

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 15: Grab your sword and fight the Horde

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Matthew Rossi, Turpster, and I had a heck of a great time on last Saturday's episode of the WoW Insider Show, available right now for you listening pleasure over on WoW Radio and on iTunes. And we came up with two great slogans for the Alliance:The one I liked was "Grab your sword and fight the Horde," while Turpster's, if I recall correctly, was "Please put down that fishing appliance, we are Warcraft's fighting Alliance!" Okay, I may not be recalling that exactly correctly. But I know for sure that we chatted about the brand new collision of Activision and Blizzard. We also talked about our most popular story last week. We clarified a few pieces of mine, including the big analysis of the WoW laptop, and why everyone got so angry at my post about summoning stones. And we also had some great PvP discussion, both about how to lose at Alterac Valley, and how to beat a Warlock. Plus, as we mentioned, if you've been bugged by my clicking headset in the past, that's all over with-- I got a sparkling new headset and it sounds much, much better. All of the laughs, none of the clicking. It's like a whole new podcast.And if you didn't get to listen to us live but want to next week, make a note for Saturday afternoon at 3:30 pm EST-- that's when we go live over on the WoW Radio (now 24/7!) site. The WoW Insider Show is always a fun time, and even if you read the blog during the week, it's always great to get a little insight and background on how things work around here.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 15 live tomorrow

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Here's just a sample of what listeners are saying about our podcast (now in its 15th week, and going live on the air once again tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm EST):"Quite entertaining.""It's probably the best WoW radio content out there right now.""Highly recommended."The WoW Insider Show is just like this great website you're visiting, only in audio form (and with a considerable dash of WoW Radio's Turpster, which will definitely add spice to any meal). If you haven't gotten a chance to listen live yet, please tune in tomorrow at 3:30pm EST over on WoW Radio-- not only can you hear our voices as we speak, but you can also join us on IRC and actually interact with the show as it goes down. We'll be chatting about the boy-meets-moose story, the WoW laptop (and whether it's worth it or not), Activision Blizzard, and both how to beat a warlock, and how to lose in Alterac Valley.If you can't make it, no worries-- the show is also available to download on WoW Radio's site and on iTunes every single week. But if you can tune in tomorrow, we'd be thrilled to have you.

  • WoW Insider Show episode 14: A podcast of PvP

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    WoW Insider's Zach Yonzon joined Turpster and I on the podcast this past weekend, and boy did we have a good time. Zach actually woke up at 4:30 a.m. his time (he's in Manila) to join us, but we got a lot of good discussion in about Arena PvP, battlegrounds, and all the other news from the last week of WoW Insider: We chatted about Arena Smurfs, and I forced Zach and Turps to come up with ways to stop them. We talked about robbing the guild bank, and how you can get away with it. Alliance players: don't hate yourselves. Hate us Hordies. We asked if daily quests were bad for battlegrounds. (Short answer: no, but we need more of them). And finally, I asked Blizzard to keep the Ghost Wolf around, and sure enough, that's just what they did. All in all, a superlative hour of podcast listening (except for my stupid mic clicking all the time-- sorry listeners, I swear that by the next time we go on, I'll have a brand new, completely silent mic), available right now over on WoW Radio. Check it out, won't you?And while you're over there, be sure to listen to the rest of their great shows, too-- they are now broadcasting 24/7 on the front page, so if you've missed any of the shows in their archive, keep your speakers tuned to their page. And tune in next Saturday at 3:30pm for more WoW Insider show-- it's just like this great blog, only in audio form.

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 13: Review of every patch from 1.2 to 2.3

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Though we had a long list of news items from the past week to cover on Saturday's podcast, we threw it all out the window. Instead we honored WoW's 3rd Anniversary by covering every patch since launch. Relive three years of new content additions, class revamps and expansion mudflation with me, Krystalle Voecks and Turpster.This special podcast had to run an extra 30 minutes for a grand total of an hour and a half in order to get through all the patches!We also snuck in a quick discussion about the Shatner and Mr. T WoW commercials. Krystalle adds in her own Top 5 list of celebrities she feels should star in future WoW commercials and what race/class they should play. I don't think anyone disagreed with her number one pick (hint: not Chuck Norris.)If you missed the live podcast, you can now hear it stream on WoW Radio's site. Join us this Saturday for another live episode covering all the hot issues in our beloved World of Warcraft.

  • Breakfast Topic: Favorite patch

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    In honor of the 3rd Anniversary of the North American launch of WoW, we devoted almost the entire WoW Insider Show yesterday to talking about all the highlights since launch. We went patch by patch and talked about what we remembered from each. It was great fun to relive the memories.For those of you who don't listen to our weekly podcast on WoW Radio every Saturday at 3:30pm EST, it will be downloadable tomorrow or Tuesday. In the meantime, I thought it would be great to take a poll to find out what your favorite patch was since launch. I'm intentionally leaving out the original game launch and Burning Crusade launch.%Poll-6191% Vote on the above and tell us why below!

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 12: Patch 2.3 and beyond!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Did you miss this weekend's episode of the WoW Insider Show on WoW Radio? Never fear, because it's now available for download or streaming at your convenience from WoW Radio or iTunes. Tune in to catch Elizabeth Harper, Matt Rossi, and Turpster chatting about the recent patch 2.3 release, changes to Blizzard's Warden application, the Shaman tier 6 fiasco, guild divas, and the creepy new music in Karazhan. We wondered why new music seemed to be randomly added to the game and Blizzard answered us via e-mail, stating:...due to the size of music files, we sometimes need to add It in intervals. We have had plenty of music waiting to be added in, but need to be very careful about the file sizes we keep the patches at.So for those of you enjoying Karazhan's hot new soundtrack, it sounds like Blizzard has more musical treats in store for us in the future!

  • The WoW Insider show is on the air!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    It's Saturday and you know what that means -- time for another installment of the WoW Insider Show on WoW Radio! Today, myself, Matt Rossi, and the infamous Turpster will be talking patch 2.3, the biggest thing to hit the World of Warcraft since Gnome punting became a professional sport. Want to listen in? You can point your browser to WoW Radio right now to catch the pre-show, or catch the show itself live starting at 3:30 PM EST (just a half hour away!). And if you're listening live, you can also participate in the show! Join us on IRC at in channel #wowradio or send us your messages via e-mail to We'll see you there!

  • WoW Insider Show Episode 11: Shaman silliness and other outrages

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Episode 11 of the WoW Insider Show is now live for your listening pleasure-- Amanda Rivera, Duncor of WoW Radio and I all sat down last Saturday and talked about all things from the last week of WoW Insider, including, but not limited to: All the Shaman protesting that went down (and what we thought of it-- Amanda and Duncor let me rant) The release timing of 2.3 and what's next in terms of content releases Is there or isn't there a first aid quest still in the game? Amanda has strong feelings about Hypothermia and its duration And how much would you pay for a loot card? Plus, we go through more reader mail that I've ever heard on the show (the email address is if you'd like to send some of your own), and we berate an absent Turpster for not hitting 60 before 2.3 dropped-- now, he can't brag that he did it before it got easy. And for those of you who have been concerned about the background music, this week we turned it down so low you can barely hear it (I asked Duncor to flip it off, but it sounds like he decided it should still be in there to fill in the blanks). So give it a listen (either over on WoW Radio's site, or in iTunes-- it's not in there yet but it should be soon), and tell us what you think.And as usual, we'll be back on the air again this Saturday. Enjoy the show!

  • Reminder: WoW Insider Show episode 11 live tomorrow afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    This show goes all the way to 11, and you can be there with us live tomorrow. Turpster and I (and a few other folks from WoW Insider and WoW Radio) will go live on WoW Radio at 3:30pm EST tomorrow afternoon for episode number 11 on the WoW Insider show.On this week's episode, odds are that we'll chat about World of Warcraft-- what's that? Oh, you want specifics? Patch 2.3 is the topic of the week-- everyone wants to know what's changing, how to deal with the changes, and why changes aren't happening (that last part is for you, Shamans). Also, after basically discovering that it's cheaper to buy the cards than the packs to get the loot cards, you might imagine that I have some interesting opinions on that, and you'd be right.So come check us out tomorrow afternoon at WoW Radio and on irc at in #wowradio. See you then.

  • Listen to the WoW Insider show live tomorrow on WoW Radio

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, tomorrow is Saturday again, which means it'll be time to dial up WoW Radio, and listen in live to the WoW Insider Show. I'll be back on the show after a short two-week hiatus, and along with me will be Ryan Carter from WoW Insider (and DIY Life, if you're into that kind of thing), and while I'm not 100% sure we'll have Turpster from WoW Radio, both you and I would really enjoy it if we did, so he'll probably be there too.On the docket, I've got discussion about how to rake in the cash, all the different gear up for the Arenas in season 3, and how awesome it'll be to see some better items for lowbies and twinks. And since a few kids in China downed Illidan, we'll probably talk about that, too, as well as anything else that comes to mind from the past week in WoW. Just because we've been working so hard on it, you'll probably hear a story or two from behind the scenes of our new site Massively, but this is a WoW podcast, so any talk about that will be over before you know it.So join us, please, tomorrow at 3:30pm EST over at WoW Radio (and on IRC at's #wowradio channel) for an hour of what some call "the best WoW podcast on the Internet." OK, only my mom calls it that, but trust me, listen in tomorrow and it'll be a fun time. See you then!

  • Episode 9 of the WoW Insider Show available for download

    Dan O'Halloran
    Dan O'Halloran

    Episode 9 of the WoW Insider Show is not to be missed. What? You missed it? Fear not, for it is now available for download and streaming on WoW Radio. This week, we have the return of Turpster along with yours truly and our in-house illustrator extraordinaire, Arturis. The lively, hour-long debate covered the history of WoW, the lowered reputation costs for Heroic keys, why there are no tanks left for PuGs and much more.Give it a listen and tell us what you think by e-mailing your comments to:!

  • Episode 8 of The WoW Insider Show available for download

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you missed episode 8 of our podcast last weekend -- you're in luck, because it's available for streaming and download on WoW Radio. Before you tune in though, I have to tell you that Turpster wasn't on this week, and none of the rest of the crew has quite his sense of humor. However, if that doesn't discourage you too much, it was a great show, featuring Mark, Krystalle, Duncor, and myself discussing the biggest topics (and the biggest controversies) of the past week. On the agenda is Hollow's End in Azeroth, everything new in patch 2.3, gold selling, and (of course) what a Paladin can or can't bring to a group.Love the show? Hate the show? Either way, tell us about it at!

  • Listen to the WoW Insider Show, episode 7

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Bored waiting for your character to copy over to the 2.3 PTR? Episode 7 of the WoW Insider Show is now available online over at WoW Radio for your listening pleasure. WoW Radio's Turpster, WoW Insider's Matthew Rossi and I sat down last Saturday and gave our listeners insight, discussion, and hopefully a little bit of humor regarding the following posts: The 2.3 PTR patch notes: Of course we had to discuss the upcoming patch. Forum Post of the Day: The fight to enter Zul'Aman: "One does not merely walk into the Ghostlands." WoW Moviewatch: Four wheels of Fury!: You can hear me do the "lawgiva" yell. Dalaran might be Alliance-only: Although Turpster disagrees. The sad state of BG healing: When a Warlock tops the healing charts, you know we're all in trouble. Got your ram yet? Our Brewfest wrapup. Plus, we talk at length about leveling the same class over and over again, Paladin viability with both DPS and tanking, and how Turpster is a master of WoW-related comedy. It's a good time, so give it a listen, won't you?And don't forget that we do this live on WoW Radio every Saturday afternoon at 3:30pm EST or 8:30pm GMT. This weekend, Turpster won't actually be around (he's going to Totalbiscuit's wedding-- Grats, TB and Eriyanna!), but as always, we'll have WoW Insider folks on with WoW Radio folks, and the best WoW insight and commentary outside of, well, this very site.

  • Reminder: WoW Insider Show live tomorrow afternoon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, it's almost Saturday again, and you know what that means-- the WoW Insider Show is set to take to the airwaves of WoW Radio once more. Episode 7 kicks off at 3:30pm EST (8:30pm GMT), and you can listen live over on our site, as well as chat with us in IRC at in channel #wowradio. Our email address is, so if you've got feedback for us before or after the show, we're all ears.On the menu tomorrow, we'll be talking even more about 2.3 (duh-- it's huge!), what's up with Dalaran after it moves to Northrend, how much fun Brewfest was, and that Toyota ad everyone's talking about. I'll be hosting, Matthew Rossi will be aboard (so we'll definitely have to get some good tanking discussion in-- if you're a tank or have ever been protected by one, make sure to listen), and WoW Radio's Turpster should be there as well, so you know it'll be a great show.Should be, as always, a great time. Hit us up on WoW Radio tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 pm EST for Episode lucky number 7 of the WoW Insider Show. See you there!

  • Episode 6 of the WoW Insider Show available for download!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    For those of you who missed episode 6 of the WoW Insider Show live on WoW Radio over the weekend, the show archive is now available for listening at your convenience. In it, you can catch Elizabeth Harper, Amanda Rivera, and Turpster discussing all of the most interesting topics of the last week. And, yes, before you comment, we do apologize for the sound quality -- a software crash left us with only the live recording to offer you this week. As usual, you may address any questions or concerns about this week's show -- or suggestions for improvement for next week's show! -- to Thanks for listening and we hope to catch you back on WoW Radio next week, at 3:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM GMT.

  • WoW Insider Show live today!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    As usual, WoW Insider kicks off the weekend by hosting a live show on WoW Radio where we cover all of the most interesting stories of the past week. For episode 6, catch Amanda Rivera, Elizabeth Harper, and WoW Radio's colorful Turpster discussing patch 2.2.2, the continued news on patch 2.3, how voice chat is working out for everyone, and other big topics of the week.So head over to WoW Radio at 3:30 PM EST (that's 8:30 PM GMT) to catch up on the latest news in convenient audio format. And if you want to be sure you get your say, join us on IRC (on in #wowradio) to chat during the show or email us at We're always listening to your feedback, on air or off!

  • Listen in live to the WoW Insider Show tomorrow

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    WoW Insider once again takes to the virtual airwaves of WoW Radio tomorrow. On Episode 5 of our podcast, we'll chat once again about everything that's happened in the World (of Warcraft) this past week, and boy howdy is that a lot. There's voice chat and the new sound engine in 2.2, the rebirth of Alterac Valley, lots of patch 2.3 to discuss (I'm especially thrilled that Shaman shields are getting some much-needed love), and we'll also hit on progressive content, as well as those required Arena ratings you folks are so interested in.Should be fun as always, and remember you're invited to join us both via email at, and on IRC live during the show-- hit up in channel #wowradio, or just jump on at the WoW Radio site.I'll be there, WoW Insider's Robin Torres will be along for the ride, and we'll have some folks from WoW Radio on as well (my guess is that Turpster will be on board as usual). Check it out tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 pm EST, or 8:30 pm GMT. Because if you like our site, you'll love the live audio version of it.

  • Episode 4 of the WoW Insider Show available for download!

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    For those of you who have been holding your breath in anticipation of the latest WoW Insider Show (and I know there are at least some of you out there, hitting our mailbox with requests), it's now available to listen to on WoW Radio and for download on iTunes. As usual, the crew (myself, Eric Vice, Duncor, and Turpster) covered some of the most popular topics on WoW Insider this week, including erotic roleplaying, the rogue who sold his account for nearly $10,000 (and the poor schmuck who bought it), how gold farmers are doing business lately, whether faction affiliation really matters, how death knights and warriors will get along, whether Blizzard intends for no class to be necessary in an instance, and our guesses on the patch 2.2 release date. (Hey, I guessed right!)For those of you who missed the live broadcast, be sure to tune back in this coming Saturday at 3:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM GMT on WoW Radio for more of the latest news from the World of Warcraft!

  • Reminder! The WoW Insider Show live tomorrow afternoon

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    If you haven't had a chance to tune in to the WoW Insider Show on WoW Radio, tomorrow could be your lucky day, because at 3:30 PM EST (that's 8:30 PM GMT for those of you in Europe) we'll be broadcasting live. This week, meet WoW Insider bloggers Elizabeth Harper (that's me!) and Eric Vice while we chat about Blizzard's recent disbandment of an erotic roleplaying guild, selling your account for $10,000, the trouble with gold farmers, and all of the other hot topics of the week. So come over to WoW Radio tomorrow afternoon (3:30 PM EST / 8:30 PM GMT!) and take a listen -- and be sure to join us on IRC during the show at in channel #wowradio! Questions or concerns about the WoW Insider Show? Think there's something we need to talk about? Send your thoughts to!

  • Second episode of the WoW Insider Show available for download

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    In case you missed out on listening to this past weekend's episode of the WoW Insider Show live on WoW Radio, it's now available for streaming. If you missed out, check our page on WoW Radio to hear myself and Krystalle Voecks as well as WoW Radio's TotalBiscuit and Turpster talking about the hottest stories in World of Warcraft this week. And I hope you'll join us next live next Saturday, September 15th at 3:30 PM EST for more of the WoW Insider and WoW Radio crew!As always, questions, concerns, and suggestions about the show may be directed to us at