

  • DS Daily: Official sites

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    The official website is just part of marketing a game these days -- nearly everyone's got one. One other thing is the same as well: they almost always have the same content! Character bios, screenshots, wallpaper, and the occasional trailer ... and while they're usually fun to dip into, can't we have something more? Some games go the extra mile and offer different types of content, like mini demos, but usually the best you can hope for is a site with frequent updates. Does this work for you, or do you crave something more? What are some of your favorites?[Shirt found here, but bloggers are everywhere.]

  • Fake loading screens for iPhone

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    There are tons of iPhone wallpapers out there by now, but this set is extra special-- it's a set of satirical wallpapers, designed, says Josh, to "show off the true power of the iPhone" by replacing the standard loading screen with one of your own. Did you know your iPhone could attract total strangers, create Universal Healthcare, or even resolve global warming? It can-- just as soon as the loading bar completes.I think my favorite is the one shown here, though. Sure, since it's just a picture, you could say that the bar will never finish, so the iPhone will never be obsolete. But as one of the people waiting for v2.0 to buy an iPhone, seeing the bar past halfway at least inspires a little hope that we're almost there.Thanks, Josh!

  • Get Desktoptopia for half off

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Desktoptopia (not to be confused with Desktopia) is a program that automagically delivers the latest and greatest in wallpaper right to your desktop-- just press go, and the app will drop a new desktop on you as often as you want, from any categories that you want, rated however you want. For people who love seeing a brand new desktop, but don't want to take the time hunting around to find one all the time, it's the best. The best, Jerry, the best!And now it's even better, because they've posted a coupon code on his site that drops the normally $20 shareware application down to just $10. Enter "luckyme" at checkout, and you'll be wallpaper browsing and changing in no time. More desktops, no worries-- sounds great to me.Thanks to everyone who sent this in!

  • One-click wallpaper changer for iPhone

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    iPhone tweaker Justin Schwalbe has managed to work over a few tricks we've published and create something actually useful: a one-click wallpaper changer for the iPhone, no iTunes sync or other tethering needed: just load up the image in Safari on the iPhone and you're rolling.Now, of course, it's not all that simple: first you need SSH and curl running on your iPhone, and you've got to swap out the instance of DemoApp on your phone with Justin's script. Nevertheless, if you're a frequent wallpaper switcher, it might be worth checking out the rundown on Justin's blog and giving it a go.Thanks Erica & Justin

  • Saturday PSP background explosion E3 edition

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every week, PSP Fanboy brings you new backgrounds to beautify your PSP. Remember, you can save these images directly to your PSP by accessing the site wireless at m.pspfanboy.com. This week we have an E3 themed background explosion. So if you're still coming off an E3 buzz, these should help keep you company. If you already requested a background and it hasn't appeared, check the archive. It may have been previously created. Keep reading to see this week's background collection. Backgrounds after the jump ... New for PSP: Get selected wallpapers delivered automatically to your PSP via our new RSS feed.

  • Two sets of iPhone wallpapers, including SuicideGirls

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    iPhone eye candy (or should that be iCa... oh never mind) is starting to roll in.Wes (thanks!) dropped us this "very nice selection" of specially sized wallpaper. Most of it seems to be about birds, but there are a few cool non-bird shots included as well. And Sarah from SuicideGirls says she's a fan of TUAW (hawt!) and pointed out their iPhone wallpaper packs-- one is supposedly a pack of "PG13" desktops (they say it's work safe, but not if you work in a monastery), and there's a pack of R-rated desktops as well as a pack of SG logos which also, upon inspection, turn out to be R-rated. But they all look pretty good (if you like looking at geeky cool chicks), and of course they're all fitted for the iPhone.Also SG and iPhone related, Sarah mentioned that Rob Corddry (of the Daily Show and Frank Wrench fame) has also written a short piece for their site about his experience buying an iPhone, which turns out to be very NSFW as well. But hey, it's the holiday-- kick back and enjoy a little iPhone-related adult humor.

  • Images from the web as iPhone wallpaper

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    Last week, we pointed out the good news that The Iconfactory had resized their entire collection of desktop images for use with the iPhone (how cool does Nibbler look on my iPhone at right? Very cool). The problem is that it's kind of a pain to get them onto your iPhone.The method I came up with is the same process that's described on Gedblog: Download the image to your desktop computer Drop it into iPhoto Sync your iPhone, making sure that it's going to synchronize pictures, including your new desktops On the iPhone, go to Settings > Wallpaper. Select your library of images Navigate to the image you're after and select "Set as wallpaper." It's not the most difficult procedure in the world, but it would be nice to grab the image from Safari on the phone itself.Update - Reader Michael writes, "...right click on the image in Safari and then select 'Add image to iPhoto library.'" Thanks, Michael!Now that you know how, why not check out the iPhone Wallpapers Flickr group?

  • Saturday PSP background explosion

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Every week, PSP Fanboy brings you new backgrounds to beautify your PSP. Remember, you can save these images directly to your PSP by accessing the site wireless at m.pspfanboy.com. This week we have two music inspired backgrounds. and a stealthy one as well. If you already requested a background and it hasn't appeared, check the archive. It may have been previously created. Keep reading to see this week's background collection. Backgrounds after the jump ... New for PSP: Get selected wallpapers delivered automatically to your PSP via our new RSS feed.

  • iPhone wallpapers

    Scott McNulty
    Scott McNulty

    While you're waiting to get your hands on an iPhone, why not head on over to the Iconfactory? They just announced iPhone versions of each of their free, high quality, wallpaper images. The pixel pushers over there took the time to artfully crop each image into an iPhone worthy piece of art. At least this way you'll be able to find your iPhone in a pile of the little wonders.

  • Screenshot quality tip for 2.1

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    As you've probably noticed, I like to do many of my own screen shots to accompany stories. Up until now, WoW has saved all screen shots taken in the program in a .tga format that has rich deep color and good definition. The only problem with that was that the .tga format was problematic for those who didn't have an image editing program to open their screen shots up with. (I have Photoshop, so not as much an issue here.) With 2.1 came a long-awaited change for those who weren't able to share their screen shots before (Or weren't interested in snagging a graphic program to do so, anyway). As of now, your screen shots will automatically save into .jpg format. Why is this a change I'd want to change back, you say? While I like .jpg for compression, I will be the first to admit it's not the format I normally think of as being the best for graphic quality as someone who works with images a lot. That said, for all of you graphic fiends out there like me -- makers of icons, wallpapers, and various other graphic goodies -- here is an important imaging tip for you from your friends at the EU WoW Forums:

  • Manhunt 2 wallpapers bring the violence to your desktop

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    If you happen to use your computer near someone who fancies themselves a Jack Thompson-alike, then boy have we got something for you: freakalicious Manhunt 2 wallpapers to dress up that desktop. There's nothing like a giant glaring eyeball of death to get you through the workday. Our spiffy new galleries balk at anything over 800px wide, so you'll have to hit the source for the bigger, better versions. To make up for it, we added some screenshots as well. Enjoy!%Gallery-3148%

  • TUAW Desktop of the Week

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    This week's TUAW Desktop is a bit on the dark side ladies and gents; dark and interesting. Titled Blackness and Hailing from Flickr user Matt Lew (who *ahem* failed to include any details of what he has going on here), the primary ingredient here is the Ecto Wallpaper Pack which can be had at deviantART. I'm also seeing some text-based icon replacements in the right-aligned Dock (which I know I've seen before but I can't find a link), a minimal Adium theme and what looks like iTunes controls in the menubar which I believe are provided by Synergy. Of course, there's also a ShapeShifter theme going on here, though I'm not quite sure which one. All in all, Matt did a nice job of putting together an all-over black aesthetic using a wide variety of tools and tweaks. If you'd like to see your unique, functional or otherwise interesting desktop featured in our TUAW Desktops of the Week series, check out past featured desktops as well as the original post for the rules and to get an idea of what we're looking for. Then, upload your desktop screenshot to our TUAW Desktops Flickr group. We'll feature one or more desktops each weekend, giving credit to the desktop owner, wallpaper creator and any apps featured in the screenshot (if available). Keep those desktops rolling in!

  • Make your background un-boring: some sites to check out

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Let's face it. Sometimes, you feel like powering on your PSP to something other than the color of the month. Say for instance, you wanted to power on your PSP to a flock of seagulls?Aside from our Saturday PSP background explosion, we have even more wallpaper suggestions we couldn't resist sharing. So here's to you, PSP Fanboy reader. Wallpaper your world, and enjoy this slice of life that you can customize and call your own.Here are our recommendations: ThemePSP and InterfaceLIFT. [Update: Removed one questionable source.][2nd Update: Added additional source.] Digitalblashemy.com(Thanks, Stef!)[Image source]

  • Desktop of the Week for 4/22 - 4/28/07

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    This week's TUAW Desktop hails from Flickr user brianpunx and makes use of a number of Mac OS X software and icons which brianpunx was kind enough to list (hint: that makes my job easier when picking a TUAW Desktop of the Week, though it doesn't influence my decision). First, it's running a ShapeShifter theme by the name of Amora Pearl by well-known Mac OS X icon and desktop artist David Lanham. Now I couldn't track down the wallpaper, but the album art/iTunes controller in the bottom left is CoverSutra (which we've mentioned before), and the date/time display at bottom center is the work of Panic's excellent Stattoo. You have to view the larger version of brianpunx's desktop, however, to really take in the view and clever placement of icons in relation to the wallpaper.If you'd like to see your unique, functional or otherwise interesting desktop featured in our TUAW Desktops of the Week series, check out past featured desktops as well as the original post for the rules and to get an idea of what we're looking for. Then, upload your desktop screenshot to our TUAW Desktops Flickr group. We'll feature one or more desktops each weekend, giving credit to the desktop owner, wallpaper creator and any apps featured in the screenshot (if available). Keep those desktops rolling in!

  • Saturday PSP background explosion [Update 1]

    Steven Bailey
    Steven Bailey

    Saturday is dwindling away, but it can't officially be over until there are new PSP backgrounds to enjoy. Like every week, we make or showcase new backgrounds for you to put on your PSP and make it look as good as you. Assuming you look good. This week we have backgrounds for 300, Crush and Card Captor Sakura. Check out the backgrounds after the jump ... [Update 1: Updated tags and links.]

  • iLounge announces iPhone contest

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    How'd you like to be the first one on your block to own an iPhone? Now imagine getting that iPhone for free.It could happen if you win iLounge's new wallpaper contest. The rules are simple: Create a high-resolution desktop picture featuring any current iPod model and the iLounge logo. The iLounge editors will then pick their top three. That's it! All work must be original and submitted by March 25, 2007 at 11:59PM Pacific Time.The third place contestant will receive an iPod nano and an iPod shuffle, second place gets at AppleTV and the grand prize winner will walk away with an iPhone. Not bad for a few hours with Photoshop.Now get to it!

  • The quest for Autumn: Windows XP's elusive backdrop

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    It's no secret that people have been fascinated, or at least intrigued, by wallpapers and screensavers since the desktop first graced their eyes, and judging by the sheer multitude of websites and man-hours devoted to perfecting the screen that you so rarely see once you launch that first app, it's also no shock to hear a tale of such obsession. Although Autumn may not be most people's default background in Windows XP, it's still well regarded, and for one Vanity Fair writer, it sparked a worldwide quest to find its origin. Expecting the task to be one of relative ease in the age of email, meta tags, and digital archives, he began by questioning the usual suspects about its humble beginnings, but to his dismay, was turned down time and time again by rights protectors who wouldn't divulge the author nor location of such a highly prized stock photograph. Eventually, his entire team was onboard in a furious (albeit seemingly futile) search to discover precisely where this image was shot, once leading to thoughts of permanent relocation if the locale was finally unearthed. After what seemed like months of running into brick walls, an email to Bill Gates himself resulted in an apparently automated response that belted out nothing more but the snapshot's place of origin, which incited fits of jovial celebration office-wide. To Campbellville, Ontario, Canada they headed, in desperate need to visit the orangey area so burned into their memories, and thanks to the purportedly mysterious workings of a co-worker, they even landed the shooter's name. Eventually, the journey led them to a rarely traveled path in the city of Burlington, where the old Harris Homestead quietly sat behind a vigilant row of bare trees surrounded by glistening white snow. It truly was Winter, at last for the adventurous crew, but it certainly gives us pause when deciding whether or not to seek out the origin of Ascent and Azul in our spare time.

  • Desky: drag and drop to change desktop wallpaper

    David Chartier
    David Chartier

    A while ago we found an Automator action that lets you drag and drop images to set them as your desktop background. No fuss, and no clunky System Preferences pane. I didn't notice it at the time, but TUAW reader Tice commented with a link to his little app, named Desky, that can do the same thing without any of the Automator setup work involved (sorry Tice!). Fortunately, Desky is finally getting its time in the TUAW spotlight, as I caught an update in my RSS feeds that adds the ability to set Desky as a button in the Finder toolbar, as well as Universal Binary goodness. Desky is freeware and available from Tice's site.

  • Exclusive: Every Extend Extra fan pack

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    While America has been able to enjoy Every Extend Extra for months now, Europe will be getting Mizuguchi's latest PSP-exclusive effort this Friday. This unique game fuses an interesting shooter-like concept with Q? Entertainment's trademark music synestesia.In preparation for the game's European release, Buena Vista has prepared a new trailer and a few new wallpapers for you to download to your PSP. You'll learn how to play this puzzling game, and find some sweet designs for you to plaster your system with. Expect our full review of the game in next few days. Download See also:Heavenly Star fan pack