

  • Presenting some sweet Viva Piata swag

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    The package pictured above showed up on Gamertag Radio's doorstep yesterday. The box had a copy of Viva Piñata, a "passport" to Piñata Island, some purple Easter grass, and of course, the piñata. A sweeter piece of game related swag we haven't seen in a long time. Yes, we're afraid that it even tops RoboBlitz T-shirts. Sadly, packages like this rarely make it past the automated Nerf turrets outside Fanboy Towers -- they're not lethal, just really annoying. It's too bad really, because it's a nice bit of kit we could have given away. Speaking of Viva Piñata, has anybody picked it up yet? Is it any good?

  • An actual Viva Piata ... piata?

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's natural really. American Greetings has signed a deal with 4Kids Entertainment to create, ahem, "social expression products" based on Microsoft's would be Pokémon killer, Viva Piñata. These products are to include stickers, gift wrap, gift bags, greeting cards, Christmas ornaments, and (drum roll please) party goods! Oh please, let them make honest-to-God piñatas. I actually saw a Viva Piñata branded piñata while picking up my copy of GOW, but I think it was purely promotional. Besides, it was tiny. It would hold, like, hardly any candy at all. So, if you love (or hate) Viva Piñata and would dearly like to smash your own, your dream is one step closer to reality. Don't get your hopes up just yet, though: the product line isn't scheduled to launch until Fall of 2007. Full press release after the break.

  • Games shipping this week: ignorant edition

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Let's see . . . games shipping this week . . . let's have a look. Hmmmm, we've got World Championship Poker: All In. Not bad, not bad. Let's see what else, Viva Piñata, ooh that's a pretty big one. And, oh, there's Call of Duty 3 and Project 8, those are huge games, too. We've got History Channel Civil War and Blitz: the League, those might be pretty good. Anything else? Let's see . . . nope. No, that's it, nothing else. Oh wait, there's another one here at the bottom. Um . . . Gears of . . . what is it, War? Is that it? Is that a game about Richard Gere? If it is, they spelled his name wrong.

  • Viva Piata achievements cracked open

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Piñata Island, the wiki for all your Viva Piñata needs, has a big stick. They have taken that stick, swung it smack into the piñata that is the internet, and cracked it wide open. "What was inside?" you ask. Why, nothing other than a listing of Viva Piñata's 20 non-secret achievements. There are 50 in all, with 30 of them being secret. The achievements range from easy (name one of your piñatas) to requiring Pokémon like dedication (attract 50 piñatas) -- and all of them are worth 20 points. Supposedly, all achievements should be unlocked through normal play. Our favorite is Wealth Master, which requires the player to amass 100,000 chocolate coins, the game's currency. We don't care if they are chocolate, anyone with 100,000 chocolate coins is wealthy in our book. [Thanks, jimmcq]

  • Now there's a Rare site

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    Rare is back online with a new and, dare I say, boring website design that seems focused on...Piñatas. Imagine that. You might as well pay a visit after checking out their latest "more than a video, less than a demo" offering on Marketplace.

  • Viva Piata demo on Marketplace, sort of

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    There is a new Viva Piñata "demo" available on Xbox Live Marketplace. It is dubbed an "interactive video," which means it's not really a demo proper. We have been trying to download it all day, so that we could tell you what it's all about. It seems like the Live gods are against us, however, as we have been unable to actually complete the download. It keeps getting stuck at lower and lower percentages, too. Has anyone else been able to grab it? What's it like? Inquiring minds want to know.

  • Viva Piata featured in WSJ (wha?)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Nintendo may have created the first generation of (pocket) monster controlled mindslaves, but Microsoft is hoping to snare the next generation with piñatas. And it looks like they just might hit the big time. That's right, Viva Piñata has been featured in the money-grubbingest of all publications, the Wall Street Journal. A subscription is required to read the article, and we certainly don't make WSJ caliber money around here. Lucky for us, the fine folks of Gamerscoreblog have picked out a tasty snippet, "And in the New York showroom of Playmates Toys Inc. on Wednesday, 70 or so tradable Viva Piñata figurines and a hand-held electronic game -- made by Playmates -- will be unveiled. The toys offer more avenues for marketing partnerships that would connect Viva Piñata with kids when they step away from their TVs and are designed to link the components of a piñata universe that has been carefully concocted to boost the videogame."It just drips with the trappings of a master plan, doesn't it? Any of you planning on picking up Viva Piñata for the kids? For yourselves?

  • Be Called to Duty on Nov. 10th

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Call of Duty fans mark your calendars, Call of Duty 3 has been dated. CVG lists the 360 version for November 10th, well before any other version (the PS3 version is set for March 07). Curiously absent from Activision's announcement is the date for the Xbox version. CVG speculates that this could mean the Xbox version has been canceled. It seems doubtful, but COD2 is the 360's first million seller. Maybe Activision and Mircrosoft are hoping COD3 will drive sales of the 360. Regardless, 360 owners will be the first to play. We can't help but note that it's going to be impossible to sample all the 360 goodness this holiday. Gears of War, Phantasy Star, Splinter Cell, Viva Piñata, R6 Vegas, the list just keeps going. Who's planning on squeezing Call of Duty 3 in there?[Via Evil Avatar]

  • X06: ...and the rest

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Quick impressions and thoughts on some other noteworthy games shown on the X06 show floor. Guitar Hero II (360): Not playable, but demo'ed continuously by two rock gods with the stamina of heavyweight boxers (see picture). They confirmed that the final Xbox 360 guitar controller would look like a Gibson Explorer but refused to comment on wireless capabilities or the intriguing D-pad on the base. Game itself looked nice in hi-rez, but graphics lagged a bit with the music at this early stage. Viva Piñata: Playable tutorial walks you through building a house, attracting new piñatas and making baby eggs. Rare demo with ten hours of progress showed a thriving garden brimming with life and fully accessorized piñatas. Hired helpers prevent the game from becoming a micromanagement chore. Looks like it could be a hit with the Pokemon set. Forza Motorosport 2: Game had major frame rate issues, making it very difficult to play and/or judge. PR handlers say it's 60 percent complete... that last 40 will be an uphill battle. Halo 2 (PC): Game played great with the mouse and keyboard, and looked great on the decked out Dell Dimension 9150 with large widescreen monitor. Other than that, it's still Halo. Map editor was not available for demo. Crackdown: Grand Theft Auto meets Hulk: Ultimate Destruction in a mess of a game with rough graphics, sloppy controls and an awful camera system. Needs serious work to be a worthy contender. That about does it for X06 posts from Barcelona. Sorry if I didn't cover your favorite game, but there wasn't enough time to do justice to everything available on the show floor. If there's anything you're still wondering about that wasn't covered in our X06 posts, I'll do my best to answer specific questions in the below comment thread in the coming days.

  • X06 brief, see it again for the first time [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you were unable to catch the live webcast of Microsoft's X06 briefing, it's now available on (links directly to video). We've given you some snippets of it already, but now you can get the whole enchilada (mmm ... enchiladas). The briefing was filled with lots of glitz, glamour, and video, things that were lacking in a certain other keynote at TGS earlier this month. Viva Piñata, Gears of War, Blue Dragon, you name it. If it's a big game, it's there. Check it out, if you're so inclined.Update: It looks like the link wouldn't play nice with our interface. Should be fixed now. Click here.

  • Tons of new X06 Marketplace content

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Following today's press briefing, there is now a boatload of new trailers on Marketplace. They are, in no particular order:Assassin's CreedBlue DragonLost OdysseyHalo WarsViva PiñataCall of Duty 3Marvel UniverseBanjo-KazooiePGR4Splinter Cell: Double AgentBioshockFIFA 07All this and a bag of DOOM. We have to wonder, though: what the hell will we get next? They've got two more days to fill after all. Any predictions?

  • TGS: Viewing Viva Piata

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Viva Piñata was our first in a series of Microsoft press events being held yesterday during the first day of the open-to-the-public portion of the Tokyo Game Show. Safely huddled away from the unwashed gaming masses filling the Makuhari Messe convention center to within an inch of its legal limitations, I pulled up a chair to be walked through Rare's holiday hopeful by Michael Johnson, a Global Product Manager at MicrosoftThough we're inclined to process their insistence that Viva Piñata offers a depth of play that makes the kiddie-happy "life simulator" appealing to older audiences as self serving (of course they think it will be), there are several elements of the game that strike me as a bit twisted, in a wry, British sort of way. In addition to being able to crack open your piñatas and watch their sugary entrails pour out, the sensitive issue of procreation is handled quite literally through a "romance dance." No Hot Coffee minigame here, just the right tunes and the right moves, and somehow a stork gets the message that he should whip up some offspring to be delivered in egg format -- no icky birthing process necessary!

  • TGS: Lost Planet and Viva Piata video

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    We know, it's been a slow couple of days if you don't like RPGs, and even though X360F is the one that brought you videos of all this turn based crap, we feel your pain. As such, we'd like to make amends with not one, but two videos of games that don't star doe-eyed pixie people with spiky hair. The first is a very long video of Viva Piñata that you can see above. The second video -- one we imagine is more interesting to action fans -- is of Lost Planet. Make sure you watch for the multiplayer madness at the end. Let's never fight again, okay?

  • Run XBLA games from DVD-R, CD-R

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Those crafty fellows over at 360GameSaves have uncovered an interesting "feature" of our beloved 360. It looks like Xbox Live Arcade games will run off of an ordinary DVD-R or CD-R. There's some technical mumbo jumbo that we won't relate here, but the upshot is that all you have to do is pop in a CD or DVD with the games burnt onto the disc. The article does note, however, that these games will still only run in trial mode if the full versions haven't been purchased on the 360 being used. Please know that X360F will not be held responsible should you attempt to break open your 360 like a piñata in order to retrieve the delectable games inside. Hit the read link for more details.[Via Xbox-Scene]

  • Microsoft brings TGS and X06 home

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Remember back at E3 when the Halo 3 trailer was available on Marketplace before Microsoft officially unveiled it at the show? That was only part of the barrage of E3 content that was piped directly into our 360s. It made it a cool perk to have the latest and greatest hardware, allowing thousands of 360 owners to get a piece of E3. It looks like Microsoft plans to continue that tradition at this year's Tokyo Game Show and its own X06 (I had to decline a trip to cover the latter, stupid wedding!). TGS coverage will start on September 20th and run through the 24th. X06 will run September the 25th through the 29th. There is a chance that US and European gamers won't see all the TGS coverage, but Japan got most of the E3 coverage so, it's stands to reason this will be the same.Now we can all look forward to previews of the latest and greatest. Expect more of Blue Dragon, Gears of War, Viva Piñata, Blue Dragon, Fable 2, and Blue Dragon. And, since it's TGS, you'll probably see some Blue Dragon. In all seriousness, we really dug Microsoft's coverage of the last E3 ever, and hopefully this will recapture the same excitement.[Via Xboxic]

  • Viva Pinata gameplay revealed

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    If you've been hungering to know (and see) more specifics regarding Rare's upcoming game, Viva Piñata, take a gander at this massive video demonstration from Leipzig. Clocking in at over twenty minutes long, the video goes over just about everything you've wanted to know, including: Attracting piñatas to your garden Tending said garden Piñata romance (rowr!) Xbox Live features Piñatas, piñatas, piñatas. The game looks great. Rare's first game developed entirely on the 360 is colorful, vibrant, and overall very nice. Check out the video if you've got the time to kill. Anyone else think it's strange not to have a third person avatar in a children's game?

  • Viva Pokemon, Piata explored [update 1]

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    I flipped on my TV this past Saturday, and what did I see? Lo and behold, it was Viva Piñata. Naturally, it was my journalistic duty to watch an entire episode. Seriously, it had nothing to do with me being a full grown adult who still feels a powerful need to watch cartoons. Microsoft has reiterated time and again that Viva Piñata is their most important game of 2006. Gears of War? That's peanuts to Viva Piñata. Microsoft hopes to hook millions of kiddies on the show, and thus the impending video game. The question is, will it work?

  • Viva Pinata more like Muerte Pinata [update 1]

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    Stopping by the Viva Piñata booth at the Leipzig convention, a couple of the boys from 1Up noticed that the game maybe wasn't ready for public viewing. Besides not really knowing what to do, the guys also experienced some deadly frame rate issues -- sometimes having their screen freeze on them. From the video, the game kind of looks like a Tim Burton rendition of Animal Crossing. But, putting a less-than playable version of such a much-hyped game on the show floor probably wasn't the smartest move for Microsoft. [Thanks, Andrew Yoon] [Update: Microsoft has responded to 1Up's video via the Gamerscore blog. Check after the break for the explanation.]

  • New Viva Piata species discovered

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    You know you're a fanboy get all National Geographic about new species of psychedelic piñatas. Some would-be Jane Goodall at the Viva Piñata Wiki discovered two new species of walking, talking multi-colored freak. The new, never-before-seen species are the Dragumfly and the Sherbat. Before you go insane, remember, this is Microsof's most important game of the year.[Thanks Jimmcq]

  • Game box pr0n (or: Scary Pinatas)

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxic has posted a few box art shots for upcoming titles. The titles include Ninety-Nine Nights, Gears of War, Viva Piñata, and Crackdown. I know Gears of War is supposed to be filled to the brim with scary action, but somehow the Viva Piñata box frightens me more. Could piñatas be the new clowns?