
More Bomberman bursts onto Wii

We weren't sure before if all this talk of Miis and other goodies in Bomberman referred to the game on WiiWare or a separate game. As it turns out, we weren't the only ones confused, and Hudson stepped in to clarify the issue. Apparently, there are two separates games coming to the Wii; the WiiWare version will be more like classic Bomberman, while the new title (due out this June in Japan) will be the one with Mii support and special items. It looks like a lot of fun, but price point will be key in determining its appeal -- with so much Bomberman on the market, gamers might find it hard to commit to this iteration.

Will you be Bomberman-ed out by the time this game releases despite the nifty features, or is this a purchase you could see yourself making?

Gallery: Bomberman