

  • Realtime Worlds: We'd be 'gutted' if MS gave Crackdown 2 to another developer

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Talking to videogaming247, Realtime Worlds studio head Colin MacDonald addressed the recent Crackdown 2 rumors, specifically the fact that Ruffian Games was developing the sequel. "Although to date we haven't had an offer from Microsoft for the Crackdown sequel rumoured, we continue to have ongoing discussions with them" admitted MacDonald adding that if Microsoft were to chose another studio to make the sequel, they'd want it done by "by an established, renowned developer that had the track record of delivering the quality gaming experience Crackdown players would demand." MacDonald confirmed that a handful of ex-Realtime employees have gone to Ruffian, but that the majority of the team remains and also made it clear that they doubt MS would chose a "startup on RTW's doorstep" (Ruffian) to develop Crackdown 2. Stil no Crackdown 2 rumor busting or confirmation, but this is turning into a developer soap opera. How entertaining. [Via Game Stooge]

  • First look at Halo 3's Mythic map Orbital

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    (click to enlarge) After getting a looksy at and a chance to play upcoming Halo 3 Mythic Map Assembly, Bungie has been rather mum regarding the other two maps that'll be included in next Spring's mythical map pack. But that changed today with Bungie's first screenshot unveiling of the second Mythic map, Orbital. Check out an embiggened version of the Orbital screen here and drool over its potential awesomeness. Lovely, no? Remember, the Halo 3 Mythic Map Pack includes the three maps Assembly, Orbital, and Sandbox and releases to the XBLM in March. Sometime around the release of Halo Wars.%Gallery-39797%

  • Duke Nukem Forever screenshot shows us the evil

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Just in time for the holidays, 3D Realms has graciously given us another look at Duke Nukem Forever by offering up a new screenshot. And this time, we don't have to deal with buying an Arcade game or buying a newspaper to get a view. A fully embiggened version of the screen can be viewed after the jump and after our initial inspection, we'll be the first to say that Duke looks graphically tasty. Except for the Pig Cop, he needs to wear the standard issue uniform. [Via NeoGAF]

  • Fanswag Bonus! Five in-game Gears 2 gold Lancer and Hammerburst sets

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    Update: Contest is over. Winners will notified via email.Sure, X3F is already giving away the new Combustible Map Pack to two lucky (and random) readers to spice up their Gears of War 2 online experience but we didn't think that was nearly enough. That's why, in a stunning show of holiday spirit, we've decided to give away even more Gears of War 2 in-game swag! We've been sitting on a stack (actually, five sets) of golden Lancer and Hammerburst codes and today we're giving you a chance to win them. Here's how you can win: To win leave a comment and keeping with the gold theme, tell us if you had the Midas Touch what would you like to turn into gold ... let's keep it clean though, okay? You may leave one comment. Posters of multiple comments will be disqualified. We'll accept entries until 5:00PM eastern today, December 19th. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. This giveaway is open only to residents of the U.S. and Canada (excluding Quebec). Later today, we'll pick five (5) winners via a random drawing. Five winners will each receive one (1) Gold Lancer download code for the Xbox Live Marketplace and one (1) Gold Hammerburst download code for the Xbox Live Marketplace. Complete giveaway rules can be found here.

  • Fanswag: Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack DLC

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    It's time for a quick Friday Fanswag, fanboys! This is only going to be up for a few hours, so pay attention. We've got two, count 'em, two redemption codes for the new Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack. We've got 'em and we want to give 'em to you. All we're asking in return is one measly little comment. That's like nothing, right? And you get three new maps for Gears of War 2 for it. Seems pretty sweet to us. If you'd like to throw your name in that hat for this giveaway, simply follow the directions below. To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post telling us your favorite Gears of War 2 moment so far. Only one comment per person. Posters of multiple comments will be disqualified. We'll accept entries until 5:00PM eastern today, December 19th. You must be at least 18 years old to enter. This giveaway is open only to residents of the U.S. and Canada (excluding Quebec). Later today, we'll pick two winners via a random drawing. Two winners will each receive a redemption code for the Gears of War 2 Combustible Map Pack, worth $10. Complete giveaway rules can be found here. Gallery: Gears of War 2 - Combustible Map Pack

  • 800 MS point cards now available at retail [update]

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Update: Upon further inspection, the pricing for 800 MS point cards looks to be $9.99 making it only $.01 cheaper than 1600 point cards.At retail in the U.S., Microsoft point purchasers only have one buying option and that's a 1600 Microsoft point card for around $19.99. But let's say a customer (a retail buying customer) wants, say, half that. Something more like 800 points. Well, that customer would normally be out of luck. That is until now, because we just learned that Microsoft is now selling 800 MS point cards at the retail level. These point of sale activation cards (as seen above) are even value priced at $9.39 USD priced at $9.99, which is in line with the 1600 point cards. How's that for convenience? [Thanks, Adam L.]

  • The Eagles take flight as GH: World Tour DLC

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Guitar Hero: World Tour players listen up. You've got some brand new DLC to download today, and it comes in the form of an Eagles track pack. Yes, you can finally play something other than "Hotel California." That's right. Just sit back and let the relief wash over you. Feels good, doesn't it? You can pick up all three tracks for 440 ($5.50) or download individual tracks for 160 ($2.00) each. The tracks available are: Eagles Track Pack (Download from Marketplace) "One of These Nights" (Download from Marketplace) "Life in the Fast Lane" (Download from Marketplace) "Frail Grasp on the Big Picture" (Download from Marketplace)

  • Tech issues delay Fable 2 Knothole DLC into Jan.

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Lionhead's first Fable 2 expansion, Knothole Island, was set for release to the Marketplace next Monday, December 22nd. Sadly, that just isn't the case anymore, because "unexpected technical difficulties" have caused its release to delay into late January. According to the official Xbox.com page for the Knothole Island DLC, we're informed (in big red text, no less) that the late January time frame will be the Fable 2 DLC's new release. Exact date, yet to be announced. This delay is further proof of the longstanding rumor that Lionhead has been developing Fable 2 under an ancient Voodoo curse.

  • X3F TV -- XBLA in Brief: Dash of Destruction

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    This week on XBLA in Brief, we take Dash of Destruction for a spin. As you've no doubt heard by now, Dash of Destruction is available for free on Xbox Live Arcade. The reason: it's a sponsored game that was primarily created to help sell Doritos. No seriously, you can see the word Doritos right there on the title screen. So, how does Dash of Destruction stack up to that other free advertising game on XBLA? Watch the latest episode to find out.[iTunes] Subscribe to X3F TV directly in iTunes.[Zune] Subscribe to the X3F TV directly (Zune Marketplace link coming soon).[RSS] Add the X3F TV feed to your RSS aggregator and have the show delivered automatically.[M4V] Download the M4V directly.

  • Resident Evil 5 demo goes global in early '09

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    For those who failed at an illegal attempt (by Xbox Live standards) to snag the recently released Resident Evil 5 demo from the Japanese Live Marketplace, know that your RE5 demo will be releasing locally early next year. MTV Multiplayer was informed that the currently Japanese exclusive RE5 demo will release globally via Live in what we're guessing to be its current form. So, you can either be patient or use other means to get non-Xbox Live functioning demo access.

  • Mirror's Edge demo time trials unlocked for all

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    After trying to jimmy open the Mirror's Edge demo's lock on time trials over the course of a few months and completely failing, we can put down the lock pick and rest our now crippled hands.EA just announced that they've willingly unlocked the time trial mode in the Mirror's Edge demo. No unlock code necessary. We're not sure how much of a sales spike this demo restriction lift will have on the retail game (probably none), but are happy no matter. We get time trials and no longer have to rely on video footage to get the experience.

  • Rumor: Puzzle Arcade is XBLA bound next week

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    If Xbox.com can be trusted, the puzzle and word genre type game Puzzle Arcade should be releasing to the Xbox Live Arcade next Wednesday, December 24th. The official Xbox.com page for Puzzle Arcade lists that as its release date and plops an 800 Microsoft point price tag on the puzzling fun as well. While we wait for official confirmation of its release, we'll ponder how the fun of putting together a jigsaw puzzle translates to a video game environment. [Thanks, newantt]

  • Rock Band DLC: Come get your country

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Today's the day Rock Band goes country with the release of five, count 'em five new downloadable content tracks that are all pulled from the country music genre. Music from artists including Dixie Chicks, Brad Paisley, Brooks & Dunn and more can be purchased off the Marketplace for 160 Microsoft points each or as a Going Country Track Pack (five songs) for 680 points. Put one foot into the country waters by clicking towards the break for a breakdown of today's new DLC. Don't worry, we don't believe country to be hazardous to your foot or general health. At least, we don't believe it to be.

  • World Tour free DLC offer is alive, it's really alive!

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Last week, we mentioned a new Guitar Hero World Tour holiday offer where, with purchase of a World Tour bundle before December 31st, you can score five free downloadable tracks. We're pleased to inform you that the offer is now available and your free DLC awaits. To participate in the offer, simply make your way to World Tour's free content download redemption page and enter both your World Tour serial number and owner ID from your manual. Then, like magic, you'll receive your free tracks. And seeing that we don't have a World Tour bundle handy, we weren't able to proceed through with the redemption process. So, we aren't entirely sure how you select the five DLC tracks or if it's a pre-selected bundle. It's like blazing new trails.[Thanks, Adam O.]

  • This Week on XBLA: Doritos' Dash of Destruction

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    If you recall, last Fall Doritos sponsored an Unlock Xbox competition where nacho cheese chip gamers submitted and voted on ideas for an Xbox Live Arcade game. After all was said and done, Doritos chose the dinosaur chomp 'em up game called Dash of Destruction to be developed into a full-fledged XBLA release. Well, after about a year of development, Dash of Destruction is ready to hatch to the Arcade, because this Wednesday, December 17th it'll be available for download. Best part, it's free! So, even if the gameplay is sub-par or too cheezy (zing!), you can take comfort in knowing you didn't pay a darn thing.

  • Xbox Originals grow by two, come get your Sega Soccer and Raze's Hell

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Try to contain your excitement while we inform you that today, December 15th, 2008, both Sega Soccer Slam and Raze's Hell have released as Xbox Originals. Today will go down in Xbox Live Marketplace history, because this is the day that these 1200 Microsoft point gems were knighted into the oh so exclusive inner circle of Xbox Originals games. We bow our heads in respect to our new Sega Soccer Slam and Raze's Hell rulers. We are forever indebted to their awesomeness supreme game'ability.Source - Buy Raze's HellSource - Buy Sega Soccer Slam

  • Spike VGA Winners: GTAIV snags game of the year

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Here you go, a recap of all of last night's Spike TV Video Game Award winners that is viewable (in its entirety) after the break. And if you weren't already aware thanks to this blog's title, Grand Theft Auto IV beat out all other contenders for Game of the Year honors. It's a bit controversial to say the least, but then again, it is the Spike VGAs. Right? Gears of War 2 came away with a pair of the colorful monkey awards, one for best shooter and another for best Xbox 360 game. Fallout 3 also did well and Valve's Left 4 Dead had nothing to be ashamed of either. Clicky the linky below to view it all.

  • Video: First look at GTAIV's Lost and Damned

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Not only did last evening's Spike Video Game Awards bring Gears of War 2 DLC news, it also brought us our first look at Grand Theft Auto IV's upcoming Lost and Damned episodic expansion. Just as promised. You can view the exclusive Lost and Damned trailer after the break and begin pondering whether 1600 Microsoft points is worth admission into a biker gang. Truth be told, you'll get some fashionable leather apparel, but the motorcycle speeds wreak havoc on the health of your hair. We're talking split ends.

  • Gears 2 Combustible DLC now available

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Ninja announced late last night was new Gears of War 2 downloadable content that's ever so explosively named the Combustible Map Pack. We're here to tell you that it's now available for purchase via the Live Marketplace.For 800 Microsoft points (queue controversy) and a curiously minimal 79MB of hard drive space, the Gears 2 Combustible Map Pack will add three new multiplayer maps (outlined below) that are sure to make your COG vs. Locust battles six times more enjoyable. We'll post DLC assets when they become available. Screenshots added. Flood - "Features a rising flow of Imulsion that drives the fight into close quarters." Gold Rush - "Infiltrate an Imulsion factory, where multiple levels and volatile materials guarantee memorable encounters." Fuel Station - "Delivers a dangerous battle around an abandoned refueling facility." %Gallery-39357%[Via Major Nelson]

  • VGA 08: Rock Band gets Pearl Jam 'Ten' in March

    Dustin Burg
    Dustin Burg

    Backstage at the VGAs, GTTV's Geoff Keighley just revealed that Pearl Jam's Ten album will be releasing to Rock Band next March. No, we didn't stutter, Pearl Jam is coming to Rock Band! We suspect all eleven tracks will be included in the album release, but highly doubt any of the bonus material will make the cut. Pearl Jam headed to Rock Band, you know you love it.