

  • Cinemassively: Windlight - Binary Beauty

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    This one is for all the Second Lifers out there. Linden Lab made an announcement on their blog yesterday that they opened up their Windlight First Look client to the public. Some of the newer additions to the client include water reflection and avatar imposters.Torley Linden has been releasing teaser pictures and videos of Windlight for months. Some content companies and Machinimists have also made videos. However, nothing even comes close to Torley's brilliant displays of color and light, melding together with objects and water. Take a look for yourself and then download the client!

  • Cinemassively: Remembrance Day in Second Life

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Yesterday, Eloise Pasteur wrote about the British Remembrance Day being celebrated in Second Life. Today, I'd like to discuss the Machinima that was created in honor of it. It is a beautiful, moving tribute to the Royal British Legion that commemorates those that have fallen in battle.If you didn't get a chance to experience Windlight when it was in May's First Look client, you really missed out. You are able to remove the traditional clouds and replace them with giant masses that can span the entire sky. You can adjust the color of the sky, clouds, and water. A new addition is the reflection in the water, while another nice touch is the ability to change the texture of the water. Just about every aspect of SL's scenic environment is configurable.Rivers Run Red makes full use of these features, with sweeping scenes of gorgeous skies. On November 11th, at 11:00am GMT, you can visit these poppy fields to observe Two Minutes of Silence with others around the world. Don't forget to wear a poppy to show your support!

  • Alliance: The Silent War possibly shelved due to Second Life

    Peter vrabel
    Peter vrabel

    Windward Mark Interactive's first next-gen offering may have been shelved due to their recent acquisition from Linden Lab, makers of Second Life. Last month, Linden Lab acquired Windward Mark for their graphic technologies, reportedly to assist in a graphical overhaul for Second Life. Asi Land, Windward Mark Interactive's president, says even he is unsure of the future of Alliance: The Silent War. "We'll see how it plays with our new roles here at Linden ... we're very much still in love with the project," said Mr. Land. Too early to count it out completely but at the same time, don't hold your breath. It's a shame too, because the technologies acquired by Linden Lab are quite impressive. For example Nimble, their 3D cloud system, is quite spectacular, although its inclusion in a shooter would likely lead to players staring at the clouds more than shooting people in the face. Nevertheless, we hope Windward's new home allows them to continue the project through to completion.[Via PS3 Forums]