

  • New account management options: Blizzard Authenticator and Beta Opt-In

    Many thanks to my buddy Taeous for discovering a new link on the account management page yesterday evening. Currently there are two new small items that are going to be of interest to nearly every WoW player out there: "Blizzard Authenticator" and "Beta Opt-In". We already know about the Blizzard Authenticator that'll be coming out soon enough. It is a little (optional) device that will act as a hardware based key which will be needed to log on to your account. This looks like the spot that you can associate one to your account with. However the Beta Opt-In link is really interesting. This is just in time for all the activity at the World Wide Invitational 2008, and those of us at WoW Insider are speculating that all those beta keys people are getting at the WWI08 will be used there (there will be a goodie bag handed out to each attendee). However hopefully this will also let others get into the beta as well. Right now the beta link points to the resurrect-a-friend program, and the authenticator link points to an un-published page - we'll let you know when they change over to a page with more useful information. Nonetheless, definitely something we all want to keep an eye on.

    Adam Holisky
  • Blizzard offers live streams of Worldwide Invitational

    For those who can't make it out to Paris for this weekend's Worldwide Invitational, Blizzard is offering live streams of the main stage and tournament stage, in both low-resolution (400kbits) and high-resolution (1000kbits) modes. While the tournament stage might be less interesting, the main stage is where Blizzard is expected to make its big announcement. The stream requires the Octoshape browser plug-in; if you're planning to watch the event, we recommend getting everything ready ahead of time. Don't forget to vote in our predictions poll and keep an eye on WoW Insider for extensive WWI coverage.[Via WoW Insider]

    Ross Miller
  • Live streams of the Worldwide Invitational available

    If you're unable to attend the Worldwide Invitational in Paris, don't worry! In addition to WoW Insider's own coverage of the panels and various announcements, Blizzard has arranged a live feed for their opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and all of the tournaments and concerts in between. It looks like they'll be running two feeds at once, one at their Main Stage and one at their Tourney Stage, so there might be more going on than you can follow! In addition to having two feeds, each of them has a low quality and a high quality feed available. Have an awesome connection? Stream both stages at High! Personally, I'll have the Main Stage going at High Quality nonstop, but maybe not the Tournament Stage so much.I (and Blizzard) recommend taking a look at the live feed page before the convention begins, so you can prepare any software or plugins you may not have yet. If you tuned in for the 3v3 tournament on GotFrag awhile ago, you should be all set already. If you haven't, you'll need to pick up Octoshape and install it. Instructions and requirements can be found on the Octoshape website.

    Alex Ziebart
  • Blizzard's splash screen changes for June 27th: A "Lost" penguin and Death Knight imagery

    Good Morning everyone! It is now June 27th, and as expected, Blizzard's splash screen has changed yet again to reveal more of the mystery behind what they may be announcing at the Worldwide Invitational, which begins tomorrow. What exactly they're announcing is still up in the air, but there have been some interesting revelations, especially concerning the mysterious purple monster everyone's been wondering about. The new graphic, named ice5.jpg, doesn't seem to have changed the cracking ice much, but what has changed is the "eyes." There's now very little doubt that they are glowing eyes instead of snow flecks, and to be frank, they do look remarkably like the eyes of Arthas the Lich King from underneath his helmet -- although the ethereal feel of them and the strange ridges being formed in the vapor are also very reminiscent of the Protoss. Whether these ridges indicate Arthas' helmet or the face ridges of a Protoss or a demon might still be up for debate, but this overlay of Arthas on today's splash screen by Zach is very convincing -- the eyes match up pretty much exactly. Hopefully, we'll know for sure who it is tomorrow. In addition, the new rune, located just above the breaking ice, is that of a snowflake, which brings to mind the Frost tree of the Death Knights (even if the frost rune shown on the official Death Knight page doesn't quite match up). Tipster Allen notes that the new rune looks a lot like a Norse Bind-Rune, specifically one known as a compass or the "Helm of awe," which is often used for invulnverability -- perhaps a Lost Vikings reference, or a nod to the Viking-like architecture seen in many screenshots of Northrend? All This new imagery would seem to be a killing blow of sorts for a Diablo 3 announcement, but it is also worth nothing that the new frost rune is in the correct area for the Pentagram theory to continue to apply. In addition, all 5 runes have lit up, so if you weren't able to get a good look at them before, you certainly can now. %Gallery-25975% What's really sort of interesting, though, is what our purple monster friend reveals, which I'll discuss after the break.

    Daniel Whitcomb
  • Nihilum live at WWI

    If the Arena can be a spectator sport, raiding can too. Nihilum, a guild that simply needs no introduction, has broadcast a live feed of their elite Sunwell Plateau raiding skills will also be appearing at WWI this weekend. An update on the convention's page notes that you will be able to meet and watch some of the guild's superstars: Kungen (Thomas Bengtsson), guild leader of Nihilum, playing his Tauren Warrior Hath (Luke Brown), playing his Undead Mage Sniffy (Bryndis Sturludottir), playing her Blood Elf Paladin These members will be joined by Gustav Käll, aka Marilyn, who will be giving commentary of the raid. The WoW Europ page promises that viewers will be able to see Nihilum in action live on both days of the World Wide Invitational. Participants will also see the guild's top-notch arena team, consisting of Beasteh, Cherez and Hydra. It looks like the entertainment at the event will be spectacular. In addition to Nihilum's appearance attendess will also be treated to live concerts by Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain and Video Games live.

    Amanda Dean
  • Blizzard's splash screen changes for June 26th

    The saga of the icy splash screen continues, as the newest splash screen has just gone live on Blizzard's sites under the file name ice4.jpg. This time, the ice has cracked away even further, revealing more of the night sky, and what looks to be a face coalescing from the ice flecks and vapor in the middle of the picture. The identity of the face isn't clear, although Alex thinks it may be a Protoss Archon. We've also received this very intriguing picture from tipster Pact, which shows the face overlaid with a picture of Diablo from the Diablo 2 box. Of course, it's worth noting that it could simply be Arthas' eyes as well, peering out from his helmet. As expected, a new rune has appeared as well, bringing the tally to four. This rune, located to the lower right of the cracking ice, looks like nothing so much as a miniature solar system model -- perhaps related to this model seen during April Fool's? Diablofans.com has suggested it may be a top-down view of an Arcane Sanctum from Warcraft 3 and WoW (You can see one at the Scryer's base in Shadowmoon) as well. As also expected, a new piece of the strange purple monster has appeared as well. It appears to be the hindquarters of the beast. So far, I'm still sticking to my belief that it's some sort of purple penguin. This file was named 16.jpg, which, if we follow the alphabet conversion method we've been using for previous pieces, gives us the letter "P." "Powd" is the best I can get out of that. Does that mean this picture is that of a new mascot named "Powder the penguin"? As usual, you can see all of these graphics in our splash screen speculation gallery, which is constantly being updated with new speculation and analysis as the WWI draws nearer. %Gallery-25975% There's more analysis to come after the break.

    Daniel Whitcomb
  • "I am Murloc" free download for Guitar Hero III

    var digg_url = 'http://digg.com/pc_games/World_of_Warcraft_meets_Guitar_Hero_III'; All your dreams have just come true, my friend. Now you can be a murloc AND a rockstar. Thanks, I assume, to the Activision merger with Blizzard, the companies are doing a cross-promotion for their two most popular games. Starting tomorrow, June 26, you can snag a free download of I am Murloc, for Guitar Hero® III: Legends of Rock. You may remember this delightful little metal ditty from the video below, an ode to our favorite aggro-licous gurglers. The song is performed by Blizzard's in-house band, Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain. You can get the download from either Xbox LIVE® Marketplace or PLAYSTATION®Store as a free promotion supporting the Worldwide Invitational. If you don't know anything about Guitar Hero and have been living in a box for the last few years, you can find out more on their website or on our sister site, Joystiq.And now, for your easy-listening pleasure, I present I am Murloc. Thank you and good-night!

    Natalie Mootz
  • TurpsterVision : Oh and one more Ding!

    Every Tuesday TurpsterVision is LIVE (kind of) right here on Massively! Take the 'T' from 'Tuesday' and the 'V' from 'LIVE', smash them together like its going out of fashion and you got yourself TV for TurpsterVision - the best video podcast LIVE right here on Massively! Welcome back, it's been two weeks too long - though I blame that on the fact that its been time to party! Forgetting that, today is a special post, its a game close to my heart, and it isn't a review. It's World of Warcraft folks; there is no need to review it, what do you want me to say? Honestly, it's THE World of Warcraft, there aren't any imitations that even come close, well, maybe one. So I won't bore you with a 5 minute long video reviewing what we already know, instead I have made a 9 minute long video showing off my mad PvP/PvE skills in my recent DINGSTRAVAGANZA! (An event which saw my Shadow Priest finally tip the scales and join the big boys at level 70) It is also a friendly plug/invitation letting you all know that I will be at the World Wide Invitational this weekend in Paris and if any of you guys are out there then I urge you to come seek me and my camera out and share the love!

    Mark Turpin
  • Blizzard's icy splash screen changes as Diablo 3 and WoTLK speculation intensifies

    We reported yesterday about the new icy splash screen which has appeared on many of Blizzard's corporate and gaming sites. There's already tons of speculation speeding around the web about it, and of course the pot was only stirred all the more this morning when the picture changed slightly: the light in the middle of the cracked ice became brighter, and there's some new detail that can be seen through the ice, including a rune of some sort just to the upper right of the center. we can probably assume that the picture will change more each day until something is announced at the Worldwide Invitational. However, the question remains: What is being announced? Right now, there's two major schools of thought about it: One school says that this will lead up to the announcement of the WoTLK Beta, while another says that this will be the announcement of Diablo 3. Each side has some pretty passionate arguments, and are bringing the analysis to back it up. Let's look at what we have after the break. %Gallery-25975%

    Daniel Whitcomb
  • Leaked WWI schedule hints at Diablo 3 announcement?

    Ice on the official site or otherwise, I'm still holding out hope that we'll see a Diablo-related announcement at WWI (and not a Wrath of the Lich King beta/release announcement, as many are guessing). And here's a little more fuel for the speculation fire: DiabloII.net says they've received the official schedule for the event in Paris this coming weekend, and right after the main presentation, they say that Blizzard has planned a press conference. And basically, their argument is that you don't plan a press conference to announce an open beta of an expansion we've known about for almost a year -- you hold a press conference for a new Diablo game.We should also note, though people have noticed this before, that Sunday, June 29th, is the eighth anniversary of the release of Diablo II, so this weekend has a lot of hack-and-slash-related significance as is. Of course, we won't know until WWI actually kicks off in Paris on Saturday -- WoW Insider will, of course, have correspondents on the scene to let you know exactly what Blizzard announces when they do.And even if we don't get D3 this weekend, there's always BlizzCon.[Via Blizzplanet]

    Mike Schramm
  • Christie Golden working on an Arthas book, Legends story, and a secret project

    Author Christie Golden, who's written a few Warcraft books for Blizzard in the past, has started up a blog, and her first post is full of fun info for fans of the expanded universe. First, she's going to be doing a novel about none other than the Lich King himself, Arthas Menethil. She's been chatting with Metzen about the book, and she says she's excited to tell the story of how "good people slide down that terrible, slippery slope to becoming monsters." Sounds about right to us.She's also working on a short story to be featured in Toykopop's Warcraft Legends series, based around Winter's Veil and called "I Got What Yule Need." Cute. We'll assume Goblins will be involved somehow. And finally, she's working on a third secret project -- it's not clear that it has to do with Blizzard (Golden writes her own fiction, as well as fiction for a few other properties), but why else would it be so secret, right? If we had to guess, we'd probably say a retelling or connection story for the Diablo stories -- if we do see the announcement of a new Diablo game at WWI, time would be ripe for Blizzard to catch players up on the lore of that setting as well.[via Blizzplanet]

    Mike Schramm
  • Breakfast Topic: Who is going to Paris?

    Blizzard's 2008 Worldwide Invitational is coming up in a couple of weeks. It looks like they've got a series of interesting events planned including, signings, and even a sneak peek at Wrath of the Lich King. I'm exciting to see how the best of the best fare in the arena tournaments. Blizzard is also touting competitive events for causal players. Some of the contests are already underway. Blizzard is accepting submissions for the WWI Machinima and TV advertisement contests are currently open. They will be accepting 4-minute movie and 40-second ad submissions until June 16th. The time frame is the same for the Fan Art Contest, which can feature any of the Blizzard game universes. I think it would be pretty awesome to go. Sadly, a trip to Paris is a wee bit out of my budget this much. I'll be anxiously awaiting news and information from the attendees. So now it's time to rub it in. Who's going to WWI?

    Amanda Dean
  • The Daily Grind: Planning to attend any conventions?

    Tis the season to be traveling! As the summer ramps up, more and more companies are planning different outings and fan events. Blizzard has announced that not only will they have their (now sold-out) Worldwide Invitational in Paris, but also will be hosting another Blizzcon this October. Sony Online Entertainment has announced the next in a long line of highly successful Fan Faires coming to Vegas this August. CCP is expected to host yet another "party at the top of the world" as their EVE Online fan fair returns this year. Funcom will have a great showing as part of the MMO track at Dragon*Con where they've been partying with fans for years. And who can forget all the gaming goodness that goes on at PAX, GenCon, and other related conventions happening all around the world! For today's Daily Grind, we thought we'd ask you what kind of plans you have for traveling this year? Are there any conventions that are absolutely must-see events for you? Which events, if any, are you excited to check out? And if it's a general event like Dragon*Con or PAX, what are your "must see" games while you're there?

  • Worldwide Invitational 2008 contest signups begin

    The date of the World Wide Invitational in Paris creeps ever closer and closer. Of course, the biggest thing we're looking forward to is all the new WotLK information courtesy of the playable WotLK demos and Developer panels, but the contests should be pretty fun too. If you're planning to enter one of them, the signups are beginning. Submissions for the fan art and machinima contests are being accepted via web form from now until June 17th, so that leaves you a little under one more week to finalize your submission. As for the dance and costume contests, registration will be open from June 16th to June 20th. Remember, some of the contests are only open to certain European countries, so check the rules to make sure you're eligible -- and remember, if you're not, you may be eligible for the contests at Blizzcon 2008 instead. Good luck with your entries, and we'll see you in Paris!

    Daniel Whitcomb
  • L70ETC, Video Games Live will both perform at WWI

    Just in case you were worried about whether or not you'd see Level 70 Elite Tauren Chieftain live at Blizzard's upcoming Worldwide Invitational event in Paris, worry no more -- they'll be there. Both L70ETC and the Video Games Live orchestra will be performing at WWI, just as they did last year at BlizzCon '07.Should be a great show on both counts. Does make us wonder, though, what Blizzard is planning for BlizzCon this year -- a repeat of last year's performance would be nice and all (and we have no doubt that no matter who else plays, L70ETC will definitely have to be there, considering that they're made up of Blizzard employees), but maybe we'll get some new blood in the mix? Jonathan Coulton is definitely a name that springs to mind -- even if he's not specifically a Blizzard guy, his music is very familiar to WoW fans of all levels.Who else could they hire? Nyhm? Felicia Day to host? As fun as Jay Mohr was, seems like after all the taunting last time, he just might be trouble to get again -- Blizzard might as well choose someone that WoW fans want to see.

    Mike Schramm
  • Worldwide Invitiational, now with dancing

    Hot on the heels of announcing more ticket availability for their Worldwide Invitational contest, and a costume contest before that, Blizzard announced today that there will be a dance contest as well. This brings the total number of contests to seven. Here's what you can do to win yourself fabulous prizes: Dance Make a costume Do some fanart Make some machinima Win at the WoW, Starcraft, or Warcraft III competitions In addition to these contests, there will be hands-on demos of Starcraft II and Wrath of the Lich King. The prizes for the dance contest, in case you're thinking of competing, are: a hi-fi system, a Blizzard-themed iPod Touch, a G15 keyboard (ironic), a mouse, a free WoW subscription for a year, and some action figures. That's for first place; the lesser places get subsets of that. What, no beta keys? Probably not worth going to Paris for, but if you're going to WWI anyway, and you have a desire to bust a move, you might give it a try. Note that the dances have to be inspired by in-game dances. WWI will take place in Paris, on June 28th and 29th.

    Eliah Hecht
  • WWI costume contest announced

    Blizzard's Worldwide Invitational contest is becoming quite a production. They've just announced another contest as part of the lineup: a costume contest! Just to recap, let's see what has been announced: Fan art contest Machinima contest Actual gameplay contests, in Warcraft III, Starcraft, and WoW Hands-on play of Starcraft II and Wrath of the Lich King ...and now a costume contest. The fourth annual WWI will be held in Paris, on June 28th and 29th. So you have just over a month to scrape together your best Curator suit and learn how to say "gallery rules will be strictly enforced" in that disaffected, slightly psychotic robot voice. Get cracking! I want to hear your costume ideas in the comments.%Gallery-5529%

    Eliah Hecht
  • Blizzard EU announces WWI08 fan art contest

    The Worldwide Invitational is more than just Blizzard strutting their stuff. They also have a few contests to let you strut your stuff. The latest announcement is... a Fan Art contest!They're asking for an exclusive piece of artwork from one of their Blizzard game franchises. They're asking that submissions be high definition JPG images, with a 1920x1200 resolution and no larger than 3 MB in size. I wear the world's largest dunce cap when it comes to this sort of art, so I am not sure if those are highly limiting requirements or not. Perhaps you can fill me in!Registration is being done online, and it is taking place between June 6th and June 16th. Blizzard has posted the full rules on EU website, so you can head that way if you're in the mood for some legalese. They've also posted the prizes, which I've tucked behind the cut.

    Alex Ziebart
  • Activision Blizzard ditches E3 and the ESA

    Just in case you missed it when the news came out a few days ago, Activision Blizzard has apparently announced that they're not showing up at E3 this year. And hot on the heels of that information came the news that both Activision and Vivendi have pulled out of the ESA, an organization that acts as the main trade association for the videogame industry.What does this mean for us as Blizzard fans? Not much -- not only is Blizzard already running their own E3-like conventions (Blizzcon and WWI), but Activision Blizzard is apparently planning to hold a press conference on the first night of the show anyway. Blizzard's properties have enough gusto on their own to get press with or without inclusion in a big event like E3, and it's Activision's other properties that might have to worry about exposure.As for the ESA news, who knows -- Activision Blizzard's pullout might mean a big shakeup in the way the videogame industry as a whole is represented, or (if no other companies choose to leave the ESA) it may not mean much at all. Time will tell.

    Mike Schramm
  • Diablo3.com acquired by Blizzard

    A few weeks ago, we posted about a countdown on the site that was going towards May 1st, and if you check your calendars, you can see that the day has come, and Diablo3.com is now redirecting to Diablofans.com. There is a post on the site saying that Blizzard contacted the site a few months ago to pick up the domain name, and while the owner (who also runs I-Mockery) wanted it to stay a fan site, he couldn't help but sell to Blizzard. We had speculated that it would mean an official takeover, and while it hasn't actually happened yet (right now the redirect is in place, and we're not sure how long that'll be the case), it looks like we were right.The obvious conclusion here, of course, is that Blizzard is ramping up for a Diablo 3 announcement -- no doubt sweet, sweet candy to the ears of Blizzard fans everywhere. And that's not a huge assumption -- it's been rumored for a while, and what other reason would Blizzard have to start marking their territory? Of course, as the owners of the Diablo trademarks, Blizzard could probably have claimed the domain any time, though from the post on the new site, it sounds like they actually paid money for it -- how much, we're not sure. (they didn't -- see update)At any rate, if you're going to be optimistic about there being a Diablo 3, the new date to mark on your calendars is Saturday, June 28th -- that's the date that the Blizzard Worldwide Invitational starts in Paris. Last year, they used the event to announce Starcraft 2, so who knows -- maybe this year we'll see Deckard Cain in a cinematic saying, "It's about time."Update: Actually, the I-Mockery guys said they gave it to Blizzard for free, just because they were Blizzard fans, which is kind of cool. Also, the redirect will apparently last until June 1st, at which point, Blizzard will take over Diablo3.com. Our guess is that then it'll redirect to Blizzard.com (see diablo.com), at least until an announcement is made.

    Mike Schramm