

  • Half-Life 2 half-confirmed for 360?

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    For what it's worth, Half-Life 2 showed up in a marketing survey on a list of soon to be released Xbox 360 games. This port pretty much maxed out the original Xbox's capabilities. Isn't it about time big bro got a shot?[Thanks Andy]

  • Saints Row Multiplayer Madness

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Xboxic clues us into these Saints Row multiplayer shots from Dutch Xbox site XboxWorld. Those of you who've wondered what GTA would be like with multiplayer, look no further. My favorite thing so far is the caption in the above picture: "The other team's ride has left their base." Nice. Expect the game to hit shelves on August 29th with a demo available on August 1st. [Via Xboxic (sorry guys, forgot your linkage earlier)]

  • Massive Saint's Row demo headed for XBLM

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    MSXBOX World recently chewed it up with Volition's Jacques Hennequet, squeezing some juicy Saint's Row details out of the game's producer. As it turns out, a "very large" demo will be deployed on to the Xbox Live Marketplace before the game's retail release (Q3 2006). Unfortunately, Hennequet declined to elaborate on Saint's Row's multiplayer aspects and only confirmed that there would be multiple modes and maps.We recently got a brief look at an early build of Saint's Row, and while it was often running at the rate of a slideshow, we recognized the potential. Character creation, control mechanics, visual style and effects, animation, AI, and the physics engine all trump the current state of Grand Theft Auto. If Volition can get its GTA-killer running up to speed, the Xbox 360 will have an exclusive gem to showcase. Stay up on this one.[Thanks, SickNic]