

  • Wii: last minute rumors [update 1]

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    It's almost time, fanboys and girls, for the big announcement that is almost certain to bring us the launch details on the Wii. What does that mean for Wii Fanboy?Rumor roundup time! Yee-haw!After the jump, we not only bring you a rumor compendium, but we also offer the official (!) Wii Fanboy predictions on launch and release date.

  • Speculating on the Virtual Console [Update 1]

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    Play-Nintendo has a "reliable list" (yeah, we know how those are) of games that are rumored to be on the Virtual Console. But it looks reasonable, and in fact, some of the titles are already confirmed by various sources. Their list is packed with classic titles, and some of them (oh, Castlevania, how we love you) are expected but still exciting, and others many of us still play on lazy Sunday afternoons (Ocarina of Time, anyone?) If this list turns out to be the real deal, we may have to take some extended breaks from our actual Wii games. A fanboy's life is full of difficult choices. Play-Nintendo also reports that their "source" confirmed five brand new games for the Virtual Console, but they couldn't reveal the details. We'll see. What are you dying to see? Frankly, we think Super Mario Bros. 3 is a necessity, if only because we know there'd be videos everywhere of fanboys reenacting scenes from The Wizard. If you could add any three games to this list, what would you choose? Full list after the jump.

  • Awful CD-i Zelda games get remixed

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    While checking out Something Awful's recent, videogame-themed Photoshop Phriday contest, we couldn't help but notice a link to the site's latest Flash Tub feature, which actually manages to make something good out of the eminently forgettable CD-i Zelda games. Apparently, some SA forum members took audio clips from the games' hilariously bad dialogue and remixed them into some maddeningly catchy techno songs. They even went so far as to create a so-bad-its-good Flash animation for one of the songs, which has a hook that will have you mumbling "I can't wait to bomb some dodongos" all weekend.Click the read link to view the video and download MP3s of some of the remixes, or continue reading for some hilarious YouTube video of the source material.

  • The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess FAQ

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Over on the WiiChat.com forums, i0n has posted a helpful FAQ encompassing 51 items related to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Not sure about the differences between the GameCube and Wii versions? Curious as to which Link will star in TP? Wondering who Midna is? i0n's got answers.Of course, the FAQ doesn't crack any of the game's great mysteries, but it's a well organized hub for the information and ideas that have been shared thus far.

  • Happy video game piano medley day

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Some days here at Joystiq, we just can't decide what we want. We'll feel like a little Mega Man, only to stop and go searching for Chrono Trigger, then Tetris, then Zelda, Final Fantasy, Mario ... nothing seems to satisfy.Luckily, we're always in the mood for the piano, and YouTube is happy to oblige our digital wanderlust with a variety of video game medleys on the ebony and ivory. Continue reading for some exquisite piano interpretations from the above series and more.Previously: Happy Castlevania rock out day, Happy retro-techno music day, Happy Zelda music day... again, Happy Zelda music day

  • Marching band plays gaming hits

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Sure, we could make jokes about how being in a marching band is lame and one's only choice should they be horrible at sports, but we aren't that kind of judgmental blog. Instead, we're the type of blog to pay homage and respect those who manage to convince their superiors that a videogame-inspired medley of tunes should be the focus of the half-time show. That's what this wonderful MSU marching band did, playing tunes from awesome Nintendo games such as Super Mario Bros. and The Legend of Zelda.They also played something from a Microsoft game, we believe. Something having to do with angels?

  • LoZ controls get updated and Shiggy talks GC titles updated for Wii

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Some have said that using the Wiimote as if it were a sword, swinging it around to perform actions in-game, will undoubtedly cause us all to collapse from exhaustion. Some have noted that no actual force is required when using the Wiimote as if it were a sword or in any other kind of fashion, causing the previous point to be irrelevant. Well, now the argument may heat up yet again as Shigeru Miyamoto recently confirmed with Nintendo Dream magazine that the previous controls established for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess are no more. Instead of using the B button to cause Link to slash, as the E3 build demonstrated, now players will need to physically swing the Wiimote around should they wish Link to vanquish his foes. Only thing is, the combat in previous Legend of Zelda titles has been intense, causing some to wonder if this new change is for the best. Also, now that the B button has been freed up, it will now be used when Link is utilizing the bow. Upon aiming at a target, hitting the B button will let loose the arrow from the bow. Miyamoto also tested out using the d-pad for aiming duties, but decided to scrap that idea.In the same article, Miyamoto stated that given the hardware set of the Wii, it would be easy to update GameCube titles to allow full use of the Wii's control scheme. Of course, we have to assume that if this were even going to happen it would only be restricted to first-party titles from Nintendo. Miyamoto said:"We'll be upgrading the development tools, but GameCube code can be used for the most part as is. In that sense, I believe that it would be good to remake GameCube games for Wii, and that some titles would become better with the change to the Wii remote controller."So, you can have one GameCube game updated with the Wii control scheme: what would the game be and how would the Wiimote be used?[Via Joystiq; Thanks vidGuy and Marc!]

  • Happy Zelda music day ... again

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    What's that you say? You didn't get enough Zelda music last Friday? You want even more YouTube videos of people playing Zelda music? Well, who are we to deny our readers...This string quartet will blow your mind, but don't stop there. Continue reading for more Zelda tunes on piano and ocarina. And for those of you who are getting tired of Zelda music, come on back next Friday ... we might have some surprises for you.

  • New ad gives us a Tingle

    Alisha Karabinus
    Alisha Karabinus

    This new ad for Tingle's upcoming 'freshly-picked' DS adventure was originally featured on the Japanese DS website, but luckily it was added to YouTube for your (and our) viewing ease. There's something very sinister about the spotlight on Tingle's maniacally bobbing head (and that laugh ... that laugh!), but see for yourself. We'll be curled up in the corner, rocking back and forth.

  • Wii version of Twilight Princess will not support Gamecube controller

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    The annually-run Camp Hyrule (an online "camp" run by Nintendo, where cabins compete against each other in various mini-games and trivia) recently featured some Q&A sessions with Nintendo officials, most notably George Harrison (NoA Vice-President of Marketing). Though the sessions are generally uninformative, a fan threw out the question to which we really wanted a positive response: Will the Wii version of Twilight Princess allow players to use the standard Gamecube controls as well? The answer: a resounding no. "The GCN controller will be able to play the GCN version on the Wii console, but will not be able to play the Wii version," said Harrison. This is saddening news for me people who would like to experience both control schemes without having to buy the game twice. Which will you choose, o' faithful reader?

  • Okami: before and after cel-shading

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Notably the only upcoming PS2 game to feature magical wolves, aggressive painting and beautiful cel-shaded surroundings, Okami has come a long way since its original inception. Dubbed Ohkami, the early version presents quite a different experience to the one currently preparing to hit US shores. A comparison clip over at GameVideos (embedded in the second part of the post) puts the more realistic art style of the old version in stark contrast to the cel-shaded update. It seems that the PS2 was simply not deemed powerful enough to render Clover Studios' original vision and so the shift was made to a different and more feasible art style. It's interesting that the decision marks one of the few occasions where technical limitations actually (and arguably) lead to a more visually striking game. If you had a choice in the matter, would you rather have the realistic (erm, as far as magical wolves go) Okami or the cel-shaded one? Comments from the "Zelda more like Celda" crowd are welcomed, of course. [Thanks Demian!]

  • Happy Zelda music day

    Kyle Orland
    Kyle Orland

    Today is Friday, and you know what that means. That's right, it's time for a bunch of videos of people playing Zelda music! This ukulele performance (found via Wonderland) is pretty impressive, but continue reading for an equally impressive piano medley (from Video Game Pianist Martin Leung) and a little ditty played on a real ocarina!

  • Interesting comments about TP opening gameplay

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    A forum poster by the name of 'cartoonsmart' recently created a rather interesting topic over at the Neoseeker forums. Claiming to have played a rather lengthy segment of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, starting from the beginning of the adventure, the poster mentions some very specific things that are supposedly going to be present in the final game. However, it may be seen that at one or two times in the post, cartoonsmart contradicts himself a bit. As the post could be considered a big spoiler, we will not repeat anything here.Now, naturally the replies provide some very strong rebuttals to his argument that what he claims is all truth. However, he does a good job at fielding the questions within and proving himself to be what he considers "true" in his statements. We find this whole ordeal to be very interesting, but are not prepared to accept any of this as truth. By all means, if a Nintendo representative comments that any of this is true, or we find it all to be exactly as he said once the game is released, then we will undoubtedly apologize for not accepting a random forum post as truth and beg for your forgiveness.[Via Infendo]

  • Wii to tango with Latin America in December, price is high

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    During a recent games convention in São Paulo, Brazil (pictured), a representative of Lamatel (Nintendo's Latin American distributor) announced that Wii will be released in Brazil during the first week of December to the tune of 1,400–1,500 Brazilian reais (roughly $640–$690). Ouch! That smarts more than a hot Brazilian wax! Not that we ... I mean ... it was just a team bonding experience ... it's not like ... oh, never mind.But seriously, at that rate, who's buying? Just import. Of course, you may want to add some games to that overseas order. So far, only Twilight Princess is confirmed for launch in Brazil.[Link in Portuguese; Google translation; via NeoGAF]

  • Majora's Mask Fierce Deity Link figurine

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    There are two kinds of gamers in this world: those who favor Ocarina of Time and those who prefer Majora's Mask. Sure, the latter is a much smaller group -- easily dwarfed by Ocarina fans waving its 40/40 score in Famitsu magazine ("the first game to do so," they helpfully remind you) -- but First 4 Figures sent word that Majora's Fierce Deity Link would be the first in their lineup of Legend of Zelda figurines, undoubtedly beating out the much anticipated Ocarina Ingo figurine. At 14.5" tall, and $130, this thing is collectors only, we're afraid. Wouldn't want you recreating the epic showdown with Majora and busting your sword, y'know?See also: Colossal figurine ... at 1/150 scaleCollectible Metroid statue

  • They're papercraft models, not dolls

    Ludwig Kietzmann
    Ludwig Kietzmann

    Whether it is indicative of the versatility of paper or the dedication of video game fans is unclear, but the fact of the matter is that someone has gone to great lengths to capture Link's likeness in a detailed papercraft model. We find the little fellow to be a strange mix between endearing and creepy, likely the reason why we won't be downloading the accompanying instructions and attempting to fold our very own recyclable Hyrulian Hylian into existence.Princess Zelda also makes an appearance on the clearly obsessive (yet helpful) website, if only to add a feminine touch to a gaming lineup otherwise dominated by manly Star Trek ships, Advance Wars tanks and sluggish Tomb Raider vehicles (Lara excluded). Site proprietor Ninjatoes certainly does a fine job at making plain 'ole paper more interesting, though it probably comes at the cost of being rubbish at most card games. [Via Bits & Bytes & Pixels & Sprites]See also:Sonic papercraftMake your own Quake PapercraftKatamari Prince papercraftRevolution controller made of paperGame Boy Micro origami

  • Nintendo dates portable lineup, no Phantom Hourglass?

    Blake Snow
    Blake Snow

    Other than teasing folk with Wii launch speculation in a recent press release, Nintendo also confirmed the following DS and GBA lineup for what appears to be year-end schedules: Oct. 9: Clubhouse Games Oct. 16: Nintendogs (Dalmatian) Oct. 23: Magical Starsign Oct. 30: Pokémon Ranger Oct. 30: Children of Mana Nov. 6: Elite Beat Agents Nov. 6: FINAL FANTASY V ADVANCE (GBA) Nov. 13: Yoshi's Island 2 Dec. 4: Custom Robo Arena Dec. 4: Kirby Squeak Squad If what we are seeing is right, Nintendo seemingly has planned not to release Zelda: Phantom Hourglass for the DS until at least sometime in 2007. Granted, we should have a Zelda fix in the form of Twilight Princess on Wii and GC before thanksgiving, and the company might not want two Zeldas out at the same time, but you can never have too many dungeons. [via Evil Avatar]

  • Phantom Hourglass pushed back?

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Reports are rolling in that Link's latest adventure on the DS has been pushed back. Way back past the reaching arms of year 2006 and on into the future, almost certain to be an apocalyptic one, year 2007 is the date that is now when most are expecting to see The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass available on retail shelves, undoubtedly to be eagerly wrestled free from its noisy prison upon placement on said shelf to the quiet, almost romantic sanctity of your domicile. We're fairly sure you'll have some candles lit.This news stems from reports that the title was not present during the recent San Diego Comic-Con. When asked, the rep supposedly stated that their presence was to showcase DS titles available for 2006, implying once again that we would not see Phantom Hourglass until 2007. Stay glued to DS Fanboy for future updates as we await official word from Nintendo on this matter of great import.[Via NeoGAF]

  • Zelda spinoff RPG to star Tingle, in a 'pink-colored rupee land'

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Nintendo has launched the official website (in Japanese) for the upcoming Zelda spinoff, Tingle's Pink-colored Rupee Land, an RPG for DS. Say it with us: Tingle's. Pink-colored. Rupee. Land.Recently, GameSpot shed some light on the title, referring to the game by its Japanese name 'Mogitate Tingle no Barairo Happy Land,' or literally, "A Fresh Tingle's Rose-Colored Happy Land":"[The] game's plot apparently follows an average middle-aged guy ... [who] finds himself mixed up in a sort of wager. An old man named Rupee-ji ... invites our hero to collect the familiar currency of Hyrule and toss it into the spring. As a result, he opens up a path to the 'Happy Land,' a paradise where wine, women, and song are in ample supply. As soon as he agrees to give it a try, the protagonist is transformed and appears wearing the familiar Tingle outfit."[Via 1up; visit DS Fanboy for more details]

  • Cellda: cell phone, not cel-shaded, Zelda

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    More like Cellda, amirite?So, we all agree that most cell phone games are really, really boring (we agree on this, right?), but here's one that we think any red-blooded gamer can still muster some excitement over: The Legend of Zelda. That's right, the plain-old, original Zelda ... but with a twist. The homebrew heroes behind this project have seen fit to update all that old, pixelated stuff with new, Minish Cap-ish graphics, and they're looking good. Don't believe us, check out these hi-res maps or -- better yet -- download the latest demo (featuring dungeons one through three) for your Midp2-compatible phone. Don't have one of those? Then try out the PC executable. Can't run one of those? Sorry, bub.[Via Flicker Gaming]