

  • CUBE video takes games to "a whole new dimension"

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    If you're anything like us, you've been breathlessly following the development of CUBE for more than a decade now. Designed for the now-aging Monotech Game Unit, early press for the game boasted that it would "take you to a whole new dimension in computer games" and make "calculators look like a cotton gin." Then the PR went into Duke Nukem Forever levels of silence throughout the game's long development cycle. That is, until now. The new trailer for the game (embedded below the jump) shows the developers' bold decision not to update the game engine after all these years, sticking with a stark, minimalist look that distills the gameplay into its pure essence. Sure, the simple, textureless shapes on stark, single colored background might not stand up to the likes of Gears of War, but who needs fancy graphics when using the control switch to guide the "defender of the poly-verse" around the things which it can not go through looks like so much fun. The trailer even features some brief footage of the long-rumored "level red" and the battle with the dreaded cone (yes, he does exist!). We've been looking forward to this game for so long that, frankly, we were a little worried it wouldn't live up to our expectations once it finally showed up. Now that we've seen it in action, though, we can say with relative certainty that CUBE will be a contender for game of the year honors, no matter what year it eventually comes out.

  • New Japanese Sonic trailer

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    This one comes courtesy of Famitsu's monthly Wave DVD, so there's more than just Sonic lurking in the video if you're patient and really like umbrellas. But if all you're interested in is a speedy blue hero and his quest for a few rings, then you're in luck -- he's got the opening number, and he's rocking out and racing hard.Head over there to watch it ... and don't forget that the game's been bumped, and is now only a few weeks away.

  • Today's hottest game video: UT3

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Unreal Tournament 2007 3, in trailer form, earns our nod for today's video. We have our own, internal Joystiq tiffs about the UT-versus-Quake debate (this writer likes UT), and we're looking forward to this release to compare against the aging Quake 4. This trailer, also available in HD, makes the UT3 wait seem even longer. Must ... play ... soon.See the video after the break.

  • Games for every day in Touchmaster ad

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Why, it seems like we were just talking about Touchmaster DS, and now we've got all sorts of advertisement goodness! Well, some goodness, at least -- it's not the best DS ad we've ever seen, but it does do a good job of communicating what the games is and why you should buy it this summer, but in a Pepsi challenge, we'd probably take this one. Check out the video after the jump and let us know what you think.

  • More Chili Con Carnage trailer goodness

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    There is a new official trailer from GameTrailers for Chili Con Carnage that focuses on the title's gameplay. Looks like it retains and adds some features from the original game. I'm just glad to finally see some video of the game being played correctly. I can't wait to pull off some spicy moves of my own when this comes out. If this trailer gets you pumped as well, check out our previous coverage of Chili Con Carnage.

  • Japanese Hardware Sales: 15 Jan - 21 Jan: Voiceover edition

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Do these even have anything to do with the sales numbers anymore? Ah well. There's some slight profanity at the end, FYI.- DS Lite: 127,647 38,360 (42.96%)- Wii: 86,395 7,313 (7.80%) - PSP: 37,032 11,772 (24.12%) - PS3: 21,105 4,426 (17.34%) - PS2: 20,169 2,494 (11.00%) - Xbox 360: 7,041 1,994 (22.07%) - Game Boy Micro: 1,864 95 (4.85%) - GBA SP: 1,498 49 (3.17%) - Gamecube: 554 57 (9.33%) - DS Phat: 123 82 (200.00%) - GBA: 94 15 (18.99%)[Source: Media Create]Also see: Joystiq's Weekly Sales Charts

  • PSP Fanboy Theatre: Volume 3

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via Save all movie and thumbnail files to MP_ROOT/101ANV01/. Requires firmware 2.00 or above. Do NOT place in "VIDEO" folder. Firmware 2.80 or above do not need to download thumbnails. Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesDownload MP4 (7.86MB) | Download THM The following videos are featured after the break: Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, 300, Fred Claus, Chili Con Carnage (PSP).

  • Chili Con Carnage trailer w/ side of guacamole

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    I'm probably one of the few people who actually played Total Overdose. The game played like Max Payne meets Grand Theft Auto covered in Desperado sauce. Yes, it's cheesy and over the top, but that's sorta the point. Luckily for me, a continuation of the series is coming to PSP in the form of Chili Con Carnage. And below I've put the spicy first trailer from GameTrailers. While I'm not sure if the portable version will pan out, if it does play like Total Overdose, than portable action fans should enjoy this Mexican treat.

  • Jewel Summoner video preview

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    I wrote up an exclusive hands-on with Atlus' upcoming RPG, Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner. This video, provided by, gives you a better look at the first few hours of gameplay that I went through. Once again: notice the complete lack of load times.

  • PSP Fanboy Theatre: Volume 1

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    PSP Fanboy offers the latest and greatest movie and game trailers, formatted for the PSP in this new weekly feature. Check it out every Saturday. PSP owners can download files wirelessly via Instructions: Save all movie files to MP_ROOT/101ANV01/. Requires firmware 2.00 or above. Shrek the Third Download MP4 (9.71MB) | Download THM The following videos are featured after the break: Reno 911, MotorStorm (PS3), MACH (PSP) and Final Fantasy Tactics (PSP)

  • Friday Video: getting ready for some Justice

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Earlier we brought you the print edition metareview, and now it's time for the trailer for Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All, the second installment in what is probably the most-discussed franchise around here, and for good reason. This is one guy who needs no introduction. Are you counting down the days yet? We certainly are! And that's why this trailer is this week's featured video.

  • New Sonic trailer, chock full of rings

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    There's a new trailer for Sonic and the Secret Rings tucked away on Sega's American site, and though this may strike you as a surprise, it's filled with Sonic himself speedily racing through levels and -- wait for it -- collecting rings. Bombshell, right? Okay, so not really. But it's a fast-paced little bit of blurry blue action and definitely worth a watch. And maybe it's just because this particular blogger has been grinding it out with the Wii's Downhill Jam and similarly speedy fun, but this really looks like it could be a blast. We know the pantheon of Sonic titles are a bone that gamers like to gnaw in friendly brawls arguments, so we gotta ask: how's this one strike you?And we apologize, but there's no embedded video, so you'll have to head over to Sega's site for the trailer. While we hate to do that to you, we can at least promise that this one is child-free.[Via Go Nintendo]

  • Today's hottest game video: WarioWare

    Zack Stern
    Zack Stern

    Gamers have WarioWare on the mind; yesterday's multiplayer footage is today's most-watched YouTube game video. But Wario haters, don't think you're out of Wario's woods yet. After a long debate, with lots of wild gesturing, we decided that the most-viewed GameTrailers video -- also WarioWare -- would take today's "hottest" crown. The GameTrailers sequence is worth watching for its exposition about the game. Much of it is obvious to WarioWare: Smooth Moves fans, but a few new kernels of information -- like surprise Mii appearances -- pop up about the upcoming Wii game, soon to be available outside of Japan. We liked WarioWare's first GBA outing, but we've been wary of the formula since then. Maybe Smooth Moves will draw us back into the series. See the full video after the break.

  • Final Fantasy: Ring of Fates trailer

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    And rounding up the recent deluge of Square-Enix trailers from their annual Jump Festa event, this Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates trailer certainly impresses. There's some shiny text, and then a long, confusing sequence in which one tries to focus on five different scenes in the picture at once. Leave it to SE to try and simply overwhelm your senses ... they're rather good at that.The original Crystal Chronicles was a bit of a let-down, but this title can hopefully bring FF:CC out of the "crappy Final Fantasy spin-offs" category. Oh, and for a slightly higher quality version of the trailer, click here for the official movie from Square-Enix's website.(And did anyone check out what appeared to be a stylus-based fire spell around 1:41? Awesome.)[via Penny Arcade]

  • Direct-feed Final Fantasy Tactics trailer

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Our good friends at Siliconera have posted up a direct-feed (not-shaky-cam) version of the hotly anticipated Final Fantasy Tactics trailer. Does this really need any more introduction?

  • New Smooth Moves trailer excites

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In this latest video for WarioWare: Smooth Moves (which is embedded into the post past the jump, as always), we get a good glimpse at one of the game's lengthier minigames. A rhythm-based, dancing exercise, this minigame looks pretty fun. We already knew that we would be picking this up, but it's nice to find more positive things to say about the game. We can't be the only ones excited for this game, amirite? [Via Go Nintendo]

  • New Smash Bros. trailer, in English

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl director Masahiro Sakurai has updated the official game site, adding a polished version of the Nintendo Word 2006 trailer, which debuted earlier this month. Aside from crisper audio and visuals, the new version includes English text (not that this provides new information).Sakurai also dropped some more "screen shots" onto the site -- as always, don't expect the quality of these images to reflect that of the actual game. As for a release date, Sakurai vaguely writes, "it will be a little while longer before you can play it!"[Thanks, insertnamehere]

  • MTV's unaired Mass Effect preview

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Time constraints apparently forced MTV to cut some delicious Mass Effect footage from the latest episode of G-Hole, part of Gamer's Week 2.0. It's all good though, GameTrailers has us covered (video's also embedded below). Since when did BioWare's latest turn into a 3rd-person Halo with squad dynamics and telekinesis? Show us more!

  • Marvel: Ultimate Alliance ad

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We welcome Nintendo's marketing blitz because it just means we get a lot of sweet video game footage disguised as ads. And we do like us some videos! But this ad for Marvel: Ultimate Alliance gets all the props for including Captain America's shield throw, since that's one of the first things we're all not-so-secretly dying to do. Check out the video, embedded as always after the jump.

  • Today's hottest game video: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Trailer

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    The top slot on YouTube today was occupied by Link and crew in a new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer. It barely managed to pass the second place winner, which was the intro video from the same game. If you ask us, the intro video is a bit more spine tingling, especially with the "Press A + B" menu at the start screen, *drool*. This trailer has no sound effects, no lines, just a (somewhat cheesy) fanfare-tastic soundtrack and lots of video goodness from the game. Link's wolf transition looks a bit weak, but we're hoping it's just a trimmed down version in the vid. The best comment on YouTube is from agent012 who says, " wow the graphics are better than the gamecubes!" We're still not sure if that's sarcasm or honesty. Check out the video after the break and start jonesing.