

  • Downloadable Zelda content -- in the future

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    GamePro is reporting that George Harrison, Senior VP at Nintendo, says they're looking forward to offering "downloadable content, such as additional levels" with Zelda: Twilight Princess.However, there are no current plans to offer a "post-release online component" and it doesn't look like there is anything in the works. According to Harrison, "I haven't heard of anything yet. I think everyone is still busy trying to make sure the game gets out correctly."Now, all we can hope is that Zelda doesn't become the Wii's Oblivion ... or [fill in EA game here] with dubious downloadable content. Please Nintendo, even the most jaded gamer has love for Zelda, don't ruin it by microtransactioning us to death.

  • Zelda impressions recap

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    A few days ago, Nintendo held a special press event in Redmond (we were invited, but were too busy preventing nuclear war to go) where the media could have a very long, very uninterrupted playthrough of the final build of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. No less than a dozen major gaming sites and publications have already released their in-depth experiences with everyone's favorite kinda-elf, so we've done you the favor of assembling the cream of the crop right here. The overall gist? 1) Don't wait for the Gamecube version, and 2) Holy damn this game is amazing. Of the five listed, we recommend good 'ol Matt Cassamassina's impressions; they're quite thorough.Zelda Impressions from IGN: Matt CassamassinaZelda Impressions from GoNintendo: Raw Meat CowboyZelda Impressions from 1up: Jeremy ParishZelda Impressions from Gamespot: Ricardo TorresZelda Impressions from Planet Gamecube: Steven Rodriguez

  • Today's hottest game video: Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Trailer

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    The top slot on YouTube today was occupied by Link and crew in a new Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess trailer. It barely managed to pass the second place winner, which was the intro video from the same game. If you ask us, the intro video is a bit more spine tingling, especially with the "Press A + B" menu at the start screen, *drool*. This trailer has no sound effects, no lines, just a (somewhat cheesy) fanfare-tastic soundtrack and lots of video goodness from the game. Link's wolf transition looks a bit weak, but we're hoping it's just a trimmed down version in the vid. The best comment on YouTube is from agent012 who says, " wow the graphics are better than the gamecubes!" We're still not sure if that's sarcasm or honesty. Check out the video after the break and start jonesing.

  • A pair of new Twilight Princess videos

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    A duo of delicious videos for Twilight Princess have hit You Tube and, unless you're a fan of spoilers, we suggest you do not check the videos out, which are embedded into the post after the break. We'd discuss the videos' contents, but like we said ... spoilers.

  • Beautiful Twilight Princess standee

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    Ah, amore! You may be asking where this is displayed, where can I find one, can I steal one ... we don't care. We just want to look at it and giggle with glee 'cause November 19 is almost friggin' here people! We wish there was a way to score one of these. Our ninja skills may have to go towards stealing one from a GameStop or something before those greedy game store zombies employees get them. The plot thickens .... [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Twilight Princess Impressions [update 1]

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    You've read "impressions" of Twilight Princess before, from those lucky enough to get some time with it at a Fusion Tour or at either of the previous two E3 conventions. But this close to launch time, we're starting to see impressions ... people who have had extended time (dozens of hours) with the absolute final version of the game.The Official Nintendo Magazine forums are giving a sneak peak of their upcoming issue, detailing a player's experiences throughout the whole of the game. ***THERE ARE HEAVY SPOILERS IN THIS POST.*** Be careful. If you're not willing to ruin anything (and there's nothing major), then the gist of it is, it kicks ass in every way possible. The controls don't hinder the gameplay at all, and as expected, the game itself is an impossible masterpiece of gaming. Seriously, what did you expect?If you'd like to read a few less spoiler-tastic impressions from the Japanese, Kotaku has posted some translated impressions from Famitsu and Game Watch. Once again, both laud the immersive control experience and just about everything else.[For a large, wallpaper-sized version of the post picture, check it out here.][Update 1: loltypo.]

  • Wii Experience videos with Twilight Princess

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    No matter what we do, we just cannot seem to stop these Wii Experience videos. They're like some kind of juggernaut, bowling us over again and again as they present videos of folks enjoying games on the Wii. And these latest videos of folks, folks who are not us, enjoying The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii are no exception. Our tear-soaked T-shirts prove it![Via Go Nintendo]

  • TP case + Wii box = puddles of drool

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    One of the posters over at the official Nintendo forums got their hands on some boxes for the Wii console and The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This isn't to be considered the final box design for Twilight Princess or the final design for the Wii packaging either. Still, the above picture does it for us. Please don't ask us what "it" is ...

  • Aussies get Twilight Princess on Cube this year also

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    With all of the ridiculous news involving the GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess lately, it feels good to report something fans should be delighted to know, rather than the mind-boggling mess of last week. This news, which is Australia receiving the GameCube version of Twilight Princess this year, hitting retail on December the 14th. No longer is lefty Link to be left to languish until leaping to retail in 2007 (try saying that 3 times fast), instead falling in line with the retail release schedules adopted by other regions.The game is still on track to release in Japan on December the 2nd, the United States on December the 11th, and in Europe on December the 15th.

  • It stops: GC Zelda DOESN'T go poof [update 1]

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Nintendo of America's offical reply to all this nonsense: Online reports about the Nintendo GameCube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are incorrect. The amazing game will be available at retail outlets nationwide on Dec. 13.Apparently, Gamestop and EB Games used a separate SKU for preordering. Since preorders had been maxed out, the SKU was removed. However, this confirmation is news in itself: it looks like America won't be receiving the EB Games-only Aussie treatment or online-only Japan treatment. Sweet! We'll try to refrain to excessive commentary in this post ... similar topics have been covered in regards to Japan and Australia ... but now North American major retail chains EB Games and Gamestop have reported that the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess has been mysteriously deleted from their computers. The SKU is simply gone. Though we might refrain from calling this an outright cancellation, the only other conceivable option is for the game to sell exclusively through Nintendo's online store, as they've decided to do in Japan.(sigh) Comment as you will, but try to keep it civil. What the eff, Nintendo. [via Joystiq]

  • More ridiculous Gamecube Zelda news

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Right on the heels that Nintendo of Japan will sell the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess exclusively through their online store, Nintendo of Australia sends yet another blow to our poor, left-handed Link: The GC Zelda will be only be distributed though that prodigal retailer, EB Games. While this in itself isn't quite as bad as an solely online offering, further rumors persist that there will be one shipment and one shipment only, delivered in January (the Australian release date of the GC version).Nintendo appears to be doing everything in their power to discourage the purchase of discs smaller than a standard DVD. They're not technically breaking their promise, but ... dammit. Any Aussies care to speak their mind?[Check out those mad Photoshop skillz!]

  • Nintendo Wii or Tickle Me Elmo?

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    We're not sure what's more disturbing, the fact that 50% of the people who look at the Wii on Amazon go on to buy TMX Tickle Me Elmo, or that a TMX Tickle Me Elmo even exists. It's been ten years since the first Tickle Me Elmo arrived in stores, hence the TMX (the x stands for ten) version. Is this one of the most telling stats about the audience the Wii is hitting? Admittedly, after watching the video for this guy it's hard not to want to get one, for the sheer horror value alone. This toy is going to make some kid psychotic later in life, and lead to a ton of therapy bills.He may be cute and cuddly, and laugh like someone stoned out of their mind, but at nearly $150 for a new one, he's laughing all the way to the bank. At least the other 50% buy Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, which will only set you back $49.90. Link or laughter -- you make the call.

  • Gamecube Twilight Princess sold online only in Japan

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Planet Gamecube is reporting that the Gamecube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be sold through Nintendo's online store and not traditional retailers in Japan. The Cube version of the game will ship to Japanese online orderers on Dec. 2 -- the same day the Wii launches in the country and a few days before the U.S. Gamecube version hits stores (But a few weeks after the North American Wii version is released along with the domestic Wii launch. Confused yet?). Nintendo Europe has confirmed the continent will get a Gamecube version of the game, but hasn't officially announced a date yet.While we understand that the Gamecube was not the most popular system of the last generation and that Nintendo is throwing all its focus behind the Wii these days, it's kind of depressing to see the company limping out a late, limited version of the game for all the Cube owners who don't want to upgrade just yet. Either admit once and for all that the purple box is dead and gone or give it the true continued support it deserves -- this kind of half-assed split-focus doesn't serve anyone well.

  • Japanese GC version of Zelda to be sold online only

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    First, it was to be the pinnacle of all Gamecube games. Then, it would be released on both the GC and the Wii simultaneously. Then Nintendo went ahead and added a new control scheme to the Wii version. Then they had the gall to release the Gamecube version almost a month after the Wii version. Finally, in this final heinous act of treason, Nintendo of Japan has announced that the Gamecube version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess will be sold exclusively from their online store, for around $57 USD. We're all for the Wii version, folks, but this is a little ridiculous. Gamecube owners are getting the short end the stick in an attempt to push the Wii hardware as far as humanly possible. We do not approve, Nintendo. It should be noted that no specific announcements have been made for the US release plans of Twilight Princess, but a similar treatment would hardly be surprising.

  • Oh, Nintendo ....

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    We're not usually one to link to webcomics. We leave that to our big daddy Joystiq, because they do it oh so well. But sometimes, we stumble across one that cuts us deep, like this latest Punks and Nerds. It's funny, dear readers, because it's true. So very, very, tragically true. So it's Friday. You don't have sh-- er, anything to do. Give us your best Ninty angst stories. 'Cause we know you've got some. It goes with the fanboy territory.[Via 4cr]

  • UK preorders are a go

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    PC World, the self-styled "Largest Computer Superstore" for the UK (we're impressed) has started taking preorders for the Wii -- and they're offering a nice bundle pack. We hope to see similar offerings on this side of the Atlantic, because this is just too good to pass up. The basic console weighs in at £179.99, and there's an option for a Wii with a second controller (but no nunchuk) for £199.99. For those not too savvy with the conversion of currency, don't let those seemingly low numbers fool you -- our pals in the UK are paying nearly $400 in US dollars for the privilege of a console and a second Wiimote.And then there are the bundles. Super Monkey Ball seems to be the order of the day; it's included in two of the three bundle options on PC World's site. You can choose either Red Steel or Twilight Princess to offset your monkey mayhem, and both bundles include the second Wiimote, and all for £259.99, only sixty pounds more than the console plus extra controller. The third bundle includes Wario Ware: Smooth Moves and Need for Speed: Carbon, as well as the extra controller. PC World promises free delivery with any of these preorders (which is a nice bonus), but doesn't guarantee delivery at launch (which isn't nice at all). Keep us posted on other preorder packs and bonuses, and we'll compare and contrast.

  • Twilight Princess box art beauty

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    We don't have much to say here, folks. This is some beautiful work, and some of the finest pieces of box art we've ever seen (I'm partial to Unlimited Saga, myself). What do you think? Is the Wii identifier at the top too much?You can't always judge a book by its cover, but we're sure hoping we can with this one.

  • Link gets his stabby on

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    What's better on Monday morning than a fresh new Twilight Princess video? Well, we were all out of doughnuts and white chocolate mocha, so this will have to do. Forget working -- start your week off right!Lots of gameplay features on display in this montage. What do you think, readers? How's the game shaping up? Has the full-on conversion to Wii made the game gimmicky, or is this the Zelda we've all been waiting for? Check out the video after the jump and tell us how you feel.

  • Twilight Princess -- new controls in action

    Nikki Inderlied
    Nikki Inderlied

    With all the commotion regarding the Wii itself, we almost forgot about the games! This video does an excellent job of showing the new way the Wiimote will work with Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Say goodbye to boring button combinations and say hello to slashing the baddies yourself. Gameplay is smokin' and we can't wait to get our Zelda-hungry paws on it. As always, click the continue link to check out this Link-tastic video. [Via Go Nintendo]

  • Japanese launch list unveiled

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Nintendo of Japan's website offers a list of those purported sixteen launch titles...and they're not all necessarily what you would have expected. Take a look! The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii Sports (including boxing and bowling to round out tennis, golf, and baseball) WarioWare Wii Play Red Steel SD Gundam Revolution Tamagotchi Ennichi no Tastsujin (a drum game, along the lines of Taiko Drum Master) Trauma Center: Second Opinion Elebits Necro-nesia Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz Super Swing Golf Pangya Wing Island (demoed at E3 2006, the "plane game") Kororinpa (a Marble Madness-type game of some sort) Machariku Domino (a domino game) Interesting! It's good to see a rhythm/music game so early, and we'll post details on some of the more mysterious entries as we receive information.