

  • The creative ingenuity of Guild Wars fans

    Shawn Schuster
    Shawn Schuster

    We would surely hate to be the judges at ArenaNet during a recent Halloween contest. Why? Because the entries are all so amazing! In this fourth annual Halloween contest that we first mentioned last month, Guild Wars players and fans submitted their most creative concepts and designs that somehow related the Guild Wars universe with Halloween.Ten winners were ultimately chosen, with one grand prize (shown above). There were also ten honorable mentions and twenty finalists in total. It's contests like this that truly bring out the amazing creativity in gamers, not just for Guild Wars, but across all games and genres. It's good to see when game studios promote and reward such creativity.

  • Age of Conan screenshot contest winners finally announced

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Funcom announced a screenshot contest for Age of Conan players a while back. The submission period for the first round ended, and then there was a week of silence. Now 10 winners have been announced. Most of them are kind of "meh," but a few stand out as being particularly pretty or amusing, including the above -- an image of someone falling a long, long way.On the prettier side, there's an image by Auloki, depicting a shadowy waterfall, and a nice view of Cimmeria by StealthWalker. More humor can be found in a depiction of a rather absurd combat situation, by Unkul. You can check out the rest at Funcom's community website. No word yet on when the next round starts, though.Each of the winners will get an official forum title that says "Community Screenshot Event Winner." If you yourself are one of the winners, there are instructions on how to claim your prize at the afore-linked community website.

  • Arena Tournament Phase 2 begins

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    I'm actually a little excited. Phase 2 of the 2008 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament has begun! Start your engines and speculations now, folks -- which comps will make it to the top this time? Are we going to see a winner that looks like Frag Dominant? Or will the new Phase 2 winners basically be the same as Phase 1's winners? Vhairi's been tracking the performance of classes in the tournament so far. For the last week or two, this round's competitors have been honing strategies, experimenting with comps, and switching things around a lot. Now that the dust has settled, teams are what they are. As a result, the data should be fairly meaningful again pretty quickly, and hopefully Vhairi will put out another update. I can't wait to see how the class performance distribution will look in Phase 2 -- it might teach us something more about what to expect in WotLK for class balance. I don't think Phase 2 will be much different from Phase 1 however -- a lack of holy Pallies, scarcity of Hunters and Mages, and so on.

  • Announcing the Changes tagline contest winners

    Brett Terpstra
    Brett Terpstra

    Last week we announced that software developer Ian Baird was in need of a tagline for Changes. He put up 2 free licenses to be awarded to the readers with the best suggestions. Well, after a tedious round of judging over 100 entries, TUAW is pleased to announce the winners of the Changes tagline contest. Envelope please ... The number one pick for a Changes tagline is "Think Diff", by Brian. (Brian, we've been unable to contact you thus far, but please get in touch with Ian for your free license). The runner up is Nitin Madnani for his entry "Resolve your differences." In addition to eternal fame and the adoration of their peers, all of tonight's winners will receive a free license for Changes 1.0. Congratulations Nitin and Brian!

  • Massively's Massive Giveaways: Tabula Rasa winners!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    For those of you who were with us from the very first day, you'll undoubtedly remember the huge, nay Massive giveaway we did for the launch of both Massively, and Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa! After a full 24 hours of giveaways, requiring some tag-team lead work to ensure all day and night coverage, many pots of coffee, and many (no, really -- many) emails later, we wanted to make sure we listed all the people who won something on that very first day. (If we missed anyone in the listing, we sincerely apologize, but there was quite literally a small army of you!) Congrats to all of you!Winners: DJTyrant, Mike, Scott, Moragaine, Burgdorn, Phillip, Efigyuge, Kyle, Aaron, rshum, Jaime T., BooLeiU, Rex, JackFrostt, Rudy, lavagoat, TwistedBishop, Chris, Finalpro, Jerry, Ryan O, Hammerfel, Squatch, Ghen, Sam, Xavier R., Arlendor, Bigfoot, Darrel H., sevendegrees, Pidge, Tom, mrbitter, Phillip, tecnocrat, Hardtarget, juicehandy, Steve, Nuleren, David, fattycop, davee, Chok, Bryce, VerticyX, Alex, Reise, Sam (another Sam), Psyclerk, UnknownGamer, mrbitter, Sil, sevendegrees, Finalpro, Robert H., Demolina, JD, nothingshocking, and finally, our lucky iPod winner, Shawn! We'd like to thank everyone who has helped our first few months here at Massively be as massive as they've been! It's only going to get better from here. We just closed up another round of applications yesterday, we've got some insanely cool things coming this next week, (we bet some of you can guess what's going on!) and we're working on things that you all told us we needed to work on in the last round of "How are we doing" questions. Good things in store as we build Massively up -- more coverage, more interviews, more unique content and most of all -- more fun. Stay tuned!

  • TR's epic Blind Race finally sees winners

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    We reported on it last weekend, and on Saturday it finally came to fruition. Certainly fetching the honors as one of the more... bizarre in-game events we've ever heard of, for Tabula Rasa or any other game, the gregarious lot on the Planet TR forums put together the first ever Blind Race. Racers were tasked with running a marathon race through a series of predetermined check-points with their monitors turned off. Guided by the voice of a coaching partner, they had to navigate the oft-treacherous landscape of the Wilderness, the Divide, and the Plains. With the buff to enemy mobs in patch 1.4, it's difficult even making that run when you have all your senses about you, so even more kudos to Andriss and Mcloseky for their victory!In a sadder bit of news, the DG crew rescinded an announcement in a previous community update. Due to some complication on which they didn't care to elaborate, PvP safe zones will likely not make it into patch 1.5 as expected. It's still in the pipeline, we are assured, just not for a little while. I can live with that, as long as they're using the resources to address some of the other, more easily-fixed problems with the game.

  • Massively holiday postcards winners!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Perhaps you remember our holiday postcard contest -- where we asked you send us holiday-themed postcard images from your favorite games. It may not be the holiday season anymore, but here at Massively we like to think there's room for delicious eggnog holiday cheer every day of the week! After extensive deliberation, our team of judges found enough time away from their favorite MMOs to look through the entries managed to come to a decision on the winners. Thanks to everyone who participated, and congrats to our winners: Durinthal, Cyn Vandeverre, Emerson, and Kevin, who are all walking away with some cool computer accessories, including Plantronics headsets, Logitech G15 gaming keyboards, and Logitech G9 laser mice. And for those of you more interested in our 12 days of holiday giveaways, we've got winners for them as well! Congrats go out to Andy, Andrew, Dermit, jgodden, Speedmonkay, Curious George, trevrd, Auriea, DC Flyer, Dragnipurake, Shinagani, and celeron450 who each picked up a first place prize of a game time card of their choice. While they didn't get any game time, our second place winners did get some delicious candy: Paul, Ryan, Ryan (different people, same name!), Speedmonkay (one lucky guy), onetrueping, Moopcow, NCteacher, crispy, Fuzakeya, Quejebo, Animagnum, and Girricane!Our top two postcard winners are included after the jump for your viewing pleasure!

  • WoW Radio announces WoW Idol 2008

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    WoW Radio (home of our increasingly popular podcast) sends along a note that they've announced another round of WoW Idol, a contest to find the best WoW-related song their listeners can come up with. They're looking for both original work, and WoW parodies of popular songs, and the deadline is Friday the 18th of January. After that, the songs will be posted on their site (and played on air), and the finalists will be narrowed down to five winners, including three critics' choices, one popular choice, and a worst/most embarrassing winner. Sounds like a lot of fun (get it? "sounds"? ha!).And the prizes have notably improved from the last go-around-- you could win a signed poster, t-shirts, and everyone (including the worst winner) gets a BlizzCon beta key/murloc suit card. Hot! They're looking for songs 3-5 minutes long and related to World of Warcraft in some way-- send your submission to "wowidol AT wcradio dot com".Can't wait to hear the entries-- if any of them happen to be related to WoW Insider, we'll have to ask WoW Radio to let us play them on our podcast as well. If you plan to enter, good luck!

  • Winners picked for final week of Turbine's DX10 screenshot contest

    Samuel Axon
    Samuel Axon

    Turbine's DirectX 10 screenshot contest for the LotRO community has finally come to an end. Three winners and one runner-up have been selected for the final week.Airak and Eoheryn of Landroval, and forum member Fatty_Lumpkin were the three winners. The honorably mentioned screenshot (included above) was taken by Rendo Gnollen. Why did Turbine pick three winners and one honorable mention instead of just saying there are four winners, since there are no prizes anyway? Who knows.Turbine also assured everyone that there will be another screenshot contest next year, and that DirectX 9 users will also be eligible.

  • Guild Wars Wintersday contest winners announced

    Jonathan Northwood
    Jonathan Northwood

    Wintersday approaches, can you all see the signs?The grentches and snowmen will all soon align.For a battle in the end is what we all face;To decide the wintry fate of the whole human race. So began NCsoft's notice of the Guild Wars Wintersday 2007 event. The event itself begins on Friday, 21 December, and runs for 12 days. Holiday NPCs will be all around Kamadan, Lion's Arch, Droknar's Forge and Ascalon City, spreading holiday joy. Some holiday joy came early for Nian, however, as the creator of the winning entry in the Wintersday 2007 contest with Desmina's Ice Crown. The rules of the contest were that players submit an original new hat design with both a Grenth and a Wintersday theme, and the best of the best would be chosen, with the winning design being the reward for the showdown between Grenth, Lord of Death and Ice, and Dwayna, Goddess of Air and Life. Congratulations, Nian, and here's hoping to see all of you in-game on January 1st.

  • LotRO DirectX 10 screenshot contest crowns week 3 winners

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    Week 3 of the Lord of the Rings Online DirectX 10 screenshot contest has rolled around, and there are two more winning snaps to share (full-sized versions available from the forum post). Both of the winners this week have shots that show off some nice tree shadows, and the reflection of the castle in the above shot is good too. Incidentally, an upcoming patch to the game will improve performance of DX10 with shadows in particular.If you missed the other winners so far, here is our coverage of Week 1 and Week 2. There should be two more weeks of entries still ahead, and we'll be sure to report them when they come through. It's also not too late to enter, if you have a ridiculous machine to back you up, so check out the contest rules if you want to get a chance at having a featured screenshot.

  • LotRO EU cloak design contest winners announced

    William Dobson
    William Dobson

    The second Lord of the Rings Online cloak design contest recently concluded, but European LotRO players have finally had their own competition. As we pointed out last time, it seems that the judges weren't really seeking outlandish entries, but there's no denying that these cloaks look great. There are two winning entries as with the last contest, one from Eirek Lillebo of Norway (left), and the other from J. Garrington (right). If you think that either one of these wouldn't look too shabby on your character, you'll only need to wait a bit longer. Both of these designs will be available to pick up with the Book 12 update, along with all the other things to look forward to in that patch. Full-sized pictures of the cloaks: Eirek Lillebo. J. Garrington.

  • D&D Online Game Guide winners announced

    Jonathan Northwood
    Jonathan Northwood

    The anticipation is over, and for those of you eagerly awaiting the results, Dungeons & Dragons Online has finally released the list of winners for its Game Guide contest.Want to know the best way to acquire information in the game? Just use the lessons learned when MysticTheurge teaches you how to Ask a Loremaster. Need more assistance? SableShadow lands a sneak attack with Notes from a Dancing Rogue, and LostLeader helps you get to where you need to be with The Lost Quest Guide. As well, there are an additional seven runners up who will also have their game guides published in the compendium. And don't forget that you're not limited to just these ten entries: the full list of top-rated and most useful guides is available in its own forum category, and they range from general information to quest-specific rewards.When Dungeons & Dragons Online first opened its contest on September 20, they stated that they were looking for the best guides from the most knowledgeable participants. The guides were posted to their online User-Written Guides forum, and participants were allowed to nominate their favorites.If you've ever needed a reason to learn more about Dungeons & Dragons Online, or to enjoy the wit and wisdom of other players, here's your excuse.

  • 24 hours of Tabula Rasa: Hour 7

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Our Tabula Rasa giveaways continue! It's every hour on the hour, man -- more faithful than Old Faithful, and a lot more often than Blizzard updates WoW.This hour, we're sending out a Tabula Rasa hat (valued at $10) and a game poster (retail value $5). You could be the first on your block to have a wearable ad for Lord British Garriott's brand new alien-shooting MMO! All you've got to do, as usual, is live in the US, be 18 or older (official rules here), and leave a comment (and only one comment) on this here blog post before 3pm EST. Oh, and the most important part: you've got to be one of our random winners. Some say that's the hard part, but really, it's the easiest, because we choose that one, and all you've got to do is type some stuff in and hit "Add your comments."So get commenting -- you've got an hour! And hey, if you don't win, don't worry -- you can also enter for that iPod, and we'll have contests every hour for the rest of the day, too.

  • DS Fanswag: And the Jam Sessions winners are ...

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    All good things must eventually come to an end, and that includes our latest giveaway of Jam Sessions. The three winners have been selected, and the copies will go to:Tom, who said:"How 'bout Over the Hills and Far Away by Led Zeppelin?"Kronus, who said:"For the songs in the game, I would really enjoy to learn to "No Rain"by Blind Melon. As for original songs, I know one of the five will be"MakeDamnSure" by Taking Back Sunday."and finally, Michael Dotson, who promised he would,"ROCK you like a HURRICANE"Congratulations to our winners on both their free games and their taste in music, and we hope they have fun practicing their prowess. Keep your eyes peeled for the next DS Fanboy contest, and maybe you'll end up in this space!

  • DS Fanswag: Best of the lolDS contest

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We showed you the winners -- now we thought we'd show off the best of the rest. You guys really came through on this one ... we wish we had a dozen browsers to pass out! Instead, you'll have to accept an imaginary gold star and a place in this gallery.%Gallery-6423%

  • DS Fanswag: And the browser goes to ....

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    ... reader Lucy! Lucy's fake crimson and black DS Lite image macro featured too many elements we simply could not resist: an arrogant cat, the (tiny) head of Dr. Kawashima, and our new favorite DS Lite model. Well, sort of. It's enough to make us wish we had one of those to give away, but all we have is this browser, and it's hers! Congratulations to Lucy and to all the entrants. Choosing winners was difficult, and when we post the best later today, we hope you'll see why.Second place, and the pair of Jimi game shells, went to reader Wolfnave. His entry can be found after the break. Thanks again to everyone who entered; you gave us plenty to laugh about, and we hope to do it again soon.

  • The Departed, 007: Casino Royale films snag more awards

    Darren Murph
    Darren Murph

    As if moving over 100,000 units wasn't enough, those involved with the making of The Departed have yet another reason to celebrate -- right alongside the equally successful crew involved with 007: Casino Royale, of course. At the first Entertainment Merchants Association's Home Entertainment Awards to hand out honors for high-definition titles, Scorsese's latest gem managed to take home the awards for HD DVD Title of the Year as well as DVD Rental Title of the Year, while the latest in the Bond series took home Blu-ray Title of the Year. Unfortunately, these two films (Casablanca notwithstanding, which nabbed the Hall of Fame Award) were the only notable winners residing on an HD format, but we'll be interested to see how all that changes on the next go 'round.[Via HighDefDigest]

  • It came from the Blog: Vote for your favorite tabard!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    First off, I'd like to thank everyone who participated in our tabard design contest! We have some excellent entries, which the WoW Insider staff has combed through for the best of the best -- and now it's your turn! I know we had a tough time narrowing things down to ten finalists -- every entry would have made a lovely tabard. (If you don't believe me, check out our gallery of entries, including commentary from some of the designers.)Take a look at our finalists and pick the one you'd like to see as the official It came from the Blog tabard! Polls will be open for 48 hours, so you have until Monday at 9:00 AM EST to get your vote in. And remember, the top three winners get to take home a "I'm Only Here Because My Server Is Down" t-shirt! Voting, after the jump!

  • My Dream App Winners Announced!

    Dan Lurie
    Dan Lurie

    The votes are in folks, and the winners are Atmosphere, Portal, and Cookbook, with Portal beating out Hijack by only 5 votes. It looked like Hijack had Portal beaten, that is before the filtering of fraudulent votes. Fraudulent votes were defined as more than 50 votes for the same application originating from the same IP address. With a result this close, there are bound to be some sore feelings between winners and losers, but let's just try and remember it's not the end of the world, and life will go on. So did your preferred app make the cut? Let us know in the comments.