

  • Laguna Art Museum hosts WoW art exhibit

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Chris Caesar of the Orange County Register got to check out Blizzard's newest exhibition at the Laguna Art Museum in Laguna Beach, CA, and as you can see above, is niiiiiice. The exhibition centers around the art of World of Warcraft, and is called "WoW: An Emerging Media Phenomenon," offering up fourteen different artists' takes on the wide world of Azeroth. And it comes with swag, apparently: you pay for a certain package to come visit the show, and all the packages, starting at "Lvl 30" for $15 all the way up to "Lvl 80" for $125, come with free stuff, from an illustrated "exhibition manual" to free t-shirts and a copy of "The Art of the Trading Card Game."The event runs through October 4th, so if you're planning to spend some extra time wandering around southern California for BlizzCon, we're sure they'd love to see you (in fact, we wouldn't put it past them to have scheduled this event specifically around BlizzCon -- sneaky art museum types). And finally, they're also hosting a series of panels from different artists in the exhibit, all discussing how a digital game like World of Warcraft has affected their art. You can check out some of the art in the show over in the Register's gallery -- with art from the TCG, the official game art, and even some student work, it looks like they've got a whole bunch of great work on display.

  • Sunday Morning Funnies: Boom shaka laka!

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    The expansion is drawing near, but for now, all I have to offer you folks is a brand spanking new list of comics. Well, except the first entry, it is not new. New to the list maybe but not "new" new. You see my point. Now get reading! Experience Points by Scott Johnson is a new comic for this list. Check out their most recent WoW-related entry. Dark Legacy Comics: Haircut. I hope Blizz adds in new hairstyles soon. Most of my characters switched just for the achievement, and then switched back! Flintlocke vs. The Horde: A Cunning Plan. Shakes and Fidget: Surprise. There are at least two surprises in this comic. A Little of Both from GU Comics. The latest from LFG. Where the Heck is the AH?! from Teh Gladiators. The latest from Scout Report. You might want to click back a few, as it seems the Ogres have been a little overly ambitious.

  • Scooter adorned with WoW art

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This is awesome -- Jimzter of Carnage Kings on EU Darkspear decked out his Lambretta scooter with some great looking WoW art, and I mean decked: top to bottom, the whole thing is a celebration of the World of Warcraft. He's got character art all over the place, maps of the two major continents in the floor panels, and even the license plate font is WoW-ized. Apparently Jimzter designed all the custom artwork, and a friend painted it to his specs. As you can see, the guild's logo also got a promient place in the design. Looks amazing.Jim is, we're told, also a member of the Beverly Scooter Club, and if you happen to be in the area of Bridlington (near Yorkshire, England), you can even come see the bike, as he'll be showing it off at the Bridlington National Scooter Rally on October 24 through 26th. With their kind permission, we've put pictures of the scooter in the gallery below. Very nice work. %Gallery-35304%

  • Notes from the BlizzCon 2008 Art panel

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    Greetings from sunny Anaheim, California! One of this years WoW-related BlizzCon panels focused on the process and inspiration for the creation of the art for various aspects of Warcraft. There were a total of 7 people on this panel, lead by Chris "The Intern" Robinson, the Art Director for WoW. Also on the panel were other representatives from the various art teams, enough that there was some confusion as to where they were all sitting at first.Before we get into the whole thing, I should mention the most important part: The artists all but said that giving visible armor to Druid forms is in the works!

  • Murloc on board

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    No idea where Richard got this Murloc decal (it is floating around on eBay, if you're so inclined to try and grab it there), but it is pretty darn sweet. Forget about the Horde or the Alliance -- I want to brand my car's window with the best race (soon to be faction) in the World of Warcraft. Unfortunately, according to the Murloc translator, what's printed on the window there is just gibberish, not an actual Murloc saying handed down from the Oracles of years past (like, you know, "honk if you love Murlocs"). Still, I'd laugh if I saw it, no matter what it means.We've added this pic to our gallery of WoW license plates car-related WoW art. If you've got a pic we should have in here, feel free to send it along and we'll take a look. %Gallery-20183%

  • Bronze Kettle auctions character art for Child's Play

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    It's that time of year again-- the time of gamer giving, and the good folks over at The Bronze Kettle are running a terrific event for Child's Play that is sure to bring in some great cash for the annual Penny Arcade sponsored charity. They're auctioning off a custom Starprints illustration, charm, and avatar of the World of Warcraft character of your choice. Starprints actually sent us one of their pieces for our recent fan art contest, and while they didn't win, they are definitely cute little charms, and a completely original piece of art for your character.As of this writing, the highest bid is only about $31, but come on, people! This is for charity! If you have any interest in getting your character immortalized in a piece of art, get out those wallets and offer some cash. Not only are you picking up an illustration, charm, and a custom avatar, but you're supporting a great cause, too-- 100% of the sale price goes straight to the charity, which supports hospitals around the country with videogames and other needed items for children.And stay tuned to the entire Joystiq network for more Child's Play related giving this year