World of Warcraft Cataclysm


  • Cataclysm 101: Zone and instance progression

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    If you're sitting there at your keyboard right now violently coveting your upcoming Cataclysm experience and daydreaming of all the places you'll go, we here at WoW Insider would like nothing better than to aid and abet you in your wacky escapades. And since Cataclysm is launching on International Matthew Rossi's Birthday, who better to help you figure out where you intend to stream like an unstoppable torrent of locusts? Well, there may be lots of better options, but I'm doing it anyway. Cataclysm has several new zones to experience and quite a few new dungeons to crawl through. Let's take a look, shall we?

  • Cataclysm 101: What to do first in Cataclysm

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Cataclysm has already gone live in Europe, and it's only hours away now for those of us in North America. Are you prepared for it? Do you know what you need to know to hit the ground running when Cataclysm content becomes active on live realms? If you don't, we're here to help. Below are answers to some of the most common questions that have been asked about starting the Cataclysm experience. How do I learn to fly in old Azeroth? You can get your Flight Master's License in Outland or Northrend, but the much better options are Stormwind for the Alliance and Orgrimmar for the Horde. Horde players want to talk to Maztha and Alliance players want to talk to Bralla Cloudwing. Wowhead has excellent maps for finding both of them.

  • Cataclysm launches in Europe, servers currently down [Updated]

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    In what may be the least surprising event of the year, Europe's World of Warcraft servers have gone down almost immediately after the expansion's launch in that region. Even Europe's web resources appear to be down for maintenance (or are merely offline due to overwhelming load). How long will this downtime last? We're not sure, but we will do our very best to keep you updated on European server status. European players, if you have any tips or updates on your server's status, don't be afraid to contact us via our tip line. We love to hear from you! Update: It appears the culprit is the login/authentication server. Once you beat the login boss, the game realms themselves seem to be running just fine.

  • Coming back for the Cataclysm

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Tomorrow sees the launch of the third expansion to World of Warcraft... but odds are you already knew that. It's been hard to miss the lead-up, even if you weren't playing the game and thereby missed out on seeing the entire planet get blown apart. And it's probably been equally difficult to fight back the siren song of the game, taunting you to come back and play again... or play for the first time if you've never tried it. If you've been proud of yourself for resisting, you might want to look away, because there are many reasons to start playing again or start up for the first time. The expansion has brought with it a number of improvements and boosts to the game, some obvious and some not. If you've been considering coming back or trying the game out, there's never been a better occasion than right this moment -- whatever your reason for leaving might have been.

  • World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Collector's Edition, unboxed

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    We're still some hours away from the midnight launch of the latest World of Warcraft expansion, Cataclysm. It won't be long before Deathwing wrecks shop, so we thought we'd take some of this downtime to share pics of the Collector's Edition which recently made its way to our doorstep. Peruse the gallery below, and stick around for a giveaway later today. %Gallery-109337%

  • Countdown to Cataclysm: Guild leveling and progression

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    This article is part of our Countdown to Cataclysm series, preparing you for Cataclysm launch one day at a time. One of the coolest new features of Cataclysm is the ability for guilds to level up, unlocking all sorts of cool items, mounts, heirlooms and much more. Also new to Cataclysm are guild achievements that groups of players can work for that open up even more rewards. Blizzard has crafted a really awesome guild reputation system, so get your buddies together to hit the ground running when Cataclysm launches.

  • Countdown to Cataclysm: Fishing in Cataclysm

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    This article is part of our Countdown to Cataclysm series, preparing you for Cataclysm launch one day at a time. Deathwing may be ravaging the countryside and tearing through the sky, striking fear into the hearts of the denizens of Azeroth, but his malice can never shake the iron will of Azeroth's brave fishermen. Rod and lure in hand, these salty heroes fuel our fish feasts, ride our turtles, and regale us with stories of Old Crafty and Old Ironjaw. Flip your Titanium Seal of Dalaran and hope it lands on adventure ...

  • The Care and Feeding of Warriors: A Cataclysm 101 guide for DPS warriors

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you The Care and Feeding of Warriors, the column dedicated to arms, fury and protection warriors. Despite repeated blows to the head from dragons, demons, Old Gods and whatever that thing over there was, Matthew Rossi will be your host. In short, if you remember our Arms and Fury 101 posts from earlier this year, we're going to do a roundup for the changes Cataclysm has brought to each spec. Since the changes have actually debuted before Cataclysm has, we've already had a chance to get familiar with what we're going to be seeing in the next few weeks. So let's go over what a DPS warrior is and isn't. Specifically, a DPS warrior is not a tank. This does not mean that the warrior class does not have a fully functional tanking spec. It does; it's called protection, and we'll be talking about it next week. But while DPS warriors (be they arms or fury) probably think tanking is great and love tanks to death, they would much rather be unleashing bloody murder on things, if that's all right with you. So let's talk about what the DPS warrior specs are, how they work in Cataclysm, and what you're signing up for when you sign up as a warrior to murder things and take their stuff.

  • Arcane Brilliance: A Cataclysm 101 guide for mages

    Christian Belt
    Christian Belt

    Every week, WoW Insider brings you Arcane Brilliance for arcane, fire and frost mages. This week, we'd like to welcome any and all of you who decided the end of the world was as good a time as any to roll a new mage. For you newbies, here's magehood condensed into sound effects: Pew pew! Splat! Rez! It has come to my attention that there are still some of you out there who are not mages yet. Unacceptable, people. Frankly, there are only a few legitimate reasons left that make not being a mage OK: You are a warlock. You are a tauren. (A reminder: the Interracial Humanitarian Association of Tauren and Everyone in WoW Against Race Limits On Choosing Kinship with Sorcerers, or IHATEWARLOCKS, still meets every Saturday, right here at WoW Insider. I'm bringing nachos and punch this week. You should totally come.) That's it, really. I don't know, maybe you have a severe allergy to massive crits or something? Just roll a mage already. I imagine that the combination of a new and immeasurably improved leveling process, exciting new race/class couplings, and the introduction of worgen and goblins has already inspired and will continue to inspire a fresh influx of the uninitiated to join the hallowed ranks of magedom in the coming weeks. As is our custom here at Arcane Brilliance, we would like to offer a quick and dirty guide to being a mage for those of you plan to join our awesome little club of awesomeness in the coming weeks. It is our ongoing mission to keep magehood the single most highly prepared and well-played class in the game, so here is a basic primer in advance of the release of the biggest WoW expansion yet. Join us, won't you?

  • Countdown to Cataclysm: Profession updates and changes

    Basil Berntsen
    Basil Berntsen

    This article is part of our Countdown to Cataclysm series -- preparing you for Cataclysm launch one day at a time. Cataclysm is going to change the world of professions -- so without any further ado, here are the most important changes. General The skill cap for all professions is now 525. There is a lot of content locked behind a phased area you can not unlock until you're level 84. The new elemental trade goods are called Volatiles. Herbing and mining now provide experience. Archeology will be trainable. Guilds can see links for all members' available professions.

  • The Queue: Don't care

    Michael Sacco
    Michael Sacco

    Welcome back to The Queue, the daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mike Sacco will be your host today. Don't care that I've used that image before while traveling. You guys want Queues, by golly, you can deal with a repeat image every now and then. No sass! Jacob Kuntzman asked: I keep seeing and hearing that Hyjal and Vashj'ir will be level 80-82 zones. Is this right? Is Blizzard breaking from their previous pattern of offering the new batch of content to those two levels under? Outland at 58, Northrend at 68 ... So are the quests in Hyjal and Vashj'ir not offered at 78? This is correct. You can only quest in Hyjal and Vashj'ir at 80. I can't speak as to the reasoning, but I assume it has something to do with the desired challenge for level 80 players in those zones. Values would either be too high for 78s or too easy for 80s.

  • We Didn't Start the Fire (in World of Warcraft)

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    In a lot of ways, this WoW video taken in Stormwind by MrZoddiak defies classification -- it's not a music video, nor is it a re-enactment. Regardless of what we all finally agree to call it, one thing is certain: it's damn impressive.

  • Countdown to Cataclysm: Why go goblin?

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    This article is part of our Countdown to Cataclysm series, preparing you for Cataclysm launch one day at a time. Deathwing's return and the subsequent shattering of the world have driven the Bilgewater Cartel goblins of Kezan into the embrace of the Horde. With Cataclysm quickly approaching and goblins finally becoming a playable race in World of Warcraft, you're going to need all the goblin knowledge you can before rolling up one of these clever characters.

  • Blizzard's Pardo talks genre boundaries, Cataclysm

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    Curious as to why Blizzard would opt to destroy what is arguably the most successful game world in the history of the MMORPG genre? A new interview with World of Warcraft co-designer Rob Pardo has some answers. "We do have the ability to continually add to the game and evolve it, but the trickier challenge is that eventually people are going to want to move onto new types of entertainment," Pardo tells Edge. He goes on to liken MMOs to a long-running television series, and touches on why metrics aren't necessarily the tools that drive a game maker's creative decisions. So, is WoW, and Cataclysm, pushing the limits of what Blizzard can do with MMORPGS? "Not really," Pardo says. "Obviously you're not going to design a brand new game using WoW, but there's so much opportunity within that world to do different things."

  • Raid Rx: Leveling tips for Cataclysm healers from 80 to 85

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    Every week, Raid Rx will help you quarterback your healers to victory! Your host is Matt Low, the grand pooh-bah of World of Matticus and a founder of No Stock UI, a WoW blog for all things UI-, macro- and addon-related. If you're looking for more healing advice, check out the Plus Heal community. A few more days before Cataclysm -- and I don't know about you, but I'm excited! I've already got my plans and strategies in place. I'll try to answer a few frenzied questions for leveling healers as well ... questions such as the following: Where should I go level? Should I bury myself in dungeons and chain heal (not the spell) that sucker until I fall over? When do I replace my gear? Do I power my professions as I go? What consumables should I stack up on?

  • GameStop hosting WoW: Cataclysm midnight launch events

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Even though you'll have to temporarily step away from the World of WarCraft, and abandon your guild, in order to pick up Cataclysm (unless you buy it digitally), you'll still have the opportunity to commune with fellow WoW players while buying the new expansion. GameStop will be hosting midnight release events, including "trivia and dance" contests, starting at 10PM on December 6, at its 3,500 stores across the U.S. Buying the expansion at one of these locations won't just increase your risk of vampire attack (what, you don't worry about that at night?), it'll also qualify you for savings on routers, headsets and other PC gaming accoutrements. Additionally, people who buy Cataclysm from GameStop within the first 48 hours of release get a 50-percent bonus in PowerUp Rewards points.

  • Patch 4.0.3a hotfixes for Dec. 2

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    That's right, it's time for another round of hotfixes for our game going into the last weekend of Wrath of the Lich King. So, you may ask, what's been fixed? Well, for starters, we'll take a look at some highlights. Then we'll have the complete list after the break. Patch 4.0.3a Hotfixes Players can no longer skin Crushcog Sentry-Bots or Crushcog Battle Suits in Dun Morogh... because they don't have skin. Stats on the Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat have been reduced, as it can currently be equipped by players of all levels. Crafty players again found a way to catch Cataclysm fish. Crafty designers have made this impossible without a Cataclysm key attached to a player's account. source There's a lot more than fishing issues to discuss, of course. But I thought those were the most amusing.

  • New Cataclysm battleground brackets unveiled; Arathi, Eye, and Alterac available at lower levels

    Fox Van Allen
    Fox Van Allen

    We've all been there, right? You queue up for a battleground and enter the fray. O-ho! You catch a level 49 orc unaware! You fire blistering spell after blistering spell at him! Unfortunately, because you're only level 41, your spells keep missing, dooming you to a certain and ugly fate. Over and over and over. And so you just give up and don't requeue for a battleground until you're almost level 49 yourself. Well, there's good news -- Blizzard has announced new battleground groups for Cataclysm that will make such frustrating scenarios much less prevalent. Whereas battlegrounds are currently broken up into 10-level groups (the level 10 to 19 bracket, for example), battlegrounds in Cataclysm will be broken up into five-level groups (there's a new level 10 to 14 bracket). The move should "match up teams more evenly," according to the post on Blizzard's website. As part of an effort to further ease you into the world of PvP, certain battlegrounds are going to be available for play at earlier levels: Arathi Basin can be played as early as level 10, Eye of the Storm is available at 35, and Alterac Valley is available at 45. For those of us with low-level alts sick of running Warsong Gulch, that's welcome news indeed. World of Warcraft: Cataclysm will destroy Azeroth as we know it; nothing will be the same! In WoW Insider's Guide to Cataclysm, you can find out everything you need to know about WoW's third expansion (available Dec. 7, 2010), from brand new races to revamped quests and zones. Visit our Cataclysm news category for the most recent posts having to do with the Cataclysm expansion.

  • Countdown to Cataclysm: The Deadmines dungeon guide

    Matt Low
    Matt Low

    This article is part of our Countdown to Cataclysm series, preparing you for Cataclysm launch one day at a time. The Deadmines has been a classic staple dungeon for any leveling player. In patch 4.0.3, the instance received a complete facelift. Players will no longer be taking down Edwin VanCleef, as the game has progressed forward in time and has been updated to reflect the events that have occurred in the game. The Defias stronghold appears to be housing the next generation of Defias forces. They're being led by Vanessa Vancleef, Edwin's daughter. At a glance: five boss encounters level 15 - 21 Alliance and Horde players both have access to this dungeon via dungeon finder

  • Countdown to Cataclysm: Why go worgen?

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    This article is part of our Countdown to Cataclysm series, helping you prepare for Cataclysm launch one day at a time. As Deathwing makes his escape from Deepholm, the Greymane Wall finally collapses, revealing the kingdom of Gilneas. For years, the kingdom had locked itself away behind the wall, shutting out the troubles of the rest of the world. King Genn Greymane, leader of Gilneas, has been dealing with his own problems behind the wall, however, including the spreading of the worgen curse, which is turning his people into ferocious creatures.