

  • WoW Moviewatch: Alternate Realities

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    One could say that World of Warcraft is an alternate reality of its own, taking elements of the life we know and painting them with the fantasy genre brush. Perhaps that is why I am so fascinated with model changes like in today's machinima. Created by Taur on the Bloodhoof realm, it features map changes to the Barrens, Durotar and other places we know and love. He lets us know that he recorded his work on a live server, and even had a "random Alliance warlock" wandering around the worlds he's manipulated, so I guess we can say that with some effort, and a LOT of talent, this is something we all could do. Yeah, right.Previously on Moviewatch...[thanks Stalfos!]

  • WoW Moviewatch: How I Met Your Draenei

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    I love it when my favorite things collide. The above clip, from Monday's episode of the excellent CBS sitcom How I Met Your Mother, manages to pull in World of Warcraft in an entertaining, if slightly predictable way. From trucks to TV, this game is taking over the world, one step at a time. I won't spoil it for anyone, but watch the clip. (And then watch the show on Monday nights at 8; it could use more viewers and it's really quite good.) But what is a high-level Paladin doing in what looks like the Draenei starting zone Stranglethorn?[thanks to multiple submitters]

  • WoW Moviewatch: Amaranth

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Today's WoW Moviewatch features a fairly new machinimator on the scene, Mike Brock, who is publishing under Fishspit Productions. This is only his second offering in the arena of music video machinima, but the influence of his mentors/friends Baron Soosdon and Olibith is clearly felt. This video hints at a dark and sinister sub-story, all set to the song "Amaranth" by Nightwish. The only real issue I have is that it feels like the last bit of the video is almost too band-focused. Don't get me wrong -- I love L70ETC, and Techi is cool, but I really wanted to see just a smidge more of the great story, which seemed to stop short to me. (Sorry, no spoilers here. You'll have to watch it yourself.) Beyond that, this is a fantastic piece for someone relatively new to machinima, and I will certainly be keeping my eyes peeled for future Fishspit works!As always, YouTube is the necessary evil to fit our sizing here, but if you can, be sure you pop over to and check out the full-size video. It's most definitely worth the download. Previously, on MovieWatch...[Thanks, Sori!]

  • WoW Moviewatch: The Big Boom

    Chris Jahosky
    Chris Jahosky

    Mike Spiff Booth continues to make machinima music videos that I enjoy. The Big Boom is the latest, featuring another song by Jonathan Coulton.Also, this one is less creepy than the one I featured last time!Previously on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: Engineering flying mount

    Eliah Hecht
    Eliah Hecht

    Here it is, the moment you've all been waiting for! (All of you engineers, anyway.) And I think it looks pretty awesome. It definitely looks more gnome than goblin, but I always liked the gnomish stuff better anyway. This video was linked recently, in a post about the mats list; however, it may have passed some people by, and I think it could use more exposure. Thoughts?And if you're looking for a way to level up your (newly acquired?) engineering skill in order to make this fine piece of machinery, Lisa has a dynamite article (no pun intended) on that very topic, posted earlier this morning, so have at it. Check out our screenshot gallery of the engineering mount!

  • WoW Moviewatch: Four wheels of FURY!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    I have to admit, when I saw this particular video come up on the WoW LJ community, I couldn't believe my eyes. But sure enough, it appears that Toyota has figured out that World of Warcraft is a good way to attract the attention of tons of folks. Anyone who has ever seen the original Leeroy Jenkins video knows what they're trying to draw a correlation to. I'd also be willing to bet whoever designed this plays WoW themselves.In any case, I would bet that it won't be long before we hear "Four wheels of FURY!" and "I am the LAWGIVER!" all over the place. Previously, on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: Rise of the Lich King

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    We know that the new expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, will take us to Northrend to fight Arthas. But if you haven't played Warcraft 3 and The Frozen Throne and seen the story of how Arthas became the Lich King, you may well wonder what all the fuss is about. Blizzard released a three part series of short stories about the Rise of the Lich King, (and we have our own summary here at WoW Insider) but now there is a movie version as well. This is a compilation of machinima before machinima was an art form for the masses -- Blizzard used their own animated sprites within the game to tell the story, with good actors providing their voices in between (and sometimes during) battles. Sylvictus has recorded these scenes from Warcraft 3 and presented them here for us over at Warcraft Movies. Even though it clocks in at a whopping 52 minutes, Sylvictus said that he had to cut a lot of things out in order to keep the story even that short: Fall of Sylvanas and her freedom which lead to the founding of the Forsaken. Sylvanas betrayal and failed murder attempt on Arthas. The 3 dreadlords that takes control over Lordaeron as well as their war with Sylvanas. The perils Arthas and Anub'Arak faces in Azjol-nerub. The scenes with Sapphiron, most Muradin clips etc. Although I agree it's probably better to keep the movie to a manageable size, I would have personally liked to see this extra footage too. Perhaps one day Sylvictus will do an expanded version, or a movie all about Sylvanas. Keep in mind that you'll want to skip this if you intend on playing through Warcraft 3 and enjoying the story experience first hand. If you don't have the time or interest, however, you may enjoy this taste of what it's like.Previously on WoW Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: 10 Paladins clear Karazhan (almost!)

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    We've profiled movies of a Paladin soloing Blackrock Depths. We've even seen one solo Blood Furnace. Now, ten of them have banded together to tackle Karazhan. And they manage to clear it all the way until the last two bosses, Nightbane and Netherspite. Not bad for a class that constantly beats up on itself for being gimped.The video is 26 minutes long, but enjoyable. The first part is RP related to the quest and the fights are at double speed. The music choice is very good IMHO and the humorous moments really help move it along. The shot of all 10 Blood Elf paladins dancing naked on the table was definitely a highlight. These are 10 players definitely enjoying themselves. Check it out.Previously, on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: Starcraft 2 gameplay from BlizzCon

    Amanda Rivera
    Amanda Rivera

    Yesterday at BlizzCon it seemed to be all about Wrath of the Lich King at least as far as announcements are concerned, but Blizzard will soon be releasing Starcraft 2, and BlizzCon attendees were the first to get a chance to play the game. WoW Radio gave us their take on the SC2 gameplay. I know what I got to see of the Starcraft 2 new AI looks amazing, and I am hoping to get a chance to sit down with the game myself today.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Azerothian Supervillains, Episode 3 teasers

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    BlizzCon begins tomorrow, and with it comes the world premiere of Azerothian Supervillains Episode 3! Ian Beckman has crafted it as his entry in the X-Fire Video contest they'll be holding there. Hopefully Episode 3 will be available to those of us who can't attend BlizzCon in person tomorrow too. If you are attending though, be sure to find Ian there and tell him his movies are really funny!While we wait for the real deal, I bring you two teaser trailers to whet your appetite. (Click on the jump below for Teaser 2, or click the following links for Azerothian Supervillains Episode 1 and Episode 2).

  • WoW Moviewatch & World Wide WoW: Azeroth Movie Top 3

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    You already know that World of Warcraft is a global phenomenon, but did you know that machinima is international too? This show is by AFK Pl@ayers, a group of Taiwanese machinima makers who have done some quality work and earned an exalted reputation in Taiwan. It pokes fun at those "best movie of the week" countdowns that you sometimes see on entertainment shows with a hip young host getting excited and showing you the latest trailers. Most of it is in Chinese with English subtitles, but you'll be happy to see that one of the movies they show a trailer for is actually in English! Personally, I think this is classic, but I hope you all don't mind subtitles too much. English-speakers are truly lucky to have so much great media produced in our own language, whereas other countries are used to watching dubbed or subtitled Hollywood films all the time. You may not be able to understand Chinese, but I think you may get a sense of their emotions from the tones of voice they use when they talk -- their Chinese voice acting is excellent, and their little bit of English acting is quite good too, considering it's their second language!Previously on WoW Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: I feel fantastic!

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Here's another in a long line of videos made by Spiffworld using the music of Jonathan Coulton. This one deals with a day in the future when we might have a "buff" (pill) for everything, and whether or not that might be a good thing... Also, be sure to keep an eye out for a special appearance by a previous video character who is once again up to no good.Previously, on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: Unidentified

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    This short machinima is excellent comedy of the absurd. The reference to identifying things comes from a feature in Diablo, where new magical items would have to be identified by a character called Deckard Cain before you could use them. "Unidentified" starts out with a scenario showing how it might be if WoW was like that too, but then it just gets random and strange and very very silly.

  • WoW Moviewatch: Nihilum Vs. Teron Gorefiend

    Dan Crislip
    Dan Crislip

    Releasing the third video in their 3-part series, Nihilum has posted their live-realm kill of Teron Gorefiend - another boss of the Black Temple. This is certainly quite a feat for Nihilum to have succeeded in so many encounters in such a short time. They also have rumored that they are "making progress on a certain encounter, but are not ready to show a corpse shot yet." Stay tuned for more progress in post-2.1 content!

  • WoW Moviewatch: Nihilum Vs. the Shade of Akama

    Dan Crislip
    Dan Crislip

    Nihilum has done it again, this time posting the second video in their 3-day trilogy: The Shade of Akama! This is the 3rd boss in the Black Temple. I'm not sure if this was a world-first kill, but it is confirmed that it is a live-server kill (and not the PTR). Great job, Nihilum! Keep on pushin that content for the rest of us to drool over!

  • WoW Moviewatch: Inventing Swear Words 3 Trailer

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    It's not every day that we find a preview for an upcoming machinima that's entertaining enough to post on its own, but if there's any trailer that's worth watching purely for its own merit, Oxhorn's Inventing Swear Words 3 Trailer is it. I can't say if the trailer is going to have anything to do with the latest installment in the Inventing Swear Words series, but it's full of entertaining movie references as well as the colorful personalities of Oxhorn, Staghorn, and Mortuus. Want to see more of Oxhorn's best? Check his website for the latest on his work!Previously on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: The man song

    Krystalle Voecks
    Krystalle Voecks

    Just how manly do you think a pink haired gnome could be? Personally I never thought of gnomes as being the epitome of manly, but this one certainly feels that he is! In this cute video submitted by Seraya, we're treated to dancing Night Elves (surprise, eh?) a human wife who knows just what she wants, and the gnomish husband who sings his manly song telling us all about who rules the roost in his family. Having never listened to the Bob & Tom (radio) show before, the song was new to me. Hopefully if there are more silly songs from that show available, this machinima creator will create some more videos. Once you do, send them our way so we can all enjoy them!

  • WoW Moviewatch: ElfOn

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    In today's installment from machinima-maker Oxhorn, we are introduced to ElfOn, a fine product if I've ever seen one. (And for those of you who don't watch enough late-night television, he is parodying an actual commercial -- but while I remember the "I hate your commercial -- I love your product!" schtick, I can't for the life of me remember what was actually being advertised.) And for those of you who simply can't get enough of Oxhorn, see his homepage for more!Previously on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: World of Final Fantasy

    Dan Crislip
    Dan Crislip

    Well, our friends over at have done it again; this time recreating our favorite MMO with the old-school stylings of Final Fantasy! Watch and enjoy and bask in the retrospective nostalgia. For those that happen to have no idea what the Final Fantasy series is, let me enlighten you. The series began in Japan in 1987 with a turn-based cartridge game for the original Nintendo Entertainment System, developed by Square. The series is still alive and kicking, having released Final Fantasy 12 just last fall. The classic menu style, music, and Chocobo reference are amazingly funny. I love this video! [Thanks, Kakashisan on Mal'Ganis]

  • WoW Moviewatch: Snackey's Journal - Episode 2

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Stone Falcon Productions hasn't been idle since releasing their last machinima piece, Snackey's Journal. In fact, they've already put out a sequel, starring everyone's favorite murloc, Roberto! Previously on Moviewatch...