

  • Is Palm for sale?

    Peter Rojas
    Peter Rojas

    Is Palm up for sale? There's been no official word from Ed Colligan and crew, but shares of the company jumped last week on speculation that they were quietly prepping themselves for acquisition. We've heard merger rumors before -- there was some half-baked chatter back in the day that RIM was after 'em -- and it does seem like Palm is at a crossroads. The future of its two OS strategy is murky at best, and while the Treo has been doing fairly well here in the US, they've definitely had trouble getting traction abroad and have seemed flat-footed in the face of stiffening competition from HTC, Nokia, Samsung, RIM, and Motorola (not to mention the looming threat of the iPhone, which threatens to peel off a good number of the prosumers and enthusiasts that were once Palm's bread and butter). Of course, all this has us wondering who would actually plunk down $1.6 billion to buy Palm. Main candidates are said to include both Motorola and Nokia, but Moto already seems to be doing just fine with the Q, and to be honest, it's hard to imagine Nokia snapping up a company that puts out phones running on Windows Mobile. [Via the::unwired]

  • Unofficial patch for Treo vulnerability loosed

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    If you've been a bit paranoid of late after hearing that a blatant security hole was found in the now-deceased Palm OS, help has unofficially arrived. Reportedly discovered by Symantec, the vulnerability entailed a hole that allowed the operating system's Find functionality to be accessed even when the device was set to Locked, allowing ill-willed hackers to sift through text message history, calendar entries, tasks, etc. The hole had been confirmed on the Treo 650, 680, and 700p, but now users of the handsets can rest a bit easier after applying this patch. As expected, the update simply disables the Find feature, which essentially closes off the last remaining security loophole and protects prying eyes from seeing that backlog of steamy Valentine's Day texts. So if you're looking to unofficially patch things up with your Palm, be sure to hit the read link and get that install completed, but we're not the ones to come crying to if something goes awry.[Via PalmInfoCenter]

  • Versatile Palm Treo cradle crafted from LEGOs

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    While we've seen various forms of Treo docks come and go, there's just something magical about those those colorful, timeless blocks, and although we've caught a LEGO-lovin' DS fortress acting the part before, this time it's a Palm getting the homegrown docking station. Envisioned after simply not wanting to shell out the $30 to $50 required to purchase a ho hum dock that didn't exactly fit every need, the LEGO Palm cradle is a true sight to behold, and can at least handle both the 650 and 680 with ease. Although it doesn't sport features that are too far out of the ordinary -- besides the handy earpiece hook and "solar powered WiFi tower," of course -- at least the onboard watchman walks softly and carries a big stick Sony Clie stlyus. Best of all, the project owner took a few snapshots along the way to give us a bit of insight in replicating his masterpiece, so if you've got an estimated 45 minutes and a whole stash of unused blocks, be sure to hit the read link for your next DIY endeavor.

  • Verizon's Treo 700wx launch detailed

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Palm pretty quickly realized the error of its ways in stuffing the original Treo 700w with a meager 32MB of RAM; the mistake was rectified in time for the launch of Sprint's 700wx, but that's been little consolation for Verizon customers unable to get the re-upped unit. Details are now starting to filter in on just how Verizon intends to right Palm's wrongs, scheduling its own 700wx for a February 20 release date. Sticker shock will be in full effect here: $620 at retail, $450 with a one-year agreement, $400 if you relent to a second year, though an additional $100 rebate makes it all a little easier to bear. Even better, the 700wx should come with tethering support out of the box. Too bad Windows Mobile 6 is left out of the equation, eh?[Thanks, anonymous tipster]

  • Arcade Reality on Treo, a camera game

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Toyspring has released its Treo camera game Arcade Reality, doing away with "sophisticated goals." Simply "kill everything that moves" in the camera display. Well, not everything, just the little beasties that are overlaid on the phone's screen -- all thanks to some newfangled 'Augmented Reality' tech. But be warned: overactive use in public spaces might draw the attention of Homeland Security.Arcade Reality is compatible with Treo 650, 680, and 700p. A free demo is available on Toyspring's website.[Thanks Jono]

  • Palm Treo 750 running Windows Mobile 6

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    And now, for your viewing pleasure, a Treo 750 supping upon Windows Mobile 6 Professional's sweet, sweet nectar. No, we've no details on when, where, or how this might find its way to existing Treo owners, but it's an encouraging sign, is it not? Follow the break for a little more visual confirmation.

  • Copper Treo 680 is back!

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    After our tear-filled eulogy of the Copper 680, we're pleased to report that rumors of the phone's death were greatly exaggerated -- specifically by Palm, who's "no longer available" warning kind was giving off those discontinued vibes. Those old messages have been removed from Palm's site, which is now listing all colored versions of the Treo 680 as shipping within 1-2 business days. So if you were holding off on a purchase, we're guessing you know what to do -- you internet savvy shopper, you. Still, and we're sorry to sound like a broken record here, but now that you've got those supply issues sorted out, how 'bout you start working on shaving a few millimeters off these things, huh Palm? [Via Palm Infocenter]

  • FunkeeStory: Treo SMS History on Your Mac

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    One of the Treo's best features is its threaded SMS application that makes your SMS messages appear like a chat session. In fact, the iPhone appears to take up and improve this SMS functionality by presenting text messages in an iChat like interface. Well, until that happens, those of us using a Treo may find FunkeeStory to be useful. It syncs your Palm Treo's SMS history to your Mac through a conduit compatible with Palm Desktop or Missing Sync. So when you sync your Treo 650/680/700p to your Mac, your texting history will show up on in FunkeeStory, to be saved, sorted, and searched.Overall, this seems like a nice idea, since if you're a heavy SMS user you'll probably find that your text messages are a kind of personal history, and the Treo will only hold so many messages before it starts overwriting the earlier ones. Unfortunately, FunkeeStory is a bit pricey at $19.95, but a 10 sync demo is available

  • Verizon signed up to get Treo 700wx

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Sprint scored a rare rib on CDMA rival Verizon when it went straight past the Verizon-exclusive Treo 700w to launch the 700wx, but as the old saying goes, all good exclusivity agreements come to an end. New rebate verbage spotted by a customer on Verizon's website makes mention of a $100 rebate on the 700wx -- $150 for the soon-to-be-outmoded 700w -- and even better, the rebate expires February 19, suggesting that there's a sliver of hope we'll see a launch in the next few weeks. To be fair, the re-upped model is nearly identical to its predecessor save for an extra 32MB of RAM, correcting a major complaint from current owners but otherwise adding little to no excitement value. No word on pricing, but hey, at least we know we'll be getting $100 off whatever it might go for.[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Copper Treo 680, we hardly -- no, we never knew ye

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    We hope all you orangey-coppery Treo fans got your phones, because it's come to our attention that the 680 in Copper (i.e. the creamy-pukey-orange Treo) is "no longer available" according to Palm's site. Bummer dude. Maybe the Moto tactic of releasing your phones in as many colors as possible just isn't working anymore (by the way, did you hear they're laying off 3,500 people?), perhaps you should try renovating your handsets, Palm? We know you've got it in you. Somewhere.[Thanks, Michael]

  • Palm offers software update for Treo 680

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    "All Treo 680 users should install the Camera Update." That's the official directive booming down from the Palm heavens this week as the first software patch for the stubless, Palm OS-based smartphone has gone live. While there's nothing terribly interesting going on here, the update seems pretty critical nonetheless -- if you value battery life, that is. The shipping software apparently has a tendency to leave the cam enabled even when the device is in standby, leading to a rather staggering power draw. No new features, no interesting changes, just one rather important fix. We can almost hear those overtaxed 680 batteries breathing sighs of relief already.[Thanks, Matt]

  • Bring iPhone look, feel to Palm with "iPhony"

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    So, you're in for a bit of a wait to get your hands on the iPhone. Us too, welcome to the club -- but if you're a Palm owner, there's an app kicking around that might make the wait a bit more bearable. "iPhony" may not bless your Palm OS-based Treo with multi-touch, iTunes compatibility, or the brilliant industrial design that makes Apple... well, Apple, but what it will do is ease the crushing pain of an iPhoneless existence for the next few months by yoinking the iPhone's buttons and making them configurable to launch apps of your choice. iPhony presently works only at 320 x 320, but no worries, LifeDrive owners -- a 480 x 320 version is currently in the works.[Via Palm Infocenter]

  • iPhony launcher for Palm OS

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    Well that didn't take long! If you're currently toting around a Treo, but really jonesing for an iPhone, you can install the Mo's iPhony launcher and get all the great icons without waiting for all of the great features! The current version, 0.2, is optimized for 320x320 screens, but a 320x480 will be released soon, which will make Palm TX users very happy.Sure, when you click the Mail button, it's still SnapperMail you'll be greeted with, but your home screen will look so much cooler. Mo is quick to point out that iPhony is more about a fun UI for Apple freaks and less about becoming a full-fledged launcher, of which there are already many he'd have to compete with. Still, we admire his efforts.Now, be sure to let me know when someone makes an iPhone theme for my Blackberry 8700!Thanks, Sammual!

  • Rentzsch: iPhone vs. Treo + iPhone Bug

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    As a loyal Treo user since the days of the first generation Treo 300, yesterday's iPhone announcement was a bit earth shaking. For the first time in years, my next phone is not going to be a Treo. Well known Mac dev Jonathan Rentzsche has a nice post comparing the Treo 700p to the iPhone. One of the biggest advantages of the Treo is the large number of Palm (or Windows Mobile) applications available for it. If it ends up being the case, as Dan reported yesterday, that Apple is not planning to allow for user installable applications on the iPhone, it's a huge strike against it. So Rentzsch is encouraging his fellow developers to complain to Apple by filing a bug report. Personally, I'm really disappointed in Apple's decision to lock the iPhone down, so maybe if enough folks complain we can get some positive action out of Cupertino (though I'm not going to hold my breath).

  • Apple iPhone: a threat to portable consoles?

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    We've already stated on the record that we're yearning for iPhone gaming. Newsweek's N'Gai Croal, in an amusing iTunes-inspired megamix, has called out 10 companies or products who should be fearing the upcoming mega-product. And wouldn't you know it, Nintendo DS and Sony PSP make the list.For the PSP, Croal opines that the iPhone is a "threat to Sony's mobile media and communication ambitions," while also showing us how cool a touch-screen PSP would be. The Nintendo DS, meanwhile, could lose a chunk of the casual gamer market; Apple's iPhone "could cause a lot of casual DS owners to put it in a sock drawer and forget about it."However, the one thing in Sony and Nintendo's favor is Apple itself, and You as a consumer (both, appropriately, appear higher on Croal's mix). Both portable game consoles are a fraction of the iPhone's price tag, and people may not see the benefit in an all-in-one product that may or may not see a fully-fledged game lineup in the future. Also, both the PSP and DS have a sizeable library of exclusive titles, brand recognition, and history. We'd bet to say that the casual gamer would not be willing to shell out $500 for a product of convergence. Not right now, at least.

  • iPhone market fallout: RIM racked, Palm pounded

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    If your stock ticker symbol is RIMM or PALM, today would have been a good day to stay in bed. The trend noted in this Engadget post from 2 pm ET kept on going through the trading session, with Blackberry-maker Research in Motion losing nearly 8% on the NASDAQ and 7.7% on the Toronto exchange. Palm suffered nearly as badly, with Nokia and Motorola posting much smaller declines. For the homes of the Treo and the Pearl, "Black Tuesday" represented a total loss of market value approaching $2.2 billion dollars. Meanwhile, Apple's one-button bounce on the day was a stunning $6.1 billion.Seems that Wall Street got Steverino's message loud and clear; he expects to take his 1% of cellphone market share right off the top, and he is definitely playing for keeps. I'm guessing that this "Sponsored by Blackberry" ad button won't be showing up on any more CNET videos, either.Thanks Florian!

  • Cingular's Treo 750 announced, reviewed

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Though the cover was blown, Palm fanatics everywhere still have reason to breathe a deep sigh of relief today as the Treo 750 has gone official for Cingular. The Windows Mobile Pocket PC handset is the first Palm device launched to leverage Cingular's 3G network -- and what's better, an upgrade to HSDPA is on the way. Specs include 128MB ROM / 64 MB RAM with miniSD expansion, Bluetooth (albeit 1.2), and that much-maligned square 240 x 240 display, all atop a 300MHz Samsung core. LAPTOP Magazine and Pocketnow both came away with similar impressions in their quick takes; Palm's latest entry isn't earth-shattering by any stretch of the imagination, but key enhancements to Windows Mobile 5's shortcomings (threaded messaging!) and 3G data should keep existing Treo users coming back for the upgrade. Look for the 750 in stores this week for $399 on a two-year contract, with online availability rolling in later this month.Read - Palm product pageRead - LAPTOP Magazine reviewRead - Pocketnow review

  • Palm Treo 750 launch info on Engadget Mobile

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Looks like we landed Cingular's and Palm's launch deck for the 750 next week -- in stores Monday the 8th for $400. Full details over at Engadget Mobile -- go on, git!

  • Palm Treo 750 launch presentation, including price and release date

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Well, we knew Palm and Cingular were launching the Treo 750 on January 7th (i.e. the unofficial first day of CES), but now we've got the full skinny on the release. Customers will be able to get theirs at Cingular retail stores, or Cingular or Palm's online stores on January 8th for $399 with two year service agreement (and $100 mail-in rebate). Oh, did we mention the 750's gonna come with that sweet threaded messaging app we've been waiting for (well, some of us haven't been waiting for it), and has a free HSDPA upgrade due in 1H06? Check out the rest of Cingular's launch presentation after the break. Have a nice week, Treo fans.

  • T-Mobile Treo 680 pops up on Palm support

    Ryan Block
    Ryan Block

    Ah, Palm's site -- a veritable (occasional) treasure trove of unreleased Treo references. Oh whatever, like anyone's really surprised T-Mobile's getting the Treo 680 at some point. We'd just like to know when, and whether they'll be exercising their option for many colors.[Thanks, Will]