

  • HP's Pavilion dv3 and dm1 wash ashore on European land

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    As one of the last two Vista holdouts on HP's online laptop store (the other being HDX16), we were wondering what was going on with the Pavilion dv3. Well, it's still not stateside, but Germany and the UK can apparently pick up the Windows 7-equipped touchscreen dv3-2200 now for £799.99 / €899 (somewhere between $1,305 and $1,350, respectively, in comparable US currency), with difference of pricing based on the separate listings. Additionally, we spotted the 11.6-inch dm1-1000 -- which was also leaked alongside the dv3 -- with a 1.2GHz Celeron processor and that hot new OS from Redmond. We're sure it'll come to the US eventually, but for now we're just gonna have to wait ever, ever so patiently. [Thanks, Adam and everyone] Read - Official HP dm1-1000 page Read - Official HP dv3-2200 page Read - PC World UK listing for dv3

  • LG GD910 Watch Phone review

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    You're not how much money you have in the bank, you're not the car you drive, you're not the contents of your wallet, you are not your freaking khakis – oh, who are we kidding, if you're reading a site such as this, you're all about your khakis. To sate that "look good, feel good" need in all of us, LG has brought out the ultimate in techie chic: a watchphone. This is not just any watchphone though, this is a £500 ($808) droplet of Orange-tinted exclusivity that straddles your wrist and demands onlookers' attention. Do the consumer in you a favor and come along past the break where we have the full scoop on the GD910. %Gallery-75733%

  • BlackBerrys for coppers: UK law enforcement to smarten up in 2010

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Police men and women of Blighty are about to step into the 21st century, albeit a decade late, with a new weapon in the fight against boredom on the beat. The BBC reports that smartphones will become standard issue throughout the Queen's realm by March 2010, as a result of successful trials carried out in 30 constabularies through this year. Improved "operational efficiency" and reduced bureaucracy are argued as the key benefits, with a solid 30 minutes less time being spent in police stations each day. And we're absolutely positive that extra half hour will go toward increased "visibility in the community" and not checking out friends' Facebook status updates. No, really! Read -- BBC report Read -- Bedfordshire case study

  • Palm Pre now available on O2 UK

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    And the Telefonica rollout of the GSM Pre continues. Starting today, those gorgeous people populating the sinking, but still glorious, isle of the United Kingdom can get their hands on a Palm Pre by hitting up their nearest O2 store. And by hitting up we mean becoming customers, not robbing the place. Anyway, the cheapest (or least expensive) 18-month tariff on which the Pre can be had for free is £44.05 ($71) per month, which throws in 1,200 free minutes and "unlimited" data and WiFi. That monthly price drops to £34.26 ($55) if you go for a two-year contract, but the bundled minutes are also fewer at 600. There's also an option to pay £96.89 ($157) for the handset upfront, which cuts the cost of the subsequent price plans, full details of which can be found at the read link.[Thanks, Cuan B.]

  • China Blue HD crosses over to the UK, third Opium War inevitable

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    We've given HD DVD's bastard child China Blue HD its due for a good start in its native land, but now that U.K. Importer GBAX has made a few units available it's time for English language buyers to at least consider this Blu-ray alternative. Of course, with a £259.99 ($413.22 U.S.) pricetag for this plain TCL player, AV and HD cables, plus 14 CBHD movies (The Aviator, Blood Diamond, The Invasion, The Island, Flood, Poseidon & 8 Chinese-only flicks) to get you started the barrier to entry is high, but as shown in the unboxing / preview video -- embedded after the break, watch for ninjas -- the experience is very familiar. As Format War Central points out, the 220/240Hz power cord makes things complicated for the U.S. and other places outside Europe, but hardcore HD DVD holdouts are used to a world filled with only Warner and Universal movies already, so why not give the other blue laser flavor a try? [Via Format War Central]

  • Kindle coming to the UK in October? Amazon might just tell us next week

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Wanna know what we love? Authoritative sources. That fine breed of people who don't like keeping important secrets is back with another hit, this time suggesting that Amazon has finally tied up all the loose ends and is ready to bring the Kindle to Blighty. This implies Qualcomm has done its rumored job of putting together a 3G and WiFi connectivity package with one of the UK's mobile operators, and all that remains to be done now is the old dotting and crossing of i's and t's. An official announcement -- which should tell us whether the Kindle 2 will be joined by the chunkier Kindle DX -- is expected some time ahead of the Frankfurt Book Fair, which commences on October 14. [Via Pocket lint]

  • HTC HD2 makes first official appearance in O2 UK catalog

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    We've been furnished with the above page from an O2 in-store catalog detailing the HTC HD2 (aka Leo), which was set for a UK release on October 12 (though we're hearing that may have slipped to the 26th). Interesting that it's pictured with a stock Windows Mobile 6.5 UI instead of TouchFLO 3D. Is O2 rushing HTC's new hotness out the door in response to losing its iPhone supremacy? Or did an absent-minded employee just slip out the catalogs ahead of time? We're getting in touch with O2 to find out and will update with more details as we get them. For now, check out the full catalog page after the break. [Thanks, Peter W.] Update: After O2 stonewalled our phone enquiries, we decided to drop by our nearest (which was still annoyingly far away) store to have a look for ourselves. Alas, we only found September issues of the catalog, and the above snapshot is from the October iteration, which sports a big fat Pre promo on the front. So, anyone else seen an advance copy yet?

  • iPhone 3G and 3GS to be offered by Orange UK -- official

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Well well, turns out rumors sometimes do come true. The widely speculated end to O2's exclusivity of the iPhone is now upon us and Orange is the first competitor to throw its hat into the ring. The company has not yet released tariff pricing, but there's a tantalizingly small release window, as availability is promised "later this year." At least there's finally some competition when it comes to the iPhone in the UK, and we can also probably look forward to T-Mobile joining in on the fun. Let the price war begin![Via iPhone Bang; Thanks, Gears]

  • Motorola DEXT promised to Orange UK in early October, free on contract

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    While the US release date is still in question, Motorola CLIQ's brother across the pond DEXT has gotten itself an official an early October window from UK's exclusive carrier Orange. Best of all, it's expected to be free for those who commit to a two-year, £34.26 per month ($56.43) contract. With any luck, Americans with a penchant for Android and physical keyboards will get their own "free on contract and launching in October" deal, but we've still got nothing confirmed.

  • Microsoft and Tesco strike up 'virtual DVD' partnership

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Starting this autumn -- which is sort of like now -- Tesco stores in the UK will be offering "virtual DVDs" to customers who purchase certain home video titles. Promising no less than a "DVD-equivalent" experience, the new service will be replete with all the menus, copyright warnings and extra bits you'd find on the disc itself, plus additional exclusive content and movie viewing parties with online chat. We're not entirely sure films need all the added interactivity Microsoft has cooked up, but ambitions are to expand the bonus content and to offer the service in other markets "eventually." And hey, seeing as it's based on Silverlight, all that good stuff will be available on Mac too.

  • The Beatles finally coming to iTunes, according to Yoko Ono (update: EMI says not tomorrow)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Even more than in past years, the build-up to Apple's iPod event this Wednesday has been nothing if not a bevy of The Beatles / iTunes rumors -- the company even broke with its traditional Tuesday event date to have it instead on "09-09-09," the same day The Beatles Rock Band and a new box set are due to hit store shelves. Now it looks like we've heard it from none other than Yoko Ono herself, who in a now-pulled Sky News article confirmed that the Fab Four's headed for digital distribution. All that's left of the piece is a Google cache of the first sentence, so for the full skinny, it looks like we'll have to wait until tomorrow. Update: EMI is telling Financial Times that, while conversations are still going on, no announcements will be made tomorrow. Read - Yoko Ono reveals Beatles on iTunes Read - Google cache

  • Sony Ericsson Aino and Satio hitting the UK on October 7

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    It's not like we didn't know this already, but Sony Ericsson has now officially confirmed an October UK release for its latest pair of handsets. The half-Swedish, half-Welsh mobile empire has set the seventh day of the tenth month of whatever year this is as the date for a nice little corporate get-together and unveiling of whatever little details haven't been seen or pored over by now. The Aino slider hopes to capture fans with its slender looks and PS3 Remote Play skills, while the Satio (formerly known as the Idou, pictured) works the multimedia phone crowd with a 12.1 megapixel cam and a 3.5-inch 16:9 display. The latter was recently handled by Engadget Spanish, who found it underwhelming and somewhat sluggish -- but rest assured, we'll be getting a lot more fingerprints on these touchscreen devices in the coming weeks.

  • Spotify for iPhone gets thumbs up from Apple, subscription music with offline playlists is a go

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Streaming and subscription music services are a dime a dozen on iPhone, and they seem to get past Apple's app store approval hurdles with relative ease. But Spotify was one whose fate wasn't so clear cut, given its offline playlist function -- which as the name suggests downloads songs ahead of time for you to listen to when there's no WiFi or phone service to stream from -- could very easily fall into the category of "duplication of core iPhone functionality" and get deep-sixed at the drop of a hat. Turns out that's not the case here, as an Apple spokesperson has told paidContent UK that the app's been given the metaphorical stamp of approval and would be hitting the store "very soon." A premium subscription will run about £9.99 ($16.20) per month, with an option to pay annually coming at a later date. Of course, there's a catch, as Spotify's service is only available in Sweden, Norway, Finland, the UK, France and Spain for now. The company expects to invade America sometime later this year, but that means another round of app store approvals -- and with Apple's track record on consistency, there's no telling how that'll turn out.

  • UK ATMs use cockney slang, we don't Adam 'n Eve it

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    If you're trying to innovate and be more inclusive, it's fine to have a local dialect -- as ATMs run by Bank Machine are doing in East London over the next few months -- but for the love of uncle Fred, don't use a lingo associated with wide boys and notorious criminals. For our American audience, imagine your reaction if your ATM asked if you'd like to "withdrizzle yo' monizzle, homie." Of course, in a world that already includes a Cockney Bible (not a joke), this sort of thing seems positively tame, and it is after all just an option. [Via Yahoo]

  • Dixons launches slim little Advent Altro CULV PCs

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    UK electronics retailer Dixons just got the memo that slim is in, and its taken it to heart. The store is on the verge of launching two new PCs as part of its Advent brand -- and the 13.3-inch CULV Altro line is pretty sexy looking. Already drawing the obvious comparisons to the MacBook Air in the looks department, the Altro boasts an Intel Celeron CPU, 3GB of RAM, and a 120GB hard drive, WiFi, Bluetooth, plus USB and HDMI ports, and one multifunction connector for hooking up an external port replicator. If the specs of the Altro aren't beefy enough for you, there will be a second version -- the Elite -- which will have an Intel Core 2 Solo processor, and a "premium" flush glass finish. Both of the Advent Altros will be available at Dixons (that's UK-only) starting August 24th, with prices at £600 (around $987) for the standard model and £800 (about $1,316) for the Elite. Both come with Windows Vista pre-installed, but a free upgrade to Windows 7 is also included. One more shot after the break.[Via SlashGear]

  • Tony Hawk: RIDE Limited Edition skateboard outed as UK version gets priced and dated

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    While details aren't 100 percent confirmed for those of us across the pond -- Activision has yet to come out and verify those October 13th / $120 listings -- Tony Hawk: RIDE and its white not-quite-skateboard will be launching November 20th in the United Kingdom for £99.99, or about $168 in US currency. European retailer GAME will be selling a limited edition version of the game, which will sport a red and black skateboard and surprisingly no markup in price whatsoever. You know, it's a good thing the console cycle seems to be extending beyond its formerly four-year pattern, because these plastic peripherals are gonna be doing a number on our bank accounts. [Via Joystiq] Read - Tony Hawk Ride dated and priced Read - Limited Edition listing

  • Leica S2 DSLR hitting UK scene in October for eye-opening $26,165 without lens

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Remember Leica's S-system flagship DSLR camera? We'd wager a nickel you probably stuck this in the deep in the back of your brain after its September 2008 debut, figuring something that boasts 37.5 megapixels and Leica branding was gonna be just out of your budget range. Well, you were right. The company announced that it'll be out in the UK as of October this year, and the starting price is £15,996, or about $26,165 in US dollars. Since you're going on the wild side anyhow, why not consider the S2-P, which features a sapphire glass monitor screen and "Platinum Service" support package? That'll set you back £19,092 ($31,229). Bear in mind both those prices are for body only, and with lenses range anywhere from £3,096 to £5,160, you might as well forget about that year of salary.

  • Samsung NC10 being offered by UK carriers, Vodafone's pricing surprisingly good

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    Laptops bundled with mobile telephony contracts rarely arouse our penny-pinching passions, but UK carriers are getting pretty aggressive with pricing for the Samsung NC10. Vodafone takes the lead by offering the extraordinarily well-reviewed netbook for free with a £25 ($40) monthly tariff over two years, which makes for a total contract cost of £600 ($972), or just over twice the retail price of the device -- that, dear friends, is a good deal. Packages from the other carriers are similarly stonking, coalescing around the £30 ($48) per month mark, with Three standing out by asking for only an 18-month commitment. We'd prefer even shorter contracts, but can't quibble too much with the value on offer.Read - O2 (£29.38/month for 24 months, 3GB limit)Read - Three (£30/month for 18 months, 5GB limit)Read - T-Mobile (£30/month for 24 months, 5GB limit) Read - Vodafone (£25/month for 24 months, 1GB limit)

  • "Bionic" goose happy to have new leg, disappointed by lack of retractable laser cannon

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Not wanting to let Betty the gosling goose meet an untimely fate, a UK vet outfitted the anatidae with a bionic leg, allegedly the first operation of its kind in the world (not counting Robot Chicken, of course). She's currently learning to walk again at nearby Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital at Buckinghamshire. Does she now possess super speed, the ability to make large vaults without using her wings, or a super powerful kick? All signs point to no, but a new lease on life has gotta count for something, right?

  • GSM Pre to launch on O2 in UK

    Nilay Patel
    Nilay Patel

    We heard earlier this morning that the GSM Pre was set for a UK launch, and now it sounds like things are coming together: The Guardian says the Palm's baby will launch on O2. That makes perfect sense, O2 owner Telefonica reportedly secured broad global rights to the Pre back in March. Of course, this is all yet to be official, but with actual GSM handsets floating around out there and an announcement expected next week, we're guessing we don't have too much longer to wait.