick an L-shaped portion of the match's map. Once both are locked in, the center is filled with a random square. Zombie Studios head Jared Gerritzen explained that it's meant to stave off boredom and avoid the problem of having players "just run their routes" through the game's maps. Rushing to a firefight might not just be a street-level sprint through alleyways, either. The game's mechanics will let players vault over obstacles and crawl into holes, diversifying path options and gameplay strategies. Gerritzen also described his dissatisfaction with the "let's charge the fans for this premium gun" mentality that some free-to-play games fall into, so hopefully Phantom Army stays away from such a pitfall. The game will use the Unreal Engine and is planned to launch on Steam in 2014.

  • Red 5 Studios' parent company lines up $24 million Firefall investment

    Anyone who has played Firefall wouldn't associate it with more standard free-to-play Chinese MMOs, but the game is certainly generating a lot of financial interest in China. The9, the Chinese gaming company that owns developer Red 5 Studios, is lining up for the game to get a major investment from Oriental Pearl Culture Development Ltd., a major entertainment development organization. That investment shakes out to around $24 million and would make Oriental Pearl one of the largest minority shareholders in the company. Overall, Firefall is apparently valued around $100 million based upon statements released by the companies. This latest investment is still in a non-binding stage and could be cancelled if Oriental Pearl changed its mind and decided against investing in the company. Preliminary reports suggest that the deal will go through, generating quite a windfall for the not yet technically launched game and demonstrating once again just how big the MMO scene is becoming worldwide.

    Eliot Lefebvre
  • Red 5 doubles Firefall's internal QA team, focuses on bug-squashing

    Red 5 has a new Firefall development update initiative in the works, the first entry for which went live on the game's website recently. The dev blog mentions that bug-squashing is currently a major point of focus, so much so that the studio has doubled its internal quality assurance team. The team is also hard at work on the UI and a new HUD as well as the game's dynamic encounter systems. The details are fuzzy at this point, but Red 5 says that "Firefall is meant to be a living, breathing world with things happening at all times and something that reacts to player involvement." The rest of the dev blog covers the game's story, character progression, crafting, creatures, combat, and social integration. Read all about it via the links below.

    Jef Reahard
  • Latest Defiance patch gives weapons an overhaul

    It's been about a month since Trion delivered the most recent Defiance state-of-the-game address, which promised a number of sweeping improvements throughout the game. Players can now see the first step of those improvements on the live servers in the form of patch 1.105, which was released today. This particular patch is all about shooting things and, more specifically, the weaponry players use to do so. In a nutshell, the new patch has reworked the stats of all new weapons in the game, meaning that players should no longer find weapons with useless bonuses (like melee bonuses on a sniper rifle, for instance), and rarer weapons will be universally better than their lower-quality counterparts. The official dev blog goes into all sorts of detail that we couldn't possibly squeeze into the remainder of this paragraph, so any curious Ark Hunters should head over that way.

    Matt Daniel
  • Defiance spotlights a new kind of arkfall

    If you've played Defiance for a while you're pretty familiar with how the game as a whole works. There are rules, an ordered nature to the whole thing. Arkfalls happen a certain way. Except the game's latest DLC pack has introduced a new wrinkle in the form of Dark Matter arkfalls, events pitting players against waves of Dark Matter enemies with the goal of being the only side left standing. Which is easier said than done. Players will encounter four types of event in both Minor and Major categories; the former lasts 20 minutes and the latter runs for 60. Extractor and Mayhem events pit players in an escalating shootout with Dark Matter forces, Obliteration tasks players with destroying an arkfall core, and the Extraction Force event pits players against the strongest of the forces that the Dark Matter troops can rally. Take a gander at the video past the break for some of the feel contained within these new events.

    Eliot Lefebvre