
GripShift and Jumping Flash available on the PSN!

Well, seems they changed something in the PlayStation Store after a good friend and my 3 A.M. Resistance bout ended. What's so different? No, not the logo... it's not the color of the store, either... oh my goodness! Two more games to enjoy! The elation is not unwarranted -- one is a fairly celebrated PSP cross-genre title, GripShift, and the other is long celebrated as the very first fully 3-D platformer (and consisting of a robotic rabbit aptly named Robbit), Jumping Flash.

The demo for GripShift is free -- so we're currently downloading it now to try it out. Feel free to leave any feedback you may have for the title here. Also feel free to talk about how much, or how little, Jumping Flash has aged since its original inception. Good stuff, Sony! Keep cranking out these downloadable titles and we'll have a sufficient online library of games in no time at all.

[thanks to those who sent this in!]