

  • Survey says: Nintendo setting sights on Xbox Live

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    It really is a great credit to Microsoft's online Xbox Live network that its competitors are pausing to observe and take notes in their quest to provide a similarly seamless multiplayer experience. With Sony's forthcoming PS3 network (no really, they actually have an online strategy now) boasting similar features to that of Live, it would seem less surprising then that a recent survey sent out by Nintendo pokes and prods with regards to how they may adapt their Wi-Fi service in the future. If the information is accurate, it would appear that Nintendo is looking to trounce the current online king with a few interesting features.According to the information received by Joystiq, the following topics were tapped by the Nintendo Wi-Fi survey: Comparing game stats with your friends, enemies and loved ones. Uploading screenshots, including those proving that you got all the shines. Posting user-made content, such as art and videos, and rating the content of others. See what your friends are currently playing (and subsequently berate them for playing Barbie's Orchestra Conductor) Creating or reading blogs linked to the Nintendo Wi-Fi site. Scheduling specific times to play against friends. Submitting strategies and tips to a central to help those in need. Personalizing the homepage. The survey also enquires about Nintendo's current DS online service and the use of friend codes. Though it's just a survey, one can still take away some positive things from this. It not only shows that Nintendo cares about what gamers want (or that they're doing a stellar job of pretending they do), but that they are actively trying to improve their online service. While the DS Wi-Fi service is remarkable for bringing handhelds together online (for free, natch), its general use and feature set could definitely use some refinement before being shifted over to the Revolution. And by "refinement", we mean "dump the game-specific friend codes already."Though you may have your feelings on the Xbox 360 as gaming platform to contend with, there's no denying that the Xbox Live service has done the console world a great service by spurring on connectivity and highlighting the importance of multiplayer gaming across the globe. [Via Joystiq, thanks Sloopydrew!]

  • New PDZ maps headed to XBL Marketplace, demo too

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Microsoft has announced that a premium content bundle, containing four new Perfect Dark Zero multiplayer maps, will soon be available for purchase on the Xbox Live Marketplace — the price has not yet been revealed. A free playable demo will also be posted for download, featuring the Outpost campaign level (solo, split screen, and Live co-op modes supported) and a new multiplayer map, Plaza.In addition, PDZ will receive several free auto-updates. One update will install 8 new bot (AI) personalities, including judge bot, who attacks the player with the most kills; bully bot, who attacks the player with the least kills; venge bot, who attacks the last person to kill the bot; and DarkOps Bot, who is the 'baddest' bot of them all.[Via Microsoft press release]

  • Massive Saint's Row demo headed for XBLM

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    MSXBOX World recently chewed it up with Volition's Jacques Hennequet, squeezing some juicy Saint's Row details out of the game's producer. As it turns out, a "very large" demo will be deployed on to the Xbox Live Marketplace before the game's retail release (Q3 2006). Unfortunately, Hennequet declined to elaborate on Saint's Row's multiplayer aspects and only confirmed that there would be multiple modes and maps.We recently got a brief look at an early build of Saint's Row, and while it was often running at the rate of a slideshow, we recognized the potential. Character creation, control mechanics, visual style and effects, animation, AI, and the physics engine all trump the current state of Grand Theft Auto. If Volition can get its GTA-killer running up to speed, the Xbox 360 will have an exclusive gem to showcase. Stay up on this one.[Thanks, SickNic]

  • Bethesda patching Oblivion, lowers cost of future content download

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Bethesda recently confirmed (via the official Elder Scrolls forums) that an Oblivion patch is in the works for both the PC and Xbox 360. The plan is to first release a beta patch onto the PC, once it's cleared initial testing. Bethesda warned players to backup saved games before installing the beta patch and to be prepared to reinstall the game once the final patch is released.In addition, Bethesda offered more details about the upcoming downloadable content plugins. The Orrery download, which includes a new quest and character powers, should be available next week for the low-low cost of 150 Microsoft points (about $1.88) for the Xbox 360 and $1.89 for the PC. 'Big ups' to Bethesda for experimenting with different price points. Although we passed on the $2.50 horse armor this week, we'll definitely be messin' with that Orrery device when it hits the Marketplace.[Thanks, SickNic]

  • Street Fighter II on XBLA priced, dated -- Cloning Clyde announced

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to VGM's latest podcast, Street Fighter II: Hyper Fighting will be released for the Xbox Live Arcade by the end of April. VGM reports that the game will cost between $10–15 (800 to 1,200 points). The news comes via Microsoft Canada's Spring Fling event, where Microsoft also announced Cloning Clyde, a cell-shaded platformer in development for XBLA. According to VGM, Microsoft has high hopes for Clyde, believing the title could become 'the next Geometry Wars.'[Thanks, Robert]

  • Free Kameo co-op, pricey Kameo costumes

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Microsoft and Rare have dumped a trio of downloadable Kameo content packs onto the XBLM. The Kameo Co-Op Pack offers players a free patch that enables co-op via Xbox Live and System Link. The Masquerade and Warrior Packs each unlock a batch of new outfits. The Masquerade Pack includes 10 new Kameo ensembles, including some throwbacks to classic Rare titles. The Warrior Pack provides a set of "fright-themed" costumes (one getup for Kameo and each of the warriors). Both packs are priced at 200 Microsoft points ($2.50).It looks like 200 points is the going rate for a fresh look. Rare used this price for the Winter Warrior Pack back in November, and more recently, Bethesda caught some flak for tagging this price on a pair of horse armor outfits. So how many new wardrobe additions would you expect to receive for 200 points?

  • Pac-Man, Gundam, and more at Xbox 360 press conference

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    In addition to the news that anime is on the XBLM, there is plenty more from last night's Japanese press event. You can read the horrible machine translation of Famitsu's coverage here, or read on for the big Arcade legends Pac-Man and Galaga are coming to the Xbox Live Arcade! No word on whether there's any bad blood between the two considering Ms. Pac-Man and Galaga have been spending an awful lot of time together. Both titles will support worldwide rankings. Bandai Namco also announced Zegapain, "an anime/game collaboration that will boast downloadable content," as well as a new entry in the Culdcept series, Culdcept Saga. Xboxyde has screens of Zegapain XOR. An as-yet-unnamed Xbox Live compatible Gundam FPS. GameBrink has five high-res screens, and Xboxyde is hosting a torrent of video from the press conference. Tri-Ace studios, creators of the Star Ocean series, Radiata Stories, and Valkyrie Profile games, are working on an as-yet-unnamed RPG exclusively for the Xbox 360, to be published by Microsoft Game Studios. Sounds like the mystery Xbox 360-exclusive RPG has been revealed ... sort of. Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi's Mistwalker studios is bringing several games to the Xbox 360. They announced that the first of these, Blue Dragon, will be released (in Japan presumably) before the end of the year, while a demo disc for Lost Odyssey will be released "later this year." No word on Cry On. Xboxyde has screenshots and video footage of the Square Enix/Gamearts collaboration, Project Sylph. A sequel to Gamearts' PS2 shmup Silpheed? Microsoft is cognizant that the Xbox 360 hasn't been going over so well in Japan. Last night's press conference, and their intentions to hold a second console launch in June, are indicative of their determination to succeed in Japan; an opening salvo, if you will, of the oncoming console wars looming on Japan's ultra-competitive gaming landscape. Read - Translated Famitsu coverage with imagesRead - Microsoft Briefs Media in Japan (1UP)Read - GameBrink's posts on the press conference

  • Tomb Raider: Legend, Pandemonium coming to mobile phones

    Conrad Quilty-Harper
    Conrad Quilty-Harper

    Alongside the Tomb Raider: Legend content that should be appearing on the Xbox Live marketplace anytime soon, Eidos announced today that they're working on a 3D mobile phone version of Tomb Raider: Legend. Apparently the title will feature a new movement system and back to basics gameplay; a given considering the technological limitations of mobile phones. Eidos also announced a mobile phone version of Pandemonium: a platform adventure game where the lead character Nikki can shape-change from an invulnerable duck and cover turtle to a fire-blasting dragon. Both titles will be distributed via QUALCOMM's "BREW" solution which will apparently make it easy for gamers with 3G phones to download the game onto their handset.

  • Free Xbox Live Gold Weekend is a-happenin' now

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    We're already nearly 24 hours into the 72 hour* "Free Xbox Live Gold Weekend" sponsored by the telco overlords at Verizon. This is a chance for all you 360 owners out there who managed to save up the $400 (or, more likely, $300) to get the thing--but didn't pitch in for a Gold account--to get a taste of what you're missing. I recommend you start by downloading some multiplayer demos, like GR:AW or Battlefield 2, and rocking them out multiplayer over Live.*It's notable that Verizon and Microsoft chose this weekend over all others; considering we're going to lose an hour due to Daylight Saving's Time "springing" forward, this is really a 71 hour "Free Xbox Live Gold Weekend." What are we not supposed to look in the mouth again?See also:Xbox Live Ambassadors announcedFree Xbox Live Gold weekend back with free points

  • Saturn Bomberman being evaluated for XBL Arcade

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    According to comments made by a Hudson online marketing manager to 1UP, Saturn Bomberman — considered by many to be the best version of Bomberman and one of the greatest multiplayer titles of all time — is "under evaluation" for Xbox Live Arcade. The original Sega Saturn game featured a frantic 10-player Battle mode that would likely be a huge draw for 360 owners looking for a simple, but addictive multiplayer experience. Let's hope the evaluation process comes to that same conclusion.

  • Add/delete XBL friends with a mouse click

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley
    03.28.2006 now lets you manage your Xbox Live friends list from the web. You can send, receive, or decline a friend request through the website. And of course, you can dump existing friends too. Time for some quick n' easy spring cleaning...[Just playin' Major! You know we got mad love for you.]

  • Free Xbox Live Gold weekend back with free points

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    The free Xbox Live Gold weekend for 360 owners is back on track for the scheduled dates of March 31st-April 2nd. Sorry, U.S. residents only.Verizon, the sponsor of the promo, will also be conducting some sort of Million Point Giveaway starting on the 30th, so check on their specialized site below for further details when the end of the month rolls around. Oh schnap, 500 free Microsoft Points (while supplies last)? Sign us up!

  • Ridge Racer 6 XBL demo here and gone and here again

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    Major Nelson announced that the demo for Ridge Racer 6 is available for download in the XBLM. Wait, now it's gone. He's gonna let us know when it's available again.What's that? Check again? Alright... wow! It's back again! We'd normally be willing to overlook this minor SNAFU if it was the first time it had happened. The King Kong demo was pulled almost a month ago and is still not available for download, all that remains is the notice, "This demo has been removed. I’ll update you if/when it is replaced with an updated version." The demo system is one of the killer apps of the Xbox Live service (even when it is a little slow), otherwise we wouldn't care. Microsoft has distinguished themselves with active community participation from people like Mr. Hyrb (Major Nelson) and the Gamerscore crew, but a little more transparency wouldn't hurt. Some examples might be: the Kong demo was pulled? Yeah, it was buggy. So, the RR6 demo is buggy? No, it was just a server error. I heard the GRAW demo is never coming out? [This is the part that Microsoft is supposed to fill in here.][Thanks, Drew][UPDATE: Gamerscore blogger John Porcaro stopped by to give us his thoughts writing, "I think we could be a bit more forthrite when we make changes like posting, then removing public material. Usually, the explanation is a LOT simpler than some would think." Xbox Live's Major Nelson also just dropped us an email to point out that he tracked down what happened and posted it on his blog. He writes, "It turns out that the wrong file was placed on the server. The team realized it, tracked down the proper file, and made the correction. Total time of the mystery: less then 2 hours." A LOT simpler than some would think.See, I told you they had distinguished themselves with community participation! Thanks a ton guys for all the hard work on your end... now what's up with the Kong demo... and the CoD2 patch? Obnoxious inquiring minds want to know!]

  • Still downloading... downloading... downloading... (Xbox 360 annoyance #003.1)

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    We're all about Xbox Live's game demo service. In theory. Last night, we spent just over 90 minutes waiting to get our sweaty palms on The Outfit demo (and we know we're not alone). The problem for us wasn't that it took so long. We knew that 6 PM (Eastern) wasn't the best time to fetch the file. And we knew that our broadband connection probably wasn't optimized for this function. The point is, we anticipated a long download-and we were okay with that.The real problem is that the Xbox 360 is crippled when it's downloading. We've known about this. We've bitched about it before. But last night's episode warrants another post. It's not like we can't find anything to do for 90 minutes (there is a world of possibilities out there, right?). But, if Microsoft wants to claim that the Xbox 360 is all about choice, then give us that choice. Let us listen to music. Let us watch DVDs. Heck, let us play games! Let us do all of these things while we download a game demo from the Marketplace. Microsoft, are you listening?Other Xbox 360 annoyances: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011, 012, 013Xbox 360 delights: 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008, 009, 010, 011

  • The Outfit multiplayer demo now available on XBL

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    THQ had hoped that its multiplayer demo would be released this past Friday, just in time for weekend gamers to get a taste of The Outfit before GRAW and Burnout hit the Xbox 360 this week. Instead, the weekend passed by without an update. Today, the demo finally went live.Intended to showcase The Outfit's multiplayer gameplay, the demo will allow Xbox Live Gold subscribers to test out the full 8-player destruction-on-demand experience, while Silver subscribers will be limited to 1-on-1 split screen combat. The Outfit demo features a single map (Estate Assault) played on Strategic Victory mode. Let the chaos commence!

  • The Outfit demo to hit Live this weekend

    Ken Weeks
    Ken Weeks

    According to IGN, the demo for THQ's The Outfit has been certified by Microsoft and should hit the Live Marketplace today...or tomorrow..or the next day. Either way, downloaders will be  pleased to discover that it's the first 360 demo to be fully playable online.

  • How to increase the profanity on Xbox Live

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    It begins: "I'm your host Brad and I'm a jerk. I've always been interested in baiting people. Some even call me the master baitor. I wish."Brad uses soundboards of luminaries like Dr. Phil and Mr. Fred Rogers to bait other players on Xbox Live. Suffice it to say, their reactions are very NSFW! The moral conundrum is, is Brad a jerk for baiting them and ruining the experience of others? It seems pretty obvious that the individuals he's recorded needed little encouragement before devolving into quivering piles of pubescent, cussing, vitriol. With 73 recordings available, and over 200 in the can, it's tough to know where to start. Lucky for you, Brad suggested a handful of classics: 1, 2, 3, 4.Some of us might hesitate before subjecting ourselves to even more profanity in Xbox Live and, for those, we highly encourage you not to listen. Also don't listen if you're at work, children are around, plan on having children at some point, respect all living things, and/or cherish your innocence. Everyone else, enjoy! See also:Vulgarity, Halo 2, and you[Thanks, Brad]

  • No free Xbox Live Gold weekend in Europe

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    While we recently brought you news that there will be a free Xbox Live Gold trial weekend (albeit not necessarily on the weekend of April Fools' Day), gamers outside of America can stop rejoicing now. The event, sponsored by Verizon, will only be available to U.S. gamers.This makes some business sense, as there is little point for an American phone company to sponsor gamers who cannot even buy their products, but it's disappointing for Europeans -- we often feel that we are losing out when it comes to gaming, and news like this doesn't help. One of the major benefits of Xbox Live is that it is not region-specific, allowing gamers all over the world to play together, and yet the free trial won't play to this strength.

  • Top 10 Xbox Live games

    Blake Snow
    Blake Snow

    Based on time spent connected to Xbox Live, here are the Top 10 games for Microsoft's online service. Results taken from the week ending February 11, 2006: Halo 2 Call of Duty 2 Perfect Dark Zero DEAD OR ALIVE 4 PGR3 Need for Speed™ Most Wanted Battlefield 2: MC Madden NFL 06 Geometry Wars Evolved NBA 2K6 Staying consistent with previously released stats, "little games that could" still find spots on the list. Some three months after its launch release, Geometry Wars is on the list at number nine. Astounding.[Thanks, Drew]

  • Real friends, real relationships forged online

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    This article at 2old2play takes a look at how we form relationships with others online, questioning the assumption that "real life" friends are the only sort of friendships worth having. Getting to know and like people via Xbox Live and other services isn't the exclusive domain of the nerd, nor has it been for some time.While friendships formed online have been flourishing for years, the advent of easily available voice chat certainly makes it easy to feel close to those you play with on Xbox Live. Spending time together in the same place, even if it is a Halo 2 map, can lead to heart-to-heart conversations -- hanging out in the pregame lobby, or just wandering around a map with friends, brings Xbox Live close to feeling like a virtual world rather than a framework for FPS combat.