

  • Bioware discuss SWTOR player ships, group gameplay and PvP at E3

    Brendan Drain
    Brendan Drain

    Fans of Star Wars: The Old Republic have been spoiled at this year's E3, with new game trailers and talks on what we can expect from the game when it launches. Earlier today, we learned the surprising fact that each player would get his own starship and got a first glimpse of what lies ahead for SWTOR's PvP. At their latest presentation, Bioware have now confirmed that space exploration will be a part of the game, using a system very similar to that used by Mass Effect's Normandy. They went on to disclose two of the classes of ship players will be able to get in the game. Players siding with the Republic can get their hands on the Corellian Vanguard light corvette while Imperial players can get the Fury Class Imperial transport. Skip past the cut to watch this awesome video of SWTOR's ship interiors and find out what's in store for PvP and group gameplay.

  • Global Agenda: Three months down, and the best is yet to come

    Seraphina Brennan
    Seraphina Brennan

    It's been three months since Global Agenda appeared in the thick of the MMO scene, presenting a new way to look at MMO games that many people just didn't agree with. As the debates on its MMO-ness rose, the game seemed to be lost in the thick of things. Everyone was too busy complaining about the 10 vs. 10 battles to actually play those same 10 vs. 10 battles. But much has happened in Global Agenda in three months, and we're not going to let the game go unnoticed! Already the game has seen two large patches with a third huge patch en-route, the company has stood staunchly by not charging the player base until the game was "worthy of your subscription," and the community is still enjoying the content provided by the game. So come along with us as we look at what's happened with Global Agenda, where the game stands now, and what highly-requested features lurk on the horizon. *cough*50 player PvE/PvP zone.*cough*

  • Gears of War Video: Torque Bowned

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Ah, the Torque Bow, easy to use, difficult to master. Formidable a task as that may be, Nismojoe seemed to handle it with little effort. To top it off, he also threw up a montage of his proficiency with the bow on YouTube. In the video he gets roughly one hundred and eleven (or eleventy-one, for you Tolkien fans) kills, a few deaths here and there, and plenty of gibbled body parts. Due to the graphic nature of this "M" rated game, we're going to keep the video waiting for you after the break.