

  • Los Angeles Quantum of Solace launch event fizzles

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    Are people getting less excited about midnight launches? Or does it just depend on the game, or even the event itself? We'll have a chance to test that theory this week with what looks to be yin and yang launches. Last night we went to the midnight launch of Activision's James Bond game Quantum of Solace, and at the other end you've got Gears of War 2 launching on Friday. We'll have to see how they compare, because last night's Quantum of Solace launch was a big Dr. No.%Gallery-36045%

  • Quantum of Solace midnight launch in West Hollywood, new Bond theme goes Guitar Hero

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Tired of all the Presidential coverage? Want to go British for a day? Activision has you covered. Best Buy and Activision have revealed plans to launch the Quantum of Solace game at midnight for players in the West Hollywood area. Beginning November 3 at 10PM, everyone and anyone is invited to celebrate the launch of the upcoming shooter which takes James Bond through Casino Royale and whatever a Quantum of Solace is. Attendees will also have a chance to score a boat load of prizes ranging from gift cards between $10 and $2,500 as well as a 52" LCD HDTV.Also on hand will be stations where gamers can practice their hand at the latest Bond theme, "Another Way to Die" from Jack White and Alicia Keys, in Guitar Hero: World Tour. The Bond theme will soon be made available as downloadable content for World Tour but no timing or price has been confirmed at this time.Not near West Hollywood? Best Buy has revealed 136 other locations will be open at midnight for the launch sans giveaways.

  • See the Call of Duty: World at War 'Nazi Zombie' mode

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    The only thing worse than Nazis: undead Nazis. It's with this in mind that Treyarch has seen fit to include a frightful "Nazi Zombie" co-op multiplayer game type in Call of Duty: World at War.As you can see for yourself in the video after the break, these re-animated soldiers of the Third Reich may shamble in place of goose-stepping, but their relentlessness is unmatched. From what we've seen of it, the mode most reminds us of the wave-based Horde co-op in Gears of War 2. If we had to choose between Locust and Nazi Zombies (or is that Zombie Nazis?) we'd have to go with the latter.[Via X3F]

  • Call of Duty: World at War includes Nazi Zombie Mode

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Looks like Treyarch has taken a cue from Valve's upcoming Left 4 Dead and the world's love of zombie action. Developer Treyarch has revealed that Call of Duty: World at War will include a Nazi Zombie Mode, in the latest edition of GameTrailers TV. Once the single player campaign has been completed players will gain access to the mode which sends waves of Nazi Zombie adversaries in the players direction.The mode sports an economy system which allows players to purchase new weapons and rebuild barricades to slow down the zombie rush. How crazy does it get? According to Treyarch the team got to the 23rd wave before becoming overwhelmed by the zombie horde. Now that is a cool little extra. Gallery: Call of Duty: World At War Nazi Zombie Mode

  • Call of Duty: World at War co-op mode pits players against Nazi zombies

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    There's been a number of pleasant surprises that have come out of Treyarch's upcoming installment in the wildly lucrative Call of Duty franchise -- such as the inclusion of Jack Bauer, and its uncanny resemblance to the previous, well-received chapter in the series. However, last night's episode of GameTrailers TV brought another shocking (yet welcome) revelation, straight from the mouth of Treyarch studio head Mark Lamia -- Call of Duty: World at War will contain a four-player, co-op zombie (of the Nazi variety) survival mode.Those who currently aren't busy scraping pieces of their blown mind off of the wall behind them will probably be interested in a few details Lamia mentioned -- the gameplay mode (which is unlocked upon the completion of the single player campaign) will place four players in a central structure, then assail them with wave upon wave of undead national socialists. Throughout the game, players will collect money which can be used to fortify their compound, or purchase new weapons. Also, there will be Nazi zombies.Stoked parties can catch a glimpse of the SS Zombocalypse in Chapter Four of last night's GTTV episode, now available online.

  • FilePlanet giving away World at War beta keys

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Attention soldiers: Looking to enlist in the good beta fight of Call of Duty: World at War? According to a slew of tipsters, FilePlanet is offering a limited supply of beta codes to some lucky members beginning today. In order to qualify, players must sign-up for a FilePlanet account or use an existing account -- a free account works, too -- and wait for notification if they've been selected for the Xbox 360 test. Recently, Treyarch increased the level cap to 24 adding new perks and challenges to the online fray, the developer aims to give its upcoming Pacific-theater, World War II shooter an extra push before it releases to retail this November. Players looking for beta access are urged to register for the contest as soon as possible because codes are going fast. Looking for more on Call of Duty: World at War? Check out our impressions, including video footage. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]

  • Call of Duty: World at War beta impressions

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Jack Bauer yelled at me last night. Well, technically it wasn't really him but the commander's voice who calls in artillery strikes and rabid dogs for the Americans as portrayed by Canadian television superhero Keifer Sutherland in the multiplayer beta for Call of Duty: World at War. After releasing last week we decided to spend some extra time to develop our thoughts on the highs and lows of Treyarch's upcoming shooter. Jump in for more footage and our thoughts on the beta version of the multiplayer experience. Gallery: Call of Duty: World at War

  • Call of Duty producer hints at end to WWII games

    Justin McElroy
    Justin McElroy

    Could Treyarch soon be joining Infinity Ward on the list of developers who've left World War II behind? Activision's senior producer on Call of Duty: World at War, Noah Heller, seems to be hinting at just that in a recent interview with the U.K.'s Official Xbox Magazine.Heller said, "I won't let your readers read into the comment too much, but we are showing the final battles of the Pacific and the European Theatre and that lets us put a close to the war. I'm sure game companies will be making World War II games for years to come and World War II is a very classic war. But we're happy that we put the war to bed."And yes, we know how ironic it is that we are, in fact, reading into the comment. So sue us.

  • Call of Duty: World at War beta updated today

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The Call of Duty: World at War beta has been updated. On the official forums, Treyarch developer "JD_2020" has introduced "some Hardcore playlists," including a Search and Destroy playlist. More importantly, the level cap has been raised to 24, giving players access to new weapons, challenges and perks. Additionally, some (but not all) of the bug fixes should be in this patch, with more expected as the beta goes on.Kudos to Treyarch for granting new features to the beta while it goes on. Despite a few noted caveats, we're still enjoying the multiplayer. Speaking of which, we've got 5 beta codes left to give out this afternoon, so enter here if you still need one.[Thanks, phillyo2]

  • World at War beta update raises level cap, adds playlists

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Treyarch community manager JD just posted an update on the official Call of Duty: World at War forums, informing the masses that a World at War beta update is headed our way. An update that'll increase the leveling cap and add a few new playlists. The update will release sometime later today or on Saturday, adding hardcore playlists, a search and destroy playlist and will increase the level cap to 24 which unlocks new perks and challenges. The update will also fix some game bugs and glitches. So, watch your head ... a World at War beta update is about to drop.[Via 360sync]

  • Joystiq hands-on: Call of Duty: World at War beta

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    click for the full, embiggened gallery var digg_url = ''; This week, we had the chance to enlist into the Call of Duty: World at War beta for Xbox 360, which features a handful of online maps to play. What follows is a back-and-forth discussion of our initial impressions after playing the game for a few hours. Alexander Sliwinski: Um, isn't it just Call of Duty 4 with a different setting? Ross Miller: More or less, and I think that's a great way to describe the game: It's Call of Duty 4, with a few differences. For example, instead of helicopters, you've got dogs.

  • Spider-Man: Web of Shadows launch trailer is symbio-tastic

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    Despite what that affront-to-mankind-in-motion-picture-form, Spider-Man 3, may have tried to make you believe, merging with a dreaded symbote doesn't turn you into a mopey jerk with an unfashionable haircut and nightmarish dance moves. We feel that the upcoming Activision web-slinging simulator, Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, depicts a much more accurate account of the side-effects of fusion with tar-like alien lifeforms: A widening of the eyes, an elongation of the teeth, and tendrils -- oh, so very many tendrils.The launch trailer for the aforementioned title, posted above, gives us a good sampling of the symbiotic adversaries we'll be pummeling come Web of Shadows' October 21 release date -- and with a classy touch of Moonlight Sonata to boot. We highly suggest checking it out -- perhaps you'll find some place in your heart that hasn't eternally sworn off games featuring the titular, charismatic wall-crawler.

  • World at War beta tokens being awarded

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Activision has unleashed the Call of Duty: World at War beta token flood gates and officially launched the friends and family beta. What? Not considered to be part of the uber l33t CoD friends and family? Then know that they've also started the beta code awarding process where, if you're a prestigious member of the Call of Duty community you'll get an invite in the coming days. Or, for the not so loyal, you can simply pre-order World at War at Gamestop and you'll be guaranteed beta entry. Good luck and play safe![Thanks, to everyone who sent this in]

  • Joystiq hands-on: Revisiting the Quantum of Solace

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Skep·ti·cism (skpt-szm) n. A doubting or questioning attitude or state of mind; dubiety. Philosophya. A methodology based on an assumption of doubt with the aim of acquiring approximate or relative certainty. The rational and historically-proven assumption that any licensed game will suck. Lots. Seriously, have you played half of this stuff? As they prep the World for War, Treyarch has been quietly plugging away at the upcoming licensed title James Bond: Quantum of Solace. Powered by the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, QoS blends scenes from the first Daniel Craig Bond film -- Casino Royale -- and the anticipated upcoming sequel of the same name. We spent some time with Bond at the recent Sony Holiday event in Toronto, Canada. Since our last trial with the game, did Bond change our definition of skepticism?%Gallery-26648%

  • COD: World at War achievements revealed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    360Sync has revealed the entire list of achievements for Call of Duty: World at War, the next installment in the long standing war series. The achievements are pretty standard, offering points for completing various levels and tasks within those levels during the campaign. Some are reserved for solo play only, while others can be achieved in co-op as well. Our favorite is probably 'No Safe Place' which awards 15 gamerscore for burning an enemy out of a tree with a flamethrower.Also worth noting is that there aren't any achievements for online versus multiplayer. It appears that restricting achievements to the main campaign has become the mantra for Call of Duty games, as Call of Duty 4 had no online achievements either. Head over to 360Sync to check out the full list.

  • Video: CoD: WaW is destructive and flammable

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    There's a newly new Call of Duty: World at War trailer making the internet rounds this morning and, truth be told, it's both destructive AND flammable. We guess that's why the Activision folks decided to call this latest trailer "Fire and Destruction." Makes sense. You can watch the latest trailer in the embedded area above to witness rockets rain down on evil doers, flame throwing tanks ignite buildings and watch as the enemy burns to a blackened crisp. It's World at War, enjoy.

  • Joystiq hands-on: Call of Duty: World at War (Wii)

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    click to enlarge var digg_url = ''; Was it mere coincidence that Activision's latest Wii FPS was situated right next to The Conduit at Nintendo's SF media event? You know, as if to say, "You want first-person shooters? Wii has you covered." Surely not. One thing's for certain: The situation certainly made it easier for us to transition from one game to the other in order to gauge how different developers are putting motion-control to use in the genre.In the case of Treyarch, its Wii team has obviously played plenty of Metroid Prime 3; Call of Duty: World at War is pratically a play-alike (without the Morph Ball, grapple beam, and ... er, all that other sci-fi stuff). We were pleasantly surprised to find that the game is also similar to another FPS ... Call of Duty: World at War – the "HD" version.%Gallery-33779%

  • Rumor: Call of Duty: World at War perks leaked

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    According to PlayStation Universe, the entire list of Call of Duty: World at War perks have leaked online. While this rumored list appears legit enough we haven't been able to confirm it, yet. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare players will recognize such perks as Stopping Power, Extreme Conditioning and the dreaded Martyrdom.The list also includes vehicle perks and such interesting perks as Bouncing Betty which is said to work the same as the Call of Duty 4 claymore perk and Toss Back which apparently resets the fuse when tossing an enemy grenade back. Call of Duty: World at War hits stores this November. The full rumored perk list can be found after the jump.[via Big Download]

  • CoD: World At War Collector's Edition pins the tail on you

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    You might need to fill that flask, er, "canteen" with more than just Kool-Aid if you plan to make it through the first few weeks of Call of Duty 5 Call of Duty: World At War boot camp. You see, you bought the "Limited Collector's Edition," which includes, in addition to a storage tin (guaranteed to fit other Treyarch games!) and the aforementioned sipping container, the infamous "Day One Advantage." As if spotting the guy with the ridiculously over-powered machine gun won't be easy enough, you'll also be pinned with a "uniquely colored clan tag" identifying your "VIP-status" in online multiplayer. In other words: Everybody kill that guy! Yeah, you.

  • Quantum of Solace still looks suspiciously good

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    It doesn't make any sense! A movie tie-in isn't supposed to look this good or get us this excited but Quantum of Solace is achieving in both respects. Developed by Treyarch and riding on the coat-tails of the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare engine, the latest James Bond adventure is set to release before the film on November 4. This behind the scenes trailer looks at some of the environments that gamers will experience in the game which takes place in both Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace. Excited? Yeah, us too. It feels ... strange.