web os


  • Palm Pre Classic emulator demoed on video

    Longtime Palm fans are gonna want to lock the doors and turn down the lights -- our friends at PhoneScoop just got the first demo of Motion App's Classic Palm OS emulator for the Palm Pre. Palm OS apps can be installed by just dragging the .prc files over the Pre in mass storage mode, and they're run as though they were on an SD card. There's no tethered HotSync, although there's a compatibility mode of some kind and apps will be able to pull data down over the air. Check the video after the break, including a demo of ePocrates, which we know a lot of potential Pre owners are interested in.

    Nilay Patel
  • Palm announces webOS SDK availability, Palm OS emulation for Pre, new cloud services

    Well, it's not quite the release date and price you were hoping for, but it's definitely something. Today Palm -- via a short keynote at the Web 2.0 Expo -- announced that the company would begin taking names and numbers on the webOS dev site for potential developers who will receive an "early look" Mojo SDK. And that's starting right this moment... as in now. That news alone would be big, but reps we spoke with said that the SDK would be made available to developers that the company will be cherry-picking as early as tomorrow. So if you were looking to get into the Pre app game, here's your first big chance.In addition to the SDK news, Palm is introducing a new set of "integrated cloud services" for developers (called Mojo Messaging Service) which will use a standardized publish / subscribe system to allow data to be bounced from the "cloud" to devices. Basically, it looks like this is Palm's play for some of that push buzz -- though the indication is that this service can and will be used for bigger tasks as well.Finally, the company announced that third-party developer MotionApps will be making a Palm OS emulator available for purchase to coincide with the launch of the Pre. The application will be utilize the mass storage mode of the device to allow for drag-and-drop of PRCs, though according to the press release, the emulator "won't be able to leverage core webOS functionality," meaning that you probably can't expect pure bliss across all of your applications, particularly those with roots that go deeper into phone databases and the like. What's interesting to note about this app is that it's being built on more than just the standard webOS SDK -- an event which Palm called "unique." They went on to assure us that this was a one-off to allow for emulation, but we're thinking they might want to reconsider that policy by factoring in the clamor for serious gaming on a device like the Pre. You can check an image of the emulator after the break.So, no pricing, no release date, but lots of movement on the developer front -- which is big news if you're a company trying to launch a completely new operating system. Still, we're getting a bit antsy with all this waiting... it might be time to throw everyone a bigger bone than that tired "first half of 2009" line, guys.Read - Palm developer siteRead - MotionApps Palm OS emulator

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Palm issues takedown for TealOS

    If you're a fan of TealOS (you know, that fairly striking webOS-aping launcher for Palm devices), you're in for some bad news. According to a post on the company's TealTalk support forum, a rep tells users that Palm has issued a takedown of the lookalike. In their words:I'm sorry to say that at Palm's request, as of this upcoming Monday, March 30, we will no longer be selling or distributing TealOS.While we can certainly understand the motivations on Palm's part behind wanting to scuttle this copycat, we do find it a little odd. When we met with a Palm rep to retrieve the Pre earlier in the month, he actually had the software installed on his phone and seemed pretty excited about its existence. Our money here is actually on Palm's legal department being a bit hair-trigger, though we hardly think TealOS is posing a threat to the company's bottom line. Bottom line? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.[Via PalmInfocenter; Thanks, Herman M.]

    Joshua Topolsky
  • TealOS hands-on video... with a Treo 650

    So, we thought we'd fire up the old, old, old Treo 650 and see what TealOS looked like on it. The results are recorded above. The launcher actually hits a bunch of the basic webOS functionality pretty decently; swiping cards away, the wave launcher, reshuffling the deck, the transparent launcher. Of course, there's no deeper integration (like webOS's contact aggregation, etc.), and the animation is fairly jagged, but it still does an admirable job of copying the UI. The app is a nice effort from the Teal folks, one which might help you wait out the Pre launch a little, but ultimately it's window dressing more than anything else.

    Joshua Topolsky
  • Palm Pre / webOS launch roundup

    The dust has begun to settle around Palm's event yesterday, and we're still sorting through all the news. Palm certainly packed a lot of "New-ness" (yet weirdly, no actual "New-ness") into its announcements yesterday, and it's pretty easy to get lost among all the Palm Pre / webOS related news. Lucky for you, we've consolidated the goods below, so feel free to experience all the Palm-related bliss you can handle. The liveblog Live from Palm's CES press conference Impressions / hands-on coverage Palm Pre first hands-on with live updates! Palm Pre in-depth impressions, video, and huge hands-on gallery Palm Pre interface tour Product announcements The Palm Pre Palm announces webOS platform Palm Pre's wireless charger, the Touchstone In depth / details There will be a GSM-friendly 3G Palm Pre Palm stock on a rocket to recovery Palm's Pre gets its own spot on Sprint's website Palm Pre website now live with official images, video Palm's the master of its own domain, the king of its own Castle Palm's Pre boxed Palm Pre's "New-ness" event video now viewable Palm Pre ads appear on Engadget

    Jacob Schulman
  • Palm Pre website now live with official images, video

    Palm just got official with its Pre. Peep the galleries below for some sexy product / webOS shots in addition to our liveblog pictures. Video sure to jerk tears from all you neo-fanboys after the break.%Gallery-41175%%Gallery-41164%

    Ross Miller
  • Palm announces webOS platform

    Palm just got official with its new webOS platform, running on the new Palm Pre. According to the company, anyone who knows CSS, HTML and XML will be able to develop for the OS without having to learn any new languages -- sounds kind of like it's a jacked up browser with memory management, like Google Chrome. The UI itself is simple and touch-based, with flick scrolling through lists and gesture support that goes "beyond the screen." The launcher comes up over apps without leaving them, and you can quit apps by just swiping up -- multiple apps and windows are managed using a "deck of cards" metaphor. The Synergy sync system automatically manages your contacts -- all you have to do is log into Facebook, Google, and Outlook. You also get consolidated IM from multiple services -- so, so sweet. Typing on the keyboard brings up an instant search which pulls up apps, contacts, and even web queries. All apps have access to an Android-like popup notification system, and urgent messages pop up, causing running apps to automatically resize so you can see everything. There's also a dockable control area that any app can use for persistent controls -- Palm's using it for its music player, for example. More pics after the break! Update: The press release is now live.%Gallery-41164%

    Nilay Patel