

  • WildStar webcomic endears us to the plight of the Mordesh

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Don't call them space zombies. The Mordesh do not like that, not one little bit. If you do, you might find yourself injected with something glowing and green that does unpleasant things to your body. These are the lessons that we're taking from today's WildStar webcomic, which picks up with Mordesh alchemist Victor Lazarin giving us a glimpse into the mindset of this space zo... technologically undead race. It's amusing, it's colorful, and it's going to leave you hanging until part three. Discussion question for the whole class: After reading parts one and two, which race do you sympathize with the most? Do the ends justify the means? Should fictional animal rights organizations get involved after witnessing these experiments?

  • PAX Prime 2013: WildStar dungeon preview

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    WildStar's dungeons won't be for everyone. They're a bit tougher, a bit wilder, and a bit longer than the standard MMO crop today. If you're looking for a breezy PvE experience, you might not even want to consider running one. However, Carbine hopes that you'll look past the increased difficulty and run-time to be intrigued by some of the most unique encounters and locales in the game. This was the word from WildStar Design Producer Stephan Frost at PAX Prime. Frost ran us quickly through a pair of dungeons -- The Ruins of Kel Voreth and Stormtalon's Lair -- to give us the lay of the land and an idea of what we'll be in for when we timidly step over these thresholds. These dungeons might not be everyone's cup of tea, but those who appreciate a challenge will find it and the rewards to match.

  • PAX Prime 2013: A first-timer's impressions of WildStar

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Sometimes you just know that an upcoming game is going to be perfect for you. You know this because the art style sends shivers of delight down your spine, the video previews send you salivating for more, and the news that it's adopting a sub-only model doesn't quite faze you as much as you would've expected. Still, even though you know it'll be right for you, you don't really know until you get your hands on it for the first time. And even then, you don't really know until you've played it for a good, long while to see whether it sticks or not. While my total playtime with WildStar is a few sessions spread over two days at PAX Prime, I have seen nothing that makes me regret being interested in this title as both a super-professional video game press dude and as a humble player. I can recall letting out my breath in relief in the first zone once I saw and felt how it handled. WildStar may not be for everyone -- and that's fine -- but it left me happy, satisfied, and smiling. That's what the Chua said.

  • WildStar kicks off webcomic series Tales from Beyond the Fringe

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Hey! You like comics, don't you? Of course you do, you're on the internet. Would you like to read a comic about WildStar? That's less of a given, but the team at Carbine Studios certainly hopes you'd like to take a look at the first issue of what promises to be an ongoing comic series. And because the creators know what webcomics are like, the first issue focuses exclusively on somewhat amusing sociopaths. The first installment of Tales from Beyond the Fringe is focusing upon Victor Lazarin and Mondo Zax -- or if you prefer titles, the maniac that accidentally cursed the entirety of the Mordesh to a perpetual undeath and the Chua so cleverly sadistic that he heads the Dominion's research division. You can take a look at the comic on the game's official site, with more slated to arrive on a weekly basis. [Source: Carbine Studios press release]

  • WildStar locks you down for a look at crowd control

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Whether it's made up of stuns, knockdowns, sleeps, or disarms, there's a whole part of MMO gameplay dedicated to making sure your opponents don't get to do anything. The latest WildStar Dev Speak video notes that this is an important gameplay aspect that's also very challenging to manage from a design perspective. After all, having the ability to disable others adds a lot of strategic depth... but absolutely nobody enjoys being beaten on by multiple opponents without being able to do anything. So what's the WildStar solution? Simple: Make sure that even crowd-controlled players have something to do. If you're stunned, you can mash on a key to try and break out early as in many fighting games. Knocked down? Use a roll to get back on your feet quickly. Disarmed? Run over and grab your weapon! You can see several forms of crowd control in the video below, and while the changes might not prevent you from being stunlocked by seven people, you can at least react with something other than patience. [Source: Carbine Studios press release]

  • Your guide to MMOs at Gamescom 2013

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    Can you believe it, Gamescom is this week already! The massive trade show in Cologne, Germany, will run from August 21st to the 25th. Of course, if you're reading this, then you have one pressing question in mind: Which MMO studios will be there, and what will they be talking about? While we can't answer the second part of that, we can give you a heads-up regarding the studio attendance. Hit us after the jump for the run-down of which studios will be there along with their Twitter handles because you just know that any big news from the show will be insta-tweeted two seconds later.

  • WildStar announces business model and new 2014 release window

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There are players out there right now who would happily spend money on WildStar but don't know how or when. Obviously you can't spend money on WildStar right now; the game isn't out yet and won't be until spring 2014, we've just learned, so there's nothing to spend money on yet. But even when it does get released, how will anyone be able to tell the people at Carbine Studios to shut up and take our money? Wonder no longer because the game's business model has finally been revealed to the world. No more lying awake wondering how you'll be able to pay for the game (something you really shouldn't be lying awake wondering about anyhow). So is it buy-to-play? Free-to-play? Subscription-based? Yes. It's all three at the same time, if you look at it from the right angles. How does it manage that? Well, you have to understand how C.R.E.D.D. works -- starting with what in the world it is.

  • NCsoft looking ahead to Lineage Eternal beta, WildStar launch

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    A couple of additional tidbits came out of this week's NCsoft earnings call that are relevant to fans of Lineage and WildStar. The studio said that it is preparing to roll out the beta schedule of Lineage Eternal, the third title in the series, by the end of this year. Lineage Eternal was announced in 2011, but we've heard precious little about the game since. The publisher also said that it's taking a close look at the performance of WildStar's closed beta testing and will use testing results to shape its plans for the launch. Previously, Carbine Studios said that it's aiming for a 2013 launch window for the title if all went well in the beta.

  • WildStar primps for convention appearances

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    WildStar's dance card is quite full this month, as Carbine is heading to both Gamescom and PAX Prime for promotions, hobnobbing, and public demos. First up is Gamescom, where the devs will be present at the NCsoft booth (Hall 8, Booth #B030), showing off the Chua and Mordesh races and a couple of new zones. The team is throwing a party that Friday at the Marriott Koln that is first-come, first-served. Up next is PAX Prime, where the devs and demo will be at booth #642 for the curious and beta-envious. Carbine's hosting a panel at PAX on Saturday, August 31st, which will be livestreamed for those who can't attend. There will be a PAX party as well later that night at the Hard Rock Café, so Massively encourages those who attend to drink and demo responsibly.

  • WildStar discusses the state of the beta and big changes to come

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Beta testing is like reviewing the first draft of a story. You read, offer suggestions, and then the writer gets a chance to make the story better for another draft. With WildStar's latest phase of testing at a conclusion, creative director Mike Donatelli sat down to explain some areas where WildStar will be changing mechanics based on feedback from both players and the community. Some of these might be a little more familiar, and some are more unique. Donatelli explains that the team hasn't been happy with either incarnation of the Milestone system and has assembled a new system for future testing. Players in testing had complained that neither of the previous incarnations was successful at giving players control over the development of their characters. Kill quests are also going to be changed with the removal of a set count and implementing a sliding progression scale based on overall experience earned. For a more thorough breakdown and a deeper look at beta feedback, take a look at the full community address in this WildStar Wednesday.

  • The Soapbox: Community or comments

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    If there's one thing gamers love doing, it's insult games they don't play. Any news item, editorial, hands-on, review, or general pile of text dedicated to a few key games -- normally those with high profiles -- receives an instant and visceral response from a collection of commenters who seem to exist only to insult a particular game and berate its fans. Much of the time, these commenters have no actual experience with the game in question. Here on Massively, EVE Online and World of Warcraft seem to be the biggest magnets for such tomfoolery. Guild Wars 2 and Star Wars: The Old Republic attract these behaviors as well, and WildStar is well on its way to becoming the next troll-favorite comment piñata. There's nothing wrong with not liking a game, of course. And a little conflict is good; why allow comments if everyone's going to have the same opinion? There's just one problem: If your opinion of a game is based on preconceived notions and not actual experience, that opinion is adding nothing to the dialogue. In short, you are trolling.

  • Meet WildStar's brilliant, horrible Mondo Zax

    Mike Foster
    Mike Foster

    In the world of WildStar, Chua are experts of science and technology responsible for designing weapons and other gadgets for the Dominion empire. And if you've ever wanted to meet one in person, today's your lucky day. Yesterday, Carbine Studios posted an interview with WildStar's most famous Chua, Mondo Zax. Zax is Chief Technologist for the Dominion Research and Experimentation Division (DRED) and a brilliant inventor with a short temper and a malicious streak. You can imagine how the interview turns out for the individual asking the questions. The interview discusses Mondo Zax's family (he probably murdered his siblings) and passions (building guns that melt people's organs) and is worth a read if you're curious about WildStar's main characters and the lore behind them.

  • Leaderboard: WildStar vs. The Elder Scrolls Online

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    We haven't had a knock-down drag-out battle royal between two heavyweight MMOs on Leaderboard in quite a while. And hey, there's no time like the present, amirite? Let's say that in one corner we have WildStar, NCsoft's sci-fantasy darling. And let's say that in the other corner we have The Elder Scrolls Online, ZeniMax's attempt to take the mega-popular single-player RPG series online. Which game do you see being more successful? Which game tickles your fancy the most? In short, WildStar or ESO? Vote after the cut! Ever wish that you could put to rest a long-standing MMO debate once and for all? Then welcome to the battle royal of Massively's Leaderboard, where two sides enter the pit o' judgment -- and only one leaves. Vote to make your opinion known, and see whether your choice tops the Leaderboard!

  • WildStar spotlights Chua and Mordesh celebrities

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    The buzz around the WildStar watercooler this past week is all about the final two racial reveals for the game: the Chua and the Mordesh. Carbine thinks that players might relate better to these... odd races if each has a face to put with its name, which is why the studio is introducing us to Mondo Zax and Victor Lazarin. Mondo was the runt of a Chua family who used his brilliance and psychopathic ways to off his family and secure a job as Chief Technologist for one of the Dominion's R&D firms. While crazy and cranky, Mondo has followed his ingenuity to Nexus, where he continues to research horrible tools of mass destruction from an orbital station around the planet. So go figure that the space zombie is actually the more peaceful of the two. Victor is the guy responsible for the Mordesh's undead status, as an eternal life serum he devised ended up cursing his race instead. Victor's been trying to atone for his actions by slowing the contagion and looking for ways to reverse it entirely with the revelations coming out of Nexus.

  • WildStar reveals its final two races, the Chua and the Mordesh

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Everyone has a dirty little secret -- maybe not something he'd be ashamed to admit in public but something he doesn't necessarily want to talk about freely. That's definitely the case for WildStar's Exile and Dominion factions, both of which consist of four races... of which we've seen three. Until today. Revealed today at SDCC are the last two races in the game: the Chua that round out the Dominion and the Mordesh that round out the Exiles. Even at a glance you can see why the last two races are a bit less likely to be discussed by the other races. The Chua don't have that certain sense of decorum the Dominion likes to account itself with, and the Mordesh don't have... well, a pulse. So let's learn a little more about both of these races between the official reveals on the WildStar website and the introduction trailer just past the break. We've also got some charming details from Carbine Studios about these two dirty little secrets.%Gallery-194204%

  • WildStar business model reveal coming 'in the next month or so'

    Jef Reahard
    Jef Reahard

    WildStar's business model is still a mystery, and even though executive producer Jeremy Gaffney recently hosted a Develop panel on game monetization, he didn't provide any details relating to Carbine's upcoming sci-fi title. Develop interviewed Gaffney following the event, and while he avoided specifics, he did say that Carbine is gearing up for a "big reveal here in the next month or so about what we're doing that's really compelling." "We're trying to find our own sweet spot in this market where people aren't feeling like they're getting screwed over," Gaffney continued. You can watch the interview clip after the cut.

  • WildStar's newest video takes aim at... well, aiming

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    There's an element of fire-and-forget in a large number of MMOs, a sense that all of the hard work of targeting is done for you by the game. You click on your target, you activate your ability, and that's all the thought you need to put into aiming. But WildStar is looking to change that, as outlined in the newest Dev Speak video. Aiming your abilities correctly is a big part of playing the game, and failing to do so means missing your target about all of the time. Lead class designer Hugh Shelton and lead combat systems designer Chris Lynch took the time to talk a little more about the particulars of aiming with several media outlets because this is something that takes a large amount of consideration. So head past the cut not only for the video, but also for more valuable details on the art of making abilities go where you want.

  • WildStar beta testers compete for coolest house

    Justin Olivetti
    Justin Olivetti

    If being a fan of player housing while still being shut out of the WildStar beta describes you perfectly, then you're going to probably hate everything about this post. As a way to show off the flexibility and potential for WildStar's housing, Carbine Studios challenged closed beta testers to come up with the coolest, wackiest, or most creative pad. The winners of this contest are up on the site now. If you can push aside your jealousy at being left out, there's a lot to be gleaned from the amazing pictures on display here. There is a house-within-a-house, an upside-down house, a bedroom bar, and a stand-up comedy platform, among others. The winners of the beta contest received a trophy that will carry over with them to the launched game.

  • WildStar team hosting panel and gathering at SDCC

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Heading out to California for San Diego Comic Con? As long as you're out there, would you like a nice dose of WildStar entertainment? The team at Carbine Studios is hosting a panel on Friday discussing how story and narrative are developed in the game, featuring lead narrative designer Chad Moore, content director Mike Donatelli, creative director Matt Mocarski, and design producer Stephen Frost. Anyone attending the convention will want to be at the panel if you've got even the vaguest interest in the game. But what if you're in San Diego and aren't attending the con? You can still get some special face time with WildStar at the fan gathering on Friday in the Hotel Palomar. More to the point, this gathering promises to allow players a look at two new races -- in all likelihood the last two playable races that have been teased for some time. So Friday should be a good time for fans of the game in San Diego, and anyone else watching from afar. [Source: Carbine Studios press release]

  • WildStar Wednesday details player-created addons and mods

    Matt Daniel
    Matt Daniel

    You may remember that earlier this year, our very own Bree Royce had the opportunity to attend a WildStar press event where she got a nice, tasty scoop on Carbine's hopes of fostering the creation of user-developed UI mods within WildStar's community. Well in today's WildStar Wednesday, Jon "Bitwise" Wiesman takes a closer look at the addon development tools players will have at their disposal and also highlights the first-ever WildStar mods to come out of the game's closed beta. Players will have access to a development tool known as Houston, which allows players to "easily create [their] own addons to extend WildStar's UI," as well as providing "full access to all of the Carbine-authored source code." A player by the name of PacketDancer has already put Houston through its paces, and she has the honor of being the developer of WildStar's first UI mods, which range from a group-finding tool to a roleplaying mod library. The WildStar devs are obviously thrilled to see the community embracing the addon tools this early in beta, and we have to admit we're looking forward to seeing what other craziness WildStar players dream up. In the meantime, though, check out all the addon development details over at the game's official site.