

  • Family (Wii) Circus [update 2]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Okay, we admit, we photoshopped the caption -- which originally stated that Mommy and PJ were playing "Whee!" -- but the implications were too amusing for us to pass on this one. If any aspiring graphic designer wants to convincingly replace the baby with a Wiimote, we'd love to replace the graphic to the right.[Thanks, Nick Robinson][update 1: look at what Jander did! He even dropped the baby -- thanks, Jander!][update 2: Richard Lankford has done one better, with a flying baby. I actually laughed at a Family Circus strip -- thanks, Rich!]

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: May 14 - 20, 2006 [update 2]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Thanks to figmentPez we're adding Dragon Tails to this week's edition. We've already given props to Ctrl+Alt+Del this week, so barring that here are some of our favorite game-related webcomics for the week -- be sure to vote for your favorite! As we often say, keep on shroomin' I saved a penny, once. So dark the Contra of Man O, Nintendo Hmm, it really IS a pickle!    [update 1: our cms server thought it'd be fun to add http:// twice to the beginning of a few links -- the server has been properly reprimanded and the links are now fixed.][update 2: too funny not to use -- thanks for Da Vinci pun, bob!]

  • Readers pick best webcomic (E3 edition)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Quite overwhelmingly, Tim Buckley's stab at Sony was voted as the top webcomic of the week -- we can't help but be reminded of Penny Arcade's comic from last year's E3 regarding Will Wright's new game. The other winners were Extra Life and Dueling Analogs in second and third, respectively.Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you stumble upon this week!

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup: E3 edition

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    After the marathon week of posting, it feels like a millenium or two since we've checked on web comics. Most of the selection this week is about E3 -- and why not? It's the biggest convention for gamers this side of the Pacific. Take a breather while we take a break from 15-minutes post intervals, check out our picks for best game-related webcomic this week and be sure to vote for your favorite: Well, if He says so ... Yay for Kentia Hall references! Matlock ... Maaaaatlock! Overheard in H2 ... err, maybe He has erred.   

  • Readers pick best webcomic (April 30 - May 6, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Even though we are all dead tired at E3 and this is the last (or second-to-last) thought on every Joystiq reader's mind, we still are required by law* to announce the winner of the Weekly Webcomic Wrapup ... and Penny Arcade's Inferno-esque Levels of Developmental Hell took the top spot with almost half of the popular vote. We are sure the guys over at Bungie are feeling an eerily similar fate to Level 14 this week (the fruits of their labor we will likely see at Microsoft's press conference today).Second place went to GU Comics' stab on the ESRB, and third place was claimed by Little Gamers' geek test. Thanks to everyone who voted; we may be busy at E3, but be sure to let us know of any great game-related (especially E3-related) webcomics you come across this week.* Not really, but that's kind of obvious.[Thanks again to Scott Johnson for all the comical E3 banners]

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup (April 30 - May 6, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    It's time to pack for E3. so make sure you have all the essentials with you: comfortable shoes, a digital camera, and  -- most importantly  -- deodorant. But  take a break, of course, and check out our picks for the best game-related webcomics for the week. Be sure to vote for your favorite! ROWRRROWLLOWR BoOoM ... and then I cast a level 5 Charm spell. THUD! Keep on Shroomin'   

  • Readers pick best webcomic (April 23 - 29)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Since no one can get enough of talking about the Wii, Penny Arcade took it upon them to make the obvious joke, and it sold well with the Joystiq readers. Although not their best strip, last week's Nintendo satire swept with 44% of the popular vote, becoming the best webcomic of the week.Second place, most surprising at all, went to a tiny little animation about the sex lives of the double i's in Wii -- thanks again, Jon. In third place ... Ctrl Alt Del's Tim Buckley being shot in the face (Encyclopedia Botanical is an awesome hero). Thanks to everyone who voted, be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you happen upon this week!

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup (April 23 - April 29)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    The Wii hit the comic community, as well -- but just a few (Nintendo hasn't seen this much community exposure since ... well ... the unveiling of the RevMote WiiMote. O, to work in the Nintendo marketing division). Since our comic cannot be considered for reasons of sheer awesomeness unfair competition our obvious bias, here our are picks for best game-related webcomics this week, be sure to vote for your favorite!   Wii got screwed (thanks, Jon!) What can't the iFruit do ... No Soliciting "I think we nailed this one." It's like comparing rotten apples to rotten tomatoes. Agent Leeroy Jenkins?   

  • Readers pick best webcomic (April 16 - 22, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    So it seems people really enjoy the idea of hell freezing over. Scott Johnson boots Windows on a Mac, and his comic ExtraLife earn the title as best webcomic of the week, as chosen by you. Coming in second place was Press Start to Play's obsession with obscene Smash Bros. poses (remember kids: do try this at home) and third place belongs to Snafu's Monkey Ball vomit scenario. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you happen upon this week!

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup (April 16 - 22, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    This was a very hard week for us, honestly, because there were least a dozen comics that made us laugh. You may not agree with our choices or sense of humor, so that is why we have enlisted a Giant Lizard monster, the Stiq-osaurus (thanks, Chris), for protection. Also, thanks to Sense for this amusing political cartoon that can be construed as games related. Here are our picks for the best game-related webcomics of the week, be sure to vote for your favorite!* What Jaws and joysticks now have in common The 112th critique about Kingdom Hearts II's difficulty Sadly, I still do this. All the time. I need to grow up. Please note of the snake on a plane. Thank you. Super Monkey Vertigo! Mac-tacular!    * All dissenters are welcomed to leave comments below ... not like we need to give you permission, we just thought it'd be nice to encourage.

  • Readers pick best webcomic (April 9 - 15, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Scott Ramsoomair really hit the nail on the head. His satire on Sony's latest inflammatory campaign is spot-on, and a large aspect of Joystiq readers thought so. Earning 57% of the votes, VG Cats has quite deservedly earned the top spot as the most popular webcomic of the week. Second place went to Penny Arcade and third place, despite some initial controversy, was Digital Unrest's "Tetris Offensive." Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomics you happen upon this week!

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup (April 9 - 15, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Is Spring cleaning an inherent behavior? Waking up this morning, I found myself completely enamored by the idea of a spotless apartment -- then I got out of bed, sat down, and read webcomics for an hour. Oh well, it's the thought that counts. Here are our picks for the best game-related (no ambiguity this time) webcomics of the week -- be sure to vote for your favorite!  T for Tetromino You forgot Call of Duty: The War on Poverty *shudders* Yeah, he's whipped. Digitally. Finally! I've been waiting for this. Duuude, like ... wait, dude, no ... wait ... what?   

  • Readers pick best webcomic (April 2 - 8, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Oops?That is the only reaction we can give to poor Chris, the author of Digital Unrest, whose server we crashed after nominating him for the Weekly Webcomic Wrapup. While I'm sure he appreciates the exposure, our "linkage raped the meagor servor [sic] resources I had dedicated to my site" (according to his comment left over the weekend). Still, we liked his comic and we have uploaded it to our own servers so everyone can enjoy -- so, click here and enjoy. Of the 5 remaining contestants, Ctrl Alt Del's satire on the retail industry took the top spot, followed by Mac Hall and Dueling Analogs in second and third, respectively. Thanks to everyone who voted, and be sure to let us know of any game-related webcomic that you stumble upon this week! (We will try to host the strips of any lesser-known webcomics who fears for their server.)

  • Weekly Webcomic Wrapup (March 19 - 25, 2006)

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Where is fanboyism bred--in the heart or in the head? The webcomics of the week try to answer this very same question, as well as show  why the Video Game Voters Network has an uphill battle. If you see a box of ammo and some health packs, you know what's coming up next--here are our favorite game-related comics for the week, be sure to vote for your favorite! The evolution of a forum boy... Some tips for Metal Gear Online. "I have to do a jumping puzzle?" A gun that can scan through walls, eh? Happy DS bus ride. Did you check out the Video Game Voters Network?   

  • Readers pick best webcomic of the week

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    This week, we asked you, dear reader, to pick the best webcomic of the week. The results were more or less of a landslide; with 58% of the vote, Penny Arcade's depiction of an Xbox 360 mugging won the title of best webcomic of last week (November 20 - 26). Coming in a strong second was Concerned's comic about a utopic Ravenholm (28%), followed by Crashlander's piece on the Xbox 360 power supply (10%). Thanks to everyone who voted, and will have a new roundup for you this Saturday!

  • Webcomic Roundup: November 20 - 26, 2005

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Congratulations to Penny Arcade's Tycho, for he is now a proud father to Elliot Jacob Holkins - born on the very day that Microsoft launched the Xbox 360 console - which is almost proof that there is a higher power in this world, and that he has a great sense of humor. We are going to try to make the webcomic roundup more interactive by transforming it into a weekend poll. If it does not work, then we will revert back to the old format, but it never hurts to try something new, right? So, without further ado, here are the best game-related webcomics for the week - vote for your favorite! Penny Arcade's Tycho and Gabe are confronted by an armed mugger, desperate for their brand new Xbox 360 (core system - *gasp*). Robot Tea Party has a little bit of fun with collapsing ceilings. Concerned's Gordon Frohman lands in a world of happiness and smiles and rainbows - no, seriously, it is that scary. GU Comics reveals what really happened to former Infinium Labs CEO Kevin Bachus. Extra Life looks at the dark underbelly of gaming addiction on Thanksgiving. Crashlander bids a fond farewell to Mr. Gubbins - crushed to death by the Xbox 360 power supply.

  • Webcomic Roundup: November 13 - 19, 2005

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Is there anything better than the opinion of a game-addicted webcomic artist? We think not- then again, we are a bit biased. Make sure to marvel at Penny Arcade's new look, it is quite stylish. Brush up on your current events, here are the best game-related webcomics for the week: The Matrix Online recently announced an "exciting" change in their new update: massive in-game advertising. Expect scenes like this one from GU Comics to become quite common. The latest issue of Famitsu revealed a new world for its upcoming Kingdom Hearts sequel: Tron! Gabe and Tycho are just a little too excited about this revelation. The Xbox 360 is mere days away from launch, which means Ctrl+Alt+Del's Ethan must console his recently-resurrected X-bot robot console. Thief saves the day in 8-bit Theatre - don't worry, the Black Mage will still hate him. Yes, we are a little obsessed with Shadow of the Colossus, and this week VG Cats gave us our comic fix for the game. Ctrl+Alt+Del also make a punch line out of the game, but that would be overkill to link to the page, wouldn't it? We are toying with the idea of making the webcomic roundup into a fan poll - we pick the highlights for the week, and you vote for the best comic. How would you feel about us making this feature more interactive?

  • Webcomic Roundup: November 6 - 12, 2005

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Tim Buckley's Ctrl+Alt+Del is moving on up in the world, and the site redesign is a reflection of that (thanks to everyone who sent that in). Xbox 360 shortages seem to be on the minds of most animators, as well as Penny Arcade's awesome charity Child's Play - be sure to check that out. Here are some of the best game-related webcomics for the week: Speaking of Ctrl+Alt+Del, Lucas starts to believe Ethan's warnings that his girlfriend Emma might be trying to kill him. The robots at Bob and George half-heartedly consider an intervention for the oft-inebriated Dr. Light. My Extra Life cautions against pre-ordering the Xbox 360 over the phone. Flintlocke inadvertently causes the Taurens to "drop the pipe and pick up the pwn" against the Alliance. At least Lowping is looking out for our favorite afk dwarf. 8-bit Theatre collages the Black Mage's hatred for Thief. Over at PvP Online, Robbie teaches his friend the burdens one must carry when winning millions in the lottery. 1up has begun a community comics blog, Toon UP. Check out Jeremy Parish's submission to see what Mario would look like in McDonald's attire [thanks, v. jones].

  • Webcomic Roundup: October 30 - November 5, 2005

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Ever wonder what Mega Man would look like dressed like Mario? Neither did we, but now that we know we are better for it. There is plenty more to learn this week, from love to Game Boy, so without further ado, here are best game-related comics for the week: Tim Buckley at Ctrl+Alt+Del gives his take on the Sony's reasoning for no central internet service. Christopher C. Livingston's Concerned churns out a tearjerker as two cops at gunpoint confess their undying love to one another. Flintlocke puts his dwarf on auto-run while grabbing a "sammich" and never comes back. Enjoy the adventures of the auto-run dwarf. Bob and George throw a Halloween party, and everyone seems disgruntled by their costume choices. Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal showcases a tender moment between a husband and a wife, courtesy of Game Boy. PVP Online takes a stab at websites who sell game-related t-shirts (themselves, included). The shirt featured in the comic seems eerily related to this entry. Because we cannot get enough Shadow of the Colossus humor, here is another satire on the magnificent new PS2 title, courtesy of (yet again, this week), Ctrl+Alt+Del.