

  • [UPDATED] Paladin changes in Beta build 8926 part I

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    This is one of the biggest patches to hit Paladins in a while, and it's a mixed bag. Let's get the bad news out of the way first -- all of Seals have been nerfed. All of them. Seal of the Martyr / Blood, Corruption / Vengeance, Wisdom, Light, Justice, Righteousness and even Command have all had their damage reduced. The formulas are tweaks of the values of attack power, spell power, and weapon speed -- a bit complicated to explain in detail -- that result in an overall damage reduction. Now, before everyone gets their panties in a bunch, let me say one thing: don't panic.We can probably consider this patch the nerf patch, which is an essential part of the tuning process. The developers traditionally start from a high power scale and fine tune it downwards -- I mean, look at the poor Death Knight. This is still the Wrath Beta, and while there is a chance these numbers might stick through to live, testing these lowered numbers are vital to getting everything right for release. If you're in Beta, log in, play with it for a while, and give feedback. If you're not in Beta, hold back a bit from making a ruckus and exercise a little patience until the testing is done. Let's take a deep breath. Now where'd I put my inhaler...

  • Background downloader primed for content patch

    Michael Gray
    Michael Gray

    Zarhym announced on the forums that the next patch is coming, and it's going to be a big one. The particular of that news, however, they're going to turn on the background downloader to start its work "shortly." Shortly, in this case, means soon enough that Zarhym supplied some tips to how to control the speed of the download. We're expecting all that content they've already promised, which includes: New class spells and talents Stormwind harbor Barbershops New Arenas A built in Guild Calendar New Hunter pet skills Inscription No more Zul'Aman bears There's no patch notes yet, but it definitely seems as if we should expect them within a day or two. We know that the PTR is already getting primed for the action. This could definitely explain why the Wrath splash is showing up on the Launcher. We should see the 3.0 beta build in the PTR soon, though I guess there's a chance the build will go straight from the Wrath beta forums straight to the live realms.So, the word's pretty much out. If you have goals you want to accomplish before the content patch hits, you better get them rolling along. You don't have much longer.

  • Daily Cooking quests from the Wrath beta

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We've added the Cooking quests from a recent Wrath of the Lich King beta patch to our Wrath Cooking gallery, and I have to say that I've really enjoyed them so far. The quests are more involved and entertaining than the ones from The Burning Crusade, I think. They require more than running to your guild bank, withdrawing 4 Warp Burgers, then depositing whatever random meat you get out of your crate.They have sort of a fun dynamic: You're helping the chef in your faction's inn supply meals for the denizens of Dalaran. You generally don't need to travel all over the world gathering materials or anything like that. Most of your supplies are right there within Dalaran, and you deliver your meals as needed. You need to pop down into Crystalsong Forest to beat up a few animals for some of the quests, but that only requires clicking on a crystal to deliver you down below Dalaran. If you want to, you can even stock up on the Chilled Meat some of these require. By the time you've leveled to 80 you'll probably already have a ton of it since it drops off of almost every beast in Northrend. I'm not sure why, but it feels much more satisfying to assemble meals right there in/around Dalaran rather than flying around the entirety of Outland gibbing killer birds and using demons as fire. You would think the whole 'I cooked this upon the corpse of a demon' dynamic would be the more entertaining of the two.These are daily quests, and at the level cap they reward roughly 15 gold and a Dalaran Cooking Award which is used as currency for buying new recipes.%Gallery-30806%

  • Mind Flay gets bigger crits, better beams

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    The class designers have filtered out a little more information regarding our Mind Flay upgrades, and it's very pleasant to hear. In addition to the higher coefficient on Mind Flay and gaining an ability to crit, Shadow Power will give Mind Flay 100% bonus damage crits, rather than the baseline 50%. This is very good news, because 50% crits just don't cut it anymore. Almost everybody has 100% bonus crit damage via talents, and not having the option to spec that way is quite a hurdle when you're trying to be competitive. Very good news indeed.In less game changing but still exciting news, Mind Flay and other beam-type spells (Drain Life, Drain Soul, etc) will be getting a graphical overhaul. Perhaps they'll be more like Penance's fancy missiles? Or maybe they'll just be more of a beam than "behold my blue/green/purple/yellow squiggly line of doom!" Either way, I'm happy to hear it. I'm a firm believer in 'shinier is better.'

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Professions and Primals

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Demonocracy asked.... Recently 22 slot bags have become available through a vendor in Shattrath for 1,200 gold each. When I saw this my first reaction was to buy-buy-buy, but I questioned whether this was an effort on Blizzard's part to draw gold out of the economy before Wrath. What are tailors capable of creating in terms of bags in Wrath? Right now tailors in the beta with 410 skill can craft Frostweave Bags with 20 slots. However, it has pretty basic materials and I'd guess that there will be 22 slots, at least, at higher levels.For more of your beta questions -- and our beta answers -- read on! But if you're the sort who wants to avoid spoilers, turn back now. We're aiming to avoid major story spoilers, but this feature is all about beta content and we can't talk about the beta without giving a few things away.

  • Death Knight Ghouls' baby name book

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    If you spec your Death Knight as Unholy, 30 points into the talent tree you get the Master of Ghouls ability which lets you control your ghoul like a pet. On the PvE beta realms, your ghoul doesn't have a name yet; it comes up "RandomPetName," as pictured to the right. However, on the new Murmur PvP realm (US only), level 80 Death Knight premade characters are getting names for their pet-ghouls. An enterprising poster on the beta forums is compiling a list of possible names using set prefixes and suffixes they've seen. Here's the list so far. Prefixes Suffixes Blight Basher Bone Chewer Brain Cruncher Carrion Feeder Corpse Gnaw Crypt Gobbler Dirt Grinder Grave Leaper Gravel Masher Rib Muncher Rot Ravager Skull Ripper Stone Slicer Tomb Stalker Basically, the ghoul names come from picking a prefix from column A and combining it with a suffix from column B. I hope my ghoul's name comes out to be GraveFeeder or CorpseCruncher. However, as you can imagine, some of these name combinations just will not fly as they may sound too R-rated. (In particular, Blizzard might want to consider killing the "Muncher" suffix altogether.) Similar to a Warlock's minion name, it appears that the ghoul's name stays constant, even after dismissing and resummoning. Blue forum poster Ghostcrawler says that generating a random name for every summon requires a code change that won't happen before Wrath hits. However, Ghostcrawler does say that the randomizing code will likely be included in a post-Wrath release.

  • The best of WoW Insider: September 2-9, 2008

    Joystiq Staff
    Joystiq Staff

    It's dancin' time in Azeroth -- the Wrath of the Lich King expansion is just around the corner, and we couldn't be happier. News is flying off the beta, all the classes are getting upgrades, there's new content to explore, and it all just makes us so happy we can't help but get on down. Here's the top stories from the past week in Warcraft, courtesy of Joystiq's sister site, WoW Insider. News New racial abilities for WrathBlizzard unveils the tweaks to what your Trolls, Taurens, and Humans can do. Ten of our favorite achievementsHere's a quick gallery look at ten cool achievements we found coming to the World of Warcraft. Shaman glyphs in beta build 8905Glyphs will tweak your spells in the expansion, and here's what Shammies have to look forward to. Karazhan three-manned in the Wrath betaAs if there was any doubt that old content would be trivial when the new expansion dropped, here's proof. Boat crews return in the Wrath betaFinally, the boats have some people on them again. More news in here about riding around towns, too. Features Guildwatch: 10 guilds kicked me in a rowOur weekly look at guild drama is even more dramatic than usual -- /gkicks and /gquits abound! Tiers: The past, present and future of dungeon and raid setsA quick retrospective on what kind of stuff has dropped from the dungeons so far. Skill Mastery: Mirror ImageFinally, a new spell Mages aren't crying over. Ask a Beta Tester: All about Inscription and a few other thingsWant to know what's going on in the Wrath beta? Ask a Beta Tester! The ten people you need to know in WoWWe break down the archetypes of the friends you need to make in Azeroth.

  • Some Gnomes glitched in Wrath beta

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    Gnomes can't handle their weapons. At least not in the Wrath beta. In a strange graphics glitch, gnomes of certain classes look as if their swords are glued to the backs of their hands instead of being grasped. The glitch occurs whether fighting or not. It doesn't happen with Warlocks, who hold their weapons correctly, but I was able to replicate it with a Rogue and there are Warrior screenshots elsewhere on the web. Some players are even reporting that their offhand weapon is floating away and seeming to fight by itself. Blue forum poster, Gradina, says that Blizzard knows about the issue and is working on a fix. Now in the meantime, I think a little creativity is called for. Instead of stabbing or slicing with your sword, you could slap mobs upside the head. (Who doesn't like the phrase "upside the head"?) Or, you could spin around really quickly, Whirlwind style, and scrape everyone on the ankles, thereby cutting them down to your size. Maybe for the female Gnomes out there, you could use your weapon as a mirror for smoothing out split ends after a fight. And if your offhand weapon gets frisky and floats away? Take some time out for a bite of toast or to smell the roses while your extra weapon does all the work.

  • The Light and How to Swing It: Bracing for change

    Zach Yonzon
    Zach Yonzon

    We know a second pass is coming. As good -- or bad -- as everything might seem right now, Paladins have yet to get another look from the developers and as Ghostcrawler mentioned on the forums earlier, they're nearing finalizing those changes soon. A few days back, Blizzard asked the players for feedback on all three trees, and it looks like all those constructive comments are finally going to see some results.The good thing is that, despite all our misgivings about how the class has been handled all these years, it seems that Blizzard is finally listening. Holy wanted ways to be more mobile and have group healing utility... the Wrath Beta brings creative ways to solve that with instant Holy Lights and double duty healing. Protection needed stat consolidation badly, for starters, and it's slowly moving that way with Stamina granting spell power through Touched by the Light. Retribution needed raid utility among other things, and Blizzard is shaping up the spec to be a mana battery like Shadow Priests (and Survival Hunters). It's not everything players have wished for, but it's pretty darn close and there's no doubt that we're moving in the right direction.

  • Premade beta toons available again -- for real

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    After the false alarm a few days ago, premade characters are available for copy to the US Wrath beta PvP realm Murmur. (Apparently, the realm was called "Murmer" up until a few hours ago. I guess Blizzard decided on a last minute spell check.) I have firsthand knowledge that the character copy now works because I copied three toons this morning and less than two hours later they are now playable. If you have a beta key and you want to play on the PvP server, keep in mind a few things: You can only choose all Horde or all Alliance toons because it's a PvP server. You can copy up to three level 80 characters, stacked with top-notch PvP gear. This server is designed to test Wintergrasp. Other PvE areas like Azeroth and Outland may not be available for play on this server. If you like Night Elves, you're stuck playing a Druid. Dwarves, on the other hand, get a choice of three classes (Hunter, Priest, or Warrior). Every other race gets two classes each. Right now the wait time is only a couple of hours. It will get longer as more people copy toons. So go over there ASAP. Commenters have (sad to say, rightly) accused me of a US bias in my posts so I did some extra research on the this topic for our EU readers. The EU servers do not have premade templates available because -- at the moment, at least -- there is no Murmur-equivalent beta realm available to them. Sorry, folks. We'll keep you posted if that changes.

  • Moonkins aiming to get DPS and group utility

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Paladins weren't the only ones to get some attention from the crab last night. The Balance Druid post wasn't an especially information-filled post, but mostly served as a reminder that even though the devs may not respond to your threads, they are paying attention. Ghostcrawler explains that whlie she may be focusing more heavily on Feral Druids, that doesn't mean she isn't aware of Balance's needs. She clarifies their role in a raid (caster, duh), and states a Moonkin's needs to meet that role. She lists the following: Competitive dps. Mages and warlocks just tend to get a lot of attention, maybe because there are more of them, or more races of them, or they are more archetypal classes (in the familiarity sense). Good AoE utility. Encounters and dungeons tend to get designed with the assumption that the ranged DPS can do AoE. Hurricane is phenomenal now. I healed a run today and did really competitive dps with Hurricane on the ranged pulls. And I wasn't even Balance! I love Starfall. It's a rare spell because it feels new -- it isn't single target and it isn't classical Hurricane-style AoE either.

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Professions and gems

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    We'll start out today with a simple enchanting question from WarwolfSwe, who asked.... Is there and new rod for enchanting? And do i need to upgrade the standard Runed Adamantite Rod to a Runed Eternium Rod? There is now a Runed Eternium Rod you can craft at 375 skill. And, yes, it does require a Runed Adamanite Rod to craft (though the other materials -- Greater Planar Essence and Primal Might may be placeholders, as they seem pretty old world-y). For more of your beta questions -- and our beta answers -- read on! But if you're the sort who wants to avoid spoilers, turn back now. We're aiming to avoid major story spoilers, but this feature is all about beta content and we can't talk about the beta without giving a few things away.

  • Metamorphosis feedback wanted

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    For all of you Warlock beta testers out there, Ghostcrawler is looking for your help! Since the Wrath Beta began, Metamorphosis has been one of those abilities that sound cool in theory, but the application was totally wrong, more or less. Ghostcrawler has put out a call for focused, constructive feedback on the ability. When you head over there, keep in mind that Ghostcrawler wants feedback specifically about Metamorphosis in this thread, and 'get rid of it' isn't constructive feedback. Those of you not beta testing may be interested in the thread as well, since it might be a pretty strong indicator of where Demonology will end up.The most common feedback I've seen is that the ability renders most of your other talent points null and void for the duration of the transformation, rather than synergizing with them. I find myself agreeing with that wholeheartedly. It's an interesting concept, but no top end talent should nullify everything before it unless it's good enough to make up for all of those talent points you lost. Metamorphosis definitely does not have 51 talent points baked into it, and I'd say it would be impossible to even do that.

  • Beta realms down tomorrow for maintenance

    Natalie Mootz
    Natalie Mootz

    The Wrath beta realms are down as I type this. Not news, I know, for those who are actually in the beta. The realms seem to be unavailable frequently. I chalk this up to the nature of beta testing. However, today we actually got a heads-up on planned maintenance downtime, scheduled for tomorrow at the same time the live realms will be offline. Now, this is news to me because so far the patches to the beta have been released without any announcement. In other words, the only way I've found out updates were coming was that when I try to log on, and then I end up waiting an hour for everything to download and install. So now I'm intrigued. Will we need to install another beta patch after maintenance? Will the beta now move to planned maintenance instead of spontaneous crashes? (Okay, wait, that last question was just crazy-talk.) Or -- maybe the announcement of planned maintenance mean that the beta realms are ready for the release of patch 3.0.2 and all of its dreamy barbershop and achievement goodness! Oo, I can't wait!UPDATED: According to the beta forums, the beta realms will be offline starting at 9:00AM Pacific time September 9th 2008 for one to two hours.

  • Insurmountable random resists gone for Wrath

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    If you haven't heard yet, that 1% chance to miss with spells that has always been in place that you couldn't overcome with Hit on your gear, no matter how much you had? Kalgan confirms that it is gone. Gone like the wind! As of Wrath, at least. Are you excited? I'm excited.In all seriousness, I find this to be a fantastic change. That 1% chance to miss no matter what you did was always annoying to me, and it was one of those random factors that could ruin your day no matter how good of a player you are and how good your gear is, both in PvE and PvP. That resisted Fear or Frost Nova in a pinch shouldn't happen anymore, if you gear properly.Rogues? This helps you guys, too. Since your hit rating applies to both melee and spells, your poisons will benefit from +Hit, and you can reach that point where your poisons are never resisted. Exciting? Exciting!

  • Skill Mastery: Mirror Image

    Christian Belt
    Christian Belt

    This is so going to be nerfed.I'm sorry, I don't mean to be negative, but holy cow. For thirty seconds, this spell makes you a God.Here's what Mirror Image does: When used, it instantly conjures three copies of the Mage that cast it. These copies have their own health and mana pools, and act independently of you, like three like-minded pets set to "aggressive." The copies I was summoning would alternate between casting three simultaneous Fire Blasts and three simultaneous Frostbolts. These spells do more-or-less normal damage. The Fire Blasts were hitting for around 2,000 damage each, and the Frostbolts were hitting for slightly less, around 1,500.I summoned them the first time in range of three level 70ish mobs. The copies immediately began attacking, one shotting two of the mobs before I even realized what was happening. I began casting at the third a second later, but it was dead before the cast went off. I then moved within range of the next mob and began casting a Frostfire Bolt at it. The copies followed suit, winding up three Frostbolts simultaneously. Their spells landed just after mine, and the level 71 mob died before it had even begun to move toward me. After thirty seconds, my copies died automatically, leaving three corpses that looked exactly like me lying at my feet.At my computer, I burst into song, and lost control of my bowels.

  • Tanking stats updated for Wrath and Patch 3.0

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    We've been covering in depth the changes to tanking for various classes in the Wrath beta, and how these changes might affect players when Patch 3.0 goes live prior to Wrath's release. Now on the beta servers we have one very big sign that these changes may be going live fairly soon: the stats on Burning Crusade raiding gear, specifically paladin and warrior tanking set gear and many non-set epic plate tanking pieces, have been changed to reflect the new realities of tanking mechanics that are incoming. In a surprise move that's incredibly welcome (well, in my eyes) Blizzard has gone back and changed Paladin and Warrior tanking tier 4 to 6 gear as well as non set plate drops, shield and badge gear to take advantage of the new mechanics. As I primarily am a tank (and expect to remain so) I went online to check out how my tanking gear will change when patch 3.0 drops. A gallery of some select pieces and how they're changing when patch 3.0 goes live has been provided for all your browsing needs. I have to say that for the most part the changes are very welcome, they maintain old block value for threat while adding the strength we'll need for increased AP to scale our new threat abilities like Shockwave. Take a look at the changes to date. (And thanks to MMO-Champion for the head's up.) %Gallery-31419%

  • Ask a Beta Tester: Beta from A to Z

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Today we've got achievements, zeppelins, and a few things in between. We'll start at the end of the alphabet and work forward from there with a question from tehvoid.... Any news about the come back of the boats and zeppelins' crews? Do boats in Northrend have a crew? Yes! Well... sort of. Zeppelins currently have a single crew-member whom you cannot click on and doesn't speak. (Shown to the right -- and, yes, when the zeppelin moves, she pedals.) But the fact that they've bothered adding them in the first place suggests they do have plans for crewing these vessels. For more of your beta questions -- and our beta answers -- read on! But if you're the sort who wants to avoid spoilers, turn back now. We're aiming to avoid major story spoilers, but this feature is all about beta content and we can't talk about the beta without giving a few things away.

  • Cooking love from Wrath Beta patch 8905

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Shockingly, the one profession that most people seem to be excited about in Wrath of the Lich King is Cooking. Inscription? Pfffft. Cooking! Luckily, Cooking seems to be one of the professions getting a lot of focus in the beta right now. The last couple of beta patches have brought us a ton of new recipes and quests.Just recently we've added tons of those new recipes to our Wrath Cooking gallery, including both the new recipes in this weekend's beta patch and the ones that had previously been inaccessible from the patch before that, so there's plenty there to see. Some of the recipes are useful (spell power, expertise, haste, that whole spiel) and some are just for fun (growing, shrinking, enslaving mini critters to your iron will), but they're all pretty good examples of why Cooking is so exciting in WoW. While it isn't among the new recipes, Kungaloosh has a special place in my heart. Kungaloosh. Kungaloooosh. Say it!%Gallery-30806%

  • Spiritual Guidance: Shadow leveling in the Wrath beta

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome to Spiritual Guidance, usually a haven for Holy and Discipline priests hosted by Matt Low of World of Matticus. This week, out with the heals in and with the facemelting! Alex Ziebart and the shadows have taken over. Enjoy!As you might guess from our list of new abilities in Wrath of the Lich King, leveling as Shadow in Northrend is basically the same as leveling as Shadow in Outland. The only difference is that in Northrend, you get to be a little more reckless thanks to Dispersion. Being reckless is fun.If you've leveled Shadow before, you probably have used the "pull way too many monsters, tab DoTs, fear, and run around screaming like a fool while they slowly die" tactic. It's tried and true, so I don't know why you wouldn't. You can level pulling only one mob at a time, but why would you? Flailing your arms around in horror is much more efficient, and Dispersion makes it even better. Shock and awe, I know! Dispersion is good!Let's take a look at the talent spec I've been using in Wrath, shall we? Note that when you look at this, it's a talent spec I am using because it works for me. Leveling is one of those times where you can get away with your talent spec being wholly different. Pick what works for you. This spec works for me.