tuaw talkcast


  • Talkcast reminder: Potluck night tonight

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our weekly interactive podcast goes live at 10pm Eastern this evening, and it's going to be a potluck night on the show -- you bring whatever you want to talk about, and we'll bring our own casserole of TUAW news from the last week. We'll definitely talk about the new iPhone 3GS: how fast it is, how Find My iPhone really can help you find your iPhone, five things you might not know about the phone (if you didn't read that post yet), and, errr -- how fast it is. The speed is such a big story we'll talk about it twice! Plus, you'll probably hear us wax poetic on how much we love the mini, and we'll talk about our "stickiest" iPhone applications -- apps we just can't help but load up that "one more time." Should be a lot of fun -- definitely tune in and join us at 10pm Eastern this evening over on TalkShoe. To participate on TalkShoe, you can use the browser-only client, or you can try out the classic TalkShoe Pro Java client; however, for maximum fun, you should call in. For the web UI, just click the "TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm Sunday. To call in on regular phone or VOIP lines (take advantange of your free cellphone weekend minutes if you like): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 -- during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *-8. Talk with you then! Recording support for the talkcast is provided by Call Recorder from ecamm networks.

  • Talkcast reminder: 10pm ET this evening with special guest Alykhan Jetha of Marketcircle

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our weekly interactive podcast goes live on the air tonight at 10pm Eastern time over on the Talkshoe page, so if you're around and ready to talk some Unofficial Apple Weblog news with us, please come by and join in. I'll be hosting this evening, and Dave Caolo will be along for the ride with us, as well as a slew of other familiar names and voices from TUAW and our community. And we'll be welcoming Alykhan "AJ" Jetha as our special guest for the evening -- he's the CEO of Marketcircle, makers of Daylite and Daylite Touch, business productivity management apps for the desktop and the iPhone. Our own Stephen Sande reviewed their products here on TUAW earlier this week.Also tonight on the show, we'll talk about all of the new iPhone hardware rumors floating around, and try to separate the wheat from the chaff there. There's also rumors of an OS update that we'll try shaking down, and the iPhone 3.0 beta has hit a new milestone, so we'll look that over as well. iTunes prices are up, and sales are down, so we'll try to figure out why. And since this is the eve of the release of Tweetie for Mac, we'll talk about which clients we've used for Twitter on the desktop before and if Tweetie will be everything that everyone else is saying it is. Should be a lot of fun -- tune in promptly at 10 Eastern to give us a listen. To participate on TalkShoe, you can use the browser-only interface, or you can stick with the classic TalkShoe Pro Java client; however, for maximum fun, you should call in so we can hear your dulcet tones. For the web UI, just click the "TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm Sunday. To call in on regular phone or VOIP lines (take advantange of your free cellphone weekend minutes if you like): dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077 -- during the call, you can request to talk by keying in *-8. SIP or Gizmo users can connect directly to Talkshoe by following the instructions here. Talk with you then! Recording support for the talkcast is provided by Call Recorder from ecamm networks.

  • Reminder: Talkcast tonight at 10 PM EDT

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    Well, it's Sunday, and as always TUAW will be starting the week off with our weekly live talkcast, thanks to the cool guys at TalkShoe. Michael Rose is on the road, but may still have a chance to call in and chat. I'll be taking over hosting duties for the night; we'll be taking calls and discussing the big Apple news (and Apple rumors) of the week. We'll also be giving away some schwag and software in what may possibly be our first "Movie Based Mac Trivia Challenge." Once again, you can join the conversation on TalkShoe by using the shiny new browser-only client; you can also use the classic TalkShoe Pro Java client that we all know and love. For the web UI, just click the "TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm Sunday. You can also listen in on the Talkshoe page or call in on regular phone or VOIP lines: dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID, 45077.

  • Next talkcast: Open phones and giveaways

    Christina Warren
    Christina Warren

    This Sunday night at 10 PM EST, Michael Rose, our consumate Talkcast host, will once agin be out of town, so I'll be taking his place. Hopefully, we won't run into any of the technical difficulties we ran into last week. We'll be taking open calls and discussing the top stories of the week, attempting to answer any of your questions, talking about Apple rumors...oh yeah, and we'll be giving away schwag (including some software) for correct trivia answers.To join the conversation and try your hand at winning, just log onto TalkShoe, either with or without an account, by using the shiny new browser-only client (no downloading required and no registration needed). Just click the "TalkShoe Web" button on our profile page at 10 pm Sunday. You can also listen in on the Talkshoe page or call in on regular phone or VOIP lines: dial (724) 444-7444 and enter our talkcast ID: 45077.

  • TUAW Talkcast tonight: Mac and iPhone gaming

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, the world famous TUAW Talkcast is back on the virtual air this evening kicking off at 10pm EST over on the Talkshoe site. Mike Rose is out of the hosting chair this week, but worry not -- I, Mike Schramm will be sitting in said chair running hosting duties as well as I can. And since I'm in charge this week, we'll of course be talking about server virtualization and security options for large scale enterprises. No, I'm kidding -- we'll be talking about games, and gaming on the Mac and iPhone.Brian Akaka of Mac gaming giants and all-around good guys Freeverse will be on the show to chat not only about gaming on the Mac (and why it's not as big as it could be), but also what it's like to design games for the iPhone, and what kinds of things we might see coming out of Freeverse and other developer come June and the App Store. Dave Caolo and some other friendly voices from TUAW should be on as well. And of course we'll have the cast of thousands hundreds whoever joins us on the conference call, and they're very nice folks, too.Be there at 10pm EST this evening for a talkcast to remember. Pertinent technical and sign-in info after the break. We'll see you there!

  • Reminder: Talkcast #18, tonight 10pm ET

    Mat Lu
    Mat Lu

    Join us again tonight at 10 ET for the next installment of our TUAW Talkcast. Tonight I'll be temporarily taking over hosting duties for Mike Rose who is on assignment (looking around everywhere for the TUAW home office).So join Christina W , Dave C, Mike S and myself at 10pm Eastern time for a gabfest on all things Apple related. You can find us over at Talkshoe. Or join the show in listen-only mode from any phone by calling (724) 444-7444 at 10 pm ET, entering the show ID (45077) and then pressing 1#.

  • TUAW Talkcast #12: Countdown to X-tasy 10.5

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    If you were one of the "lucky" folks listening live to the talkcast on Sunday night 10/21... well, what can I say, I feel your pain. Despite the audio bridge issues on the Talkshoe side, we did get a nice clean take on Skype and spent a solid hour counting down to 10.5, covering favorite expectations for Leopard and quickly diving into the big iPhone development news with Mike Schramm, Mat Lu, and special guest Kai Cherry. You can download the show directly, pick it up in our RSS or iTunes feeds, or stream it direct from Talkshoe.Don't forget that our next live show -- lucky #13 -- will be Sunday night 10/28 at a special 10pm ET start time, with a free-for-all call-in as we all enjoy the first 48 hours of Leopard. Mark your calendar and set an alarm; it's gonna be a barn-burner.

  • TUAW Talkcast: Join us live tonight, Sunday 10/21 9p ET

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    We're inside the five-day mark for Leopard's launch, and nobody is more excited than the team here at TUAW. Please join us live tonight for a free-range discussion of upgrade strategy, most-anticipated features, and more (including the iPhone SDK announcement aftermath) with Mat Lu, Mike Schramm and me as we fire off TUAW Talkcast #11, live and in color at 9 pm ET. Be sure to hang around after the show for our post-recording open phones session and the now-infamous 80s music trivia quiz.To participate in the call and the always-illuminating text chat, scootch over to Talkshoe ahead of time, sign up/download the client and get to a phone or VoIP client for the show. To listen in without the full client, either stream the show from the Talkshoe page, or you can join the show in listen-only mode from any phone by calling (724) 444-7444 at 9 pm ET, entering the show ID (45077) and then pressing #-1. Hope to hear you there!

  • Thinksecret throws their guess in the Leopard hat: October 26th

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    If you listened live to our TUAW talkcast last night (and you should have, because we were on fire, if I may say so myself), you heard us doing the same thing all Apple fans are doing this week: speculating on the (hopefully impending) release date of Leopard. Most of us still hold out hope for October (and we did realize that coming out around Halloween would make for some excellent Apple-related Halloween costumes), but personally, I'm still betting on October 26th. As we said last night, not only would that make for a weekend full of Leopard-y goodness, but the full moon is on the 25th, so the stars will be aligned just right for Time Machine.And Thinksecret agrees with me (that's awfully nice of them). Their sources (although I can tell you that I wasn't asked) say that Leopard is still on track for an October 26th release. I said last night that I expected Apple to actually announce a release date this coming week, but apparently it's still too early for that-- a new (and final) Leopard build is expected this week, and once that gets final approval, Thinksecret says October 26th is the day.However, time is definitely running out. Let's not forget that Apple announced Tiger a full 17 days before release, and that deadline passed last week. If they're not done debugging Leopard, there's a good chance we won't see it in October at all anyway. Not even the witches and goblins of Halloween will make Jobs do something he doesn't want to do.Thanks, Dewey K!

  • TUAW Talkcast #9 & live show tonight at 9 pm ET

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    Last Sunday, Mat Lu and Scott McNulty did a bang-up job on the TUAW Talkcast, covering the Amazon MP3 store launch and taking your calls. You can hear the show from our RSS & iTunes feeds, via direct download here, or via download and streaming over at Talkshoe.Meanwhile, you can join me, Mat & Dave Caolo plus special guests live tonight, 10/7 at 9 pm ET for more of the week's news, your Mac and iPhone questions, and maybe even some music trivia. Remember, you can dial into Talkshoe now without having a PIN (just follow the instructions at the site), but you need to sign up & download the client app if you want to join in our text chat or ask questions. Hear you soon!

  • TUAW Talkcast #4: Best of the week, more reader questions - available for download

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    The 4th edition of our new TUAW Talkcast went pretty well last night. We had a good turnout of readers joining in on the fun, and we all had a good time discussing things like imaginary iPhone feature updates, that quirky new Apple Keyboard and how well one can type on a glass display without buttons. We also fielded more questions from show participants such as Windows gaming on a Mac mini and how to truly delete images from iPhoto, and I must say: that question & answer segment is becoming one of my favorite parts of the show.We did have a few issues with audio quality, as I think Gizmo was misbehaving a little, but I tried cleaning up as best I could. There's only so much magic software can work on quirky audio, even in Mac OS X. Since we are still navigating the TalkShoe waters however, we appreciate your patience while trying to iron out the kinks, and we'll gladly accept any advice on how to improve audio quality (though we're aware of the basics, such as using a headset instead of built-in MacBook mics, etc.). We're also kicking around some ideas for a different day and time for the show in an effort to make it easier for more of you to join us. If you would prefer something other than 9:30 pm ET on Thursday nights, be sure to sound off in the comments.For now though, TUAW Talkcast #4 is available for download. It clocks in at just under 37 minutes and 33.7 MB. You can pick up the 'cast from our RSS & iTunes feeds, via direct download here, or via download and streaming over at Talkshoe.