

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 18: New Year's resolutions

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Dan O'Halloran, Turpster, and I all sat down for the 18th episode of the WoW Insider Show (and we got circular for the end of the year, since we had the same cast on the very first show), and it is now available for listening over on WoW Radio's website. We chatted about: Marcie's new raid healing column, and our new hardcore raiding content The big Ron Paul rally scheduled for tomorrow afternoon If summoning stones need neutral guards (they do not) and how mining will get easier We also talked about our suggested battle cries for the Alliance (my favorite is still "Grab Your Sword and Fight the Horde," and finally someone made a Tshirt for me-- thanks, Arek!-- but we found a lot of support for "You No Take Candle!" so I guess it's up to the Alliance what they like best). And we shared our New Year's resolutions for 2008-- Turpster's resolution is 1680x1050 (funny guy), Dan resolved to try some PvP, I resolved to play my good old Night Elf Hunter more, and see if I can't have a look at some high level content from the Alliance side.Definitely check out the show if you're bored while off work tomorrow, and don't forget-- we do this show live on WoW Radio every Saturday afternoon, so be sure to listen in again this coming Saturday at 3:30pm EST.

  • WoW Insider Show goes live this afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, it seems like the week flew by, but it's that time again-- the WoW Insider Show is going live on WoW Radio this afternoon at 3:30pm EST. This week, myself and Dan O'Halloran from WoW Insider are at the helm from our side, and from WoW Radio... well, we're not sure if Turpster's going to be on or not. No matter who shows up, it's sure to be a good time-- we'll be chatting about political figures making appearances in Azeroth, how to make mining and other gathering easier, and what's going on during the New Year's holiday next week (not to mention our own personal New Year's resolutions).So join us this afternoon, won't you? You can listen live at 3:30pm EST on WoW Radio, and be sure to fire up your IRC client as well to join us in #wowradio at irc.mmoirc.org. See you there.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 17: Sunwell, Lion's Pride, and Spleen the undead warrior

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our latest podcast is now available to listen to over on WoW Radio's website-- in it, Chris Jahosky, Turpster, and I all chat about everything there was to chat about in Warcraft the last week. Chris Jahosky of WoW Insider was on, and so we chatted about his being a Paladin, and about his ongoing graphic novel, available right here on the site. We answered a little reader mail, including how to deal with having a non-RP name on an RP server We talked about the new Sunwell deets revealed last week, and what we're excited to see. Apparently 17 hours isn't all that much, when you think about it. And we talked about our best wipes ever. Plus lots more. If you hear something interesting and have a comment, feel free to email us at theshow@wow.com, and let us know what you think about anything and everything.And stay tuned-- the WoW Insider Show goes on the air every Saturday afternoon at 3:30pm EST, so there's just a few more days until you can listen to us live again, and get your audio fill of everything going down in the World of Warcraft.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 15: Grab your sword and fight the Horde

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Matthew Rossi, Turpster, and I had a heck of a great time on last Saturday's episode of the WoW Insider Show, available right now for you listening pleasure over on WoW Radio and on iTunes. And we came up with two great slogans for the Alliance:The one I liked was "Grab your sword and fight the Horde," while Turpster's, if I recall correctly, was "Please put down that fishing appliance, we are Warcraft's fighting Alliance!" Okay, I may not be recalling that exactly correctly. But I know for sure that we chatted about the brand new collision of Activision and Blizzard. We also talked about our most popular story last week. We clarified a few pieces of mine, including the big analysis of the WoW laptop, and why everyone got so angry at my post about summoning stones. And we also had some great PvP discussion, both about how to lose at Alterac Valley, and how to beat a Warlock. Plus, as we mentioned, if you've been bugged by my clicking headset in the past, that's all over with-- I got a sparkling new headset and it sounds much, much better. All of the laughs, none of the clicking. It's like a whole new podcast.And if you didn't get to listen to us live but want to next week, make a note for Saturday afternoon at 3:30 pm EST-- that's when we go live over on the WoW Radio (now 24/7!) site. The WoW Insider Show is always a fun time, and even if you read the blog during the week, it's always great to get a little insight and background on how things work around here.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 15 live tomorrow

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's just a sample of what listeners are saying about our podcast (now in its 15th week, and going live on the air once again tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm EST):"Quite entertaining.""It's probably the best WoW radio content out there right now.""Highly recommended."The WoW Insider Show is just like this great website you're visiting, only in audio form (and with a considerable dash of WoW Radio's Turpster, which will definitely add spice to any meal). If you haven't gotten a chance to listen live yet, please tune in tomorrow at 3:30pm EST over on WoW Radio-- not only can you hear our voices as we speak, but you can also join us on IRC and actually interact with the show as it goes down. We'll be chatting about the boy-meets-moose story, the WoW laptop (and whether it's worth it or not), Activision Blizzard, and both how to beat a warlock, and how to lose in Alterac Valley.If you can't make it, no worries-- the show is also available to download on WoW Radio's site and on iTunes every single week. But if you can tune in tomorrow, we'd be thrilled to have you.

  • WoW Insider Show episode 14: A podcast of PvP

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    WoW Insider's Zach Yonzon joined Turpster and I on the podcast this past weekend, and boy did we have a good time. Zach actually woke up at 4:30 a.m. his time (he's in Manila) to join us, but we got a lot of good discussion in about Arena PvP, battlegrounds, and all the other news from the last week of WoW Insider: We chatted about Arena Smurfs, and I forced Zach and Turps to come up with ways to stop them. We talked about robbing the guild bank, and how you can get away with it. Alliance players: don't hate yourselves. Hate us Hordies. We asked if daily quests were bad for battlegrounds. (Short answer: no, but we need more of them). And finally, I asked Blizzard to keep the Ghost Wolf around, and sure enough, that's just what they did. All in all, a superlative hour of podcast listening (except for my stupid mic clicking all the time-- sorry listeners, I swear that by the next time we go on, I'll have a brand new, completely silent mic), available right now over on WoW Radio. Check it out, won't you?And while you're over there, be sure to listen to the rest of their great shows, too-- they are now broadcasting 24/7 on the front page, so if you've missed any of the shows in their archive, keep your speakers tuned to their page. And tune in next Saturday at 3:30pm for more WoW Insider show-- it's just like this great blog, only in audio form.

  • Reminder: WoW Insider Show episode 11 live tomorrow afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This show goes all the way to 11, and you can be there with us live tomorrow. Turpster and I (and a few other folks from WoW Insider and WoW Radio) will go live on WoW Radio at 3:30pm EST tomorrow afternoon for episode number 11 on the WoW Insider show.On this week's episode, odds are that we'll chat about World of Warcraft-- what's that? Oh, you want specifics? Patch 2.3 is the topic of the week-- everyone wants to know what's changing, how to deal with the changes, and why changes aren't happening (that last part is for you, Shamans). Also, after basically discovering that it's cheaper to buy the cards than the packs to get the loot cards, you might imagine that I have some interesting opinions on that, and you'd be right.So come check us out tomorrow afternoon at WoW Radio and on irc at irc.wowirc.com in #wowradio. See you then.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 10: Money, Zul'Aman, and Illidan down

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Episode number 10 of the WoW Insider Show has it the virtual airwaves, and you can now listen to it over on WoW Radio's website, or on your very own copy of iTunes. Mike Schramm (me), Elizabeth Harper, Ryan Carter, and of course the inimitable Turpster were all on the mic for this week's show, and we discussed a sampling of the most popular posts from the last week of WoW Insider. We all gave out our best tips on how to make some more money, money, money. We chatted about the season 3 armor sets, as well as the fact that season 1 sets are going to be available for honor Zul'Aman armor also got a short review from each of us. I was the only one who really liked the tribal feel, but then again I'm a Shaman, and we're all about getting tribal. We discussed the coming changes to lowbie items, and whether they'll help out twinks or not And we talked about Chinese Burning Crusade players and their recent downing of Illidan Oh, and our new site Massively got a nice mention as well-- unfortunately, the Murloc suit contest ended yesterday, but the site is still up and pouring out all kinds of great MMO news. If WoW isn't the only MMO you play (or even if it is, and you're interested about hearing what other MMOs have to offer), make a stop over there, and leave a comment or two, won't you?

  • Listen to the WoW Insider show live tomorrow on WoW Radio

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, tomorrow is Saturday again, which means it'll be time to dial up WoW Radio, and listen in live to the WoW Insider Show. I'll be back on the show after a short two-week hiatus, and along with me will be Ryan Carter from WoW Insider (and DIY Life, if you're into that kind of thing), and while I'm not 100% sure we'll have Turpster from WoW Radio, both you and I would really enjoy it if we did, so he'll probably be there too.On the docket, I've got discussion about how to rake in the cash, all the different gear up for the Arenas in season 3, and how awesome it'll be to see some better items for lowbies and twinks. And since a few kids in China downed Illidan, we'll probably talk about that, too, as well as anything else that comes to mind from the past week in WoW. Just because we've been working so hard on it, you'll probably hear a story or two from behind the scenes of our new site Massively, but this is a WoW podcast, so any talk about that will be over before you know it.So join us, please, tomorrow at 3:30pm EST over at WoW Radio (and on IRC at wowirc.com's #wowradio channel) for an hour of what some call "the best WoW podcast on the Internet." OK, only my mom calls it that, but trust me, listen in tomorrow and it'll be a fun time. See you then!

  • Listen to the WoW Insider Show, episode 7

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Bored waiting for your character to copy over to the 2.3 PTR? Episode 7 of the WoW Insider Show is now available online over at WoW Radio for your listening pleasure. WoW Radio's Turpster, WoW Insider's Matthew Rossi and I sat down last Saturday and gave our listeners insight, discussion, and hopefully a little bit of humor regarding the following posts: The 2.3 PTR patch notes: Of course we had to discuss the upcoming patch. Forum Post of the Day: The fight to enter Zul'Aman: "One does not merely walk into the Ghostlands." WoW Moviewatch: Four wheels of Fury!: You can hear me do the "lawgiva" yell. Dalaran might be Alliance-only: Although Turpster disagrees. The sad state of BG healing: When a Warlock tops the healing charts, you know we're all in trouble. Got your ram yet? Our Brewfest wrapup. Plus, we talk at length about leveling the same class over and over again, Paladin viability with both DPS and tanking, and how Turpster is a master of WoW-related comedy. It's a good time, so give it a listen, won't you?And don't forget that we do this live on WoW Radio every Saturday afternoon at 3:30pm EST or 8:30pm GMT. This weekend, Turpster won't actually be around (he's going to Totalbiscuit's wedding-- Grats, TB and Eriyanna!), but as always, we'll have WoW Insider folks on with WoW Radio folks, and the best WoW insight and commentary outside of, well, this very site.

  • Reminder: WoW Insider Show live tomorrow afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, it's almost Saturday again, and you know what that means-- the WoW Insider Show is set to take to the airwaves of WoW Radio once more. Episode 7 kicks off at 3:30pm EST (8:30pm GMT), and you can listen live over on our site, as well as chat with us in IRC at irc.wowirc.com in channel #wowradio. Our email address is theshow@wow.com, so if you've got feedback for us before or after the show, we're all ears.On the menu tomorrow, we'll be talking even more about 2.3 (duh-- it's huge!), what's up with Dalaran after it moves to Northrend, how much fun Brewfest was, and that Toyota ad everyone's talking about. I'll be hosting, Matthew Rossi will be aboard (so we'll definitely have to get some good tanking discussion in-- if you're a tank or have ever been protected by one, make sure to listen), and WoW Radio's Turpster should be there as well, so you know it'll be a great show.Should be, as always, a great time. Hit us up on WoW Radio tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 pm EST for Episode lucky number 7 of the WoW Insider Show. See you there!

  • Episode 5 of the WoW Insider Show now online

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Just in case you missed it on Saturday, Episode 5 of the WoW Insider show is now online and in iTunes, ready for your listening pleasure. Robin, Turpster and I took to the airwaves (and if you had problems with the quality of our show, check again, as we've come up with a brand new way to record it that sounds a lot better) to talk in depth about patch 2.2, everything coming in patch 2.3, and all the other stuff you read on WoW Insider last week. It's just like reading this blog-- but it's in audio form!As always, if you've got feedback about the show, compliments, questions, complaints, or anything else at all, toss us a line at theshow@wow.com-- we'd love to hear it. We do the show every week, so if you like it this week and want to listen live, meet back up with us on Saturday at 3:30pm over at WoW Radio. Thanks for listening, enjoy the show.

  • Episode 3 of the WoW Insider show now available

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Episode 3 of the WoW Insider Show is now available to listen over at WoW Radio and also as a podcast on iTunes (wow, those iTunes reviews are harsh, aren't they? Send us your suggestions on how to make the show better at theshow@wow.com). I was on board this time around, as was our own Amanda Rivera, and WoW Radio's ever popular Turpster and Alris from the World of Theorycraft.We chatted about all of our popular posts from last week, including whether rogues stealthing around constitutes an exploit, Matthew's post about trojans, and what exactly Blizzard's Hydra is. We hit on lots more, too, and I made everyone give their prediction for the patch 2.2 release-- "this week," "next week," or "later." I believe "this week" won among the four of us (it's what I said), but considering what the CMs are saying lately, I have to admit I'm second guessing myself-- we may not see the patch tomorrow morning after all.And don't forget that we do this live every Saturday at 3:30pm EST over at WoW Radio. Tune in next week for yet another episode of WoW Insider in audio form-- we call it the WoW Insider Show.

  • Reminder: The WoW Insider Show is live tomorrow afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Tomorrow, don't forget to tune in to WoW Radio, and check out the third episode of our official podcast, the WoW Insider Show. We're going to kick off the broadcast about 3:30pm EST (which is 8:30pm GMT, I believe), and we've got lots of great discussion items on our platter: we'll hit up AFKers in Alterac (because we haven't talked about that on the podcast yet, right?), the WSVG shutdown shocker, and all of our most popular posts of the last week.I'm going to be back on the mic this week, and WoW Insider's Amanda Riviera will be joining me, as well as Turpster ("The T," as we like to call him) and Alris from WoW Radio. And of course we want you along for the ride as well: go to wcradio.com tomorrow to listen in live, and we'll also be sitting in the IRC channel at #wowradio on irc.mmoirc.com. And as usual, we'll be watching for your emails: theshow@wow.com is the address for your suggestions, complaints, compliments, or questions you'd like us to answer.Tune in tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 pm EST for the third episode of the absolute best podcast about WoW Insider: we'll see you on the WoW Insider show.

  • First WoW Insider Show episode available for download

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    A big thanks to everyone that tuned into the very first episode of the WoW Insider Show-- lots of good times were had as WoW Radio's Turpster, and Dan O'Halloran and I discussed everything from whether it's OK for a guild leader to ninja a mount to whether we'll fly in Northrend before level 78 or not, all the way back to why gold farming might be OK. Actually, Dan stands alone on that last one-- you can listen to the show, right now, over on WoW Radio's homepage for it to find out exactly what happened. And it's also in iTunes-- here's the link for the iTunes Store if you've got iTunes installed.Congratulations to listener Chris S for randomly winning the Murloc suit giveaway! Stay tuned for many more giveaways on the show. And if you have comments or suggestions for the show, our email address is theshow@wow.com.And the WoW Insider Show rolls on-- this coming Saturday, September 8th, at 3:30 pm EST, we'll have our second episode, and you'll be able to listen live over at WoW Radio just like last week. We'll cover everything that's happened in the World of Warcraft over the past week, as well as keep you entertained and give you exclusive insight on everything we write about here at WoW Insider.So thanks everyone who listened in this week, and be sure to check us out on every Saturday, kicking off at 3:30pm EST.

  • WoW Insider and WoW Radio present: The WoW Insider Show

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/pc_games/WoW_Insider_WoW_Radio_team_up_to_present_The_WoW_Insider_Show'; You've asked us for a podcast, we've considered our options, and now it's time to do it up right. WoW Insider has teamed up with none other than Totalbiscuit and the folks at WoW Radio to create The WoW Insider Show, a weekly audio podcast featuring news and views about World of Warcraft and its community. Every Saturday afternoon at 3:30 EST, WoW Insider will appear live on WoW Radio to talk about the most popular posts of the last week, and what's happening in the World of Warcraft.We want your insight and your comments, too: our show email will be theshow@wow.com, and that's where you'll be able to send insights both during and after the show. And we'll hook you up for your input-- while you're listening live, you'll be given the chance to win swag as well. For our first show, going down this Saturday, September 1st, we'll be giving away one of our biggest prizes yet: an ingame Murloc suit from BlizzCon. Listen in to learn how to win your chance to wear one of these!WoW Insider. WoW Radio. Two of the biggest names in the World of Warcraft community have teamed up to bring you the ultimate World of Warcraft podcast. Stay tuned to WoW Insider and our show site at WoW Radio to learn more, and get ready to listen in on Saturday, as WoW Insider's Mike Schramm and Dan O'Halloran take to the air with WoW Radio's Mark 'Turpster' Turpin and Kyle 'Mickey-C' McCarley. Be there!